elementary is...


How many clicks does it take to get where you want to go? With elementary OS there will be fewer. We believe that it should be easy to find your destination and just as easy to get there.


elementary OS is built on Linux, one of the safest platforms out there. The Register reports that, "92% of [Users] have never experienced a virus, Trojan, or other malware infection on Linux." Learn More -


We're constantly working to speed up everything, from the time it takes to get to the login screen to the time it takes to get your email. You shouldn't have to walk away and make coffee before you can get to work.


/opt? /bin? /sys? dll files? What is all that? Do you even need it? We'll keep things like that hidden so that it won't interrupt you. You have more important things to do than worry about confusing system files and folders.


"That's something I can stand looking at for 8 hours." Admit it, you use your computer a lot, and looking at it shouldn't require sunglasses to see through all the gloss just so you can clean up a messy looking desktop.


Does the average person use 16 different text editors? No. With elementary OS there is a single tool that does its job very well. No more wondering which application you should use and how to get rid of the other 15.


elementary OS is 100% completely and legally free of charge. We are a non-profit group of individuals who just want to make computing better and easier.


Every snippet of code is open for review, revision, and use by anyone. That means elementary OS is constantly being improved by millions worldwide.