Harvest's primary aims are:
- finding out about low-hanging fruit (opportunities) easily
- aggregate the mass of lists we use day to day
- find out which packages are in a good shape and which are not
Harvest lists
Harvest FAQ
- What can I do with Harvest?
Harvest helps to identify both bugs that may be easy to address, and other package changes that are not yet bugs, but could improve the package.
Please take a look at the available opportunities when updating a package.
- Why is Harvest the way it is?
Harvest is essentially based on two design-decisions:
- keep it flexible and easily extensible without having to touch the database code
- as much static pages as possible, as little dynamic as possible - don't hammer the DB
- Why is there no login, control panel, etc.?
Read the design decision above, we don't want to have a database server, application servers, etc, etc. KISS!
- What does "Mark reviewed" do?
It will remove an opportunity from the front pages and only display it in a separate section on the page of the source package.
An obvious use-case for this is opportunities we have no control over, like Fedora patches.
By marking an opportunity as reviewed you will unclutter the main pages (in case it does not apply for us or you integrated it already).
- How can I just get Harvest to show the few packages I'm interested in?
Try handler.py?pkg=audacity,avahi,pulseaudio.
- I think I found a bug - what do I do?
If it's about the UI or the functionality of the page, please file it on harvest.
If it's about some piece of data that's on the harvest page, it's likely to be a bug in one of the scripts that fetches the data,
please file it on harvest-data instead.
The HACKING Guide has more information about that.
- How is the Sourcepackage list sorted?
First sorted by score, then alphabetically.
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