Usage ===== This charm depends on the buildbot-slave charm. It expects all configuration to be provided initially at deploy time, using the --config option. You can provide a master.cfg file to use inline with your config file, or you can provide a full branch that includes a master.cfg and any other desired support files. If you provide a branch, be aware that this charm expects to control the .tac file. In both cases, you need to modify your master.cfg file to be used by the charm. * The BuildmasterConfig's "slaves" key should usually be an empty list. This list will be populated by slaves dynamically as they join. You may be able to also define slaves that are hosted elsewhere (not in juju). This has not been tested and may need some adjustments to work. * The "builders" key should contain instances of buildbot.config.BuilderConfig, not dicts. The "slavenames" argument should be a list of a single empty string. The empty string will be removed and replaced with the names of slaves that dynamically declare that they want to participate in those builds. Examples are below. Demo of a single master.cfg file -------------------------------- This uses the standard buildbot Pyflakes example. Start with the buildbot-slave and buildbot-master charm in your charm repository. juju bootstrap juju deploy --repository=./charms local:buildbot-master --config=./charms/oneiric/buildbot-master/examples/pyflakes.yaml juju deploy --repository=./charms local:buildbot-slave juju set buildbot-slave builders=runtests juju add-relation buildbot-slave buildbot-master Look in the pyflakes.yaml file to see how the master.cfg was modified as described above. Demo of a master.cfg in a branch with supporting files ------------------------------------------------------ This is a pretty odd example in several ways, but you can also run a master and slave that run Launchpad's tests, like so: juju bootstrap juju deploy --config=./charms/oneiric/buildbot-master/examples/lpbuildbot.yaml --repository=./charms local:buildbot-master juju deploy --config=./charms/oneiric/buildbot-slave/examples/lpbuildbot.yaml --repository=./charms local:buildbot-slave juju add-relation buildbot-slave buildbot-master Note that starting up the buildbot-slave for Launchpad takes a very, very long time (over two hours) and requires a large EC2 instance to avoid out of memory errors. Running the charm tests ======================= 1) Establish a charm repository if you do not already have one. A charm repository is a directory with subdirectories for each Ubuntu version being used. Inside those per-Ubuntu-version directories are the charm directories. For example, to make a charm repository for this charm under Oneiric follow these steps: a) mkdir -p ~/juju-charms/oneiric b) ln -s `pwd` ~/juju-charms/oneiric/buildbot-master 2) Copy the juju_wrapper file into some place earlier in your PATH than the real juju executable, naming it "juju". Edit the CHARM_TEST_REPO variable therein to reflect the location of the charm repo from step 1. 3) Bootstrap the juju environment if not already done: juju bootstrap 4) Run the tests: RESOLVE_TEST_CHARMS=1 tests/buildbot-master.test XXX bac 2012-02-23: The tests do not run locally using precise. Set default-series: oneiric to get them to pass. Running the charm helper tests ============================== Just run "python hooks/".