SchoolTool ========== SchoolTool - a common information systems platform for school administration. Website: Mailing list: Bug tracker: Default Login and Password -------------------------- Username: manager Password: schooltool You should change the password after your first login by clicking on 'SchoolTool Manager' in the top bar and then 'Edit Info' in the left sidebar. Overview -------- SchoolTool is an open source school management information system. It is a distributed client/server system. The SchoolTool server presents two interfaces to clients: - a traditional web application interface, usable with an ordinary browser. - HTTP-based programming interface suitable for fat clients, adhering to the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style (see The web application interface is the primary one. The RESTive interface is there for potential interoperability with other systems and fat clients to perform data entry that is inconvenient to do via the web application interface. There are several clients that demonstrate the usage of the REST interface (a command-line client that is used for functional tests, a wxWidgets GUI client, and a command-line client for data import). Any modern web browser is suitable for the web application interface. The interface degrades gracefully, so a browser that does not support CSS or Javascript will be usable, although perhaps not very nice or convenient. System requirements ------------------- - Python 2.4 ( (Debian users will need either python2.4 and python2.4-xml packages) - libicu-dev: International Components for Unicode libraries ( - the Python Imaging Library (PIL) ( - (usually included) Zope 3.2 ( In most cases the current Zope is included with a SchoolTool download, the exception being a "minimal" tarball distribution. - (optional) the ReportLab Toolkit (, and Arial and Times New Roman TrueType fonts. ReportLab is only needed if you want to generate PDF calendars. To enable PDF support you will need to specify the path to fonts in the configuration file. Building and running SchoolTool from a source tarball ----------------------------------------------------- You need the basic C development tools: $ sudo apt-get install build-essential You need the Python development libraries: $ sudo apt-get install python-dev python-profiler You need this unicode library: $ sudo apt-get install libicu-dev You also need the python imaging library: $ sudo apt-get install python-imaging You need the Python setuptools package. Unfortunately, you need a more recent version than ships with Gutsy. Fortunately, it isn't hard to install manually. Download and run it with: $ sudo python Run make to download and install all the required zope packages into the eggs folder: $ make Now test the installation by running: $ make test ftest Create a fresh configuration file for yourself: $ cp schooltool.conf Edit it with your favorite editor. If you want to - uncomment the line that says devmode on. This allows you to add sample data, view the online docs and other useful things. You don't want to leave this on for a production server, however. After saving your new schooltool.conf, start your server: $ make run Go to http://localhost:7080 to see your new server in action. Optional: To work with pdf generation, you need to pull a couple packages from the "universe" and "multiverse" repositories. Packages from these repositories are not supported by Canonical, but these should work fine. As a superuser (sudo) edit /etc/apt/sources.list to include this line deb gutsy universe multiverse Then install the required package: $ sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts In case you're wondering, we need these fonts to support unicode in our pdf's Building SchoolTool from a subversion checkout ---------------------------------------------- Run 'make build extract-translations update-translations' to build the necessary extension modules and translations. You will need to have gettext installed to compile the translations. It is a good idea to run 'make test' and 'make ftest' to check if all the essential unit and functional tests pass. Running SchoolTool ------------------ The top-level project directory contains the following executable Python scripts: starts the SchoolTool server The SchoolTool server automatically creates an empty database if it cannot find an existing one. You can customize the location of the database and a few other parameters in a configuration file called schooltool.conf. There's an example file called, you can simply rename it and modify to suit your needs. Beware that the file which contains the database, Data.fs, is not given any special permissions to prevent it from being read by other users by default. You will have to change the umask or the permissions of the file manually to prevent unauthorized access. By default a user with manager privileges is created in the new database. The username is 'manager', and the password is 'schooltool'. The database is otherwise mostly empty. The default web application port is 7080. Once the server is running, you can connect to it with a web browser. Project structure (subversion checkout only) -------------------------------------------- GPL the GNU General Public License, version 2 README this file RELEASE release notes for the latest release Makefile makefile for building extension modules distutils setup script for building extension modules test runner script to remove stale *.pyc files script to start the SchoolTool server sample configuration file build/ temporary files are placed here during build process coverage/ unit test coverage reports (produced by make coverage) reports/ html version of the above (make coverage-reports-html) doc/ documentation src/ source code schooltool/ Python package 'schooltool' the SchoolTool server *.py other modules (see docstrings) tests/ unit tests for the schooltool package browser/ web application views for the server resources/ resource files (images, stylesheets) templates/ page templates tests/ unit tests for the schooltool.browser package rest/ RESTive views for the server templates/ page templates tests/ unit tests for the package schoolbell/ Python package 'schoolbell' Egg dependencies and checkouts ------------------------------ Schooltool depends on various extensions to Zope 3 that have been packaged as Python eggs. Sometimes it is important to be able to change these eggs and make checkins to them during Schooltool dependencies. What will follow is an example pertaining to the zc.resourcelibrary package. Note that in order to follow these instructions you need to have a recent version of setuptools installed (post a11). The most easy way to do this is to use, here: Remove the previously installed egg: $ cd Zope3/src $ rm zc.resourcelibrary* Now do a writeable checkout of zc.resourcelibrary somewhere, for instance in the schooltool root directory: $ cd ../.. $ svn co svn+ssh:// zc.resourcelibrary Then install zc.resourcelibrary into Zope3/src in development mode: $ cd zc.resourcelibrary $ PYTHONPATH=../Zope3/src/ python develop --install-dir ../Zope3/src/ (For some reason running this command from within the zc.resourcelibrary directory seems to be required.) You can test an development egg dependency with a command like this, in the Zope3 directory: $ cd .. $ cd Zope3 $ python2.4 --test-path=../zc.resourcelibrary/src/ -s zc.resourcelibrary (this assumes that zc.resourcelibrary has been checked out in the schooltool root directory) Some notes on running the tests: * to run the Zope 3 functional tests, first do a `make inplace` in the Zope 3 checkout. zc.resourcelibrary has functional tests. * Note that the tests will fail as these are functional tests. zc.resourcelibrary did not have its configure.zcml or meta.zcml installed into Zope 3's package includes. Testing ------- There are two sets of automated tests: unit tests and functional tests. Unit tests (sometimes also called programmer tests) test individual components of the system. Functional tests (also called customer or acceptance tests) test only externally visible behaviour of the whole system. Tests themselves are scattered through the whole source tree. Subdirectories named 'tests' contain unit tests, while subdirectories named 'ftests' contain functional tests. To run all unit tests, do python -pv To run all functional tests, do python -fpv The test runner has more options and features. To find out about them, do python -h Unit test coverage ------------------ All code should be covered by unit tests. The test runner can help you look for untested code by producing code coverage reports. To generate unit test coverage reports, run make coverage This command will run the full SchoolTool unit test suite and produce a number of files (one for each Python module) in ./coverage/. Every report file contains the source of the corresponding Python module. Each source line is annotated with a number that shows how many times this line was reached during testing. Watch out for lines marked with '>>>>>>' as they indicate code that is not unit tested. A prettier HTML version of the coverage reports can be generated with make coverage make coverage-reports-html Look at HTML files in ./coverage/reports/. You should have enscript installed for syntax highlighting source files. The HTML version of coverage reports is published nightly at There are some other helpful make targets: make coverage-report-list Lists all non-test modules from the schooltool package that contain untested code. make coverage-report Like 'make coverage-report-list', but is somewhat slower and also shows the number of untested lines in each module. make vi-coverage-reports Launches vi for all coverage reports listed by 'make coverage-report-list'. Type />>>>>> to search for untested code, then type :next to look at the next report. make edit-coverage-reports Like 'make vi-coverage-reports' but uses $EDITOR rather than hardcoding 'vi'. Translation ----------- Translation templates live in src/schooltool/locales/*.pot, they are the translatable strings extracted from the source. Translation templates are used to update other translations and create new ones. You can generate them via this command: $ make extract-translations Translation files live in src/schooltool/locales. There is a directory for each language that contains a subdirectory called LC_MESSAGES that contains the .po files and the compiled .mo files. The .mo files must be present if schooltool is to use them and are built by the command: $ make update-translations XXX: At present there is no easy way of compiling .mo files in the tarball and the _source_ tarball does not contain them. To start a new translation, create a language directory and LC_MESSAGES and use src/schooltool/locales/*.pot as a templates (copy them to the new directory and rename them as .po). Generate .mo files with msgfmt (or by calling make update-translations). Virtual hosting --------------- SchoolTool provides support for virtual hosting with Apache's mod_rewrite. For example, let's say you have two SchoolTool instances running on ports 7001 and 7002, and you want to make them available as and, both on port 80. In order to do that, add the following to your Apache configuration file: NameVirtualHost *:80 ServerName RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://localhost:7001/$1 [P] ServerName RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://localhost:7002/$1 [P] Also, enable mod_proxy and mod_rewrite. You can also get SSL support in the same way. NameVirtualHost *:443 ServerName SSLEnable # Apache 1.3 # SSLEngine On # Apache 2.0 RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://localhost:7001/$1 [P] The web application interface also supports virtual hosting in this manner, the only differing thing would be the local port number. Copyright information --------------------- SchoolTool is copyright (c) 2003--2007 Shuttleworth Foundation All files in the src/schooltool directory are part of SchoolTool, and are (c) Shuttleworth Foundation, with the exception of translations in src/schooltool/locales, which are under the copyright of their original contributors via LaunchPad at Unless otherwise stated, files in src/schooltool are released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Files in the same directory as this README file are (c) Shuttleworth Foundation, with the exception of GPL, which is a copy of the Free Software Foundation's General Public License, and is (c) FSF. SchoolTool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA You can find the full copy of the GNU General Public License in a file called GPL in the project directory.