project(dolfin-demos) # Require CMake 2.8 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) # FIXME: Temporary fix for whitespace error cmake_policy(SET CMP0004 OLD) # Find DOLFIN config file (not used here, but check that the demo will be able # to find it find_package(dolfin PATHS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} REQUIRED) # If config file is found, add all demo sub-directories, else print helper # message if (dolfin_FOUND) # Build list of all cpp demo directories file(GLOB_RECURSE list "main.cpp") list(SORT list) string(REGEX REPLACE "/main.cpp" "" list "${list}") # Add each C++ demo directory foreach (demo_dir ${list}) #message(STATUS "Adding C++ demo: ${demo_dir}") add_subdirectory(${demo_dir}) endforeach() else() message("Could not locate dolfin-config.cmake file. Did you do 'make install' for the DOLFIN library and set the appropriate paths (source /dolfin.conf)?") endif()