#!/usr/bin/perl # # See POD docs at end of this file for genereal info use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; use constant PROG_DESCRIPTION => "asteroid orbital elements converter"; use constant PROG_COPYRIGHT => "(C) 2007; released under the GNU GPL version 2"; use constant PROG_VERSION => "0.02"; use constant PROG_AUTHOR => "Matthew Gates"; my $this_script = basename($0); # flags & param vars my $gs_flg_all = 0; my $gs_flg_data_url = "http://hamilton.dm.unipi.it/astdys/catalogs/allnum.cat"; my $gs_flg_name_url = "http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/lists/MPNames.html"; my $gs_flg_id_list = "1-10"; my $gs_flg_data_age = 3600 * 24 * 30; # only fetch data if current files older than 1 month # process command line options. Praise Bob, I love Getopt::Long! GetOptions( 'all' => \$gs_flg_all, 'data-url=s' => \$gs_flg_data_url, 'force-refresh' => sub { $gs_flg_data_age = 0; }, 'help' => sub { usage(0,1) }, 'ids=s' => \$gs_flg_id_list, 'name-url=s' => \$gs_flg_name_url, 'version' => sub { version_message(); exit 0; }, ) or usage(1,0); # some globals. yeah yeah, so sue me. my @ga_field_order = (qw(Epoch SemiMajorAxis Eccentricity Inclination AscendingNode ArgOfPericenter MeanAnomaly mag albedo)); my %gh_names; # key is asteroid ID my %gh_data; # key is asteroid ID my %gh_selection; # list of IDs which we want my $gs_selection_max = 0; my $gs_data_filename = "../builds/asteroid_orbits.dat"; my $gs_name_filename = "../builds/asteroid_names.dat"; my $gs_unknown_name_counter = 0; if ( ! $gs_flg_all ) { foreach my $i (split(",", $gs_flg_id_list)) { # handle ranges if necessary my ($l, $u); # lower and upper range values if ( $i =~ /^\d+$/ ) { $l = $i; $u = $i; } elsif ( $i =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/ ) { $l = $1; $u = $2; } else { next; } for(my $n=$l; $n<=$u; $n++) { $gh_selection{$n} = 1; if ( $n > $gs_selection_max ) { $gs_selection_max = $n; } } } } download_data_files(); load_data(); load_names(); dump_data(); ############################################################################### # Subroutines ############################################################################### sub usage { my $level = shift || 0; my $verbose = shift || 0; if ( $level !~ /^\d+$/ ) { die "argument must be integer"; } my $cmd; if ( $verbose ) { $cmd = "pod2usage -verbose 1 $this_script"; } else { $cmd = "pod2usage $this_script"; } open(CMD, "$cmd|") || die "error executing $cmd: $!"; while() { print; } close(CMD); exit($level); } sub version_message { if ( ! defined(&PROG_DESCRIPTION) ) { warn "You should define the constant PROG_DESCRIPTION in your program\n"; } else { print &PROG_DESCRIPTION . " "; } if ( ! defined(&PROG_VERSION) ) { warn "You should define the constant PROG_VERSION in your program\n"; } else { print &PROG_VERSION . "\n"; } if ( ! defined(&PROG_COPYRIGHT) ) { warn "You should define the constant PROG_COPYRIGHT in your program\n"; } else { print &PROG_COPYRIGHT . "\n"; } if ( defined(&PROG_AUTHOR) ) { print "Written by " . &PROG_AUTHOR . "\n"; } } sub download_data_files { my $download = 0; my @statinfo = stat($gs_data_filename); if ( ! defined($statinfo[9]) ) { $download = 1; } elsif ( time - $statinfo[9] > $gs_flg_data_age ) { $download = 1; } if ( $download ) { system("curl '$gs_flg_data_url' > '$gs_data_filename'") && die "cannot download $gs_flg_data_url"; } else { print STDERR "No need to download $gs_data_filename - we have a recent copy locally\n"; } $download = 0; @statinfo = stat($gs_name_filename); if ( ! defined($statinfo[9]) ) { $download = 1; } elsif ( time - $statinfo[9] > $gs_flg_data_age ) { $download = 1; } if ( $download ) { system("curl '$gs_flg_name_url' > '$gs_name_filename'") && die "cannot download $gs_flg_name_url : $!"; } else { print STDERR "No need to download $gs_name_filename - we have a recent copy locally\n"; } } sub load_data { open(DATA, "<$gs_data_filename") || die "cannot open data file for reading : $!"; my $header = 1; while() { if (/END_OF_HEADER/) { $header = 0; next; } if ($header) { next }; # skip comments if (/^\s*\!/) { next }; chomp; my($id, @data) = unpack("A10 A17 A25 A25 A25 A25 A25 A25 A6 A6", $_); $id =~ s/'//g; if ( $id > $gs_selection_max && ! $gs_flg_all ) { last; } if ( ! defined($gh_selection{$id}) && ! $gs_flg_all ) { next; } # The epoch (first data field) from the input data is # "Modified Julian Day" (MJD), but we want JD. Here's how to convert: # JD = MJD + 2400000.5 $data[0] += 2400000.5; my %datahash; for(my $i=0; $i<=$#ga_field_order; $i++) { $data[$i] =~ s/^\s+//; $data[$i] =~ s/\s+$//; $datahash{$ga_field_order[$i]} = $data[$i]; } $gh_data{$id} = \%datahash; } close(DATA); } sub load_names { open(NAMES, "<$gs_name_filename") || die "cannot open name file for reading : $!"; my $in_pre = 0; while() { if ( /
/i ) {
			$in_pre = 1;

		if ( ! $in_pre ) { next; }

		if ( /<\/pre>/ ) { last; }



		my(undef, $id, $name) = split(/[\(\)]/, $_);

		if ( defined($gh_data{$id}) ) {
			$name =~ s/^\s+//;
			$name =~ s/\s+$//;
			$gh_names{$id} = $name;

sub dump_data {
	foreach my $id (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %gh_data) {
		my $name;
		if (defined($gh_names{$id})) {
			$name = $gh_names{$id};
		else {
			$name = "unknown_name_$gs_unknown_name_counter";
		printf "[%s]\n", lc($name);
		print "name = $name\n";
		print "parent = Sun\n";
		print "oblateness = 0.0\n";
		print "color = 1.0,1.0,1.0\n";
		print "coord_func = comet_orbit\n";
		print "halo = false\n";
		print "lighting = false\n";
		print "tex_halo = star16x16.png\n";
		print "radius = 25\n";
		print "tex_map = nomap.png\n";
		my $sp = (($gh_data{$id}{"SemiMajorAxis"} ** 3) ** 0.5) * 365.256363051;
		print "sidereal_period = $sp\n";
		foreach my $field (reverse sort @ga_field_order) {
			my $prefix = "";
			if ($field eq "mag") { next; }
			elsif ($field ne "albedo") { $prefix = "orbit_"; }

			my $val = sprintf("%.15f", $gh_data{$id}{$field});
			$val =~ s/0+$//;
			printf "%s%s = %s\n", $prefix, $field, $val; 
		print "\n";


=head1 NAME 

generate_asteroid_ssystem.pl - generate asteroid orbital data for ssystem.ini


generate_asteroid_ssystem.pl [options]


Downloads asteroid data and outputs sections intended for use in the Stellarium data file, ssystem.ini.

=head1 OPTIONS


=item B<--all>

Select all asteroids for output.  Note this is a lot and will 
take some time.

=item B<--data-url>=I

Fetch orbital data from url I.  The default is 

=item B<--force-refresh>

Fetch orbital and name data even if the files are less than a month old.

=item B<--help>

Print the command line syntax an option details.

=item B<--ids>=I

Specify the list of asteroid IDs to output.  This is a comma separated list of numbers or ranges of numbers, e.g.


Would select asteroids with numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 12.  The default is 1-10.

=item B<--name-url>=I

Fetch name data from url I.  The default is 

=item B<--version>

Print the program description and version.





Sets debugging levels.  The ? can be D for database, M for module,
or S for script debugging messages.  Generally only S and D are
interesting for users, M is mostly just used during development.


=head1 FILES


=item filename



=head1 LICENSE

generate_asteroid_ssystem.pl is released under the GNU GPL (version 2, June 1991).  A
copy of the license should have been provided in the distribution of
the software in a file called "LICENSE".  If you can't find this, then
try here: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

=head1 AUTHOR

Matthew Gates 




=item Date:2007-05-29 Created, Author MNG

Original version.

=item Date:2007-11-06 Bug fixes, Author MNG

Download error status fixed.  Fixed --all option.  Fixed undefined name error.


=head1 BUGS

Please report bugs to the author.

=head1 SEE ALSO

