* This file is a part of the Cairo-Dock project
* Copyright : (C) see the 'copyright' file.
* E-mail : see the 'copyright' file.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#include "cairo-dock-struct.h"
#include "cairo-dock-notifications.h"
*@file cairo-dock-icon-factory.h This class defines the items contained in containers : Icons.
* An icon can either be:
* - a launcher (it has a command, a class, and possible an X window ID)
* - an appli (it has a X window ID and a class, no command)
* - an applet (it has a module instance and no command, possibly a class)
* - a container (it has a sub-dock and no class nor command)
* - a class icon (it has a bsub-dock and a class, but no command nor X ID)
* - a separator (it has nothing)
* The class defines the methods used to create a generic Icon and to load its various buffers.
* Specialized Icons are created by the corresponding factory.
/// Definition of the type of icons.
typedef enum {
} CairoDockIconTrueType;
/// Available groups of icons.
typedef enum {
CAIRO_DOCK_LAUNCHER = 0, // launchers and applets, and applis if mixed
} CairoDockIconGroup;
/// Animation state of an icon, sorted by priority.
typedef enum {
} CairoDockAnimationState;
/// Icon's interface
struct _IconInterface {
/// function that loads the icon surface (and optionnally texture).
void (*load_image) (Icon *icon);
/// function called when the icon is deleted from the current theme.
gboolean (*on_delete) (Icon *icon);
/// function called when the user drag something over the icon for more than 500ms.
void (*action_on_drag_hover) (Icon *icon);
/// Definition of an Icon.
struct _Icon {
//\____________ Definition.
/// list of available notifications.
GPtrArray *pNotificationsTab;
/// type of the icon.
CairoDockIconTrueType iTrueType;
/// group of the icon.
CairoDockIconGroup iGroup;
/// interface
IconInterface iface;
gpointer pDataSlot[CAIRO_DOCK_NB_DATA_SLOT];
//\____________ properties.
// generic.
/// Name of the icon.
gchar *cName;
/// Short info displayed on the icon (few characters).
gchar *cQuickInfo;
/// name or path of an image displayed on the icon.
gchar *cFileName;
/// Class of application the icon will be bound to.
gchar *cClass;
/// name of the dock the icon belongs to (NULL means it's not currently inside a dock).
gchar *cParentDockName;
/// Sub-dock the icon is pointing to.
CairoDock *pSubDock;
/// Order of the icon amongst the other icons of its group.
gdouble fOrder;
gint iSpecificDesktop;
gint iSubdockViewType;
/// a hint to indicate the icon should be kept static (no animation like bouncing).
gboolean bStatic;
/// a flag that allows the icon to be always visible, even with the dock is hidden.
gboolean bAlwaysVisible;
gboolean bIsDemandingAttention;
CairoDataRenderer *pDataRenderer;
CairoDockTransition *pTransition;
CairoDockAnimationState iAnimationState;
/// Whether the icon is currently pointed or not.
gboolean bPointed;
gdouble fInsertRemoveFactor;
// Launcher.
gchar *cDesktopFileName; // nom (et non pas chemin) du fichier .desktop
gchar *cCommand;
gchar *cWorkingDirectory;
gchar *cBaseURI;
gint iVolumeID;
// Appli.
Window Xid;
gboolean bIsHidden;
gboolean bIsFullScreen;
gboolean bIsMaximized;
gboolean bHasIndicator;
GtkAllocation windowGeometry;
gint iNumDesktop;
gint iViewPortX, iViewPortY;
gint iStackOrder;
gint iLastCheckTime;
gchar *cInitialName;
gchar *cLastAttentionDemand;
gint iAge; // age of the window (a mere growing integer).
Pixmap iBackingPixmap;
//Damage iDamageHandle;
// Applet.
CairoDockModuleInstance *pModuleInstance;
CairoDockModuleInstance *pAppletOwner;
//\____________ Buffers.
gdouble fWidth, fHeight; // taille dans le container.
gint iImageWidth, iImageHeight; // taille de la surface/texture telle qu'elle a ete creee.
cairo_surface_t* pIconBuffer;
GLuint iIconTexture;
cairo_surface_t* pReflectionBuffer;
gint iTextWidth, iTextHeight;
cairo_surface_t* pTextBuffer;
GLuint iLabelTexture;
gint iQuickInfoWidth, iQuickInfoHeight;
cairo_surface_t* pQuickInfoBuffer;
GLuint iQuickInfoTexture;
//\____________ Parametres de dessin, definis par la vue/les animations.
gdouble fXMin, fXMax; // Abscisse extremale gauche/droite que the icon atteindra (variable avec la vague).
gdouble fXAtRest; // Abscisse de the icon au repos.
gdouble fPhase; // Phase de the icon (entre -pi et piconi).
gdouble fX, fY; // Abscisse/Ordonnee temporaire du bord haut-gauche de l'image de the icon.
gdouble fScale;
gdouble fDrawX, fDrawY;
gdouble fWidthFactor, fHeightFactor;
gdouble fAlpha;
gdouble fDeltaYReflection; // Decalage en ordonnees du reflet (rebond).
gdouble fOrientation; // par rapport a la verticale Oz
gint iRotationX; // Rotation autour de l'axe Ox
gint iRotationY; // Rotation autour de l'axe Oy
gdouble fReflectShading;
gdouble fGlideOffset; // decalage pour le glissement des icons.
gint iGlideDirection; // direction dans laquelle glisse the icon.
gdouble fGlideScale; // echelle d'adaptation au glissement.
gboolean bBeingRemovedByCairo; // devrait etre dans pDataSlot...
guint iSidRedrawSubdockContent;
guint iSidLoadImage;
guint iSidDoubleClickDelay;
CairoContainer *pContainerForLoad;
gint iNbDoubleClickListeners;
gchar **pMimeTypes;
gint iHideLabel;
gchar *cWmClass;
GList *pOverlays;
gdouble *pHiddenBgColor;
gpointer reserved[2];
typedef void (*CairoIconContainerLoadFunc) (void);
typedef void (*CairoIconContainerUnloadFunc) (void);
typedef void (*CairoIconContainerRenderFunc) (Icon *pIcon, CairoContainer *pContainer, int w, int h, cairo_t *pCairoContext);
typedef void (*CairoIconContainerRenderOpenGLFunc) (Icon *pIcon, CairoContainer *pContainer, int w, int h);
/// Definition of an Icon container (= an icon holding a sub-dock) renderer.
struct _CairoIconContainerRenderer {
CairoIconContainerLoadFunc load;
CairoIconContainerUnloadFunc unload;
CairoIconContainerRenderFunc render;
CairoIconContainerRenderOpenGLFunc render_opengl;
#define CAIRO_DOCK_ICON_TYPE_IS_FILE(icon) (icon != NULL && (icon)->iTrueType == CAIRO_DOCK_ICON_TYPE_FILE)
#define CAIRO_DOCK_ICON_TYPE_IS_APPLI(icon) (icon != NULL && (icon)->iTrueType == CAIRO_DOCK_ICON_TYPE_APPLI)
#define CAIRO_DOCK_ICON_TYPE_IS_APPLET(icon) (icon != NULL && (icon)->iTrueType == CAIRO_DOCK_ICON_TYPE_APPLET)
/** TRUE if the icon holds a window.
*@param icon an icon.
#define CAIRO_DOCK_IS_APPLI(icon) (icon != NULL && (icon)->Xid != 0)
/** TRUE if the icon holds an instance of a module.
*@param icon an icon.
#define CAIRO_DOCK_IS_APPLET(icon) (icon != NULL && (icon)->pModuleInstance != NULL)
/** TRUE if the icon is an icon pointing on the sub-dock of a class.
*@param icon an icon.
#define CAIRO_DOCK_IS_MULTI_APPLI(icon) (\
|| (CAIRO_DOCK_ICON_TYPE_IS_APPLET (icon) && icon->cClass != NULL) )\
&& icon->pSubDock != NULL)
/** TRUE if the icon is an automatic separator.
*@param icon an icon.
/** TRUE if the icon is a separator added by the user.
*@param icon an icon.
#define CAIRO_DOCK_IS_USER_SEPARATOR(icon) (CAIRO_DOCK_ICON_TYPE_IS_SEPARATOR (icon) && (icon)->cDesktopFileName != NULL)
*TRUE if the icon is an icon d'appli only.
*@param icon an icon.
*TRUE if the icon is an icon d'applet detachable en desklet.
*@param icon an icon.
#define CAIRO_DOCK_IS_DETACHABLE_APPLET(icon) (CAIRO_DOCK_IS_APPLET (icon) && (icon)->pModuleInstance->bCanDetach)
/** Create an empty icon.
*@return the newly allocated icon object.
Icon *cairo_dock_new_icon (void);
void cairo_dock_free_icon_buffers (Icon *icon);
/* Cree la surface de reflection d'une icone (pour cairo).
*@param pIcon l'icone.
*@param pContainer le container de l'icone.
void cairo_dock_add_reflection_to_icon (Icon *pIcon, CairoContainer *pContainer);
void cairo_dock_set_icon_size (CairoContainer *pContainer, Icon *icon);
/**Fill the image buffer (surface & texture) of a given icon, according to its type. Set its size if necessary, and fills the reflection buffer for cairo.
*@param icon the icon.
*@param pContainer its container.
void cairo_dock_load_icon_image (Icon *icon, CairoContainer *pContainer);
/**Fill the label buffer (surface & texture) of a given icon, according to a text description.
*@param icon the icon.
*@param pTextDescription desctiption of the text rendering.
void cairo_dock_load_icon_text (Icon *icon, CairoDockLabelDescription *pTextDescription);
/**Fill the quick-info buffer (surface & texture) of a given icon, according to a text description.
*@param icon the icon.
*@param pTextDescription desctiption of the text rendering.
*@param fMaxScale maximum zoom.
void cairo_dock_load_icon_quickinfo (Icon *icon, CairoDockLabelDescription *pTextDescription, double fMaxScale);
/** Fill all the buffers (surfaces & textures) of a given icon, according to its type. Set its size accordingly, and fills the reflection buffer for cairo. Label and quick-info are loaded with the current global text description.
*@param pIcon the icon.
*@param pContainer its container.
void cairo_dock_load_icon_buffers (Icon *pIcon, CairoContainer *pContainer);
void cairo_dock_trigger_load_icon_buffers (Icon *pIcon, CairoContainer *pContainer);
void cairo_dock_reload_buffers_in_dock (CairoDock *pDock, gboolean bReloadAppletsToo, gboolean bRecursive);
#define cairo_dock_load_buffers_in_one_dock(pDock) cairo_dock_reload_buffers_in_dock (pDock, TRUE, FALSE)
void cairo_dock_reload_icon_image (Icon *icon, CairoContainer *pContainer);
void cairo_dock_draw_subdock_content_on_icon (Icon *pIcon, CairoDock *pDock);
#define cairo_dock_set_subdock_content_renderer(pIcon, view) (pIcon)->iSubdockViewType = view