REM REM This batch file is used to generate wxWidgets builds on Windows, for REM Windows. We cannot support cross-compiling for Linux. REM REM The Linux script supports building wxWidgets for Linux (GTK) and REM Windows (GCC versions at least) REM REM NOTE: In order to build vc_ configurations, you must execute this batch REM file from a Visual Studio Developer prompt, or else have nmake and REM cl in your global path IF EXIST build_gcc_dll GOTO B_GCC_DLL mkdir build_gcc_dll :B_GCC_DLL cd build_gcc_dll call ..\configs\configure-gcc_dll.bat mingw32-make -j 6 package > build_log.txt 2>&1 cd .. IF EXIST build_vc_dll GOTO B_VC_DLL mkdir build_vc_dll :B_VC_DLL cd build_vc_dll call ..\configs\configure-nmake-vc_dll.bat nmake package > build_log.txt 2>&1 cd ..