/* * * Connection Manager * * Copyright (C) 2016 BMW Car IT GmbH. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #define CONNMAN_API_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE #include #include #include #include #include #include static DBusConnection *connection; static GDBusClient *client; static GDBusProxy *agent_proxy; static GHashTable *adapters; static GHashTable *devices; /* * Mapping from dbus path -> struct iwd_network, tracking the set of Network * objects seen by iwd. */ static GHashTable *networks; /* * Mapping from dbus path -> struct iwd_network, tracking the set of iwd * KnownNetwork objects. */ static GHashTable *known_networks; static GHashTable *stations; static GHashTable *access_points; static bool agent_registered; #define IWD_SERVICE "net.connman.iwd" #define IWD_PATH "/" #define IWD_AGENT_MANAGER_INTERFACE "net.connman.iwd.AgentManager" #define IWD_ADAPTER_INTERFACE "net.connman.iwd.Adapter" #define IWD_DEVICE_INTERFACE "net.connman.iwd.Device" #define IWD_NETWORK_INTERFACE "net.connman.iwd.Network" #define IWD_KNOWN_NETWORK_INTERFACE "net.connman.iwd.KnownNetwork" #define IWD_STATION_INTERFACE "net.connman.iwd.Station" #define IWD_AP_INTERFACE "net.connman.iwd.AccessPoint" #define IWD_AGENT_INTERFACE "net.connman.iwd.Agent" #define IWD_AGENT_ERROR_INTERFACE "net.connman.iwd.Agent.Error" #define AGENT_PATH "/net/connman/iwd_agent" struct iwd_adapter { GDBusProxy *proxy; char *path; char *vendor; char *model; bool powered; bool ad_hoc; bool station; bool ap; }; struct iwd_device { GDBusProxy *proxy; char *path; char *adapter; char *name; char *address; bool powered; char *mode; struct connman_device *device; }; /* * Structure tracking an net.connman.iwd.Network D-Bus object. * * This is mapped one-to-one to a connman_network object. */ struct iwd_network { GDBusProxy *proxy; char *path; char *device; char *name; char *type; bool connected; char *known_network; struct iwd_device *iwdd; struct connman_network *network; /* * connman_service's autoconnect. * * See Note [Managing autoconnect state] for more details. */ bool cm_autoconnect; }; /* * Structure tracking a net.connman.iwd.KnownNetwork D-Bus object. */ struct iwd_known_network { GDBusProxy *proxy; char *path; char *name; char *type; bool hidden; char *last_connected_time; bool iwd_auto_connect; int auto_connect_id; /* * connman_service's autoconnect. * * See Note [Managing autoconnect state] for more details. */ bool cm_autoconnect; }; struct iwd_station { GDBusProxy *proxy; char *path; char *state; char *connected_network; bool scanning; }; struct iwd_ap { GDBusProxy *proxy; char *path; bool started; int index; char *bridge; struct connman_technology *tech; }; static const char *proxy_get_string(GDBusProxy *proxy, const char *property) { DBusMessageIter iter; const char *str; if (!g_dbus_proxy_get_property(proxy, property, &iter)) return NULL; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter, &str); return str; } static GSList *proxy_get_strings(GDBusProxy *proxy, const char *property) { DBusMessageIter array, entry; GSList *list = NULL; if (!g_dbus_proxy_get_property(proxy, property, &array)) return NULL; dbus_message_iter_recurse(&array, &entry); while (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&entry) == DBUS_TYPE_STRING){ const char *val; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&entry, &val); list = g_slist_prepend(list, g_strdup(val)); dbus_message_iter_next(&entry); } return list; } static bool proxy_get_bool(GDBusProxy *proxy, const char *property) { DBusMessageIter iter; dbus_bool_t value; if (!g_dbus_proxy_get_property(proxy, property, &iter)) return false; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter, &value); return value; } static void address2ident(const char *address, char *ident) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) { ident[i * 2] = address[i * 3]; ident[i * 2 + 1] = address[i * 3 + 1]; } ident[ETH_ALEN * 2] = '\0'; } static int cm_network_probe(struct connman_network *network) { GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key, value; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, networks); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { struct iwd_network *iwdn = value; if (network == iwdn->network) return 0; } return -EOPNOTSUPP; } static void update_network_connected(struct iwd_network *iwdn) { struct iwd_device *iwdd; iwdd = g_hash_table_lookup(devices, iwdn->device); if (!iwdd) return; DBG("interface name %s index %d", iwdd->name, connman_network_get_index(iwdn->network)); connman_network_set_connected(iwdn->network, true); } static void update_network_disconnected(struct iwd_network *iwdn) { DBG("interface name %s", iwdn->name); connman_network_set_connected(iwdn->network, false); } static void cm_network_connect_cb(DBusMessage *message, void *user_data) { const char *path = user_data; struct iwd_network *iwdn; iwdn = g_hash_table_lookup(networks, path); if (!iwdn) return; if (dbus_message_get_type(message) == DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) { const char *dbus_error = dbus_message_get_error_name(message); if (!strcmp(dbus_error, "net.connman.iwd.InProgress")) return; DBG("%s connect failed: %s", path, dbus_error); if (!strcmp(dbus_error, "net.connman.iwd.Failed") || !strcmp(dbus_error, "net.connman.iwd.InvalidFormat")) connman_network_set_error(iwdn->network, CONNMAN_NETWORK_ERROR_INVALID_KEY); else if (!iwdn->cm_autoconnect) connman_network_set_error(iwdn->network, CONNMAN_NETWORK_ERROR_CONNECT_FAIL); return; } update_network_connected(iwdn); } static int cm_network_connect(struct connman_network *network) { struct iwd_network *iwdn = connman_network_get_data(network); if (!iwdn) return -EINVAL; if (!g_dbus_proxy_method_call(iwdn->proxy, "Connect", NULL, cm_network_connect_cb, g_strdup(iwdn->path), g_free)) return -EIO; connman_network_set_associating(iwdn->network, true); return -EINPROGRESS; } static void cm_network_forget_cb(DBusMessage *message, void *user_data) { struct iwd_known_network *iwdkn; const char *path = user_data; iwdkn = g_hash_table_lookup(known_networks, path); if (!iwdkn) return; if (dbus_message_get_type(message) == DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) { const char *dbus_error = dbus_message_get_error_name(message); DBG("%s failed: %s", path, dbus_error); } } static int cm_network_forget(struct connman_network *network) { struct iwd_network *iwdn = connman_network_get_data(network); struct iwd_known_network *iwdkn; if (!iwdn) return -EINVAL; if (!iwdn->known_network) return 0; iwdkn = g_hash_table_lookup(known_networks, iwdn->known_network); if (!iwdkn) return 0; if (!g_dbus_proxy_method_call(iwdkn->proxy, "Forget", NULL, cm_network_forget_cb, g_strdup(iwdkn->path), g_free)) return -EIO; return 0; } static void cm_network_disconnect_cb(DBusMessage *message, void *user_data) { const char *path = user_data; struct iwd_network *iwdn; iwdn = g_hash_table_lookup(networks, path); if (!iwdn) return; if (dbus_message_get_type(message) == DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) { const char *dbus_error = dbus_message_get_error_name(message); if (!strcmp(dbus_error, "net.connman.iwd.NotConnected")) { /* fall through */ } else { DBG("%s disconnect failed: %s", path, dbus_error); return; } } /* * We end up in a tight loop in the error case. That is * when we can't connect, bail out in cm_network_connect_cb() with * an error. */ if (connman_network_get_connected(iwdn->network)) update_network_disconnected(iwdn); } static int cm_network_disconnect(struct connman_network *network) { struct iwd_network *iwdn = connman_network_get_data(network); struct iwd_station *iwds; if (!iwdn && !iwdn->iwdd) return -EINVAL; iwds = g_hash_table_lookup(stations, iwdn->iwdd->path); if (!iwds) return -EIO; connman_network_set_associating(network, false); if (!g_dbus_proxy_method_call(iwds->proxy, "Disconnect", NULL, cm_network_disconnect_cb, g_strdup(iwdn->path), g_free)) return -EIO; return 0; } struct auto_connect_cb_data { char *path; bool auto_connect; }; static void auto_connect_cb_free(struct auto_connect_cb_data *cbd) { g_free(cbd->path); g_free(cbd); } static void auto_connect_cb(const DBusError *error, void *user_data) { struct auto_connect_cb_data *cbd = user_data; struct iwd_known_network *iwdkn; iwdkn = g_hash_table_lookup(known_networks, cbd->path); if (!iwdkn) goto out; if (dbus_error_is_set(error)) connman_warn("WiFi known network %s property auto connect %s", cbd->path, error->message); /* property is updated via watch known_network_property_change() */ out: auto_connect_cb_free(cbd); } static int set_auto_connect(struct iwd_known_network *iwdkn, bool auto_connect) { dbus_bool_t dbus_auto_connect = auto_connect; struct auto_connect_cb_data *cbd; if (proxy_get_bool(iwdkn->proxy, "AutoConnect") == auto_connect) return -EALREADY; cbd = g_new(struct auto_connect_cb_data, 1); cbd->path = g_strdup(iwdkn->path); cbd->auto_connect = auto_connect; if (!g_dbus_proxy_set_property_basic(iwdkn->proxy, "AutoConnect", DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &dbus_auto_connect, auto_connect_cb, cbd, NULL)) { auto_connect_cb_free(cbd); return -EIO; } return -EINPROGRESS; } static gboolean disable_auto_connect_cb(gpointer data) { char *path = data; struct iwd_known_network *iwdkn; iwdkn = g_hash_table_lookup(known_networks, path); if (!iwdkn) return FALSE; if (set_auto_connect(iwdkn, false) != -EINPROGRESS) connman_warn("Failed to disable auto connect"); iwdkn->auto_connect_id = 0; return FALSE; } static int disable_auto_connect(struct iwd_known_network *iwdkn) { if (iwdkn->auto_connect_id) return -EBUSY; iwdkn->auto_connect_id = g_timeout_add_full(G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0, disable_auto_connect_cb, g_strdup(iwdkn->path), g_free); return 0; } static gboolean enable_auto_connect_cb(gpointer data) { char *path = data; struct iwd_known_network *iwdkn; iwdkn = g_hash_table_lookup(known_networks, path); if (!iwdkn) return FALSE; if (set_auto_connect(iwdkn, true) != -EINPROGRESS) connman_warn("Failed to enable auto connect"); iwdkn->auto_connect_id = 0; return FALSE; } static int enable_auto_connect(struct iwd_known_network *iwdkn) { if (iwdkn->auto_connect_id) return -EBUSY; iwdkn->auto_connect_id = g_timeout_add_full(G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0, enable_auto_connect_cb, g_strdup(iwdkn->path), g_free); return 0; } static int update_auto_connect(struct iwd_known_network *iwdkn) { DBG("iwd_auto_connect %d cm_autoconnect %d", iwdkn->iwd_auto_connect, iwdkn->cm_autoconnect); if (iwdkn->iwd_auto_connect == iwdkn->cm_autoconnect) return -EALREADY; if (iwdkn->cm_autoconnect) return enable_auto_connect(iwdkn); return disable_auto_connect(iwdkn); } static int cm_network_set_autoconnect(struct connman_network *network, bool cm_autoconnect) { struct iwd_network *iwdn = connman_network_get_data(network); struct iwd_known_network *iwdkn; DBG("cm_autoconnect %d", cm_autoconnect); iwdn->cm_autoconnect = cm_autoconnect; if (!iwdn->known_network) return -ENOENT; iwdkn = g_hash_table_lookup(known_networks, iwdn->known_network); if (!iwdkn) return -ENOENT; iwdkn->cm_autoconnect = cm_autoconnect; return update_auto_connect(iwdkn); } static struct connman_network_driver network_driver = { .name = "iwd", .type = CONNMAN_NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI, .probe = cm_network_probe, .connect = cm_network_connect, .disconnect = cm_network_disconnect, .forget = cm_network_forget, .set_autoconnect = cm_network_set_autoconnect, }; static int cm_device_probe(struct connman_device *device) { GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key, value; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, devices); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { struct iwd_device *iwdd = value; if (device == iwdd->device) return 0; } return -EOPNOTSUPP; } static void cm_device_remove(struct connman_device *device) { } struct dev_cb_data { char *path; bool powered; }; static void device_powered_cb(const DBusError *error, void *user_data) { struct dev_cb_data *cbd = user_data; struct iwd_device *iwdd; iwdd = g_hash_table_lookup(devices, cbd->path); if (!iwdd) goto out; if (dbus_error_is_set(error)) { connman_warn("WiFi device %s not enabled %s", cbd->path, error->message); goto out; } connman_device_set_powered(iwdd->device, cbd->powered); out: g_free(cbd->path); g_free(cbd); } static int set_device_powered(struct connman_device *device, bool powered) { struct iwd_device *iwdd = connman_device_get_data(device); dbus_bool_t device_powered = powered; struct dev_cb_data *cbd; if (proxy_get_bool(iwdd->proxy, "Powered")) return -EALREADY; cbd = g_new(struct dev_cb_data, 1); cbd->path = g_strdup(iwdd->path); cbd->powered = powered; g_dbus_proxy_set_property_basic(iwdd->proxy, "Powered", DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &device_powered, device_powered_cb, cbd, NULL); return -EINPROGRESS; } static int cm_device_enable(struct connman_device *device) { return set_device_powered(device, true); } static int cm_device_disable(struct connman_device *device) { return set_device_powered(device, false); } static void cm_device_scan_cb(DBusMessage *message, void *user_data) { const char *path = user_data; struct iwd_station *iwds; iwds = g_hash_table_lookup(stations, path); if (!iwds) return; if (dbus_message_get_type(message) == DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) { const char *dbus_error = dbus_message_get_error_name(message); DBG("%s scan failed: %s", path, dbus_error); } } static int cm_device_scan(struct connman_device *device, struct connman_device_scan_params *params) { struct iwd_device *iwdd = connman_device_get_data(device); struct iwd_station *iwds; if (strcmp(iwdd->mode, "station")) return -EINVAL; iwds = g_hash_table_lookup(stations, iwdd->path); if (!iwds) return -EIO; if (!g_dbus_proxy_method_call(iwds->proxy, "Scan", NULL, cm_device_scan_cb, g_strdup(iwds->path), g_free)) return -EIO; return -EINPROGRESS; } static struct connman_device_driver device_driver = { .name = "iwd", .type = CONNMAN_DEVICE_TYPE_WIFI, .probe = cm_device_probe, .remove = cm_device_remove, .enable = cm_device_enable, .disable = cm_device_disable, .scan = cm_device_scan, }; static int cm_tech_probe(struct connman_technology *technology) { return 0; } static void cm_tech_remove(struct connman_technology *technology) { } struct tech_cb_data { struct iwd_device *iwdd; char *path; char *ssid; char *passphrase; char *bridge; int index; struct connman_technology *tech; }; static void tech_cb_free(struct tech_cb_data *cbd) { g_free(cbd->path); g_free(cbd->ssid); g_free(cbd->passphrase); g_free(cbd->bridge); g_free(cbd); } static int cm_change_tethering(struct iwd_device *iwdd, struct connman_technology *technology, const char *identifier, const char *passphrase, const char *bridge, bool enabled); static void tech_ap_start_cb(DBusMessage *message, void *user_data) { struct tech_cb_data *cbd = user_data; if (dbus_message_get_type(message) == DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) { const char *dbus_error = dbus_message_get_error_name(message); connman_warn("iwd device %s could not enable AccessPoint mode: %s", cbd->path, dbus_error); goto out; } /* wait for 'Started' signal */ return; out: cm_change_tethering(cbd->iwdd, cbd->tech, cbd->ssid, cbd->passphrase, cbd->bridge, false); tech_cb_free(cbd); } static void tech_ap_stop_cb(DBusMessage *message, void *user_data) { struct tech_cb_data *cbd = user_data; if (dbus_message_get_type(message) == DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) { const char *dbus_error = dbus_message_get_error_name(message); connman_warn("iwd device %s could not disable AccessPoint mode: %s", cbd->path, dbus_error); goto out; } return; out: tech_cb_free(cbd); } static void ap_start_append(DBusMessageIter *iter, void *user_data) { struct tech_cb_data *cbd = user_data; DBG("ssid %s", cbd->ssid); DBG("passphrase %s", cbd->passphrase); dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &cbd->ssid); dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &cbd->passphrase); } static void tech_enable_tethering_cb(const DBusError *error, void *user_data) { struct tech_cb_data *cbd = user_data; struct iwd_device *iwdd; struct iwd_ap *iwdap = NULL; DBG(""); iwdd = g_hash_table_lookup(devices, cbd->path); if (!iwdd) { DBG("device already removed"); goto out; } if (dbus_error_is_set(error)) { connman_warn("iwd device %s could not enable AccessPoint mode: %s", cbd->path, error->message); goto out; } iwdap = g_hash_table_lookup(access_points, iwdd->path); if (!iwdap) { DBG("%s no ap object found", iwdd->path); goto out; } iwdap->index = cbd->index; iwdap->bridge = g_strdup(cbd->bridge); iwdap->tech = cbd->tech; if (!g_dbus_proxy_method_call(iwdap->proxy, "Start", ap_start_append, tech_ap_start_cb, cbd, NULL)) { connman_warn("iwd ap %s could not start AccessPoint mode: %s", cbd->path, error->message); goto out; } return; out: if (iwdap) { iwdap->index = -1; g_free(iwdap->bridge); iwdap->bridge = NULL; } tech_cb_free(cbd); } static void tech_disable_tethering_cb(const DBusError *error, void *user_data) { struct tech_cb_data *cbd = user_data; struct iwd_device *iwdd; struct iwd_ap *iwdap; DBG(""); iwdd = g_hash_table_lookup(devices, cbd->path); if (!iwdd) { DBG("device already removed"); goto out; } if (dbus_error_is_set(error)) { connman_warn("iwd device %s could not enable Station mode: %s", cbd->path, error->message); goto out; } connman_technology_tethering_notify(cbd->tech, false); iwdap = g_hash_table_lookup(access_points, iwdd->path); if (!iwdap) { DBG("%s no ap object found", iwdd->path); goto out; } g_free(iwdap->bridge); iwdap->index = -1; iwdap->bridge = NULL; iwdap->tech = NULL; if (!g_dbus_proxy_method_call(iwdap->proxy, "Stop", NULL, tech_ap_stop_cb, cbd, NULL)) { connman_warn("iwd ap %s could not stop AccessPoint mode: %s", cbd->path, error->message); goto out; } return; out: tech_cb_free(cbd); } static int cm_change_tethering(struct iwd_device *iwdd, struct connman_technology *technology, const char *identifier, const char *passphrase, const char *bridge, bool enabled) { struct tech_cb_data *cbd; int index; const char *mode; GDBusResultFunction cb; index = connman_inet_ifindex(iwdd->name); if (index < 0) return -ENODEV; if (!enabled && connman_inet_remove_from_bridge(index, bridge)) return -EIO; cbd = g_new(struct tech_cb_data, 1); cbd->iwdd = iwdd; cbd->path = g_strdup(iwdd->path); cbd->ssid = g_strdup(identifier); cbd->passphrase = g_strdup(passphrase); cbd->bridge = g_strdup(bridge); cbd->tech = technology; cbd->index = index; if (enabled) { mode = "ap"; cb = tech_enable_tethering_cb; } else { mode = "station"; cb = tech_disable_tethering_cb; } if (!g_dbus_proxy_set_property_basic(iwdd->proxy, "Mode", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &mode, cb, cbd, NULL)) { tech_cb_free(cbd); return -EIO; } return 0; } static int cm_tech_tethering(struct connman_technology *technology, const char *bridge, bool enabled) { GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key, value; int err = 0, res; const char *ssid; const char *psk; int freq; connman_technology_get_wifi_tethering(technology, &ssid, &psk, &freq); g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, devices); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { struct iwd_device *iwdd = value; struct iwd_adapter *iwda; iwda = g_hash_table_lookup(adapters, iwdd->adapter); if (!iwda) continue; if (!iwda->station || !iwda->ap ) /* No support for Station and AccessPoint mode */ continue; if (!enabled && !g_strcmp0("ap", iwdd->mode)) { res = cm_change_tethering(iwdd, technology, ssid, psk, bridge, enabled); if (res) connman_warn("%s switching to Station mode failed", iwdd->path); if (!err) err = res; continue; } if (enabled && !g_strcmp0("station", iwdd->mode)) { err = cm_change_tethering(iwdd, technology, ssid, psk, bridge, enabled); if (err) connman_warn("%s switching to AccessPoint mode failed", iwdd->path); break; } } return err; } static struct connman_technology_driver tech_driver = { .name = "iwd", .type = CONNMAN_SERVICE_TYPE_WIFI, .probe = cm_tech_probe, .remove = cm_tech_remove, .set_tethering = cm_tech_tethering, }; static const char *security_remap(const char *security) { if (!g_strcmp0(security, "open")) return "none"; else if (!g_strcmp0(security, "psk")) return "psk"; else if (!g_strcmp0(security, "8021x")) return "ieee8021x"; return "unknown"; } static char *create_identifier(const char *path, const char *security) { char *start, *end, *identifier; char *_path = g_strdup(path); /* * _path is something like * /0/4/5363686970686f6c5f427573696e6573735f454150_8021x */ start = strrchr(_path, '/'); start++; end = strchr(start, '_'); *end = '\0'; /* * Create an ident which is identical to the corresponding * wpa_supplicant identifier. */ identifier = g_strdup_printf("%s_managed_%s", start, security_remap(security)); g_free(_path); return identifier; } static void add_network(const char *path, struct iwd_network *iwdn) { struct iwd_device *iwdd; char *identifier; int index; iwdd = g_hash_table_lookup(devices, iwdn->device); if (!iwdd) return; identifier = create_identifier(path, iwdn->type); iwdn->network = connman_network_create(identifier, CONNMAN_NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI); index = connman_inet_ifindex(iwdd->name); if (index >= 0) connman_network_set_index(iwdn->network, index); connman_network_set_data(iwdn->network, iwdn); connman_network_set_name(iwdn->network, iwdn->name); connman_network_set_blob(iwdn->network, "WiFi.SSID", iwdn->name, strlen(iwdn->name)); connman_network_set_string(iwdn->network, "WiFi.Security", security_remap(iwdn->type)); connman_network_set_string(iwdn->network, "WiFi.Mode", "managed"); if (connman_device_add_network(iwdd->device, iwdn->network) < 0) { connman_network_unref(iwdn->network); iwdn->network = NULL; return; } iwdn->iwdd = iwdd; if (connman_network_get_strength(iwdn->network)) connman_network_set_available(iwdn->network, true); connman_network_set_group(iwdn->network, identifier); g_free(identifier); } static void remove_network(struct iwd_network *iwdn) { if (!iwdn->network) return; if (iwdn->iwdd) connman_device_remove_network(iwdn->iwdd->device, iwdn->network); connman_network_unref(iwdn->network); iwdn->network = NULL; } static void add_device(const char *path, struct iwd_device *iwdd) { char ident[ETH_ALEN * 2 + 1]; iwdd->device = connman_device_create("wifi", CONNMAN_DEVICE_TYPE_WIFI); if (!iwdd->device) return; connman_device_set_data(iwdd->device, iwdd); address2ident(iwdd->address, ident); connman_device_set_ident(iwdd->device, ident); if (connman_device_register(iwdd->device) < 0) { g_hash_table_remove(devices, path); return; } connman_device_set_powered(iwdd->device, iwdd->powered); } static void remove_device_networks(struct iwd_device *iwdd) { GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key, value; struct iwd_network *iwdn; GSList *list, *nets = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, networks); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { iwdn = value; if (!strcmp(iwdd->path, iwdn->device)) nets = g_slist_prepend(nets, iwdn); } for (list = nets; list; list = list->next) { iwdn = list->data; g_hash_table_remove(networks, iwdn->path); } g_slist_free(nets); } static void remove_device(struct iwd_device *iwdd) { if (!iwdd->device) return; remove_device_networks(iwdd); connman_device_unregister(iwdd->device); connman_device_unref(iwdd->device); iwdd->device = NULL; } static void adapter_property_change(GDBusProxy *proxy, const char *name, DBusMessageIter *iter, void *user_data) { struct iwd_adapter *adapter; const char *path; path = g_dbus_proxy_get_path(proxy); adapter = g_hash_table_lookup(adapters, path); if (!adapter) return; if (!strcmp(name, "Powered")) { dbus_bool_t powered; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(iter, &powered); adapter->powered = powered; DBG("%p powered %d", path, adapter->powered); } } static void device_property_change(GDBusProxy *proxy, const char *name, DBusMessageIter *iter, void *user_data) { struct iwd_device *iwdd; const char *path; path = g_dbus_proxy_get_path(proxy); iwdd = g_hash_table_lookup(devices, path); if (!iwdd) return; if (!strcmp(name, "Name")) { const char *name; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(iter, &name); g_free(iwdd->name); iwdd->name = g_strdup(name); DBG("%p name %s", path, iwdd->name); } else if (!strcmp(name, "Powered")) { dbus_bool_t powered; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(iter, &powered); iwdd->powered = powered; DBG("%s powered %d", path, iwdd->powered); } else if (!strcmp(name, "Mode")) { const char *mode; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(iter, &mode); g_free(iwdd->mode); iwdd->mode = g_strdup(mode); DBG("%s mode %s", path, iwdd->mode); } } static void network_property_change(GDBusProxy *proxy, const char *name, DBusMessageIter *iter, void *user_data) { struct iwd_network *iwdn; struct iwd_known_network *iwdkn; const char *path; path = g_dbus_proxy_get_path(proxy); iwdn = g_hash_table_lookup(networks, path); if (!iwdn) return; if (!strcmp(name, "Connected")) { dbus_bool_t connected; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(iter, &connected); iwdn->connected = connected; DBG("%s connected %d", path, iwdn->connected); if (iwdn->connected) update_network_connected(iwdn); else update_network_disconnected(iwdn); } else if (!strcmp(name, "KnownNetwork")) { g_free(iwdn->known_network); iwdn->known_network = g_strdup(proxy_get_string(proxy, "KnownNetwork")); if (!iwdn->known_network) return; iwdkn = g_hash_table_lookup(known_networks, iwdn->known_network); if (iwdkn) { /* See Note [Managing autoconnect state] */ iwdkn->cm_autoconnect = iwdn->cm_autoconnect; update_auto_connect(iwdkn); } } } /* * Note [Managing autoconnect state]: * * We need to set the iwd_known_network's cm_autoconnect status from the * iwd_network, which has in turn been set to the corresponding * connman_service's state when it first appeared (due to * __connman_service_create_from_network). * * The management of the autoconnect state between ConnMan and its plugins and * iwd is rather subtle and prone to bugs: * - ConnMan itself determines the autoconnect state in struct connman_service, * which we cannot directly see; we only see cm_network_set_autoconnect * callbacks. * * - The iwd plugin maintains an independent state machine tracking iwd's view of * the world, which processes events in a non atomic fashion; for * instance, a iwd.KnownNetwork created event will appear before the * corresponding PropertyChanged setting the KnownNetwork property of the * iwd.Network corresponding to the created iwd.KnownNetwork. * * A typical flow of a network being newly connected to looks like so: * - An iwd.Network appears, and add_network registers a connman_network * structure with ConnMan. ConnMan then in turn creates a service via * __connman_service_create_from_network. * * - The iwd plugin receives a callback from ConnMan to set the autoconnect * state, setting the cm_autoconnect state of the iwd_network. At this point, * there is no iwd_known_network yet. * * - ConnMan receives a Connect() request on the connman.Service, which is * forwarded to the iwd plugin via cm_network_connect. The iwd plugin calls * Connect() on the corresponding iwd.Network (possibly using the iwd * plugin's agent to get credentials if necessary). * * - Around the time that the connection completes, a iwd.KnownNetwork created * event appears, followed by a PropertyChanged event noting the change in * the iwd.Network's KnownNetwork property. * * This is the first time that we can associate the iwd.KnownNetwork with the * corresponding iwd.Network and iwd_network. We have the ConnMan-side * autoconnect status in the iwd_network structure at this point, so we * synchronize the autoconnect state with iwd here. */ static unsigned char calculate_strength(int strength) { unsigned char res; /* * Network's maximum signal strength expressed in 100 * dBm. * The value is the range of 0 (strongest signal) to -10000 * (weakest signal) * * ConnMan expects it in the range from 100 (strongest) to 0 * (weakest). */ res = (unsigned char)(120 + strength / 100); if (res > 100) res = 100; return res; } static void _update_signal_strength(const char *path, int16_t signal_strength) { struct iwd_network *iwdn; iwdn = g_hash_table_lookup(networks, path); if (!iwdn) return; connman_network_set_strength(iwdn->network, calculate_strength(signal_strength)); connman_network_set_available(iwdn->network, true); connman_network_update(iwdn->network); } static void ordered_networks_cb(DBusMessage *message, void *user_data) { DBusMessageIter array, entry; struct iwd_device *iwdd; char *path = user_data; DBG(""); if (!dbus_message_iter_init(message, &array)) return; if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&array) != DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY) return; dbus_message_iter_recurse(&array, &entry); while (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&entry) == DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT) { DBusMessageIter value; const char *path; int16_t signal_strength; dbus_message_iter_recurse(&entry, &value); dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&value, &path); dbus_message_iter_next(&value); dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&value, &signal_strength); _update_signal_strength(path, signal_strength); dbus_message_iter_next(&entry); } iwdd = g_hash_table_lookup(devices, path); if (iwdd) connman_device_set_scanning(iwdd->device, CONNMAN_SERVICE_TYPE_WIFI, false); } static void update_signal_strength(struct iwd_station *iwds) { if (!g_dbus_proxy_method_call(iwds->proxy, "GetOrderedNetworks", NULL, ordered_networks_cb, g_strdup(iwds->path), g_free)) DBG("GetOrderedNetworks() failed"); } static void station_property_change(GDBusProxy *proxy, const char *name, DBusMessageIter *iter, void *user_data) { struct iwd_station *iwds; struct iwd_device *iwdd; const char *path; path = g_dbus_proxy_get_path(proxy); iwds = g_hash_table_lookup(stations, path); if (!iwds) return; if (!strcmp(name, "State")) { const char *state; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(iter, &state); g_free(iwds->state); iwds->state = g_strdup(state); DBG("%s state %s", path, iwds->state); } else if (!strcmp(name, "ConnectedNetwork")) { const char *connected_network; g_free(iwds->connected_network); if (iter) { dbus_message_iter_get_basic(iter, &connected_network); iwds->connected_network = g_strdup(connected_network); } else { iwds->connected_network = NULL; } DBG("%s connected_network %s", path, iwds->connected_network); } else if (!strcmp(name, "Scanning")) { dbus_bool_t scanning; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(iter, &scanning); iwds->scanning = scanning; if (iwds->scanning) { iwdd = g_hash_table_lookup(devices, path); if (iwdd) connman_device_set_scanning(iwdd->device, CONNMAN_SERVICE_TYPE_WIFI, true); } else { update_signal_strength(iwds); } DBG("%s scanning %d", path, iwds->scanning); } } static void ap_property_change(GDBusProxy *proxy, const char *name, DBusMessageIter *iter, void *user_data) { struct iwd_ap *iwdap; const char *path; int err; path = g_dbus_proxy_get_path(proxy); iwdap = g_hash_table_lookup(access_points, path); if (!iwdap) return; if (!strcmp(name, "Started")) { dbus_bool_t started; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(iter, &started); iwdap->started = started; DBG("%s started %d", path, iwdap->started); if (iwdap->started && iwdap->index != -1) { DBG("index %d bridge %s", iwdap->index, iwdap->bridge); err = connman_technology_tethering_notify( iwdap->tech, true); if (err) return; err = connman_inet_add_to_bridge( iwdap->index, iwdap->bridge); } } } static void adapter_free(gpointer data) { struct iwd_adapter *iwda = data; if (iwda->proxy) { g_dbus_proxy_unref(iwda->proxy); iwda->proxy = NULL; } g_free(iwda->path); g_free(iwda->vendor); g_free(iwda->model); g_free(iwda); } static void device_free(gpointer data) { struct iwd_device *iwdd = data; if (iwdd->proxy) { g_dbus_proxy_unref(iwdd->proxy); iwdd->proxy = NULL; } remove_device(iwdd); g_free(iwdd->path); g_free(iwdd->adapter); g_free(iwdd->name); g_free(iwdd->address); g_free(iwdd); } static void network_free(gpointer data) { struct iwd_network *iwdn = data; if (iwdn->proxy) { g_dbus_proxy_unref(iwdn->proxy); iwdn->proxy = NULL; } remove_network(iwdn); g_free(iwdn->path); g_free(iwdn->device); g_free(iwdn->name); g_free(iwdn->type); g_free(iwdn->known_network); g_free(iwdn); } static void known_network_free(gpointer data) { struct iwd_known_network *iwdkn = data; if (iwdkn->proxy) { g_dbus_proxy_unref(iwdkn->proxy); iwdkn->proxy = NULL; } if (iwdkn->auto_connect_id) g_source_remove(iwdkn->auto_connect_id); g_free(iwdkn->path); g_free(iwdkn->name); g_free(iwdkn->type); g_free(iwdkn->last_connected_time); g_free(iwdkn); } static void station_free(gpointer data) { struct iwd_station *iwds = data; if (iwds->proxy) { g_dbus_proxy_unref(iwds->proxy); iwds->proxy = NULL; } g_free(iwds->path); g_free(iwds->connected_network); g_free(iwds); } static void ap_free(gpointer data) { struct iwd_ap *iwdap = data; if (iwdap->proxy) { g_dbus_proxy_unref(iwdap->proxy); iwdap->proxy = NULL; } g_free(iwdap->bridge); g_free(iwdap); } static void create_adapter(GDBusProxy *proxy) { const char *path = g_dbus_proxy_get_path(proxy); struct iwd_adapter *iwda; GSList *modes, *list; iwda = g_new0(struct iwd_adapter, 1); iwda->path = g_strdup(path); g_hash_table_replace(adapters, iwda->path, iwda); iwda->proxy = g_dbus_proxy_ref(proxy); if (!iwda->proxy) { connman_error("Cannot create IWD adapter watcher %s", path); g_hash_table_remove(adapters, path); return; } iwda->vendor = g_strdup(proxy_get_string(proxy, "Vendor")); iwda->model = g_strdup(proxy_get_string(proxy, "Model")); iwda->powered = proxy_get_bool(proxy, "Powered"); modes = proxy_get_strings(proxy, "SupportedModes"); for (list = modes; list; list = list->next) { char *m = list->data; if (!m) continue; if (!strcmp(m, "ad-hoc")) iwda->ad_hoc = true; else if (!strcmp(m, "station")) iwda->station = true; else if (!strcmp(m, "ap")) iwda->ap = true; } g_slist_free_full(modes, g_free); DBG("%s vendor '%s' model '%s' powered %d ad-hoc %d station %d ap %d", path, iwda->vendor, iwda->model, iwda->powered, iwda->ad_hoc, iwda->station, iwda->ap); g_dbus_proxy_set_property_watch(iwda->proxy, adapter_property_change, NULL); } static void create_device(GDBusProxy *proxy) { const char *path = g_dbus_proxy_get_path(proxy); struct iwd_device *iwdd; iwdd = g_new0(struct iwd_device, 1); iwdd->path = g_strdup(path); g_hash_table_replace(devices, iwdd->path, iwdd); iwdd->proxy = g_dbus_proxy_ref(proxy); if (!iwdd->proxy) { connman_error("Cannot create IWD device watcher %s", path); g_hash_table_remove(devices, path); return; } iwdd->adapter = g_strdup(proxy_get_string(proxy, "Adapter")); iwdd->name = g_strdup(proxy_get_string(proxy, "Name")); iwdd->address = g_strdup(proxy_get_string(proxy, "Address")); iwdd->powered = proxy_get_bool(proxy, "Powered"); iwdd->mode = g_strdup(proxy_get_string(proxy, "Mode")); DBG("adapter %s name %s address %s powered %d mode %s", iwdd->adapter, iwdd->name, iwdd->address, iwdd->powered, iwdd->mode); g_dbus_proxy_set_property_watch(iwdd->proxy, device_property_change, NULL); add_device(path, iwdd); } static void unregister_agent(); static DBusMessage *agent_release_method(DBusConnection *dbus_conn, DBusMessage *message, void *user_data) { unregister_agent(); return g_dbus_create_reply(message, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); } static DBusMessage *get_reply_on_error(DBusMessage *message, int error) { return g_dbus_create_error(message, IWD_AGENT_ERROR_INTERFACE ".Failed", "Invalid parameters"); } static DBusMessage *agent_request_passphrase(DBusConnection *dbus_conn, DBusMessage *message, void *user_data) { struct iwd_network *iwdn; DBusMessageIter iter; const char *path, *passwd; DBG(""); dbus_message_iter_init(message, &iter); if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH) return get_reply_on_error(message, EINVAL); dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter, &path); iwdn = g_hash_table_lookup(networks, path); if (!iwdn) return get_reply_on_error(message, EINVAL); passwd = connman_network_get_string(iwdn->network, "WiFi.Passphrase"); if (!passwd) return get_reply_on_error(message, ENOKEY); return g_dbus_create_reply(message, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &passwd, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); } static DBusMessage *agent_cancel(DBusConnection *dbus_conn, DBusMessage *message, void *user_data) { DBusMessageIter iter; const char *reason; dbus_message_iter_init(message, &iter); if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING) return get_reply_on_error(message, EINVAL); dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter, &reason); DBG("cancel: %s", reason); /* * We don't have to do anything here, because we asked the * user upfront for the passphrase. So * agent_request_passphrase() will always send a passphrase * immediately. */ return g_dbus_create_reply(message, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); } static const GDBusMethodTable agent_methods[] = { { GDBUS_METHOD("Release", NULL, NULL, agent_release_method) }, { GDBUS_METHOD("RequestPassphrase", GDBUS_ARGS({ "path", "o" }), GDBUS_ARGS({ "passphrase", "s" }), agent_request_passphrase)}, { GDBUS_METHOD("Cancel", GDBUS_ARGS({ "reason", "s" }), NULL, agent_cancel) }, { }, }; static void agent_register_builder(DBusMessageIter *iter, void *user_data) { const char *path = AGENT_PATH; dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &path); } static void register_agent(GDBusProxy *proxy) { if (!g_dbus_proxy_method_call(proxy, "RegisterAgent", agent_register_builder, NULL, NULL, NULL)) return; agent_proxy = g_dbus_proxy_ref(proxy); } static void unregister_agent() { if (!agent_proxy) return; g_dbus_proxy_method_call(agent_proxy, "UnregisterAgent", agent_register_builder, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_dbus_proxy_unref(agent_proxy); agent_proxy = NULL; } static void iwd_is_present(DBusConnection *conn, void *user_data) { if (agent_registered) return; if (!g_dbus_register_interface(connection, AGENT_PATH, IWD_AGENT_INTERFACE, agent_methods, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) return; agent_registered = true; } static void iwd_is_out(DBusConnection *conn, void *user_data) { if (agent_registered) { g_dbus_unregister_interface(connection, AGENT_PATH, IWD_AGENT_INTERFACE); agent_registered = false; } } static void create_network(GDBusProxy *proxy) { const char *path = g_dbus_proxy_get_path(proxy); struct iwd_network *iwdn; iwdn = g_new0(struct iwd_network, 1); iwdn->path = g_strdup(path); g_hash_table_replace(networks, iwdn->path, iwdn); iwdn->proxy = g_dbus_proxy_ref(proxy); if (!iwdn->proxy) { connman_error("Cannot create IWD network watcher %s", path); g_hash_table_remove(networks, path); return; } iwdn->device = g_strdup(proxy_get_string(proxy, "Device")); iwdn->name = g_strdup(proxy_get_string(proxy, "Name")); iwdn->type = g_strdup(proxy_get_string(proxy, "Type")); iwdn->connected = proxy_get_bool(proxy, "Connected"); iwdn->known_network = g_strdup(proxy_get_string(proxy, "KnownNetwork")); DBG("device %s name '%s' type %s connected %d known_network %s", iwdn->device, iwdn->name, iwdn->type, iwdn->connected, iwdn->known_network); g_dbus_proxy_set_property_watch(iwdn->proxy, network_property_change, NULL); add_network(path, iwdn); } static void known_network_property_change(GDBusProxy *proxy, const char *name, DBusMessageIter *iter, void *user_data) { struct iwd_known_network *iwdkn; const char *path; path = g_dbus_proxy_get_path(proxy); iwdkn = g_hash_table_lookup(known_networks, path); if (!iwdkn) return; if (!strcmp(name, "AutoConnect")) { dbus_bool_t iwd_auto_connect; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(iter, &iwd_auto_connect); iwdkn->iwd_auto_connect = iwd_auto_connect; DBG("%s iwd_auto_connect %d", path, iwdkn->iwd_auto_connect); update_auto_connect(iwdkn); } } static void init_auto_connect(struct iwd_known_network *iwdkn) { GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key, value; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, networks); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { struct iwd_network *iwdn = value; struct iwd_known_network *kn; if (!iwdn->known_network) continue; kn = g_hash_table_lookup(known_networks, iwdn->known_network); if (iwdkn != kn) continue; iwdkn->cm_autoconnect = iwdn->cm_autoconnect; update_auto_connect(iwdkn); return; } } static void create_known_network(GDBusProxy *proxy) { const char *path = g_dbus_proxy_get_path(proxy); struct iwd_known_network *iwdkn; iwdkn = g_new0(struct iwd_known_network, 1); iwdkn->path = g_strdup(path); g_hash_table_replace(known_networks, iwdkn->path, iwdkn); iwdkn->proxy = g_dbus_proxy_ref(proxy); if (!iwdkn->proxy) { connman_error("Cannot create IWD known network watcher %s", path); g_hash_table_remove(known_networks, path); return; } iwdkn->name = g_strdup(proxy_get_string(proxy, "Name")); iwdkn->type = g_strdup(proxy_get_string(proxy, "Type")); iwdkn->hidden = proxy_get_bool(proxy, "Hidden"); iwdkn->last_connected_time = g_strdup(proxy_get_string(proxy, "LastConnectedTime")); iwdkn->iwd_auto_connect = proxy_get_bool(proxy, "AutoConnect"); DBG("name '%s' type %s hidden %d, last_connection_time %s iwd_auto_connect %d", iwdkn->name, iwdkn->type, iwdkn->hidden, iwdkn->last_connected_time, iwdkn->iwd_auto_connect); /* * Although we initialize the autoconnect state of this * iwd_known_network here, it is only initialized in the case of * networks that already existed prior to startup: in the * case of a new iwd.KnownNetwork appearing, we are called before the * iwd_network.known_network field is initialized by a subsequent * PropertyChanged event. * * See Note [Managing autoconnect state]. */ init_auto_connect(iwdkn); g_dbus_proxy_set_property_watch(iwdkn->proxy, known_network_property_change, NULL); } static void create_station(GDBusProxy *proxy) { const char *path = g_dbus_proxy_get_path(proxy); struct iwd_station *iwds; iwds = g_new0(struct iwd_station, 1); iwds->path = g_strdup(path); g_hash_table_replace(stations, iwds->path, iwds); iwds->proxy = g_dbus_proxy_ref(proxy); if (!iwds->proxy) { connman_error("Cannot create IWD station watcher %s", path); g_hash_table_remove(stations, path); return; } iwds->state = g_strdup(proxy_get_string(proxy, "State")); iwds->connected_network = g_strdup(proxy_get_string(proxy, "ConnectedNetwork")); iwds->scanning = proxy_get_bool(proxy, "Scanning"); DBG("state '%s' connected_network %s scanning %d", iwds->state, iwds->connected_network, iwds->scanning); g_dbus_proxy_set_property_watch(iwds->proxy, station_property_change, NULL); } static void create_ap(GDBusProxy *proxy) { const char *path = g_dbus_proxy_get_path(proxy); struct iwd_ap *iwdap; iwdap = g_new0(struct iwd_ap, 1); iwdap->index = -1; iwdap->path = g_strdup(path); g_hash_table_replace(access_points, iwdap->path, iwdap); iwdap->proxy = g_dbus_proxy_ref(proxy); if (!iwdap->proxy) { connman_error("Cannot create IWD access point watcher %s", path); g_hash_table_remove(access_points, path); return; } iwdap->started = proxy_get_bool(proxy, "Started"); DBG("started %d", iwdap->started); g_dbus_proxy_set_property_watch(iwdap->proxy, ap_property_change, NULL); } static void object_added(GDBusProxy *proxy, void *user_data) { const char *interface; interface = g_dbus_proxy_get_interface(proxy); if (!interface) { connman_warn("Interface or proxy missing when adding " "iwd object"); return; } DBG("%s %s", interface, g_dbus_proxy_get_path(proxy)); if (!strcmp(interface, IWD_AGENT_MANAGER_INTERFACE)) register_agent(proxy); else if (!strcmp(interface, IWD_ADAPTER_INTERFACE)) create_adapter(proxy); else if (!strcmp(interface, IWD_DEVICE_INTERFACE)) create_device(proxy); else if (!strcmp(interface, IWD_NETWORK_INTERFACE)) create_network(proxy); else if (!strcmp(interface, IWD_KNOWN_NETWORK_INTERFACE)) create_known_network(proxy); else if (!strcmp(interface, IWD_STATION_INTERFACE)) create_station(proxy); else if (!strcmp(interface, IWD_AP_INTERFACE)) create_ap(proxy); } static void object_removed(GDBusProxy *proxy, void *user_data) { const char *interface, *path; interface = g_dbus_proxy_get_interface(proxy); if (!interface) { connman_warn("Interface or proxy missing when removing " "iwd object"); return; } path = g_dbus_proxy_get_path(proxy); DBG("%s %s", interface, path); if (!strcmp(interface, IWD_AGENT_MANAGER_INTERFACE)) unregister_agent(); if (!strcmp(interface, IWD_ADAPTER_INTERFACE)) g_hash_table_remove(adapters, path); else if (!strcmp(interface, IWD_DEVICE_INTERFACE)) g_hash_table_remove(devices, path); else if (!strcmp(interface, IWD_NETWORK_INTERFACE)) g_hash_table_remove(networks, path); else if (!strcmp(interface, IWD_KNOWN_NETWORK_INTERFACE)) g_hash_table_remove(known_networks, path); else if (!strcmp(interface, IWD_STATION_INTERFACE)) g_hash_table_remove(stations, path); else if (!strcmp(interface, IWD_AP_INTERFACE)) g_hash_table_remove(access_points, path); } static int iwd_init(void) { connection = connman_dbus_get_connection(); if (!connection) goto out; adapters = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, adapter_free); devices = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, device_free); networks = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, network_free); known_networks = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, known_network_free); stations = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, station_free); access_points = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, ap_free); if (connman_technology_driver_register(&tech_driver) < 0) { connman_warn("Failed to initialize technology for IWD"); goto out; } if (connman_device_driver_register(&device_driver) < 0) { connman_warn("Failed to initialize device driver for " IWD_SERVICE); connman_technology_driver_unregister(&tech_driver); goto out; } if (connman_network_driver_register(&network_driver) < 0) { connman_technology_driver_unregister(&tech_driver); connman_device_driver_unregister(&device_driver); goto out; } client = g_dbus_client_new(connection, IWD_SERVICE, IWD_PATH); if (!client) { connman_warn("Failed to initialize D-Bus client for " IWD_SERVICE); goto out; } g_dbus_client_set_connect_watch(client, iwd_is_present, NULL); g_dbus_client_set_disconnect_watch(client, iwd_is_out, NULL); g_dbus_client_set_proxy_handlers(client, object_added, object_removed, NULL, NULL); return 0; out: if (devices) g_hash_table_destroy(devices); if (networks) g_hash_table_destroy(networks); if (known_networks) g_hash_table_destroy(known_networks); if (stations) g_hash_table_destroy(stations); if (access_points) g_hash_table_destroy(access_points); if (adapters) g_hash_table_destroy(adapters); if (connection) dbus_connection_unref(connection); return -EIO; } static void iwd_exit(void) { connman_network_driver_unregister(&network_driver); connman_device_driver_unregister(&device_driver); connman_technology_driver_unregister(&tech_driver); g_dbus_client_unref(client); g_hash_table_destroy(access_points); g_hash_table_destroy(stations); g_hash_table_destroy(known_networks); g_hash_table_destroy(networks); g_hash_table_destroy(devices); g_hash_table_destroy(adapters); dbus_connection_unref(connection); } CONNMAN_PLUGIN_DEFINE(iwd, "IWD plugin", VERSION, CONNMAN_PLUGIN_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, iwd_init, iwd_exit)