
GetDeb extends the existing software options for Ubuntu (and derived) Linux distributions by providing major updates and software not yet available on the official Ubuntu repositories.


GetDeb packages are built using Debian/Ubuntu building rules, this reduces development effort and assures the same level of quality. However when new packages are developed or major upgrades are performed we do not follow a strict quality assurance process, this is the accepted cost required to achieve shorter release times. Still with a broader user base problems are quickly identified as fixed. It should also be noted that we do not provide system core packages or major libraries which could cause dependency problems or other major issues, in case you find a broken package recovery should be easily achieved by reinstalling the Ubuntu official package.


Packages will be provided for the "current" Ubuntu release, extended time maybe provided for LTS releases based on workforce availability for such releases. The provided software ranges from popular software updates to emerging software which was not yet able to get into the Ubuntu software repositories.


We currently provide direct links to software package files, there is a clear understanding of the associated usability limitations and security risks from this approach. Research is being done in this area and we expect to improve as soon as possible.