by Liam Young
More tidyup and updates to README |
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These are the Mojo specs for running deployments of Openstack. For more |
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information on installing and running Mojo see lp:mojo |
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Directoy Layouts
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Top Level
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This branch contains the following top level assets: |
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* *specs* directory contains the specs themselves. |
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* *SPEC\_SUMMARY.txt* contains descriptions of each spec |
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* *Makefile* has targets for checking lint and generating SPEC\_SUMMARY.txt |
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* *helper* directory contains scripts and libraries used by the specs |
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spec directory
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The specs fall into the following catagories: |
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* *dev*: Specs which are still under development (these are not lint checked) |
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* *full\_stack*: These perform a full openstack deployment |
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* *bugs*: Specs that reproduce a bug. These are useful for verifying a bugs |
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existence and then once the fix has landed they can be used to verify a |
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regression has not occured. |
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* *features*: These do a minimal deployment to demonstrate a new feature. |
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* *object\_storage*: Specs for deploying a standalone object storage environment |
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Tip directory
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The tip directory should be used to differentiate between Openstack versions. |
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This spec is used to do a deployment of a full Juno Openstack environment and |
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to test an upgrade of charmhelpers |
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helper directory
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The helper directory contains the following: |
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* *bundles*: Juju deployer bundles |
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* *collect*: Mojo collect and repo files, used to collect branches prior to |
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running Juju Deployer |
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* *scripts*: Scripts for running lint checks etc |
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* *setup*: Manipulate the overcloud or provider |
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* *template*: An example spec |
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* *tests*: Tests to run against the deployment |
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* *utils*: Core set of utilities used by tests and setup |
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Spec Bulding Blocks
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Phase 1: Collection
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Directives: collect and repo |
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These specs collect the charm branches as a seperate step from deploying the |
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charms. Although Juju deployer can do the branch collection, having this done |
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as a seperate phase has a few advantages. It allows for the branches to be |
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manipulated prior to deployment, the charmhelper upgrade spec does exactly this |
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to check that a charmhelper sync will not break a deployment. It also allows |
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for an alternative branch location for a given charm to be clearly specified, |
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this is particulalry useful when an unmerged branch needs testing. |
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Phase 2: Deployment
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Directives: deploy |
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Mojo uses juju deployer to do the charm deployment. When specifying the target |
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to use in the bundle the ${MOJO\_SERIES} environment variable should be used in |
by Liam Young
More detail to readme |
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place of the Ubuntu release version. This allows the same spec to be used for |
by Liam Young
More tidyup and updates to README |
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deployments on different Ubuntu release. |
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deploy config=haphase1.yaml delay=0 target=${MOJO\_SERIES}-juno |
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Phase 3: Cloud Setup
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Directives: script |
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There are a number of helper scripts used to setup the cloud once it has been |
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deployed. In general they consist of the script to do the setup and a YAML file |
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of options. |
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* *image\_setup.py*: This script downloads guest images and uploads them to |
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Glance. *images.yaml* lists the images to be downloaded and
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information about those images. |
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* *keystone\_setup.py*: Setup keystone users and roles. *keystone_users.yaml* |
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lists the users to be created and what roles they should |
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be given |
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* *network\_setup.py*: This sets up the SDN on the cloud. *network.yaml* describes |
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the SDN topology |
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Phase 4: Test
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Directives: verify |
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There are a number of tests to choose from, some are specific to particular |
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bugs or features. However, the main tests used to verify the cloud are: |
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* *simple\_os\_checks.py*: This script creates guests on the cloud, associates |
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floating ips and then uses ssh to connect to the |
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cloud and verifies its hostname. This ensure that |
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the guest got a network and metadata on boot. |
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* *test\_obj\_store.py*: This script fires two streams of objects and the |
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object store and retireves them |
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* *tempest.py*: This doesn't actually exist in any real sense but will do rsn! |
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Phase 5: Manipulate the cloud
by Liam Young
More detail to readme |
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by Liam Young
More tidyup and updates to README |
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Directives: script |
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There are scripts for manipulating the cloud, usually at the Juju level. These |
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include: |
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* *add_unit.py*: Use juju to add a unit to a given service |
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* *chaos_pony.py*: Kill, test and add units to all services |
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* *delete_crm_leader.py*: Delete the unit Corosync reports is the leader for a |
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given service |
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* *delete_router_home.py*: Delete the unit housing a particular Neutron router |
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* *delete_unit.py*: Delete a given unit |
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* *juju_set.py*: Juju set a kv pair for a given service |
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* *upgrade_all_services.py*: Perform a Juju charm upgrade on all services |
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* *upgrade_services.py*: Perform a Juju charm upgrade on a given service |
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by Liam Young
More detail to readme |
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Helper Libraries
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There are two helper libraries in *helper/utils/*.
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* *mojo_os_utils.py*: Functions for manipulating the deployed Openstack cloud. |
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* *mojo_utils.py*: Functions for manipulating the providor environment. Juju |
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add/remove unit etc |
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by Liam Young
More tidyup and updates to README |
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Using mojo
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Install mojo (Stolen from https://launchpad.net/mojo) |
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sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mojo-maintainers/ppa |
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sudo apt-get update |
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sudo apt-get install mojo |
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sudo mojo project-new --series trusty mojo-openstack-specs |
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sudo adduser ubuntu mojo |
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sudo chmod 755 /var/lib/lxc/mojo-openstack-specs.trusty && sudo chmod 755 /var/lib/lxc |
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mojo workspace-new --project mojo-openstack-specs --series trusty --stage full_stack/next_deploy lp:~ost-maintainers/openstack-mojo-specs/mojo-openstack-specs run1 |
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mojo run --project mojo-openstack-specs --series trusty --stage full_stack/next_deploy lp:~ost-maintainers/openstack-mojo-specs/mojo-openstack-specs run1 |