
/* automatically generated by JSCoverage - do not edit */
if (typeof _$jscoverage === 'undefined') _$jscoverage = {};
if (! _$jscoverage['index.js']) {
  _$jscoverage['index.js'] = [];
_$jscoverage['index.js'].source = ["","/**"," * Connect is a middleware framework for node,"," * shipping with over 18 bundled middleware and a rich selection of"," * 3rd-party middleware."," *"," *     var app = connect()"," *       .use(connect.logger('dev'))"," *       .use(connect.static('public'))"," *       .use(function(req, res){"," *         res.end('hello world\\n');"," *       })"," *      .listen(3000);"," *     "," * Installation:"," * "," *     $ npm install connect"," *"," * Middleware:"," *"," *  - [logger](logger.html) request logger with custom format support"," *  - [csrf](csrf.html) Cross-site request forgery protection"," *  - [compress](compress.html) Gzip compression middleware"," *  - [basicAuth](basicAuth.html) basic http authentication"," *  - [bodyParser](bodyParser.html) extensible request body parser"," *  - [json](json.html) application/json parser"," *  - [urlencoded](urlencoded.html) application/x-www-form-urlencoded parser"," *  - [multipart](multipart.html) multipart/form-data parser"," *  - [timeout](timeout.html) request timeouts"," *  - [cookieParser](cookieParser.html) cookie parser"," *  - [session](session.html) session management support with bundled MemoryStore"," *  - [cookieSession](cookieSession.html) cookie-based session support"," *  - [methodOverride](methodOverride.html) faux HTTP method support"," *  - [responseTime](responseTime.html) calculates response-time and exposes via X-Response-Time"," *  - [staticCache](staticCache.html) memory cache layer for the static() middleware"," *  - [static](static.html) streaming static file server supporting `Range` and more"," *  - [directory](directory.html) directory listing middleware"," *  - [vhost](vhost.html) virtual host sub-domain mapping middleware"," *  - [favicon](favicon.html) efficient favicon server (with default icon)"," *  - [limit](limit.html) limit the bytesize of request bodies"," *  - [query](query.html) automatic querystring parser, populating `req.query`"," *  - [errorHandler](errorHandler.html) flexible error handler"," *"," * Links:"," * "," *   - list of [3rd-party](https://github.com/senchalabs/connect/wiki) middleware"," *   - GitHub [repository](http://github.com/senchalabs/connect)"," *   - [test documentation](https://github.com/senchalabs/connect/blob/gh-pages/tests.md)"," * "," */"];