For reference, the term Tap means to press the indicated key and release it, within a timeframe of 50ms Hud Invocate ----------- This test makes sure that the hud presents itself, the launcher hides and the panel changes #. Tap Alt Outcome The hud interface presents itself with no other interface such as the dash present. The Launcher hides, the panel becomes transparent with a colour tint matching the hud Hud Search ----------- This test makes sure that the hud will search and activate items. #. Ensure the devices indicator is present #. Tap Alt #. Type "system" to search for the "System settings..." item in the devices indicator #. Press return to activate the search query. Outcome The system settings interface presents itself, the hud disappears. If the hud does not disappear, this test failed. If the system settings interface did not present itself, this test did *not* fail. Hud Key-Navigation ----------- This test ensures the hud key navigation is intact #. Ensure the messaging indicator is present #. Tap Alt #. Type "Message" to search for items from the messaging indicator #. Press down twice #. Press return Outcome The item selected will activate and the hud with disappear. If the hud does not disappear, this test failed. If the buttons under the search box do not highlight, this test failed. Hud Dismiss ---------- This test ensures that the hud is dismissable #. Tap Alt #. Type "test" #. Press escape #. Click anywhere on the screen that is not the hud interface Outcome After pressing escape in step three, the text "test" should be removed from the hud search After step four, the hud should dismiss itself and not be present.