by Suchitra Venugopal
IBM MobileFirst Server |
1 |
2 |
set -ex
3 |
4 |
source charms.reactive.sh
5 |
6 |
ARCHITECTURE=`uname -m` |
7 |
ARCHIVE_DIR=$CHARM_DIR/files/archives |
8 |
AUTH_KEY_FILE=/root/.ssh/authorized_keys |
9 |
IM_INSTALL_PATH=/opt/IBM/InstallationManager |
10 |
11 |
MobileFirstServer_PATH=/opt/ibm/MobileFirst_Platform_Server_liberty |
12 |
13 |
14 |
# Create a workight server.
15 |
16 |
17 |
if [ -d $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/bin ]; then |
18 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Creating worklight server"
19 |
#Create worklight server
20 |
if [ -d $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight ]; then |
21 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: server is already there"
22 |
23 |
$LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/bin/server create worklight
24 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: created server sucessfully"
25 |
cd $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers |
26 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Editing http port to $httpport and https port to $httpsport in server.xml" |
27 |
sed -i 's/9080/'$1'/' $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight/server.xml |
28 |
sed -i 's/9443/'$2'/' $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight/server.xml |
29 |
30 |
31 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Websphere Liberty is not installed"
32 |
exit 0 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
if [ -d $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight ]; then |
39 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: server is already there"
40 |
sudo rm -rf $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight
41 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Worklight Server deleted"
42 |
43 |
44 |
#Clean the old installations if any
45 |
46 |
47 |
juju-log "Clean old installations if any before installations"
48 |
#Uninstall if already present
49 |
if [ -d $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer ]; then |
50 |
juju-log "Editing uninstall response file with charmdir"
51 |
sed -i 's|/root/Installfiles/MobileFirst_Platform_Server/disk1|'$CHARM_DIR'/files/archives/MobileFirst_Platform_Server/disk1|g' $CHARM_DIR/files/archives/uninstall-worklight-responsefile.xml |
52 |
cd $IM_INSTALL_PATH/eclipse/tools |
53 |
sudo ./imcl input $CHARM_DIR/files/archives/uninstall-worklight-responsefile.xml
54 |
rm -rf $MobileFirstServer_PATH
55 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: MobileFirst Server software uninstalled"
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
db2_port=$(relation_call --state=mobilefirstserverdb.ready get_db2_port) || true |
65 |
db2_instance=$(relation_call --state=mobilefirstserverdb.ready get_db2_instance_name) || true |
66 |
db2_path=$(relation_call --state=mobilefirstserverdb.ready get_db2_path) || true |
67 |
hostname=$(relation_call --state=mobilefirstserverdb.ready get_db2_hostname) || true |
68 |
dbusername=$(relation_call --state=mobilefirstserverdb.ready get_dbusername) || true |
69 |
dbuserpw=$(relation_call --state=mobilefirstserverdb.ready get_dbuserpw) || true |
70 |
dbs_created=$(relation_call --state=mobilefirstserverdb.ready get_db2_dbnames) || true |
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
#Edit MobileFirst Server install responsefile with Liberty and db2 values
75 |
76 |
77 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Editing response file"
78 |
get_db_values_from_interface |
79 |
80 |
PAK_DIR="$CHARM_DIR/../resources/ibm_mobilefirstserver_installer" |
81 |
PAK_NAME="$PAK_DIR/ibm_worklight_installer.zip" |
82 |
sed -i 's|/root/IBM/IBMIMShared|/opt/ibm/IBMIMShared|g' $CHARM_DIR/files/archives/install-MFS-responsefile.xml |
83 |
sed -i 's|/root/Installfiles/MobileFirst_Platform_Server/disk1|'$PAK_DIR'/MobileFirst_Platform_Server/disk1|g' $CHARM_DIR/files/archives/install-MFS-responsefile.xml |
84 |
sed -i 's/APPCNTRA/APPCNTR/' $CHARM_DIR/files/archives/install-MFS-responsefile.xml |
85 |
sed -i 's/50000/'$db2_port'/' $CHARM_DIR/files/archives/install-MFS-responsefile.xml |
86 |
sed -i 's/db2inst1/'$dbusername'/' $CHARM_DIR/files/archives/install-MFS-responsefile.xml |
87 |
sed -i 's/localhost/'$hostname'/' $CHARM_DIR/files/archives/install-MFS-responsefile.xml |
88 |
oldpasswd=`cat $CHARM_DIR/files/archives/install-MFS-responsefile.xml | grep "user.database.db2.appcenter.password" | cut -d"=" -f3 | cut -d"/" -f1` |
89 |
oldpasswd=`echo $oldpasswd | tr -d "'"` |
90 |
sed -i s/$oldpasswd/$dbuserpw/g $CHARM_DIR/files/archives/install-MFS-responsefile.xml |
91 |
92 |
sed -i 's|/opt/ibm/db2/V10.5/java/db2jcc.jar|'$CHARM_DIR'/files/db2jcc4.jar|g' $CHARM_DIR/files/archives/install-MFS-responsefile.xml |
93 |
sed -i 's/waserver1/worklight/' $CHARM_DIR/files/archives/install-MFS-responsefile.xml |
94 |
sed -i 's|/root/IBM/WebSphere/wlp|'$LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH'|g' $CHARM_DIR/files/archives/install-MFS-responsefile.xml |
95 |
juju-log "IBM MFS:Response file edited"
96 |
97 |
98 |
#Edit configure_liberty_db2_file
99 |
100 |
101 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Editing configure_liberty_db2.xml file"
102 |
get_db_values_from_interface |
103 |
104 |
cp $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2-orig.xml $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
105 |
106 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.wladmin.password"/c\<property name="database.db2.wladmin.password" value="'$dbuserpw'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
107 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.worklight.password"/c\<property name="database.db2.worklight.password" value="'$dbuserpw'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
108 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.worklightreports.password"/c\<property name="database.db2.worklightreports.password" value="'$dbuserpw'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
109 |
sed -i '/"worklight.server.install.dir"/c\<property name="worklight.server.install.dir" value="'$MobileFirstServer_PATH'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
110 |
sed -i '/"worklight.contextroot"/c\<property name="worklight.contextroot" value="/worklight"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
111 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.host"/c\<property name="database.db2.host" value="'$hostname'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
112 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.port"/c\<property name="database.db2.port" value="'$db2_port'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
113 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.instance"/c\<property name="database.db2.instance" value="'$db2_instance'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
114 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.driver.dir"/c\<property name="database.db2.driver.dir" value="'$CHARM_DIR'/files"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
115 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.wladmin.dbname"/c\<property name="database.db2.wladmin.dbname" value="WRKLGHT"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
116 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.wladmin.schema"/c\<property name="database.db2.wladmin.schema" value="WLADMIN"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
117 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.wladmin.username"/c\<property name="database.db2.wladmin.username" value="'$dbusername'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
118 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.worklight.dbname"/c\<property name="database.db2.worklight.dbname" value="WRKLGHT"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
119 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.worklight.schema"/c\<property name="database.db2.worklight.schema" value="WRKLGHT"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
120 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.worklight.username"/c\<property name="database.db2.worklight.username" value="'$dbusername'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
121 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.worklightreports.dbname"/c\<property name="database.db2.worklightreports.dbname" value="WRKLGHT"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
122 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.worklightreports.schema"/c\<property name="database.db2.worklightreports.schema" value="WLREPORT"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
123 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.worklightreports.username"/c\<property name="database.db2.worklightreports.username" value="'$dbusername'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
124 |
sed -i '/"appserver.was.installdir"/c\<property name="appserver.was.installdir" value="'$LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
125 |
sed -i '/"appserver.was85liberty.serverInstance"/c\<property name="appserver.was85liberty.serverInstance" value="worklight"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
126 |
sed -i '/"worklight.project.war.file"/c\<property name="worklight.project.war.file" value="'$CHARM_DIR'/files/archives/test.war"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml |
127 |
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
password=`config-get worklight_passwd` |
132 |
username=`config-get worklight_user` |
133 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Username is $username, Password is $password" |
134 |
135 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Editing server.xml file for updated credentials"
136 |
cp $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight/server_org.xml $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight/server.xml |
137 |
138 |
sed -i '/user name="admin"/c\<user name="'$username'" password="'$password'"/>' $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight/server.xml |
139 |
sed -i '/member name="appcenteradmin"/c\<member name="'$username'"/>' $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight/server.xml |
140 |
141 |
142 |
143 |
#Edit create_database_db2_file
144 |
145 |
146 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Editing create-database-db2.xml file"
147 |
get_db_values_from_interface |
148 |
149 |
150 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.admin.password"/c\<property name="database.db2.admin.password" value="'$dbuserpw'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
151 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.wladmin.password"/c\<property name="database.db2.wladmin.password" value="'$dbuserpw'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
152 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.worklight.password"/c\<property name="database.db2.worklight.password" value="'$dbuserpw'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
153 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.worklightreports.password"/c\<property name="database.db2.worklightreports.password" value="'$dbuserpw'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
154 |
sed -i '/"worklight.server.install.dir"/c\<property name="worklight.server.install.dir" value="'$MobileFirstServer_PATH'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
155 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.host"/c\<property name="database.db2.host" value="'$hostname'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
156 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.port"/c\<property name="database.db2.port" value="'$db2_port'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
157 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.instance"/c\<property name="database.db2.instance" value="'$db2_instance'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
158 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.driver.dir"/c\<property name="database.db2.driver.dir" value="'$CHARM_DIR'/files"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
159 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.admin.username"/c\<property name="database.db2.admin.username" value="'$dbusername'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
160 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.wladmin.dbname"/c\<property name="database.db2.wladmin.dbname" value="WRKLGHT"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
161 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.wladmin.schema"/c\<property name="database.db2.wladmin.schema" value="WLADMIN"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
162 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.wladmin.username"/c\<property name="database.db2.wladmin.username" value="'$dbusername'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
163 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.worklight.dbname"/c\<property name="database.db2.worklight.dbname" value="WRKLGHT"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
164 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.worklight.schema"/c\<property name="database.db2.worklight.schema" value="WRKLGHT"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
165 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.worklight.username"/c\<property name="database.db2.worklight.username" value="'$dbusername'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
166 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.worklightreports.dbname"/c\<property name="database.db2.worklightreports.dbname" value="WRKLGHT"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
167 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.worklightreports.schema"/c\<property name="database.db2.worklightreports.schema" value="WLREPORT"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
168 |
sed -i '/"database.db2.worklightreports.username"/c\<property name="database.db2.worklightreports.username" value="'$dbusername'"/>' $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml |
169 |
170 |
171 |
#Backup the configuration files to reuee it later it required.
172 |
173 |
174 |
cp $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2-orig.xml |
175 |
cp $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2.xml $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/create-database-db2-orig.xml |
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
#Post install configurations.
180 |
181 |
182 |
183 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Editing configure-liberty-db2.xml file"
184 |
edit_configure_liberty_db2_file |
185 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Editing create-database-db2.xml file"
186 |
edit_create_database_db2_file |
187 |
188 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Running ant commands"
189 |
cd $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer/configuration-samples |
190 |
#Run create admdatabases command
191 |
ant -f create-database-db2.xml admdatabases |
192 |
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
193 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: ant create admddatabase command ran successfully"
194 |
195 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: ant create admddatabase command failed to run"
196 |
exit 1 |
197 |
198 |
199 |
#Run create-database-db2.xml databases command
200 |
ant -f create-database-db2.xml databases |
201 |
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
202 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: ant create database command ran successfully"
203 |
204 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: ant create database command failed to run"
205 |
exit 1 |
206 |
207 |
208 |
#Run configure admdatabases command
209 |
ant -f configure-liberty-db2.xml admdatabases |
210 |
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
211 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: ant configure liberty admddatabase command ran successfully"
212 |
213 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: ant configure liberty admddatabase command failed to run"
214 |
exit 1 |
215 |
216 |
#Run configure databases command
217 |
ant -f configure-liberty-db2.xml databases |
218 |
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
219 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: ant configure liberty database command ran successfully"
220 |
221 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: ant configure liberty database command failed to run"
222 |
exit 1 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
#Run adminstall command
226 |
ant -f configure-liberty-db2.xml adminstall |
227 |
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
228 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: ant adminstall command ran successfully"
229 |
230 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: ant adminstall command failed to run"
231 |
exit 1 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
#Run install command to configure sample runtime environment
235 |
ant -f configure-liberty-db2.xml install |
236 |
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
237 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: ant configure install command ran successfully"
238 |
239 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: ant configure install command failed to run"
240 |
exit 1 |
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
#Restart liberty server
246 |
247 |
248 |
if [ -d $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight ]; then |
249 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Restarting server"
250 |
set +e
251 |
$LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/bin/server stop worklight
252 |
if [ $? == 0 ]; then |
253 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Websphere Liberty stopped successfully"
254 |
255 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Server not running"
256 |
257 |
258 |
$LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/bin/server start worklight
259 |
if [ $? == 0 ]; then |
260 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Websphere Liberty started successfully"
261 |
set_state 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.website.started'
262 |
263 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Server is running"
264 |
set_state 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.website.started'
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: server restarted successfully"
269 |
270 |
271 |
272 |
@when 'website.available'
273 |
@when_not 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.website.configured'
274 |
function capture_portdetials(){ |
275 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Website is available"
276 |
#Get the port number from WLP and check whether the port is free and can be used. If not free, use the next one.
277 |
hostname=`relation-get hostname` |
278 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Hostname is $hostname" |
279 |
httpport=`relation-get port` |
280 |
httpsport=`relation-get httpsport` |
281 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Http post = $httpport , Https port = $httpsport" |
282 |
while [ 1 ] |
283 |
284 |
result=`netstat -an | grep $httpport | cut -d"*" -f1` |
285 |
if [ "$result" != "" ]; then |
286 |
httpport=$((httpport+1)) |
287 |
288 |
289 |
290 |
done; |
291 |
while [ 1 ] |
292 |
293 |
result=`netstat -an | grep $httpsport | cut -d"*" -f1` |
294 |
if [ "$result" != "" ]; then |
295 |
httpsport=$((httpsport+1)) |
296 |
297 |
298 |
299 |
done; |
300 |
echo "HttpPort:$httpport" > portdetails.txt |
301 |
echo "HttpsPort:$httpsport" >> portdetails.txt |
302 |
303 |
set_state 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.website.configured'
304 |
305 |
306 |
307 |
@when 'website.available'
308 |
@when 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.installed'
309 |
@when_not 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.website.started'
310 |
function start_worklight_server(){ |
311 |
if [ -d $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight ]; then |
312 |
313 |
$LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/bin/server start worklight
314 |
if [ $? == 0 ]; then |
315 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Websphere Liberty started successfully"
316 |
set_state 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.website.started'
317 |
318 |
319 |
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 |
@when 'website.available'
324 |
@when 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.website.configured'
325 |
@when 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.mobilefirstserverdb.configured'
326 |
@when_not 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.installed'
327 |
function install() { |
328 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: License accepted"
329 |
remove_state 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.uninstalled'
330 |
331 |
httpport=`cat portdetails.txt | grep "HttpPort" | cut -d":" -f2` |
332 |
httpsport=`cat portdetails.txt | grep "HttpsPort" | cut -d":" -f2` |
333 |
juju-log "httpport = $httpport $httpsport" |
334 |
# Get the installable resource
335 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Fetching the ibm_mobilefirst-server_installer resource"
336 |
status-set maintenance "fetching the ibm_mobilefirst-server_installer resource"
337 |
cfg_worklight_pkg_name=`resource-get 'ibm_mobilefirstserver_installer' || echo unavailable` |
338 |
# If we don't have a package, report blocked status; we can't proceed.
339 |
if [ "$cfg_worklight_pkg_name" = "unavailable" ]; then |
340 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: missing required ibm_mobilefirst-server_installer resource"
341 |
status-set blocked "missing required ibm_mobilefirst-server_installer resource"
342 |
exit 0 |
343 |
344 |
# Check for empty packages from Charm store
345 |
ibm_worklight_empty=`file $cfg_worklight_pkg_name | { grep -q empty && echo "True"; } || echo "False"` |
346 |
if [ "$ibm_worklight_empty" = "True" ]; then |
347 |
juju-log "IBM IM: no ibm_worklight to install"
348 |
status-set active "ready"
349 |
exit 0 |
350 |
351 |
352 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: using $cfg_worklight_pkg_name as the ibm_mobilefirst-server_installer resource" |
353 |
PKG_DIR=`dirname $cfg_worklight_pkg_name` |
354 |
juju-log "Archive dir is $PKG_DIR" |
355 |
356 |
cd $PKG_DIR |
357 |
status-set maintenance "Extracting IBM MobileFirst Server package"
358 |
rm -rf MobileFirst_Platform_Server* |
359 |
unzip $PKG_DIR/*.zip
360 |
if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
361 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Unable to extract the MFS package content. Verify whether the package is corrupt."
362 |
status-set blocked "IBM MobileFirst Server package is corrupt"
363 |
#Remove corrupt archive file
364 |
rm -rf $PKG_DIR/*.zip
365 |
exit 0 |
366 |
367 |
if [ -d $PKG_DIR/MobileFirst_Platform_Server/disk1 ]; then |
368 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: MobileFirst server Packages are available for installation."
369 |
#Create worklight server
370 |
create_worklightserver $httpport $httpsport |
371 |
#Edit response file for installation
372 |
edit_responsefile |
373 |
374 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Installing MobileFirst Server package."
375 |
status-set maintenance "Installing IBM MobileFirst Server software"
376 |
cd $IM_INSTALL_PATH/eclipse/tools |
377 |
./imcl input $CHARM_DIR/files/archives/install-MFS-responsefile.xml -acceptLicense -showProgress
378 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Installation of MobileFirst server complete."
379 |
status-set active "Installed IBM MobileFirst Server"
380 |
#Check install successful or not
381 |
if [ -d $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer ]; then |
382 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Install Sucessful and moving to post install configuration"
383 |
backup_configuration_files |
384 |
status-set maintenance "Running Post install configuration steps for IBM MobileFirst Server"
385 |
postworklightinstall_configuration |
386 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Post install configuration is done"
387 |
status-set maintenance "Post install configuration is done"
388 |
#Restart worklight server
389 |
restart_worklightserver |
390 |
set_state 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.installed'
391 |
#Taking a backup of WLP server.xml file
392 |
cp $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight/server.xml $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight/server_org.xml |
393 |
update_usename_serverxml_file |
394 |
status-set active "IBM MFS Installed and is Ready"
395 |
open-port $httpport
396 |
open-port $httpsport
397 |
398 |
399 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Install failed"
400 |
status-set blocked "IBM MobileFirst Server install failed"
401 |
exit 1 |
402 |
403 |
404 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: MobileFirst server Packages are missing. Please check README file."
405 |
status-set blocked "IBM MobileFirst server Packages are missing"
406 |
exit 1 |
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
@when 'mobilefirstserverdb.connected'
411 |
@when_not 'mobilefirstserverdb.ready'
412 |
function send_sshkeys_mobilefirstserverdbs(){ |
413 |
SSH_PATH=/root/.ssh |
414 |
if [ ! -f $SSH_PATH/id_rsa.pub ]; then |
415 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Setting up SSH keys."
416 |
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f $SSH_PATH/id_rsa -N '' |
417 |
418 |
key="`cat $SSH_PATH/id_rsa.pub`" |
419 |
mobilefirstserverdbnames="APPCNTR,WRKLGHT" |
420 |
juju-log "DB names is $mobilefirstserverdbnames" |
421 |
# To pass the SSH key and DB names to DB2 charm
422 |
relation_call --state=mobilefirstserverdb.connected set_ssh_keys "$key" || true |
423 |
relation_call --state=mobilefirstserverdb.connected set_dbs $mobilefirstserverdbnames || true |
424 |
425 |
426 |
@when 'mobilefirstserverdb.ready'
427 |
@when_not 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.mobilefirstserverdb.configured'
428 |
function configure_mobilefirstserverdb(){ |
429 |
430 |
get_db_values_from_interface |
431 |
432 |
if [ -z "$db2_port" ]; then |
433 |
juju-log "No data sent yet"
434 |
exit 0 |
435 |
436 |
437 |
get_db_values_from_interface |
438 |
439 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Got the db2 values : $db2_path $hostname $dbusername $dbuserpw $dbs_created" |
440 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Copying files from remote - Directory: $db2_path Host:$hostname" |
441 |
status-set maintenance "Copying mobilefirstserverdb2 jar files from remote DB2 machine"
442 |
scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null root@$hostname:$db2_path/V10.5/java/db2jcc.jar $CHARM_DIR/files || true |
443 |
scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null root@$hostname:$db2_path/V10.5/java/db2jcc4.jar $CHARM_DIR/files || true |
444 |
scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null root@$hostname:$db2_path/V10.5/java/db2jcc_license_*.jar $CHARM_DIR/files || true |
445 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Copied the files to $CHARM_DIR/files" |
446 |
#Updating the passwords for db connection in the required wlp files if its changed and restarting the worklight server. Don't do this if MFS is not installed.
447 |
if [ -d $MobileFirstServer_PATH/WorklightServer ]; then |
448 |
#Update the password if changed in server.xml file
449 |
newpassword=`cat $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight/server.xml | grep "WRKLGHT" | grep "WLADMIN" | cut -d"}" -f2 | cut -d" " -f1 | tr -d '"'` |
450 |
oldpassword=`cat $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight/server.xml | grep "APPCNTR" | cut -d"}" -f2 | cut -d" " -f1 | tr -d '"'` |
451 |
sed -i s/$oldpassword/$newpassword/g $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight/server.xml |
452 |
status-set maintenance "Server.xml file updated"
453 |
454 |
set_state 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.mobilefirstserverdb.configured'
455 |
456 |
457 |
458 |
@when 'mobilefirstserverdb.departed'
459 |
function stop_mobilefirstserverdb2(){ |
460 |
# If relation with db2 is broken as the DBs related to worklight will be deleted and the login credentilas for the consoles will be lost.
461 |
# Without having the login info from the DB,the user cannot login. The user needs to remove the Mobile First server service and deploy it again.
462 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Removing the jar files when relation is broken"
463 |
rm -rf $CHARM_DIR/files/db2jcc.jar $CHARM_DIR/files/db2jcc4.jar $CHARM_DIR/files/db2jcc_license_*.jar |
464 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: JAR files removed"
465 |
if [ -d $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight ]; then |
466 |
server_status=`ps -ef | grep worklight | grep $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/bin/tools/ws-server.jar | awk '{print $(NF-1),$NF}'` |
467 |
if [ "$server_status" == "$LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/bin/tools/ws-server.jar worklight" ]; then |
468 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: stopping worklight server"
469 |
$LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/bin/server stop worklight
470 |
if [ $? == 0 ]; then |
471 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: worklight server stopped sucessfully"
472 |
remove_state 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.website.started'
473 |
juju-log "Copying the org server.xml file back in website broken fn"
474 |
475 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Failed to stop worklight server"
476 |
exit 0 |
477 |
478 |
479 |
clean_old_installations |
480 |
remove_worklightserver |
481 |
remove_state 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.installed'
482 |
remove_state 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.mobilefirstserverdb.configured'
483 |
484 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Worklight server does not exist"
485 |
486 |
487 |
488 |
489 |
@when 'website.departed'
490 |
function stop_worklight_server(){ |
491 |
#If relation between wlp and worklight is broken( or when MobileFirst Server service is removed) , uninstalling worklight.
492 |
#Otherwise if we set the relation again or deploy MobileFirst server again, the installation goes wrong with traces of old files present
493 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: In website departed function"
494 |
if [ -d $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight ]; then |
495 |
server_status=`ps -ef | grep worklight | grep $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/bin/tools/ws-server.jar | awk '{print $(NF-1),$NF}'` |
496 |
if [ "$server_status" == "$LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/bin/tools/ws-server.jar worklight" ]; then |
497 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: stopping worklight server"
498 |
$LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/bin/server stop worklight
499 |
if [ $? == 0 ]; then |
500 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: worklight server stopped sucessfully"
501 |
remove_state 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.website.started'
502 |
juju-log "Copying the org server.xml file back in website broken fn"
503 |
504 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Failed to stop worklight server"
505 |
exit 0 |
506 |
507 |
508 |
clean_old_installations |
509 |
remove_worklightserver |
510 |
remove_state 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.installed'
511 |
remove_state 'ibm-mobilefirst-server.mobilefirstserverdb.configured'
512 |
513 |
juju-log "IBM MFS: Worklight server does not exist"
514 |
515 |
516 |
517 |
518 |
@when_not_all 'config.default.worklight_user' 'config.default.worklight_passwd' |
519 |
@when_any 'config.changed.worklight_user' 'config.changed.worklight_passwd' |
520 |
function create_new_userpassword(){ |
521 |
# Change only if worklight is installed
522 |
if [ -d $LIBERTY_INSTALL_PATH/usr/servers/worklight ]; then |
523 |
juju-log "Creating new User/Password"
524 |
status-set active "Updating User Credentials"
525 |
update_usename_serverxml_file |
526 |
status-set active "IBM MFS Updated"
527 |
528 |
529 |
530 |
531 |
reactive_handler_main |