David Cowden
2011-07-01 20:34:54 UTC
Revision ID:
Fixed the getBright prototype so it doesn't default to a null string.
This is to address an error when compiling using extern C functions. The g++ compilier isses an error regarding the call to the overloaded functions getBright being ambiguous. I believe this is because the CPP Scribbler.h header lists the prototypes as follows:
std::vector<int> getBright();
int getBright(std::string value = );
Since this compiles strictly in CPP it must be an issue with the extern C compatibility. When using extern C, the function signatures must break down both into:
std::vector<int> getBright(NULL);
int getBright(NULL);
These would be the same to the g++ compilier since the return type is not part of the signature. This would cause the g++ compilier to produce the error regarding an ambiguous function getBright.
To fix this, I changed the prototype in the Scribbler.h header to read:
int getBright(std::string value);