Thanks for downloading the DHIS2 Live installer. The aim of this project is to create a simple process for the complete build of DHIS2 with the aim of deployment to a desktop computer. The installer, along with the build script should build a complete DHIS2 system ready for deployment from source. There are several different installers, utilizing different framworks, and which are intented for different purposes and deployment architectures. BitRock installer notes The current install will build a Windows executable which will offer an install of Postgresql, Java, and a template DHIS2 database. The database can be easily replaced by a Postgresql dump and restored instead of the empty template databse. The source of the current installer can be found in the file named DHIS2_pginstaller. A few alternative installer flavors utilizing Bitrock are described at the end of this document. It is critical that you set all of the environment variables to the correct paths in your system. Modify the environment variables in the (on Linux) or build.bat (on Windows) script to suit your needs. There are several variables that you will need to set. Here are some examples, modify them in the script to suit your local system. 1) This variable should point to your local copy of the JDK. JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java/jdk1.6.0_10/ 2) Be sure that maven is accessible in your path. PATH=$PATH:/home/wheel/apache-maven-2.2.1/bin/ 3) This variable is necessary during the installer build process and should point to your local copy of the BitRock install builder executable. You can get a copy of BitRock install builder from here Install it somewhere on your system and point the environment variable to the correct directory. Example on Linux BITROCK_HOME=/home/wheel/installbuilder-6.2.7/bin/builder Example On Windows BITROCK_HOME="c:\Program Files\BitRock InstallBuilder Professional 6.5.6\bin\builder-cli.exe" 5) This variable should point to the root directory of the source of the documentation branch. DHIS2_DOCS="/home/wheel/workspace/dhis2-docbook-docs/" DHIS2_DOCS=c:\dhis2\dhis2-docbook-docs 6) This variable should point to your copy of the dhis2 main source branch. On Linux DHIS2_SRC="/home/wheel/workspace/dhis2" On Windows DHIS2_SRC=c:\dhis2 My directory structure looks something like this.. /workspace |_dhis-2 (contains the DHIS 2 source code) |_dhis2-docbook-docs (contains the DHIS2 documentation source) |_dhis2-live-installer (contains the Installer source) |_dhis-live (contains the DHIS Live source) To get started just execute, just go to the dhis2-live-installer directory and execute the script if you are on Linux (be sure it is executable) There are several options you will need to pass to the build script. ./ all Build everything. ./ docs Build only the documentation. ./ installer Build only the installer. ./ dhis2 Build only DHIS2. ./ live Build only the DHIS2 Live wrapper. There are a number of other installers that will be generated for different purposes. 1)DHIS2 Windows Live This version of the installer is appropriate for Microsoft Windows with a pre-existing JRE. 2) DHIS2 Windows Embedded JRE This version of the installer will include a pre-packed: o JRE (Java Runtime Edition). This version therefore will not require a user to have Java pre-installed on their machine, but will increase the size of the installer by about 30 MB. Place a copy of the JRE in /resources/jre/jre6. Note that JRE is referring to the extracted collection of files, not the Windows executable installer. One way to obtain this is to install JRE on Windows and copy the extracted JRE directory into this project. o Firefox browser. Place a copy of Firefox Portable in /resources/browser/FirefoxPortable. Note that Firefox portable is referring to the extracted collection of files, not the Windows executable installer. One way to obtain this is to install Firefox portable on Windows and copy the extracted FirefoxPortable directory into this project. o Demo database. Place a copy of the H2 demo database (called "demo.h2.db") into resources/demodb. You will now enter into a rather lengthy process depending on the speed of your machine. At the end you will have a Windows installer based on the latest source code and documentation. These will be output to the BITROCK_HOME/output directory. IZPack Installer The second installer is based on IZPack and may be more appropriate for those that need a relatively simply build process, without having Maven installed. It is recommended to use the BitRock installer as the IZPack installer is no longer maintained. Basically, you will need to populate some different directories with prerequisites. 1) Put everything you need for PostgreSQL in the postgres directory.This usually involves unzipping that installer on the PostgreSQL website. 2) Put an offline version of Java (to be sure you have a recent version) in the /java directory. Be sure that the file name matches that in the install.xml file 3) Put the dhis2_user_manual_en.pdf from the documentation branch into the /docs directory 4) Change the file to set your needs. 5) Compile with the IZPack compiler. Questions about these installer can be directed to Jason Pickering . NSIS Installer This installer (located in the /src/nsis) folder is based on the NSIS installer framework ( . This installer will install MySQL, Tomcat, Java (if needed) and Google Chrome and of course DHIS2, as well as restoring the MySQL database from a file included in the installer itself.