by Fred Pauling
Add very basic MDL Scanning Laser Module (SLM) ROS driver to csiro-asl-ros-pkg |
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MDL SLM Driver |
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CSIRO 2011 |
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David Haddon and Fred Pauling |
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This is a quick hack driver.. do not use for production. |
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A basic ROS driver for MDL's Scanning Laser Module (SLM). |
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see: http://www.mdl.co.uk/en/scanning-laser-module-slm--15117 |
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Publishes sensor_msgs.LaserScan messages on the 'slm_laser' topic. |
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Each message includes points from one UDP packet only - which is less than one full revolution. |
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Usage: |
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rosrun mdlslm mdlslm.py [-rate=<10>] [__name=<slm_laser>] [-port=<30>] [-ip=<>] [-frame=</slm>] [-lo_res=0] [-visible=0] |
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rate : Spin rate in Hz, should be between 1-20 |
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__name : Ros topic name |
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port : Laser UDP port (this will not change the laser!) |
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ip : IP address of laser (once again.. will not change the laser settings) |
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frame : Frame ID for LaserScan topic |
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lo_res : set to 1 to use 10th degree increments, defaults to 100th degree |
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visible : Turn on the red visible laser |
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