======= CHANGES ======= ----- 0.7.1 ----- Bugs fixed ********** * #501563 incorrect conversion ratio for gills/pints * #515314 don't memoize simplified, fixes set_default_units ----- 0.7.0 ----- A critical problem was identified, caused by a conflict between farad and Faraday identified in quantities <0.7. F is commonly used as a symbol for both the farad and Faraday's constant. This is problematic for quanitities, which registers its units so they can be accessed using a string corresponding to the unit name or symbol. In this case, the Faraday constant was registered after the farad, so any quantity that was expressed in terms of farads would be incorrectly simplified using the Faraday constant. This problem has been fixed and the registry has been improved to prevent overwriting previously registered names or symbols. F is now reserved for the farad. Addition and subtraction of quantities with different but compatible units is now supported. Additionally, changes have been made in the forthcoming numpy-1.4.0 to extend this compatibility to other ufuncs as well. Numpydoc, an external package developed to extend Sphinx for the numpy documentation project, is now required to build quantities' documentation. Bugs fixed ********** * #495181 epsilon_0 simplifies incorrectly * #490323 bad spelling for polarizabilities