Demo of a single master.cfg file: This uses the standard buildbot Pyflakes example. Start with the buildbot-slave and buildbot-master charm in your charm repository. juju bootstrap juju deploy --repository=./charms local:buildbot-master --config=./charms/oneiric/buildbot-master/examples/pyflakes.yaml juju deploy --repository=./charms local:buildbot-slave juju set buildbot-slave builders=runtests juju add-relation buildbot-slave buildbot-master Tou can also run a master and slave that run Launchpad's tests, like so: juju bootstrap juju deploy --config=./charms/oneiric/buildbot-master/examples/lpbuildbot.yaml --repository=./charms local:buildbot-master juju deploy --config=./charms/oneiric/buildbot-slave/config.setuplxc.yaml --repository=./charms local:buildbot-slave juju add-relation buildbot-slave buildbot-master XXX Running setuplxc takes a long time. For now, then, replace the juju deploy of the slave with these two lines. This will mean that, when it works, the slave will connect to the master but when it tries to run tests it will fail (because the slave environment has not been set up). juju deploy --repository=./charms local:buildbot-slave juju set buildbot-slave builders=lucid_lp,lucid_db_lp