Using mojo: Packages: sudo apt-get install bzr juju juju-deployer python-cinderclient python-jinja2\ lxc python-novaclient python-neutronclient python-keystoneclient\ python-glanceclient python-oslotest python-boto pep8\ python-testresources python-flake8 python-tempest Branches: ( bzr branch lp:codetree; cd codetree; sudo python install ) ( bzr branch lp:mojo; cd mojo; sudo python install ) Hack: Currently mojo uses privileged lxc containers which require root access. Until this is fixed root needs to know credentials for accessing lp. eg append the below snippet to ssh config (/root/.ssh/config): Host User IdentityFile /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa Running Mojo: juju bootstrap sudo mojo project-new --series trusty mojo-openstack-specs sudo mojo workspace-new --project mojo-openstack-specs --series trusty --stage next-deploy/devel lp:~ost-maintainers/openstack-mojo-specs/mojo-openstack-specs run1 sudo mojo run --project mojo-openstack-specs --series trusty --stage next-deploy/devel lp:~ost-maintainers/openstack-mojo-specs/mojo-openstack-specs run1