{extends "base.tpl.html"} {block "title"}#{$issue_id} - Upload File{/block} {block "javascripts" append} {include file="include/dropzone.tpl.html" form="dropzone" param="dropfile"} {/block} {block "content"} {if $core.current_role > $core.roles.viewer} {if $upload_file_result|default:'' != ''}
{if $upload_file_result == -1} {t}An error occurred while trying to process the uploaded file.{/t} {elseif $upload_file_result == -2} {t}The uploaded file is already attached to the current issue. Please rename the file and try again.{/t} {elseif $upload_file_result == 1} {t}Thank you, the uploaded file was associated with the issue below.{/t} {/if}

{if not $current_user_prefs.close_popup_windows}
{/if} {else}
{if $core.current_role > $core.roles.customer} {else} {/if}
{t}Add New Files{/t}:
{if empty($smarty.get.legacy)} {t}Drop files here or click to upload.{/t} {/if}

{t 1=$max_attachment_size}Note: The current maximum allowed upload file size is %1{/t}
{if empty($smarty.get.legacy)}
{t}NOTE{/t}: {t escape=no 1="?iss_id=$issue_id&legacy=1"}To use legacy uploader, click here{/t} {/if}
{/if} {else}
{t}You do not have the correct role to access this page{/t}
{/if} {/block}