/****************************************************** XtraBackup: The another hot backup tool for InnoDB (c) 2009 Percona Inc. Created 3/3/2009 Yasufumi Kinoshita *******************************************************/ #ifndef XTRABACKUP_VERSION #define XTRABACKUP_VERSION "undefined" #endif #ifndef XTRABACKUP_REVISION #define XTRABACKUP_REVISION "undefined" #endif //#define XTRABACKUP_TARGET_IS_PLUGIN #include #include #include #include #if (MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 50100) #define G_PTR gptr #else /* MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 51000 */ #define G_PTR uchar* #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT #include #endif #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT #define IB_INT64 ib_longlong #define LSN64 dulint #define MACH_READ_64 mach_read_from_8 #define MACH_WRITE_64 mach_write_to_8 #else #define IB_INT64 ib_int64_t #define LSN64 ib_uint64_t #define MACH_READ_64 mach_read_ull #define MACH_WRITE_64 mach_write_ull #define ut_dulint_zero 0 #define ut_dulint_cmp(A, B) (A > B ? 1 : (A == B ? 0 : -1)) #define ut_dulint_add(A, B) (A + B) #define ut_dulint_minus(A, B) (A - B) #define ut_dulint_align_down(A, B) (A & ~((ib_int64_t)B - 1)) #define ut_dulint_align_up(A, B) ((A + B - 1) & ~((ib_int64_t)B - 1)) #endif #ifdef __WIN__ #define SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR '\\' #define SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR "\\" #else #define SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR '/' #define SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR "/" #endif /* prototypes for static functions in original */ #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT page_t* btr_node_ptr_get_child( /*===================*/ /* out: child page, x-latched */ rec_t* node_ptr,/* in: node pointer */ const ulint* offsets,/* in: array returned by rec_get_offsets() */ mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mtr */ #else buf_block_t* btr_node_ptr_get_child( /*===================*/ const rec_t* node_ptr,/*!< in: node pointer */ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */ const ulint* offsets,/*!< in: array returned by rec_get_offsets() */ mtr_t* mtr); /*!< in: mtr */ buf_block_t* btr_root_block_get( /*===============*/ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index tree */ mtr_t* mtr); /*!< in: mtr */ #endif int fil_file_readdir_next_file( /*=======================*/ /* out: 0 if ok, -1 if error even after the retries, 1 if at the end of the directory */ ulint* err, /* out: this is set to DB_ERROR if an error was encountered, otherwise not changed */ const char* dirname,/* in: directory name or path */ os_file_dir_t dir, /* in: directory stream */ os_file_stat_t* info); /* in/out: buffer where the info is returned */ ibool recv_check_cp_is_consistent( /*========================*/ /* out: TRUE if ok */ byte* buf); /* in: buffer containing checkpoint info */ ulint recv_find_max_checkpoint( /*=====================*/ /* out: error code or DB_SUCCESS */ log_group_t** max_group, /* out: max group */ ulint* max_field); /* out: LOG_CHECKPOINT_1 or LOG_CHECKPOINT_2 */ ibool log_block_checksum_is_ok_or_old_format( /*===================================*/ /* out: TRUE if ok, or if the log block may be in the format of InnoDB version < 3.23.52 */ byte* block); /* in: pointer to a log block */ ulint open_or_create_log_file( /*====================*/ /* out: DB_SUCCESS or error code */ ibool create_new_db, /* in: TRUE if we should create a new database */ ibool* log_file_created, /* out: TRUE if new log file created */ ibool log_file_has_been_opened,/* in: TRUE if a log file has been opened before: then it is an error to try to create another log file */ ulint k, /* in: log group number */ ulint i); /* in: log file number in group */ ulint open_or_create_data_files( /*======================*/ /* out: DB_SUCCESS or error code */ ibool* create_new_db, /* out: TRUE if new database should be created */ #ifdef UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE ulint* min_arch_log_no,/* out: min of archived log numbers in data files */ ulint* max_arch_log_no,/* out: */ #endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */ LSN64* min_flushed_lsn,/* out: min of flushed lsn values in data files */ LSN64* max_flushed_lsn,/* out: */ ulint* sum_of_new_sizes);/* out: sum of sizes of the new files added */ void os_file_set_nocache( /*================*/ int fd, /* in: file descriptor to alter */ const char* file_name, /* in: used in the diagnostic message */ const char* operation_name); /* in: used in the diagnostic message, we call os_file_set_nocache() immediately after opening or creating a file, so this is either "open" or "create" */ #include #include #ifdef POSIX_FADV_NORMAL #define USE_POSIX_FADVISE #endif /* ==start === definition at fil0fil.c === */ // ################################################################## // NOTE: We should check the following definitions fit to the source. // ################################################################## #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT //5.0 5.1 /* File node of a tablespace or the log data space */ struct fil_node_struct { fil_space_t* space; /* backpointer to the space where this node belongs */ char* name; /* path to the file */ ibool open; /* TRUE if file open */ os_file_t handle; /* OS handle to the file, if file open */ ibool is_raw_disk;/* TRUE if the 'file' is actually a raw device or a raw disk partition */ ulint size; /* size of the file in database pages, 0 if not known yet; the possible last incomplete megabyte may be ignored if space == 0 */ ulint n_pending; /* count of pending i/o's on this file; closing of the file is not allowed if this is > 0 */ ulint n_pending_flushes; /* count of pending flushes on this file; closing of the file is not allowed if this is > 0 */ ib_longlong modification_counter;/* when we write to the file we increment this by one */ ib_longlong flush_counter;/* up to what modification_counter value we have flushed the modifications to disk */ UT_LIST_NODE_T(fil_node_t) chain; /* link field for the file chain */ UT_LIST_NODE_T(fil_node_t) LRU; /* link field for the LRU list */ ulint magic_n; }; struct fil_space_struct { char* name; /* space name = the path to the first file in it */ ulint id; /* space id */ ib_longlong tablespace_version; /* in DISCARD/IMPORT this timestamp is used to check if we should ignore an insert buffer merge request for a page because it actually was for the previous incarnation of the space */ ibool mark; /* this is set to TRUE at database startup if the space corresponds to a table in the InnoDB data dictionary; so we can print a warning of orphaned tablespaces */ ibool stop_ios;/* TRUE if we want to rename the .ibd file of tablespace and want to stop temporarily posting of new i/o requests on the file */ ibool stop_ibuf_merges; /* we set this TRUE when we start deleting a single-table tablespace */ ibool is_being_deleted; /* this is set to TRUE when we start deleting a single-table tablespace and its file; when this flag is set no further i/o or flush requests can be placed on this space, though there may be such requests still being processed on this space */ ulint purpose;/* FIL_TABLESPACE, FIL_LOG, or FIL_ARCH_LOG */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(fil_node_t) chain; /* base node for the file chain */ ulint size; /* space size in pages; 0 if a single-table tablespace whose size we do not know yet; last incomplete megabytes in data files may be ignored if space == 0 */ ulint n_reserved_extents; /* number of reserved free extents for ongoing operations like B-tree page split */ ulint n_pending_flushes; /* this is > 0 when flushing the tablespace to disk; dropping of the tablespace is forbidden if this is > 0 */ ulint n_pending_ibuf_merges;/* this is > 0 when merging insert buffer entries to a page so that we may need to access the ibuf bitmap page in the tablespade: dropping of the tablespace is forbidden if this is > 0 */ hash_node_t hash; /* hash chain node */ hash_node_t name_hash;/* hash chain the name_hash table */ rw_lock_t latch; /* latch protecting the file space storage allocation */ UT_LIST_NODE_T(fil_space_t) unflushed_spaces; /* list of spaces with at least one unflushed file we have written to */ ibool is_in_unflushed_spaces; /* TRUE if this space is currently in the list above */ UT_LIST_NODE_T(fil_space_t) space_list; /* list of all spaces */ ibuf_data_t* ibuf_data; /* insert buffer data */ ulint magic_n; }; typedef struct fil_system_struct fil_system_t; struct fil_system_struct { mutex_t mutex; /* The mutex protecting the cache */ hash_table_t* spaces; /* The hash table of spaces in the system; they are hashed on the space id */ hash_table_t* name_hash; /* hash table based on the space name */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(fil_node_t) LRU; /* base node for the LRU list of the most recently used open files with no pending i/o's; if we start an i/o on the file, we first remove it from this list, and return it to the start of the list when the i/o ends; log files and the system tablespace are not put to this list: they are opened after the startup, and kept open until shutdown */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(fil_space_t) unflushed_spaces; /* base node for the list of those tablespaces whose files contain unflushed writes; those spaces have at least one file node where modification_counter > flush_counter */ ulint n_open; /* number of files currently open */ ulint max_n_open; /* n_open is not allowed to exceed this */ ib_longlong modification_counter;/* when we write to a file we increment this by one */ ulint max_assigned_id;/* maximum space id in the existing tables, or assigned during the time mysqld has been up; at an InnoDB startup we scan the data dictionary and set here the maximum of the space id's of the tables there */ ib_longlong tablespace_version; /* a counter which is incremented for every space object memory creation; every space mem object gets a 'timestamp' from this; in DISCARD/ IMPORT this is used to check if we should ignore an insert buffer merge request */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(fil_space_t) space_list; /* list of all file spaces */ }; #else //Plugin ? /** File node of a tablespace or the log data space */ struct fil_node_struct { fil_space_t* space; /*!< backpointer to the space where this node belongs */ char* name; /*!< path to the file */ ibool open; /*!< TRUE if file open */ os_file_t handle; /*!< OS handle to the file, if file open */ ibool is_raw_disk;/*!< TRUE if the 'file' is actually a raw device or a raw disk partition */ ulint size; /*!< size of the file in database pages, 0 if not known yet; the possible last incomplete megabyte may be ignored if space == 0 */ ulint n_pending; /*!< count of pending i/o's on this file; closing of the file is not allowed if this is > 0 */ ulint n_pending_flushes; /*!< count of pending flushes on this file; closing of the file is not allowed if this is > 0 */ ib_int64_t modification_counter;/*!< when we write to the file we increment this by one */ ib_int64_t flush_counter;/*!< up to what modification_counter value we have flushed the modifications to disk */ UT_LIST_NODE_T(fil_node_t) chain; /*!< link field for the file chain */ UT_LIST_NODE_T(fil_node_t) LRU; /*!< link field for the LRU list */ ulint magic_n;/*!< FIL_NODE_MAGIC_N */ }; struct fil_space_struct { char* name; /*!< space name = the path to the first file in it */ ulint id; /*!< space id */ ib_int64_t tablespace_version; /*!< in DISCARD/IMPORT this timestamp is used to check if we should ignore an insert buffer merge request for a page because it actually was for the previous incarnation of the space */ ibool mark; /*!< this is set to TRUE at database startup if the space corresponds to a table in the InnoDB data dictionary; so we can print a warning of orphaned tablespaces */ ibool stop_ios;/*!< TRUE if we want to rename the .ibd file of tablespace and want to stop temporarily posting of new i/o requests on the file */ ibool stop_ibuf_merges; /*!< we set this TRUE when we start deleting a single-table tablespace */ ibool is_being_deleted; /*!< this is set to TRUE when we start deleting a single-table tablespace and its file; when this flag is set no further i/o or flush requests can be placed on this space, though there may be such requests still being processed on this space */ ulint purpose;/*!< FIL_TABLESPACE, FIL_LOG, or FIL_ARCH_LOG */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(fil_node_t) chain; /*!< base node for the file chain */ ulint size; /*!< space size in pages; 0 if a single-table tablespace whose size we do not know yet; last incomplete megabytes in data files may be ignored if space == 0 */ ulint flags; /*!< compressed page size and file format, or 0 */ ulint n_reserved_extents; /*!< number of reserved free extents for ongoing operations like B-tree page split */ ulint n_pending_flushes; /*!< this is positive when flushing the tablespace to disk; dropping of the tablespace is forbidden if this is positive */ ulint n_pending_ibuf_merges;/*!< this is positive when merging insert buffer entries to a page so that we may need to access the ibuf bitmap page in the tablespade: dropping of the tablespace is forbidden if this is positive */ hash_node_t hash; /*!< hash chain node */ hash_node_t name_hash;/*!< hash chain the name_hash table */ #ifndef UNIV_HOTBACKUP rw_lock_t latch; /*!< latch protecting the file space storage allocation */ #endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */ UT_LIST_NODE_T(fil_space_t) unflushed_spaces; /*!< list of spaces with at least one unflushed file we have written to */ ibool is_in_unflushed_spaces; /*!< TRUE if this space is currently in unflushed_spaces */ #ifdef XTRADB_BASED ibool is_corrupt; #endif UT_LIST_NODE_T(fil_space_t) space_list; /*!< list of all spaces */ ulint magic_n;/*!< FIL_SPACE_MAGIC_N */ }; typedef struct fil_system_struct fil_system_t; struct fil_system_struct { #ifndef UNIV_HOTBACKUP mutex_t mutex; /*!< The mutex protecting the cache */ #endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */ hash_table_t* spaces; /*!< The hash table of spaces in the system; they are hashed on the space id */ hash_table_t* name_hash; /*!< hash table based on the space name */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(fil_node_t) LRU; /*!< base node for the LRU list of the most recently used open files with no pending i/o's; if we start an i/o on the file, we first remove it from this list, and return it to the start of the list when the i/o ends; log files and the system tablespace are not put to this list: they are opened after the startup, and kept open until shutdown */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(fil_space_t) unflushed_spaces; /*!< base node for the list of those tablespaces whose files contain unflushed writes; those spaces have at least one file node where modification_counter > flush_counter */ ulint n_open; /*!< number of files currently open */ ulint max_n_open; /*!< n_open is not allowed to exceed this */ ib_int64_t modification_counter;/*!< when we write to a file we increment this by one */ ulint max_assigned_id;/*!< maximum space id in the existing tables, or assigned during the time mysqld has been up; at an InnoDB startup we scan the data dictionary and set here the maximum of the space id's of the tables there */ ib_int64_t tablespace_version; /*!< a counter which is incremented for every space object memory creation; every space mem object gets a 'timestamp' from this; in DISCARD/ IMPORT this is used to check if we should ignore an insert buffer merge request */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(fil_space_t) space_list; /*!< list of all file spaces */ }; #endif /* INNODB_VERSION_SHORT */ extern fil_system_t* fil_system; /* ==end=== definition at fil0fil.c === */ my_bool innodb_inited= 0; /* === xtrabackup specific options === */ char xtrabackup_real_target_dir[FN_REFLEN] = "./xtrabackup_backupfiles/"; char *xtrabackup_target_dir= xtrabackup_real_target_dir; my_bool xtrabackup_backup = FALSE; my_bool xtrabackup_stats = FALSE; my_bool xtrabackup_prepare = FALSE; my_bool xtrabackup_print_param = FALSE; my_bool xtrabackup_export = FALSE; my_bool xtrabackup_suspend_at_end = FALSE; longlong xtrabackup_use_memory = 100*1024*1024L; my_bool xtrabackup_create_ib_logfile = FALSE; long xtrabackup_throttle = 0; /* 0:unlimited */ lint io_ticket; os_event_t wait_throttle = NULL; my_bool xtrabackup_stream = FALSE; char *xtrabackup_incremental = NULL; LSN64 incremental_lsn; LSN64 incremental_to_lsn; byte* incremental_buffer = NULL; byte* incremental_buffer_base = NULL; char *xtrabackup_incremental_basedir = NULL; /* for --backup */ char *xtrabackup_incremental_dir = NULL; /* for --prepare */ char *xtrabackup_tables = NULL; regex_t tables_regex; regmatch_t tables_regmatch[1]; #ifdef XTRADB_BASED static ulint n[SRV_MAX_N_IO_THREADS + 6 + 64]; static os_thread_id_t thread_ids[SRV_MAX_N_IO_THREADS + 6 + 64]; #else static ulint n[SRV_MAX_N_IO_THREADS + 6]; static os_thread_id_t thread_ids[SRV_MAX_N_IO_THREADS + 6]; #endif LSN64 checkpoint_lsn_start; LSN64 checkpoint_no_start; LSN64 log_copy_scanned_lsn; IB_INT64 log_copy_offset = 0; ibool log_copying = TRUE; ibool log_copying_running = FALSE; ibool log_copying_succeed = FALSE; ibool xtrabackup_logfile_is_renamed = FALSE; /* === metadata of backup === */ #define XTRABACKUP_METADATA_FILENAME "xtrabackup_checkpoints" char metadata_type[30] = ""; /*[full-backuped|full-prepared|incremental]*/ #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT dulint metadata_from_lsn = {0, 0}; dulint metadata_to_lsn = {0, 0}; #else ib_uint64_t metadata_from_lsn = 0; ib_uint64_t metadata_to_lsn = 0; #endif /* === sharing with thread === */ os_file_t dst_log = -1; char dst_log_path[FN_REFLEN]; /* === some variables from mysqld === */ char mysql_real_data_home[FN_REFLEN] = "./"; char *mysql_data_home= mysql_real_data_home; static char mysql_data_home_buff[2]; char *opt_mysql_tmpdir = NULL; MY_TMPDIR mysql_tmpdir_list; /* === static parameters in ha_innodb.cc */ #define HA_INNOBASE_ROWS_IN_TABLE 10000 /* to get optimization right */ #define HA_INNOBASE_RANGE_COUNT 100 ulong innobase_large_page_size = 0; /* The default values for the following, type long or longlong, start-up parameters are declared in mysqld.cc: */ long innobase_additional_mem_pool_size = 1*1024*1024L; long innobase_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb = 0; long innobase_file_io_threads = 4; long innobase_read_io_threads = 4; long innobase_write_io_threads = 4; long innobase_force_recovery = 0; long innobase_lock_wait_timeout = 50; long innobase_log_buffer_size = 1024*1024L; long innobase_log_files_in_group = 2; long innobase_log_files_in_group_backup; long innobase_mirrored_log_groups = 1; long innobase_open_files = 300L; long innobase_page_size = (1 << 14); /* 16KB */ my_bool innobase_fast_checksum = FALSE; my_bool innobase_extra_undoslots = FALSE; char* innobase_doublewrite_file = NULL; longlong innobase_buffer_pool_size = 8*1024*1024L; longlong innobase_log_file_size = 5*1024*1024L; longlong innobase_log_file_size_backup; /* The default values for the following char* start-up parameters are determined in innobase_init below: */ char* innobase_data_home_dir = NULL; char* innobase_data_file_path = NULL; char* innobase_log_group_home_dir = NULL; char* innobase_log_group_home_dir_backup = NULL; char* innobase_log_arch_dir = NULL;/* unused */ /* The following has a misleading name: starting from 4.0.5, this also affects Windows: */ char* innobase_unix_file_flush_method = NULL; /* Below we have boolean-valued start-up parameters, and their default values */ ulong innobase_fast_shutdown = 1; my_bool innobase_log_archive = FALSE;/* unused */ my_bool innobase_use_doublewrite = TRUE; my_bool innobase_use_checksums = TRUE; my_bool innobase_use_large_pages = FALSE; my_bool innobase_use_native_aio = FALSE; my_bool innobase_file_per_table = FALSE; my_bool innobase_locks_unsafe_for_binlog = FALSE; my_bool innobase_rollback_on_timeout = FALSE; my_bool innobase_create_status_file = FALSE; my_bool innobase_adaptive_hash_index = TRUE; static char *internal_innobase_data_file_path = NULL; /* The following counter is used to convey information to InnoDB about server activity: in selects it is not sensible to call srv_active_wake_master_thread after each fetch or search, we only do it every INNOBASE_WAKE_INTERVAL'th step. */ #define INNOBASE_WAKE_INTERVAL 32 ulong innobase_active_counter = 0; /* ======== for option and variables ======== */ enum options_xtrabackup { OPT_XTRA_TARGET_DIR=256, OPT_XTRA_BACKUP, OPT_XTRA_STATS, OPT_XTRA_PREPARE, OPT_XTRA_EXPORT, OPT_XTRA_PRINT_PARAM, OPT_XTRA_SUSPEND_AT_END, OPT_XTRA_USE_MEMORY, OPT_XTRA_THROTTLE, OPT_XTRA_STREAM, OPT_XTRA_INCREMENTAL, OPT_XTRA_INCREMENTAL_BASEDIR, OPT_XTRA_INCREMENTAL_DIR, OPT_XTRA_TABLES, OPT_XTRA_CREATE_IB_LOGFILE, OPT_INNODB_CHECKSUMS, OPT_INNODB_DATA_FILE_PATH, OPT_INNODB_DATA_HOME_DIR, OPT_INNODB_ADAPTIVE_HASH_INDEX, OPT_INNODB_DOUBLEWRITE, OPT_INNODB_FAST_SHUTDOWN, OPT_INNODB_FILE_PER_TABLE, OPT_INNODB_FLUSH_LOG_AT_TRX_COMMIT, OPT_INNODB_FLUSH_METHOD, OPT_INNODB_LOCKS_UNSAFE_FOR_BINLOG, OPT_INNODB_LOG_ARCH_DIR, OPT_INNODB_LOG_ARCHIVE, OPT_INNODB_LOG_GROUP_HOME_DIR, OPT_INNODB_MAX_DIRTY_PAGES_PCT, OPT_INNODB_MAX_PURGE_LAG, OPT_INNODB_ROLLBACK_ON_TIMEOUT, OPT_INNODB_STATUS_FILE, OPT_INNODB_ADDITIONAL_MEM_POOL_SIZE, OPT_INNODB_AUTOEXTEND_INCREMENT, OPT_INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE, OPT_INNODB_COMMIT_CONCURRENCY, OPT_INNODB_CONCURRENCY_TICKETS, OPT_INNODB_FILE_IO_THREADS, #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT OPT_INNODB_IO_CAPACITY, OPT_INNODB_READ_IO_THREADS, OPT_INNODB_WRITE_IO_THREADS, #endif #ifdef XTRADB_BASED OPT_INNODB_PAGE_SIZE, OPT_INNODB_FAST_CHECKSUM, OPT_INNODB_EXTRA_UNDOSLOTS, OPT_INNODB_DOUBLEWRITE_FILE, #endif OPT_INNODB_FORCE_RECOVERY, OPT_INNODB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT, OPT_INNODB_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE, OPT_INNODB_LOG_FILE_SIZE, OPT_INNODB_LOG_FILES_IN_GROUP, OPT_INNODB_MIRRORED_LOG_GROUPS, OPT_INNODB_OPEN_FILES, OPT_INNODB_SYNC_SPIN_LOOPS, OPT_INNODB_THREAD_CONCURRENCY, OPT_INNODB_THREAD_SLEEP_DELAY }; static struct my_option my_long_options[] = { {"target-dir", OPT_XTRA_TARGET_DIR, "destination directory", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_target_dir, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_target_dir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"backup", OPT_XTRA_BACKUP, "take backup to target-dir", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_backup, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_backup, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"stats", OPT_XTRA_STATS, "calc statistic of datadir (offline mysqld is recommended)", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_stats, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_stats, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"prepare", OPT_XTRA_PREPARE, "prepare a backup for starting mysql server on the backup.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_prepare, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_prepare, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"export", OPT_XTRA_EXPORT, "create files to import to another database when prepare.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_export, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_export, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"print-param", OPT_XTRA_PRINT_PARAM, "print parameter of mysqld needed for copyback.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_print_param, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_print_param, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"use-memory", OPT_XTRA_USE_MEMORY, "The value is used instead of buffer_pool_size", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_use_memory, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_use_memory, 0, GET_LL, REQUIRED_ARG, 100*1024*1024L, 1024*1024L, LONGLONG_MAX, 0, 1024*1024L, 0}, {"suspend-at-end", OPT_XTRA_SUSPEND_AT_END, "creates a file 'xtrabackup_suspended' and waits until the user deletes that file at the end of '--backup'", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_suspend_at_end, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_suspend_at_end, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"throttle", OPT_XTRA_THROTTLE, "limit count of IO operations (pairs of read&write) per second to IOS values (for '--backup')", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_throttle, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_throttle, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, LONG_MAX, 0, 1, 0}, {"log-stream", OPT_XTRA_STREAM, "outputs the contents of 'xtrabackup_logfile' to stdout only until the file 'xtrabackup_suspended' deleted (for '--backup').", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_stream, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_stream, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"incremental-lsn", OPT_XTRA_INCREMENTAL, "(for --backup): copy only .ibd pages newer than specified LSN 'high:low'. ##ATTENTION##: checkpoint lsn must be used. anyone can detect your mistake. be carefully!", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_incremental, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_incremental, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"incremental-basedir", OPT_XTRA_INCREMENTAL_BASEDIR, "(for --backup): copy only .ibd pages newer than backup at specified directory.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_incremental_basedir, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_incremental_basedir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"incremental-dir", OPT_XTRA_INCREMENTAL_DIR, "(for --prepare): apply .delta files and logfile in the specified directory.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_incremental_dir, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_incremental_dir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"tables", OPT_XTRA_TABLES, "filtering by regexp for table names.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_tables, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_tables, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"create-ib-logfile", OPT_XTRA_CREATE_IB_LOGFILE, "** not work for now** creates ib_logfile* also after '--prepare'. ### If you want create ib_logfile*, only re-execute this command in same options. ###", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_create_ib_logfile, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_create_ib_logfile, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"datadir", 'h', "Path to the database root.", (G_PTR*) &mysql_data_home, (G_PTR*) &mysql_data_home, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"tmpdir", 't', "Path for temporary files. Several paths may be specified, separated by a " #if defined(__WIN__) || defined(OS2) || defined(__NETWARE__) "semicolon (;)" #else "colon (:)" #endif ", in this case they are used in a round-robin fashion.", (G_PTR*) &opt_mysql_tmpdir, (G_PTR*) &opt_mysql_tmpdir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_adaptive_hash_index", OPT_INNODB_ADAPTIVE_HASH_INDEX, "Enable InnoDB adaptive hash index (enabled by default). " "Disable with --skip-innodb-adaptive-hash-index.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_adaptive_hash_index, (G_PTR*) &innobase_adaptive_hash_index, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_additional_mem_pool_size", OPT_INNODB_ADDITIONAL_MEM_POOL_SIZE, "Size of a memory pool InnoDB uses to store data dictionary information and other internal data structures.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_additional_mem_pool_size, (G_PTR*) &innobase_additional_mem_pool_size, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 1*1024*1024L, 512*1024L, LONG_MAX, 0, 1024, 0}, {"innodb_autoextend_increment", OPT_INNODB_AUTOEXTEND_INCREMENT, "Data file autoextend increment in megabytes", (G_PTR*) &srv_auto_extend_increment, (G_PTR*) &srv_auto_extend_increment, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 8L, 1L, 1000L, 0, 1L, 0}, {"innodb_buffer_pool_size", OPT_INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE, "The size of the memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tables.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_buffer_pool_size, (G_PTR*) &innobase_buffer_pool_size, 0, GET_LL, REQUIRED_ARG, 8*1024*1024L, 1024*1024L, LONGLONG_MAX, 0, 1024*1024L, 0}, {"innodb_checksums", OPT_INNODB_CHECKSUMS, "Enable InnoDB checksums validation (enabled by default). \ Disable with --skip-innodb-checksums.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_use_checksums, (G_PTR*) &innobase_use_checksums, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /* {"innodb_commit_concurrency", OPT_INNODB_COMMIT_CONCURRENCY, "Helps in performance tuning in heavily concurrent environments.", (G_PTR*) &srv_commit_concurrency, (G_PTR*) &srv_commit_concurrency, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 1, 0}, */ /* {"innodb_concurrency_tickets", OPT_INNODB_CONCURRENCY_TICKETS, "Number of times a thread is allowed to enter InnoDB within the same \ SQL query after it has once got the ticket", (G_PTR*) &srv_n_free_tickets_to_enter, (G_PTR*) &srv_n_free_tickets_to_enter, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 500L, 1L, ULONG_MAX, 0, 1L, 0}, */ {"innodb_data_file_path", OPT_INNODB_DATA_FILE_PATH, "Path to individual files and their sizes.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_data_file_path, (G_PTR*) &innobase_data_file_path, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_data_home_dir", OPT_INNODB_DATA_HOME_DIR, "The common part for InnoDB table spaces.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_data_home_dir, (G_PTR*) &innobase_data_home_dir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_doublewrite", OPT_INNODB_DOUBLEWRITE, "Enable InnoDB doublewrite buffer (enabled by default). \ Disable with --skip-innodb-doublewrite.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_use_doublewrite, (G_PTR*) &innobase_use_doublewrite, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT {"innodb_io_capacity", OPT_INNODB_IO_CAPACITY, "Number of IOPs the server can do. Tunes the background IO rate", (G_PTR*) &srv_io_capacity, (G_PTR*) &srv_io_capacity, 0, GET_ULONG, OPT_ARG, 200, 100, ~0L, 0, 0, 0}, #endif /* {"innodb_fast_shutdown", OPT_INNODB_FAST_SHUTDOWN, "Speeds up the shutdown process of the InnoDB storage engine. Possible " "values are 0, 1 (faster)" " or 2 (fastest - crash-like)" ".", (G_PTR*) &innobase_fast_shutdown, (G_PTR*) &innobase_fast_shutdown, 0, GET_ULONG, OPT_ARG, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0}, */ {"innodb_file_io_threads", OPT_INNODB_FILE_IO_THREADS, "Number of file I/O threads in InnoDB.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_file_io_threads, (G_PTR*) &innobase_file_io_threads, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 4, 4, 64, 0, 1, 0}, #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT {"innodb_read_io_threads", OPT_INNODB_READ_IO_THREADS, "Number of background read I/O threads in InnoDB.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_read_io_threads, (G_PTR*) &innobase_read_io_threads, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 4, 1, 64, 0, 1, 0}, {"innodb_write_io_threads", OPT_INNODB_WRITE_IO_THREADS, "Number of background write I/O threads in InnoDB.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_write_io_threads, (G_PTR*) &innobase_write_io_threads, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 4, 1, 64, 0, 1, 0}, #endif {"innodb_file_per_table", OPT_INNODB_FILE_PER_TABLE, "Stores each InnoDB table to an .ibd file in the database dir.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_file_per_table, (G_PTR*) &innobase_file_per_table, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit", OPT_INNODB_FLUSH_LOG_AT_TRX_COMMIT, "Set to 0 (write and flush once per second), 1 (write and flush at each commit) or 2 (write at commit, flush once per second).", (G_PTR*) &srv_flush_log_at_trx_commit, (G_PTR*) &srv_flush_log_at_trx_commit, 0, GET_ULONG, OPT_ARG, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_flush_method", OPT_INNODB_FLUSH_METHOD, "With which method to flush data.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_unix_file_flush_method, (G_PTR*) &innobase_unix_file_flush_method, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /* ####### Should we use this option? ####### */ {"innodb_force_recovery", OPT_INNODB_FORCE_RECOVERY, "Helps to save your data in case the disk image of the database becomes corrupt.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_force_recovery, (G_PTR*) &innobase_force_recovery, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 6, 0, 1, 0}, {"innodb_lock_wait_timeout", OPT_INNODB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT, "Timeout in seconds an InnoDB transaction may wait for a lock before being rolled back.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_lock_wait_timeout, (G_PTR*) &innobase_lock_wait_timeout, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 50, 1, 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 0, 1, 0}, /* {"innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog", OPT_INNODB_LOCKS_UNSAFE_FOR_BINLOG, "Force InnoDB not to use next-key locking. Instead use only row-level locking", (G_PTR*) &innobase_locks_unsafe_for_binlog, (G_PTR*) &innobase_locks_unsafe_for_binlog, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, */ /* {"innodb_log_arch_dir", OPT_INNODB_LOG_ARCH_DIR, "Where full logs should be archived.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_log_arch_dir, (G_PTR*) &innobase_log_arch_dir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, */ {"innodb_log_buffer_size", OPT_INNODB_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE, "The size of the buffer which InnoDB uses to write log to the log files on disk.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_log_buffer_size, (G_PTR*) &innobase_log_buffer_size, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 1024*1024L, 256*1024L, LONG_MAX, 0, 1024, 0}, {"innodb_log_file_size", OPT_INNODB_LOG_FILE_SIZE, "Size of each log file in a log group.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_log_file_size, (G_PTR*) &innobase_log_file_size, 0, GET_LL, REQUIRED_ARG, 5*1024*1024L, 1*1024*1024L, LONGLONG_MAX, 0, 1024*1024L, 0}, {"innodb_log_files_in_group", OPT_INNODB_LOG_FILES_IN_GROUP, "Number of log files in the log group. InnoDB writes to the files in a circular fashion. Value 3 is recommended here.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_log_files_in_group, (G_PTR*) &innobase_log_files_in_group, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 2, 2, 100, 0, 1, 0}, {"innodb_log_group_home_dir", OPT_INNODB_LOG_GROUP_HOME_DIR, "Path to InnoDB log files.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_log_group_home_dir, (G_PTR*) &innobase_log_group_home_dir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct", OPT_INNODB_MAX_DIRTY_PAGES_PCT, "Percentage of dirty pages allowed in bufferpool.", (G_PTR*) &srv_max_buf_pool_modified_pct, (G_PTR*) &srv_max_buf_pool_modified_pct, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 90, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0}, /* {"innodb_max_purge_lag", OPT_INNODB_MAX_PURGE_LAG, "Desired maximum length of the purge queue (0 = no limit)", (G_PTR*) &srv_max_purge_lag, (G_PTR*) &srv_max_purge_lag, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, ULONG_MAX, 0, 1L, 0}, */ /* {"innodb_mirrored_log_groups", OPT_INNODB_MIRRORED_LOG_GROUPS, "Number of identical copies of log groups we keep for the database. Currently this should be set to 1.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_mirrored_log_groups, (G_PTR*) &innobase_mirrored_log_groups, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 1, 1, 10, 0, 1, 0}, */ {"innodb_open_files", OPT_INNODB_OPEN_FILES, "How many files at the maximum InnoDB keeps open at the same time.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_open_files, (G_PTR*) &innobase_open_files, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 300L, 10L, LONG_MAX, 0, 1L, 0}, #ifdef XTRADB_BASED {"innodb_page_size", OPT_INNODB_PAGE_SIZE, "The universal page size of the database.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_page_size, (G_PTR*) &innobase_page_size, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, (1 << 14), (1 << 12), (1 << UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX), 0, 1L, 0}, {"innodb_fast_checksum", OPT_INNODB_FAST_CHECKSUM, "Change the algorithm of checksum for the whole of datapage to 4-bytes word based.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_fast_checksum, (G_PTR*) &innobase_fast_checksum, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_extra_undoslots", OPT_INNODB_EXTRA_UNDOSLOTS, "Enable to use about 4000 undo slots instead of default 1024. Not recommended to use, " "Because it is not change back to disable, once it is used.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_extra_undoslots, (G_PTR*) &innobase_extra_undoslots, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_doublewrite_file", OPT_INNODB_DOUBLEWRITE_FILE, "Path to special datafile for doublewrite buffer. (default is "": not used)", (G_PTR*) &innobase_doublewrite_file, (G_PTR*) &innobase_doublewrite_file, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, #endif /* {"innodb_rollback_on_timeout", OPT_INNODB_ROLLBACK_ON_TIMEOUT, "Roll back the complete transaction on lock wait timeout, for 4.x compatibility (disabled by default)", (G_PTR*) &innobase_rollback_on_timeout, (G_PTR*) &innobase_rollback_on_timeout, 0, GET_BOOL, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, */ /* {"innodb_status_file", OPT_INNODB_STATUS_FILE, "Enable SHOW INNODB STATUS output in the innodb_status. file", (G_PTR*) &innobase_create_status_file, (G_PTR*) &innobase_create_status_file, 0, GET_BOOL, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, */ /* {"innodb_sync_spin_loops", OPT_INNODB_SYNC_SPIN_LOOPS, "Count of spin-loop rounds in InnoDB mutexes", (G_PTR*) &srv_n_spin_wait_rounds, (G_PTR*) &srv_n_spin_wait_rounds, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 20L, 0L, ULONG_MAX, 0, 1L, 0}, */ /* {"innodb_thread_concurrency", OPT_INNODB_THREAD_CONCURRENCY, "Helps in performance tuning in heavily concurrent environments. " "Sets the maximum number of threads allowed inside InnoDB. Value 0" " will disable the thread throttling.", (G_PTR*) &srv_thread_concurrency, (G_PTR*) &srv_thread_concurrency, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 8, 0, 1000, 0, 1, 0}, */ /* {"innodb_thread_sleep_delay", OPT_INNODB_THREAD_SLEEP_DELAY, "Time of innodb thread sleeping before joining InnoDB queue (usec). Value 0" " disable a sleep", (G_PTR*) &srv_thread_sleep_delay, (G_PTR*) &srv_thread_sleep_delay, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 10000L, 0L, ULONG_MAX, 0, 1L, 0}, */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; static const char *load_default_groups[]= { "mysqld","xtrabackup",0 }; static void print_version(void) { printf("%s Ver %s Rev %s for %s %s (%s)\n" ,my_progname, XTRABACKUP_VERSION, XTRABACKUP_REVISION, MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION,SYSTEM_TYPE,MACHINE_TYPE); } static void usage(void) { puts("Open source backup tool for InnoDB and XtraDB\n\ \n\ Copyright (C) 2009 Percona Inc.\n\ \n\ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n\ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\n\ as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2\n\ of the License.\n\ \n\ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n\ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n\ MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n\ GNU General Public License for more details.\n\ \n\ You can download full text of the license on http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt\n"); printf("Usage: [%s [--defaults-file=#] --backup | %s [--defaults-file=#] --prepare] [OPTIONS]\n",my_progname,my_progname); print_defaults("my",load_default_groups); my_print_help(my_long_options); my_print_variables(my_long_options); } static my_bool get_one_option(int optid, const struct my_option *opt __attribute__((unused)), char *argument) { switch(optid) { case 'h': strmake(mysql_real_data_home,argument, sizeof(mysql_real_data_home)-1); mysql_data_home= mysql_real_data_home; break; case OPT_XTRA_TARGET_DIR: strmake(xtrabackup_real_target_dir,argument, sizeof(xtrabackup_real_target_dir)-1); xtrabackup_target_dir= xtrabackup_real_target_dir; break; case '?': usage(); exit(0); break; default: break; } return 0; } /* ================ Dummys =================== */ ibool thd_is_replication_slave_thread( void* thd) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: thd_is_replication_slave_thread() is called\n"); return(FALSE); } ibool thd_has_edited_nontrans_tables( void* thd) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: thd_has_edited_nontrans_tables() is called\n"); return(FALSE); } ibool thd_is_select( const void* thd) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: thd_is_select() is called\n"); return(FALSE); } void innobase_mysql_prepare_print_arbitrary_thd(void) { /* do nothing */ } void innobase_mysql_end_print_arbitrary_thd(void) { /* do nothing */ } void innobase_mysql_print_thd( FILE* f, void* input_thd, uint max_query_len) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: innobase_mysql_print_thd() is called\n"); } void innobase_get_cset_width( ulint cset, ulint* mbminlen, ulint* mbmaxlen) { CHARSET_INFO* cs; ut_ad(cset < 256); ut_ad(mbminlen); ut_ad(mbmaxlen); cs = all_charsets[cset]; if (cs) { *mbminlen = cs->mbminlen; *mbmaxlen = cs->mbmaxlen; } else { ut_a(cset == 0); *mbminlen = *mbmaxlen = 0; } } void innobase_convert_from_table_id( #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT struct charset_info_st* cs, #endif char* to, const char* from, ulint len) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: innobase_convert_from_table_id() is called\n"); } void innobase_convert_from_id( #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT struct charset_info_st* cs, #endif char* to, const char* from, ulint len) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: innobase_convert_from_id() is called\n"); } int innobase_strcasecmp( const char* a, const char* b) { return(my_strcasecmp(&my_charset_utf8_general_ci, a, b)); } void innobase_casedn_str( char* a) { my_casedn_str(&my_charset_utf8_general_ci, a); } struct charset_info_st* innobase_get_charset( void* mysql_thd) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: innobase_get_charset() is called\n"); return(NULL); } int innobase_mysql_tmpfile(void) { char filename[FN_REFLEN]; int fd2 = -1; File fd = create_temp_file(filename, my_tmpdir(&mysql_tmpdir_list), "ib", #ifdef __WIN__ O_BINARY | O_TRUNC | O_SEQUENTIAL | O_TEMPORARY | O_SHORT_LIVED | #endif /* __WIN__ */ O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR, MYF(MY_WME)); if (fd >= 0) { #ifndef __WIN__ /* On Windows, open files cannot be removed, but files can be created with the O_TEMPORARY flag to the same effect ("delete on close"). */ unlink(filename); #endif /* !__WIN__ */ /* Copy the file descriptor, so that the additional resources allocated by create_temp_file() can be freed by invoking my_close(). Because the file descriptor returned by this function will be passed to fdopen(), it will be closed by invoking fclose(), which in turn will invoke close() instead of my_close(). */ fd2 = dup(fd); if (fd2 < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Got error %d on dup\n",fd2); } my_close(fd, MYF(MY_WME)); } return(fd2); } void innobase_invalidate_query_cache( trx_t* trx, #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT char* full_name, #else const char* full_name, #endif ulint full_name_len) { /* do nothing */ } int mysql_get_identifier_quote_char( trx_t* trx, const char* name, ulint namelen) { return '"'; } void innobase_print_identifier( FILE* f, trx_t* trx, ibool table_id, const char* name, ulint namelen) { const char* s = name; const char* e = s + namelen; int q; q = '"'; putc(q, f); while (s < e) { int c = *s++; if (c == q) { putc(c, f); } putc(c, f); } putc(q, f); } #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT /*****************************************************************//** Convert an SQL identifier to the MySQL system_charset_info (UTF-8) and quote it if needed. @return pointer to the end of buf */ static char* innobase_convert_identifier( /*========================*/ char* buf, /*!< out: buffer for converted identifier */ ulint buflen, /*!< in: length of buf, in bytes */ const char* id, /*!< in: identifier to convert */ ulint idlen, /*!< in: length of id, in bytes */ void* thd, /*!< in: MySQL connection thread, or NULL */ ibool file_id)/*!< in: TRUE=id is a table or database name; FALSE=id is an UTF-8 string */ { const char* s = id; int q; /* See if the identifier needs to be quoted. */ q = '"'; if (q == EOF) { if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(idlen > buflen)) { idlen = buflen; } memcpy(buf, s, idlen); return(buf + idlen); } /* Quote the identifier. */ if (buflen < 2) { return(buf); } *buf++ = q; buflen--; for (; idlen; idlen--) { int c = *s++; if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(c == q)) { if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(buflen < 3)) { break; } *buf++ = c; *buf++ = c; buflen -= 2; } else { if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(buflen < 2)) { break; } *buf++ = c; buflen--; } } *buf++ = q; return(buf); } /*****************************************************************//** Convert a table or index name to the MySQL system_charset_info (UTF-8) and quote it if needed. @return pointer to the end of buf */ char* innobase_convert_name( /*==================*/ char* buf, /*!< out: buffer for converted identifier */ ulint buflen, /*!< in: length of buf, in bytes */ const char* id, /*!< in: identifier to convert */ ulint idlen, /*!< in: length of id, in bytes */ void* thd, /*!< in: MySQL connection thread, or NULL */ ibool table_id)/*!< in: TRUE=id is a table or database name; FALSE=id is an index name */ { char* s = buf; const char* bufend = buf + buflen; if (table_id) { const char* slash = (const char*) memchr(id, '/', idlen); if (!slash) { goto no_db_name; } /* Print the database name and table name separately. */ s = innobase_convert_identifier(s, bufend - s, id, slash - id, thd, TRUE); if (UNIV_LIKELY(s < bufend)) { *s++ = '.'; s = innobase_convert_identifier(s, bufend - s, slash + 1, idlen - (slash - id) - 1, thd, TRUE); } } else if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(*id == TEMP_INDEX_PREFIX)) { /* Temporary index name (smart ALTER TABLE) */ const char temp_index_suffix[]= "--temporary--"; s = innobase_convert_identifier(buf, buflen, id + 1, idlen - 1, thd, FALSE); if (s - buf + (sizeof temp_index_suffix - 1) < buflen) { memcpy(s, temp_index_suffix, sizeof temp_index_suffix - 1); s += sizeof temp_index_suffix - 1; } } else { no_db_name: s = innobase_convert_identifier(buf, buflen, id, idlen, thd, table_id); } return(s); } #endif ibool trx_is_interrupted( trx_t* trx) { /* There are no mysql_thd */ return(FALSE); } int innobase_mysql_cmp( int mysql_type, uint charset_number, unsigned char* a, unsigned int a_length, unsigned char* b, unsigned int b_length) { CHARSET_INFO* charset; enum enum_field_types mysql_tp; int ret; DBUG_ASSERT(a_length != UNIV_SQL_NULL); DBUG_ASSERT(b_length != UNIV_SQL_NULL); mysql_tp = (enum enum_field_types) mysql_type; switch (mysql_tp) { case MYSQL_TYPE_BIT: case MYSQL_TYPE_STRING: case MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING: case FIELD_TYPE_TINY_BLOB: case FIELD_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB: case FIELD_TYPE_BLOB: case FIELD_TYPE_LONG_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR: /* Use the charset number to pick the right charset struct for the comparison. Since the MySQL function get_charset may be slow before Bar removes the mutex operation there, we first look at 2 common charsets directly. */ if (charset_number == default_charset_info->number) { charset = default_charset_info; } else if (charset_number == my_charset_latin1.number) { charset = &my_charset_latin1; } else { charset = get_charset(charset_number, MYF(MY_WME)); if (charset == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: InnoDB needs charset %lu for doing " "a comparison, but MySQL cannot " "find that charset.\n", (ulong) charset_number); ut_a(0); } } /* Starting from 4.1.3, we use strnncollsp() in comparisons of non-latin1_swedish_ci strings. NOTE that the collation order changes then: 'b\0\0...' is ordered BEFORE 'b ...'. Users having indexes on such data need to rebuild their tables! */ ret = charset->coll->strnncollsp(charset, a, a_length, b, b_length, 0); if (ret < 0) { return(-1); } else if (ret > 0) { return(1); } else { return(0); } default: assert(0); } return(0); } ulint innobase_get_at_most_n_mbchars( ulint charset_id, ulint prefix_len, ulint data_len, const char* str) { ulint char_length; /* character length in bytes */ ulint n_chars; /* number of characters in prefix */ CHARSET_INFO* charset; /* charset used in the field */ charset = get_charset((uint) charset_id, MYF(MY_WME)); ut_ad(charset); ut_ad(charset->mbmaxlen); /* Calculate how many characters at most the prefix index contains */ n_chars = prefix_len / charset->mbmaxlen; /* If the charset is multi-byte, then we must find the length of the first at most n chars in the string. If the string contains less characters than n, then we return the length to the end of the last character. */ if (charset->mbmaxlen > 1) { /* my_charpos() returns the byte length of the first n_chars characters, or a value bigger than the length of str, if there were not enough full characters in str. Why does the code below work: Suppose that we are looking for n UTF-8 characters. 1) If the string is long enough, then the prefix contains at least n complete UTF-8 characters + maybe some extra characters + an incomplete UTF-8 character. No problem in this case. The function returns the pointer to the end of the nth character. 2) If the string is not long enough, then the string contains the complete value of a column, that is, only complete UTF-8 characters, and we can store in the column prefix index the whole string. */ char_length = my_charpos(charset, str, str + data_len, (int) n_chars); if (char_length > data_len) { char_length = data_len; } } else { if (data_len < prefix_len) { char_length = data_len; } else { char_length = prefix_len; } } return(char_length); } ibool innobase_query_is_update(void) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: innobase_query_is_update() is called\n"); return(0); } #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT ulint innobase_raw_format( /*================*/ const char* data, /*!< in: raw data */ ulint data_len, /*!< in: raw data length in bytes */ ulint charset_coll, /*!< in: charset collation */ char* buf, /*!< out: output buffer */ ulint buf_size) /*!< in: output buffer size in bytes */ { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: innobase_raw_format() is called\n"); return(0); } ulong thd_lock_wait_timeout( /*==================*/ void* thd) /*!< in: thread handle (THD*), or NULL to query the global innodb_lock_wait_timeout */ { return(innobase_lock_wait_timeout); } ibool thd_supports_xa( /*============*/ void* thd) /*!< in: thread handle (THD*), or NULL to query the global innodb_supports_xa */ { return(FALSE); } ibool trx_is_strict( /*==========*/ trx_t* trx) /*!< in: transaction */ { return(FALSE); } #ifdef XTRADB_BASED trx_t* innobase_get_trx() { return(NULL); } ibool innobase_get_slow_log() { return(FALSE); } #endif #endif my_bool innodb_init_param(void) { /* innobase_init */ static char current_dir[3]; /* Set if using current lib */ my_bool ret; char *default_path; /* === some variables from mysqld === */ bzero((G_PTR) &mysql_tmpdir_list, sizeof(mysql_tmpdir_list)); if (init_tmpdir(&mysql_tmpdir_list, opt_mysql_tmpdir)) exit(1); /* dummy for initialize all_charsets[] */ get_charset_name(0); #ifdef XTRADB_BASED srv_page_size = 0; srv_page_size_shift = 0; if (innobase_page_size != (1 << 14)) { int n_shift; fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Warning: innodb_page_size has been changed from default value 16384.\n"); for (n_shift = 12; n_shift <= UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX; n_shift++) { if (innobase_page_size == (1 << n_shift)) { srv_page_size_shift = n_shift; srv_page_size = (1 << srv_page_size_shift); fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: The universal page size of the database is set to %lu.\n", srv_page_size); break; } } } else { srv_page_size_shift = 14; srv_page_size = (1 << srv_page_size_shift); } srv_fast_checksum = (ibool) innobase_fast_checksum; #endif /* Check that values don't overflow on 32-bit systems. */ if (sizeof(ulint) == 4) { if (xtrabackup_use_memory > UINT_MAX32) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: use-memory can't be over 4GB" " on 32-bit systems\n"); } if (innobase_buffer_pool_size > UINT_MAX32) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: innobase_buffer_pool_size can't be over 4GB" " on 32-bit systems\n"); goto error; } if (innobase_log_file_size > UINT_MAX32) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: innobase_log_file_size can't be over 4GB" " on 32-bit systemsi\n"); goto error; } } os_innodb_umask = (ulint)0664; /* First calculate the default path for innodb_data_home_dir etc., in case the user has not given any value. Note that when using the embedded server, the datadirectory is not necessarily the current directory of this program. */ /* It's better to use current lib, to keep paths short */ current_dir[0] = FN_CURLIB; current_dir[1] = FN_LIBCHAR; current_dir[2] = 0; default_path = current_dir; ut_a(default_path); // if (specialflag & SPECIAL_NO_PRIOR) { srv_set_thread_priorities = FALSE; // } else { // srv_set_thread_priorities = TRUE; // srv_query_thread_priority = QUERY_PRIOR; // } /* Set InnoDB initialization parameters according to the values read from MySQL .cnf file */ if (xtrabackup_backup || xtrabackup_stats) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Target instance is assumed as followings.\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Temporary instance for recovery is set as followings.\n"); } /*--------------- Data files -------------------------*/ /* The default dir for data files is the datadir of MySQL */ srv_data_home = ((xtrabackup_backup || xtrabackup_stats) && innobase_data_home_dir ? innobase_data_home_dir : default_path); fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: innodb_data_home_dir = %s\n", srv_data_home); /* Set default InnoDB data file size to 10 MB and let it be auto-extending. Thus users can use InnoDB in >= 4.0 without having to specify any startup options. */ if (!innobase_data_file_path) { innobase_data_file_path = (char*) "ibdata1:10M:autoextend"; } fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: innodb_data_file_path = %s\n", innobase_data_file_path); /* Since InnoDB edits the argument in the next call, we make another copy of it: */ internal_innobase_data_file_path = strdup(innobase_data_file_path); ret = (my_bool) srv_parse_data_file_paths_and_sizes( #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT internal_innobase_data_file_path, &srv_data_file_names, &srv_data_file_sizes, &srv_data_file_is_raw_partition, &srv_n_data_files, &srv_auto_extend_last_data_file, &srv_last_file_size_max); #else internal_innobase_data_file_path); #endif if (ret == FALSE) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: syntax error in innodb_data_file_path\n"); mem_free_and_error: free(internal_innobase_data_file_path); goto error; } if (xtrabackup_prepare) { /* "--prepare" needs filenames only */ ulint i; for (i=0; i < srv_n_data_files; i++) { char *p; p = srv_data_file_names[i]; while (p = strstr(p, SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR)) { p++; srv_data_file_names[i] = p; } } } #ifdef XTRADB_BASED srv_doublewrite_file = innobase_doublewrite_file; srv_extra_undoslots = (ibool) innobase_extra_undoslots; #endif /* -------------- Log files ---------------------------*/ /* The default dir for log files is the datadir of MySQL */ if (!((xtrabackup_backup || xtrabackup_stats) && innobase_log_group_home_dir)) { innobase_log_group_home_dir = default_path; } if (xtrabackup_prepare && xtrabackup_incremental_dir) { innobase_log_group_home_dir = xtrabackup_incremental_dir; } fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: innodb_log_group_home_dir = %s\n", innobase_log_group_home_dir); #ifdef UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE /* Since innodb_log_arch_dir has no relevance under MySQL, starting from 4.0.6 we always set it the same as innodb_log_group_home_dir: */ innobase_log_arch_dir = innobase_log_group_home_dir; srv_arch_dir = innobase_log_arch_dir; #endif /* UNIG_LOG_ARCHIVE */ ret = (my_bool) #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT srv_parse_log_group_home_dirs(innobase_log_group_home_dir, &srv_log_group_home_dirs); #else srv_parse_log_group_home_dirs(innobase_log_group_home_dir); #endif if (ret == FALSE || innobase_mirrored_log_groups != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: syntax error in innodb_log_group_home_dir, or a " "wrong number of mirrored log groups\n"); goto mem_free_and_error; } #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT srv_adaptive_flushing = FALSE; srv_use_sys_malloc = TRUE; srv_file_format = 1; /* Barracuda */ srv_check_file_format_at_startup = DICT_TF_FORMAT_51; /* on */ #endif /* --------------------------------------------------*/ srv_file_flush_method_str = innobase_unix_file_flush_method; srv_n_log_groups = (ulint) innobase_mirrored_log_groups; srv_n_log_files = (ulint) innobase_log_files_in_group; srv_log_file_size = (ulint) innobase_log_file_size; fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: innodb_log_files_in_group = %ld\n", srv_n_log_files); fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: innodb_log_file_size = %ld\n", srv_log_file_size); #ifdef UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE srv_log_archive_on = (ulint) innobase_log_archive; #endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */ srv_log_buffer_size = (ulint) innobase_log_buffer_size; /* We set srv_pool_size here in units of 1 kB. InnoDB internally changes the value so that it becomes the number of database pages. */ #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT if (innobase_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb == 0) { /* Careful here: we first convert the signed long int to ulint and only after that divide */ //srv_pool_size = ((ulint) innobase_buffer_pool_size) / 1024; srv_pool_size = ((ulint) xtrabackup_use_memory) / 1024; } else { srv_use_awe = TRUE; srv_pool_size = (ulint) (1024 * innobase_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb); //srv_awe_window_size = (ulint) innobase_buffer_pool_size; srv_awe_window_size = (ulint) xtrabackup_use_memory; /* Note that what the user specified as innodb_buffer_pool_size is actually the AWE memory window size in this case, and the real buffer pool size is determined by .._awe_mem_mb. */ } #else //srv_buf_pool_size = (ulint) innobase_buffer_pool_size; srv_buf_pool_size = (ulint) xtrabackup_use_memory; #endif srv_mem_pool_size = (ulint) innobase_additional_mem_pool_size; srv_n_file_io_threads = (ulint) innobase_file_io_threads; #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT srv_n_read_io_threads = (ulint) innobase_read_io_threads; srv_n_write_io_threads = (ulint) innobase_write_io_threads; #endif #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT srv_lock_wait_timeout = (ulint) innobase_lock_wait_timeout; #endif srv_force_recovery = (ulint) innobase_force_recovery; srv_use_doublewrite_buf = (ibool) innobase_use_doublewrite; srv_use_checksums = (ibool) innobase_use_checksums; #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT srv_use_adaptive_hash_indexes = (ibool) innobase_adaptive_hash_index; #else btr_search_enabled = (ibool) innobase_adaptive_hash_index; #endif os_use_large_pages = (ibool) innobase_use_large_pages; os_large_page_size = (ulint) innobase_large_page_size; row_rollback_on_timeout = (ibool) innobase_rollback_on_timeout; srv_file_per_table = (ibool) innobase_file_per_table; srv_locks_unsafe_for_binlog = (ibool) innobase_locks_unsafe_for_binlog; srv_max_n_open_files = (ulint) innobase_open_files; srv_innodb_status = (ibool) innobase_create_status_file; srv_print_verbose_log = 1; /* Store the default charset-collation number of this MySQL installation */ /* We cannot treat characterset here for now!! */ data_mysql_default_charset_coll = (ulint)default_charset_info->number; ut_a(DATA_MYSQL_LATIN1_SWEDISH_CHARSET_COLL == my_charset_latin1.number); ut_a(DATA_MYSQL_BINARY_CHARSET_COLL == my_charset_bin.number); /* Store the latin1_swedish_ci character ordering table to InnoDB. For non-latin1_swedish_ci charsets we use the MySQL comparison functions, and consequently we do not need to know the ordering internally in InnoDB. */ #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT ut_a(0 == strcmp((char*)my_charset_latin1.name, (char*)"latin1_swedish_ci")); memcpy(srv_latin1_ordering, my_charset_latin1.sort_order, 256); #else ut_a(0 == strcmp(my_charset_latin1.name, "latin1_swedish_ci")); srv_latin1_ordering = my_charset_latin1.sort_order; //innobase_commit_concurrency_init_default(); #endif /* Since we in this module access directly the fields of a trx struct, and due to different headers and flags it might happen that mutex_t has a different size in this module and in InnoDB modules, we check at run time that the size is the same in these compilation modules. */ #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT srv_sizeof_trx_t_in_ha_innodb_cc = sizeof(trx_t); #endif return(FALSE); error: fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: innodb_init_param(): Error occured.\n"); return(TRUE); } my_bool innodb_init(void) { int err; err = innobase_start_or_create_for_mysql(); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { free(internal_innobase_data_file_path); goto error; } /* They may not be needed for now */ // (void) hash_init(&innobase_open_tables,system_charset_info, 32, 0, 0, // (hash_get_key) innobase_get_key, 0, 0); // pthread_mutex_init(&innobase_share_mutex, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); // pthread_mutex_init(&prepare_commit_mutex, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); // pthread_mutex_init(&commit_threads_m, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); // pthread_mutex_init(&commit_cond_m, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); // pthread_cond_init(&commit_cond, NULL); innodb_inited= 1; return(FALSE); error: fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: innodb_init(): Error occured.\n"); return(TRUE); } my_bool innodb_end(void) { srv_fast_shutdown = (ulint) innobase_fast_shutdown; innodb_inited = 0; fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: starting shutdown with innodb_fast_shutdown = %lu\n", srv_fast_shutdown); if (innobase_shutdown_for_mysql() != DB_SUCCESS) { goto error; } free(internal_innobase_data_file_path); /* They may not be needed for now */ // hash_free(&innobase_open_tables); // pthread_mutex_destroy(&innobase_share_mutex); // pthread_mutex_destroy(&prepare_commit_mutex); // pthread_mutex_destroy(&commit_threads_m); // pthread_mutex_destroy(&commit_cond_m); // pthread_cond_destroy(&commit_cond); return(FALSE); error: fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: innodb_end(): Error occured.\n"); return(TRUE); } /* ================= common ================= */ my_bool xtrabackup_read_metadata(char *filename) { FILE *fp; fp = fopen(filename,"r"); if(!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Error: cannot open %s\n", filename); return(TRUE); } if (fscanf(fp, "backup_type = %29s\n", metadata_type) != 1) return(TRUE); #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT if (fscanf(fp, "from_lsn = %lu:%lu\n", &metadata_from_lsn.high, &metadata_from_lsn.low) != 2) return(TRUE); if (fscanf(fp, "to_lsn = %lu:%lu\n", &metadata_to_lsn.high, &metadata_to_lsn.low) != 2) return(TRUE); #else if (fscanf(fp, "from_lsn = %llu\n", &metadata_from_lsn) != 1) return(TRUE); if (fscanf(fp, "to_lsn = %llu\n", &metadata_to_lsn) != 1) return(TRUE); #endif fclose(fp); return(FALSE); } my_bool xtrabackup_write_metadata(char *filename) { FILE *fp; fp = fopen(filename,"w"); if(!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Error: cannot open %s\n", filename); return(TRUE); } if (fprintf(fp, "backup_type = %s\n", metadata_type) < 0) return(TRUE); #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT if (fprintf(fp, "from_lsn = %lu:%lu\n", metadata_from_lsn.high, metadata_from_lsn.low) < 0) return(TRUE); if (fprintf(fp, "to_lsn = %lu:%lu\n", metadata_to_lsn.high, metadata_to_lsn.low) < 0) return(TRUE); #else if (fprintf(fp, "from_lsn = %llu\n", metadata_from_lsn) < 0) return(TRUE); if (fprintf(fp, "to_lsn = %llu\n", metadata_to_lsn) < 0) return(TRUE); #endif fclose(fp); return(FALSE); } /* ================= backup ================= */ void xtrabackup_io_throttling(void) { if (xtrabackup_throttle && (io_ticket--) < 0) { os_event_reset(wait_throttle); os_event_wait(wait_throttle); } } /* TODO: We may tune the behavior (e.g. by fil_aio)*/ #define COPY_CHUNK 64 my_bool xtrabackup_copy_datafile(fil_node_t* node) { os_file_t src_file = -1; os_file_t dst_file = -1; char dst_path[FN_REFLEN]; ibool success; byte* page; byte* buf2 = NULL; LSN64 flush_lsn; IB_INT64 file_size; IB_INT64 offset; ibool src_exist = TRUE; ulint page_in_buffer; ulint incremental_buffers = 0; ulint page_size; ulint page_size_shift; #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT ulint zip_size; #endif #ifdef XTRADB_BASED if (xtrabackup_tables && (!trx_sys_sys_space(node->space->id))) #else if (xtrabackup_tables && (node->space->id != 0)) #endif { /* must backup id==0 */ char *p; int p_len, regres; char *next, *prev; char tmp; p = node->name; prev = NULL; while (next = strstr(p, SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR)) { prev = p; p = next + 1; } p_len = strlen(p) - strlen(".ibd"); if (p_len < 1) { /* unknown situation: skip filtering */ goto skip_filter; } /* TODO: Fix this lazy implementation... */ tmp = p[p_len]; p[p_len] = 0; *(p - 1) = '.'; regres = regexec(&tables_regex, prev, 1, tables_regmatch, 0); p[p_len] = tmp; *(p - 1) = SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR; if ( regres == REG_NOMATCH ) { printf("Copying %s is skipped.\n", node->name); return(FALSE); } } skip_filter: #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT page_size = UNIV_PAGE_SIZE; page_size_shift = UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT; #else zip_size = fil_space_get_zip_size(node->space->id); if (zip_size) { page_size = zip_size; switch (zip_size) { case 1024: page_size_shift = 10; break; case 2048: page_size_shift = 11; break; case 4096: page_size_shift = 12; break; case 8192: page_size_shift = 13; break; case 16384: page_size_shift = 14; break; default: ut_error; } } else { page_size = UNIV_PAGE_SIZE; page_size_shift = UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT; } #endif #ifdef XTRADB_BASED if (trx_sys_sys_space(node->space->id)) #else if (node->space->id == 0) #endif { char *next, *p; /* system datafile "/fullpath/datafilename.ibd" or "./datafilename.ibd" */ p = node->name; while (next = strstr(p, SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR)) { p = next + 1; } sprintf(dst_path, "%s/%s", xtrabackup_target_dir, p); } else { /* file per table style "./database/table.ibd" */ sprintf(dst_path, "%s%s", xtrabackup_target_dir, strstr(node->name, SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR)); } if (xtrabackup_incremental) { #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT /* TODO: incremental doesn't treat compressed space for now */ if (zip_size) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: error: incremental option doesn't treat compressed space for now.\n" ); goto error; } #endif strcat(dst_path, ".delta"); /* clear buffer */ bzero(incremental_buffer, (page_size/4) * page_size); page_in_buffer = 0; mach_write_to_4(incremental_buffer, 0x78747261UL);/*"xtra"*/ page_in_buffer++; } /* open src_file*/ if (!node->open) { src_file = os_file_create_simple_no_error_handling( node->name, OS_FILE_OPEN, OS_FILE_READ_ONLY, &success); if (!success) { /* The following call prints an error message */ os_file_get_last_error(TRUE); fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: error: cannot open %s\n" "xtrabackup: Have you deleted .ibd files under a running mysqld server?\n", node->name); src_exist = FALSE; } if (srv_unix_file_flush_method == SRV_UNIX_O_DIRECT) { os_file_set_nocache(src_file, node->name, "OPEN"); } } else { src_file = node->handle; } #ifdef USE_POSIX_FADVISE posix_fadvise(src_file, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL); posix_fadvise(src_file, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED); #endif /* open dst_file */ /* os_file_create reads srv_unix_file_flush_method */ dst_file = os_file_create(dst_path, OS_FILE_CREATE, OS_FILE_NORMAL, OS_DATA_FILE, &success); if (!success) { /* The following call prints an error message */ os_file_get_last_error(TRUE); fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: error: cannot open %s\n", dst_path); goto error; } #ifdef USE_POSIX_FADVISE posix_fadvise(dst_file, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED); #endif if(!src_exist) goto error; /* copy : TODO: tune later */ printf("Copying %s \n to %s\n", node->name, dst_path); buf2 = ut_malloc(COPY_CHUNK * page_size + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); page = ut_align(buf2, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); success = os_file_read(src_file, page, 0, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); if (!success) { goto error; } flush_lsn = MACH_READ_64(page + FIL_PAGE_FILE_FLUSH_LSN); /* check current flush lsn newer than checkpoint@start */ // if (ut_dulint_cmp(backup_start_checkpoint, flush_lsn) >= 0) { // goto error; // } file_size = os_file_get_size_as_iblonglong(src_file); for (offset = 0; offset < file_size; offset += COPY_CHUNK * page_size) { ulint chunk; ulint chunk_offset; ulint retry_count = 10; copy_loop: if (file_size - offset > COPY_CHUNK * page_size) { chunk = COPY_CHUNK * page_size; } else { chunk = (ulint)(file_size - offset); } read_retry: xtrabackup_io_throttling(); success = os_file_read(src_file, page, (ulint)(offset & 0xFFFFFFFFUL), (ulint)(offset >> 32), chunk); if (!success) { goto error; } /* check corruption and retry */ for (chunk_offset = 0; chunk_offset < chunk; chunk_offset += page_size) { #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT if (buf_page_is_corrupted(page + chunk_offset)) #else if (buf_page_is_corrupted(page + chunk_offset, zip_size)) #endif { if ( #ifdef XTRADB_BASED trx_sys_sys_space(node->space->id) #else node->space->id == 0 #endif && ((offset + (IB_INT64)chunk_offset) >> page_size_shift) >= FSP_EXTENT_SIZE && ((offset + (IB_INT64)chunk_offset) >> page_size_shift) < FSP_EXTENT_SIZE * 3) { /* double write buffer may have old data in the end or it may contain the other format page like COMPRESSED. So, we can pass the check of double write buffer.*/ ut_a(page_size == UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Page %lu seems double write buffer. passing the check.\n", (ulint)((offset + (IB_INT64)chunk_offset) >> page_size_shift)); } else { retry_count--; if (retry_count == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Error: 10 retries resulted in fail. This file seems to be corrupted.\n"); goto error; } fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Database page corruption detected at page %lu. retrying...\n", (ulint)((offset + (IB_INT64)chunk_offset) >> page_size_shift)); goto read_retry; } } } if (xtrabackup_incremental) { #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT /* cannot treat for now */ ut_a(!zip_size); #endif for (chunk_offset = 0; chunk_offset < chunk; chunk_offset += page_size) { /* newer page */ /* This condition may be OK for header, ibuf and fsp */ if (ut_dulint_cmp(incremental_lsn, MACH_READ_64(page + chunk_offset + FIL_PAGE_LSN)) < 0) { /* ========================================= */ IB_INT64 page_offset; if (page_in_buffer == page_size/4) { /* flush buffer */ success = os_file_write(dst_path, dst_file, incremental_buffer, ((incremental_buffers * (page_size/4)) << page_size_shift) & 0xFFFFFFFFUL, (incremental_buffers * (page_size/4)) >> (32 - page_size_shift), page_in_buffer * page_size); if (!success) { goto error; } incremental_buffers++; /* clear buffer */ bzero(incremental_buffer, (page_size/4) * page_size); page_in_buffer = 0; mach_write_to_4(incremental_buffer, 0x78747261UL);/*"xtra"*/ page_in_buffer++; } page_offset = ((offset + (IB_INT64)chunk_offset) >> page_size_shift); ut_a(page_offset >> 32 == 0); mach_write_to_4(incremental_buffer + page_in_buffer * 4, (ulint)page_offset); memcpy(incremental_buffer + page_in_buffer * page_size, page + chunk_offset, page_size); page_in_buffer++; /* ========================================= */ } } } else { success = os_file_write(dst_path, dst_file, page, (ulint)(offset & 0xFFFFFFFFUL), (ulint)(offset >> 32), chunk); if (!success) { goto error; } } } if (xtrabackup_incremental) { /* termination */ if (page_in_buffer != page_size/4) { mach_write_to_4(incremental_buffer + page_in_buffer * 4, 0xFFFFFFFFUL); } mach_write_to_4(incremental_buffer, 0x58545241UL);/*"XTRA"*/ /* flush buffer */ success = os_file_write(dst_path, dst_file, incremental_buffer, ((incremental_buffers * (page_size/4)) << page_size_shift) & 0xFFFFFFFFUL, (incremental_buffers * (page_size/4)) >> (32 - page_size_shift), page_in_buffer * page_size); if (!success) { goto error; } } success = os_file_flush(dst_file); if (!success) { goto error; } /* check size again */ /* TODO: but is it needed ?? */ if (file_size < os_file_get_size_as_iblonglong(src_file)) { offset -= COPY_CHUNK * page_size; file_size = os_file_get_size_as_iblonglong(src_file); goto copy_loop; } /* TODO: How should we treat double_write_buffer here? */ /* (currently, don't care about. Because, the blocks is newer than the last checkpoint anyway.) */ /* close */ printf(" ...done\n"); if (!node->open) { os_file_close(src_file); } os_file_close(dst_file); ut_free(buf2); return(FALSE); error: if (src_file != -1 && !node->open) os_file_close(src_file); if (dst_file != -1) os_file_close(dst_file); if (buf2) ut_free(buf2); fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Error: xtrabackup_copy_datafile() failed.\n"); return(TRUE); /*ERROR*/ } my_bool xtrabackup_copy_logfile(LSN64 from_lsn, my_bool is_last) { /* definition from recv_recovery_from_checkpoint_start() */ log_group_t* group; log_group_t* up_to_date_group; LSN64 old_scanned_lsn; LSN64 group_scanned_lsn; LSN64 contiguous_lsn; ibool success; if (!xtrabackup_stream) ut_a(dst_log != -1); /* read from checkpoint_lsn_start to current */ contiguous_lsn = ut_dulint_align_down(from_lsn, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE); /* TODO: We must check the contiguous_lsn still exists in log file.. */ group = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(log_sys->log_groups); while (group) { ibool finished; LSN64 start_lsn; LSN64 end_lsn; old_scanned_lsn = from_lsn; /* reference recv_group_scan_log_recs() */ finished = FALSE; start_lsn = contiguous_lsn; while (!finished) { end_lsn = ut_dulint_add(start_lsn, RECV_SCAN_SIZE); xtrabackup_io_throttling(); log_group_read_log_seg(LOG_RECOVER, log_sys->buf, group, start_lsn, end_lsn); //printf("log read from (%lu %lu) to (%lu %lu)\n", // start_lsn.high, start_lsn.low, end_lsn.high, end_lsn.low); /* reference recv_scan_log_recs() */ { byte* log_block; ulint no; LSN64 scanned_lsn; ulint data_len; ibool more_data; ulint scanned_checkpoint_no = 0; finished = FALSE; log_block = log_sys->buf; scanned_lsn = start_lsn; more_data = FALSE; while (log_block < log_sys->buf + RECV_SCAN_SIZE && !finished) { no = log_block_get_hdr_no(log_block); if (no != log_block_convert_lsn_to_no(scanned_lsn) || !log_block_checksum_is_ok_or_old_format(log_block)) { if (no == log_block_convert_lsn_to_no(scanned_lsn) && !log_block_checksum_is_ok_or_old_format( log_block)) { fprintf(stderr, #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT "xtrabackup: Log block no %lu at lsn %lu %lu has\n" #else "xtrabackup: Log block no %lu at lsn %llu has\n" #endif "xtrabackup: ok header, but checksum field contains %lu, should be %lu\n", (ulong) no, #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT (ulong) ut_dulint_get_high(scanned_lsn), (ulong) ut_dulint_get_low(scanned_lsn), #else scanned_lsn, #endif (ulong) log_block_get_checksum(log_block), (ulong) log_block_calc_checksum(log_block)); } /* Garbage or an incompletely written log block */ finished = TRUE; break; } if (log_block_get_flush_bit(log_block)) { /* This block was a start of a log flush operation: we know that the previous flush operation must have been completed for all log groups before this block can have been flushed to any of the groups. Therefore, we know that log data is contiguous up to scanned_lsn in all non-corrupt log groups. */ if (ut_dulint_cmp(scanned_lsn, contiguous_lsn) > 0) { contiguous_lsn = scanned_lsn; } } data_len = log_block_get_data_len(log_block); if ( (scanned_checkpoint_no > 0) && (log_block_get_checkpoint_no(log_block) < scanned_checkpoint_no) && (scanned_checkpoint_no - log_block_get_checkpoint_no(log_block) > 0x80000000UL)) { /* Garbage from a log buffer flush which was made before the most recent database recovery */ finished = TRUE; break; } scanned_lsn = ut_dulint_add(scanned_lsn, data_len); scanned_checkpoint_no = log_block_get_checkpoint_no(log_block); if (data_len < OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE) { /* Log data for this group ends here */ finished = TRUE; } else { log_block += OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE; } } /* while (log_block < log_sys->buf + RECV_SCAN_SIZE && !finished) */ group_scanned_lsn = scanned_lsn; } /* ===== write log to 'xtrabackup_logfile' ====== */ { ulint write_size; if (!finished) { write_size = RECV_SCAN_SIZE; } else { write_size = ut_dulint_minus( ut_dulint_align_up(group_scanned_lsn, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE), start_lsn); } //printf("Wrinting offset= %lld, size= %lu\n", log_copy_offset, write_size); if (!xtrabackup_stream) { success = os_file_write(dst_log_path, dst_log, log_sys->buf, (ulint)(log_copy_offset & 0xFFFFFFFFUL), (ulint)(log_copy_offset >> 32), write_size); } else { ulint ret; ulint stdout_write_size = write_size; if (finished && !is_last #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT && group_scanned_lsn.low % OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE #else && group_scanned_lsn % OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE #endif ) stdout_write_size -= OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE; if (stdout_write_size) { ret = write(fileno(stdout), log_sys->buf, stdout_write_size); if (ret == stdout_write_size) { success = TRUE; } else { fprintf(stderr, "write: %lu > %lu\n", stdout_write_size, ret); success = FALSE; } } else { success = TRUE; /* do nothing */ } } log_copy_offset += write_size; #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT if (finished && group_scanned_lsn.low % OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE) #else if (finished && group_scanned_lsn % OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE) #endif { /* if continue, it will start from align_down(group_scanned_lsn) */ log_copy_offset -= OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE; } if(!success) { if (!xtrabackup_stream) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Error: os_file_write to %s\n", dst_log_path); } else { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Error: write to stdout\n"); } goto error; } } start_lsn = end_lsn; } group->scanned_lsn = group_scanned_lsn; if (ut_dulint_cmp(old_scanned_lsn, group_scanned_lsn) < 0) { /* We found a more up-to-date group */ up_to_date_group = group; } #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT fprintf(stderr, ">> log scanned up to (%lu %lu)\n",group->scanned_lsn.high,group->scanned_lsn.low); #else fprintf(stderr, ">> log scanned up to (%llu)\n",group->scanned_lsn); #endif group = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(log_groups, group); /* update global variable*/ log_copy_scanned_lsn = group_scanned_lsn; /* innodb_mirrored_log_groups must be 1, no other groups */ ut_a(group == NULL); } if (!xtrabackup_stream) { success = os_file_flush(dst_log); } else { fflush(stdout); success = TRUE; } if(!success) { goto error; } return(FALSE); error: if (!xtrabackup_stream) os_file_close(dst_log); fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Error: xtrabackup_copy_logfile() failed.\n"); return(TRUE); } /* copying logfile in background */ #define SLEEPING_PERIOD 5 static #ifndef __WIN__ void* #else ulint #endif log_copying_thread( void* arg) { ulint counter = 0; if (!xtrabackup_stream) ut_a(dst_log != -1); log_copying_running = TRUE; while(log_copying) { os_thread_sleep(200000); /*0.2 sec*/ counter++; if(counter >= SLEEPING_PERIOD * 5) { if(xtrabackup_copy_logfile(log_copy_scanned_lsn, FALSE)) goto end; counter = 0; } } /* last copying */ if(xtrabackup_copy_logfile(log_copy_scanned_lsn, TRUE)) goto end; log_copying_succeed = TRUE; end: log_copying_running = FALSE; os_thread_exit(NULL); return(0); } /* io throttle watching (rough) */ static #ifndef __WIN__ void* #else ulint #endif io_watching_thread( void* arg) { /* currently, for --backup only */ ut_a(xtrabackup_backup); while (log_copying) { os_thread_sleep(1000000); /*1 sec*/ //for DEBUG //if (io_ticket == xtrabackup_throttle) { // fprintf(stderr, "There seem to be no IO...?\n"); //} io_ticket = xtrabackup_throttle; os_event_set(wait_throttle); } /* stop io throttle */ xtrabackup_throttle = 0; os_event_set(wait_throttle); os_thread_exit(NULL); return(0); } /************************************************************************ I/o-handler thread function. */ static #ifndef __WIN__ void* #else ulint #endif io_handler_thread( /*==============*/ void* arg) { ulint segment; ulint i; segment = *((ulint*)arg); for (i = 0;; i++) { fil_aio_wait(segment); } /* We count the number of threads in os_thread_exit(). A created thread should always use that to exit and not use return() to exit. The thread actually never comes here because it is exited in an os_event_wait(). */ os_thread_exit(NULL); #ifndef __WIN__ return(NULL); /* Not reached */ #else return(0); #endif } /* CAUTION(?): Don't rename file_per_table during backup */ void xtrabackup_backup_func(void) { MY_STAT stat_info; LSN64 latest_cp; #ifdef USE_POSIX_FADVISE fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: uses posix_fadvise().\n"); #endif /* cd to datadir */ if (my_setwd(mysql_real_data_home,MYF(MY_WME))) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: cannot my_setwd %s\n", mysql_real_data_home); exit(1); } fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: cd to %s\n", mysql_real_data_home); mysql_data_home= mysql_data_home_buff; mysql_data_home[0]=FN_CURLIB; // all paths are relative from here mysql_data_home[1]=0; /* set read only */ srv_read_only = TRUE; /* initialize components */ if(innodb_init_param()) exit(1); if (srv_file_flush_method_str == NULL) { /* These are the default options */ #if (MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 50100) srv_unix_file_flush_method = SRV_UNIX_FDATASYNC; #else /* MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 51000 */ srv_unix_file_flush_method = SRV_UNIX_FSYNC; #endif srv_win_file_flush_method = SRV_WIN_IO_UNBUFFERED; #ifndef __WIN__ #if (MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 50100) } else if (0 == ut_strcmp(srv_file_flush_method_str, "fdatasync")) { srv_unix_file_flush_method = SRV_UNIX_FDATASYNC; #else /* MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 51000 */ } else if (0 == ut_strcmp(srv_file_flush_method_str, "fsync")) { srv_unix_file_flush_method = SRV_UNIX_FSYNC; #endif } else if (0 == ut_strcmp(srv_file_flush_method_str, "O_DSYNC")) { srv_unix_file_flush_method = SRV_UNIX_O_DSYNC; } else if (0 == ut_strcmp(srv_file_flush_method_str, "O_DIRECT")) { srv_unix_file_flush_method = SRV_UNIX_O_DIRECT; fprintf(stderr,"xtrabackup: use O_DIRECT\n"); } else if (0 == ut_strcmp(srv_file_flush_method_str, "littlesync")) { srv_unix_file_flush_method = SRV_UNIX_LITTLESYNC; } else if (0 == ut_strcmp(srv_file_flush_method_str, "nosync")) { srv_unix_file_flush_method = SRV_UNIX_NOSYNC; #else } else if (0 == ut_strcmp(srv_file_flush_method_str, "normal")) { srv_win_file_flush_method = SRV_WIN_IO_NORMAL; os_aio_use_native_aio = FALSE; } else if (0 == ut_strcmp(srv_file_flush_method_str, "unbuffered")) { srv_win_file_flush_method = SRV_WIN_IO_UNBUFFERED; os_aio_use_native_aio = FALSE; } else if (0 == ut_strcmp(srv_file_flush_method_str, "async_unbuffered")) { srv_win_file_flush_method = SRV_WIN_IO_UNBUFFERED; #endif } else { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Unrecognized value %s for innodb_flush_method\n", srv_file_flush_method_str); exit(1); } #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT if (srv_pool_size >= 1000 * 1024) { #else if (srv_buf_pool_size >= 1000 * 1024 * 1024) { #endif /* Here we still have srv_pool_size counted in kilobytes (in 4.0 this was in bytes) srv_boot() converts the value to pages; if buffer pool is less than 1000 MB, assume fewer threads. */ srv_max_n_threads = 50000; #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT } else if (srv_pool_size >= 8 * 1024) { #else } else if (srv_buf_pool_size >= 8 * 1024 * 1024) { #endif srv_max_n_threads = 10000; } else { srv_max_n_threads = 1000; /* saves several MB of memory, especially in 64-bit computers */ } { ulint n; ulint i; n = srv_n_data_files; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { srv_data_file_sizes[i] = srv_data_file_sizes[i] * ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); } srv_last_file_size_max = srv_last_file_size_max * ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); srv_log_file_size = srv_log_file_size / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE; srv_log_buffer_size = srv_log_buffer_size / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE; #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT srv_pool_size = srv_pool_size / (UNIV_PAGE_SIZE / 1024); srv_awe_window_size = srv_awe_window_size / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE; if (srv_use_awe) { /* If we are using AWE we must save memory in the 32-bit address space of the process, and cannot bind the lock table size to the real buffer pool size. */ srv_lock_table_size = 20 * srv_awe_window_size; } else { srv_lock_table_size = 5 * srv_pool_size; } #else srv_lock_table_size = 5 * (srv_buf_pool_size / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); #endif } os_sync_mutex = NULL; srv_general_init(); { ibool create_new_db; ibool log_file_created; ibool log_created = FALSE; ibool log_opened = FALSE; LSN64 min_flushed_lsn; LSN64 max_flushed_lsn; ulint sum_of_new_sizes; ulint err; ulint i; #define SRV_N_PENDING_IOS_PER_THREAD OS_AIO_N_PENDING_IOS_PER_THREAD #define SRV_MAX_N_PENDING_SYNC_IOS 100 #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT os_aio_init(8 * SRV_N_PENDING_IOS_PER_THREAD * srv_n_file_io_threads, srv_n_file_io_threads, SRV_MAX_N_PENDING_SYNC_IOS); fil_init(srv_max_n_open_files); #else srv_n_file_io_threads = 2 + srv_n_read_io_threads + srv_n_write_io_threads; os_aio_init(8 * SRV_N_PENDING_IOS_PER_THREAD, srv_n_read_io_threads, srv_n_write_io_threads, SRV_MAX_N_PENDING_SYNC_IOS); fil_init(srv_file_per_table ? 50000 : 5000, srv_max_n_open_files); #endif fsp_init(); log_init(); lock_sys_create(srv_lock_table_size); for (i = 0; i < srv_n_file_io_threads; i++) { n[i] = i; os_thread_create(io_handler_thread, n + i, thread_ids + i); } os_thread_sleep(200000); /*0.2 sec*/ err = open_or_create_data_files(&create_new_db, &min_flushed_lsn, &max_flushed_lsn, &sum_of_new_sizes); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Could not open or create data files.\n" "xtrabackup: If you tried to add new data files, and it failed here,\n" "xtrabackup: you should now edit innodb_data_file_path in my.cnf back\n" "xtrabackup: to what it was, and remove the new ibdata files InnoDB created\n" "xtrabackup: in this failed attempt. InnoDB only wrote those files full of\n" "xtrabackup: zeros, but did not yet use them in any way. But be careful: do not\n" "xtrabackup: remove old data files which contain your precious data!\n"); //return((int) err); exit(1); } /* create_new_db must not be TRUE.. */ if (create_new_db) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Something wrong with source files...\n"); exit(1); } for (i = 0; i < srv_n_log_files; i++) { err = open_or_create_log_file(create_new_db, &log_file_created, log_opened, 0, i); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { //return((int) err); exit(1); } if (log_file_created) { log_created = TRUE; } else { log_opened = TRUE; } if ((log_opened && create_new_db) || (log_opened && log_created)) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Error: all log files must be created at the same time.\n" "xtrabackup: All log files must be created also in database creation.\n" "xtrabackup: If you want bigger or smaller log files, shut down the\n" "xtrabackup: database and make sure there were no errors in shutdown.\n" "xtrabackup: Then delete the existing log files. Edit the .cnf file\n" "xtrabackup: and start the database again.\n"); //return(DB_ERROR); exit(1); } } /* log_file_created must not be TRUE, if online */ if (log_file_created) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Something wrong with source files...\n"); exit(1); } fil_load_single_table_tablespaces(); } if (!xtrabackup_stream) { /* create target dir if not exist */ if (!my_stat(xtrabackup_target_dir,&stat_info,MYF(0)) && (my_mkdir(xtrabackup_target_dir,0777,MYF(0)) < 0)){ fprintf(stderr,"xtrabackup: Error: cannot mkdir %d: %s\n",my_errno,xtrabackup_target_dir); exit(1); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"xtrabackup: Stream mode.\n"); /* stdout can treat binary at Linux */ //setmode(fileno(stdout), O_BINARY); } { char path[FN_REFLEN]; char *ptr1, *ptr2; fil_system_t* system = fil_system; fil_space_t* space; fil_space_t* last_src; fil_node_t* node; /* definition from recv_recovery_from_checkpoint_start() */ log_group_t* max_cp_group; ulint max_cp_field; byte* buf; byte log_hdr_buf_[LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE + OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE]; byte* log_hdr_buf; ulint err; ibool success; /* start back ground thread to copy newer log */ os_thread_id_t log_copying_thread_id; log_hdr_buf = ut_align(log_hdr_buf_, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE); /* log space */ //space = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(system->space_list)); //printf("space: name=%s, id=%d, purpose=%d, size=%d\n", // space->name, space->id, space->purpose, space->size); /* get current checkpoint_lsn */ /* Look for the latest checkpoint from any of the log groups */ err = recv_find_max_checkpoint(&max_cp_group, &max_cp_field); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { exit(1); } log_group_read_checkpoint_info(max_cp_group, max_cp_field); buf = log_sys->checkpoint_buf; checkpoint_lsn_start = MACH_READ_64(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN); checkpoint_no_start = MACH_READ_64(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_NO); reread_log_header: fil_io(OS_FILE_READ | OS_FILE_LOG, TRUE, max_cp_group->space_id, #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT 0, #endif 0, 0, LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE, log_hdr_buf, max_cp_group); /* check consistency of log file header to copy */ err = recv_find_max_checkpoint(&max_cp_group, &max_cp_field); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { exit(1); } log_group_read_checkpoint_info(max_cp_group, max_cp_field); buf = log_sys->checkpoint_buf; if(ut_dulint_cmp(checkpoint_no_start, MACH_READ_64(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_NO)) != 0) { checkpoint_lsn_start = MACH_READ_64(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN); checkpoint_no_start = MACH_READ_64(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_NO); goto reread_log_header; } if (!xtrabackup_stream) { /* open 'xtrabackup_logfile' */ sprintf(dst_log_path, "%s%s", xtrabackup_target_dir, "/xtrabackup_logfile"); srv_normalize_path_for_win(dst_log_path); /* os_file_create reads srv_unix_file_flush_method for OS_DATA_FILE*/ dst_log = os_file_create(dst_log_path, OS_FILE_CREATE, OS_FILE_NORMAL, OS_DATA_FILE, &success); if (!success) { /* The following call prints an error message */ os_file_get_last_error(TRUE); fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: error: cannot open %s\n", dst_log_path); exit(1); } #ifdef USE_POSIX_FADVISE posix_fadvise(dst_log, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED); #endif } /* label it */ strcpy((char*) log_hdr_buf + LOG_FILE_WAS_CREATED_BY_HOT_BACKUP, "xtrabkup "); ut_sprintf_timestamp( (char*) log_hdr_buf + (LOG_FILE_WAS_CREATED_BY_HOT_BACKUP + (sizeof "xtrabkup ") - 1)); if (!xtrabackup_stream) { success = os_file_write(dst_log_path, dst_log, log_hdr_buf, 0, 0, LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE); } else { /* Stream */ if (write(fileno(stdout), log_hdr_buf, LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE) == LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE) { success = TRUE; } else { success = FALSE; } } log_copy_offset += LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE; if (!success) { if (dst_log != -1) os_file_close(dst_log); exit(1); } /* start flag */ log_copying = TRUE; /* start io throttle */ if(xtrabackup_throttle) { os_thread_id_t io_watching_thread_id; io_ticket = xtrabackup_throttle; wait_throttle = os_event_create(NULL); os_thread_create(io_watching_thread, NULL, &io_watching_thread_id); } /* copy log file by current position */ if(xtrabackup_copy_logfile(checkpoint_lsn_start, FALSE)) exit(1); os_thread_create(log_copying_thread, NULL, &log_copying_thread_id); if (!xtrabackup_stream) { /* stream mode is transaction log only */ //mutex_enter(&(system->mutex)); /* NOTE: It may not needed at "--backup" for now */ space = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(system->space_list); last_src = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(system->space_list); while (space != NULL) { if (space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE) { /* datafile only */ //printf("space: name=%s, id=%d, purpose=%d, size=%d\n", // space->name, space->id, space->purpose, space->size); /* mkdir if not exist */ ptr1 = strstr(space->name, SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR); if (ptr1) { ptr2 = strstr(ptr1 + 1, SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR); } else { ptr2 = NULL; } #ifdef XTRADB_BASED if(!trx_sys_sys_space(space->id) && ptr2) #else if(space->id && ptr2) #endif { /* single table space */ *ptr2 = 0; /* temporary (it's my lazy..)*/ sprintf(path, "%s%s",xtrabackup_target_dir,ptr1); *ptr2 = SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR; if (!my_stat(path,&stat_info,MYF(0)) && (my_mkdir(path,0777,MYF(0)) < 0)){ fprintf(stderr,"xtrabackup: Error: cannot mkdir %d: %s\n",my_errno,path); exit(1); } } node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain); while (node != NULL) { //printf(" node: name=%s, open=%d, size=%d\n", // node->name, node->open, node->size); /* copy the datafile */ if(xtrabackup_copy_datafile(node)) { if(node->space->id == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"xtrabackup: Error: failed to copy system datafile.\n"); exit(1); } else { printf("xtrabackup: Warining: failed to copy, but continuing.\n"); } } node = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(chain, node); } } if (space == last_src) break; space = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, space); } } //if (!xtrabackup_stream) //mutex_exit(&(system->mutex)); } /* suspend-at-end */ if (xtrabackup_suspend_at_end) { os_file_t suspend_file = -1; char suspend_path[FN_REFLEN]; ibool success, exists; os_file_type_t type; sprintf(suspend_path, "%s%s", xtrabackup_target_dir, "/xtrabackup_suspended"); srv_normalize_path_for_win(suspend_path); /* os_file_create reads srv_unix_file_flush_method */ suspend_file = os_file_create(suspend_path, OS_FILE_OVERWRITE, OS_FILE_NORMAL, OS_DATA_FILE, &success); if (!success) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Error: failed to create file 'xtrabackup_suspended'\n"); } if (suspend_file != -1) os_file_close(suspend_file); exists = TRUE; while (exists) { os_thread_sleep(200000); /*0.2 sec*/ success = os_file_status(suspend_path, &exists, &type); if (!success) break; } xtrabackup_suspend_at_end = FALSE; /* suspend is 1 time */ } /* read the latest checkpoint lsn */ latest_cp = ut_dulint_zero; { log_group_t* max_cp_group; ulint max_cp_field; ulint err; err = recv_find_max_checkpoint(&max_cp_group, &max_cp_field); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Error: recv_find_max_checkpoint() failed.\n"); goto skip_last_cp; } log_group_read_checkpoint_info(max_cp_group, max_cp_field); latest_cp = MACH_READ_64(log_sys->checkpoint_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN); if (!xtrabackup_stream) { #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT printf("xtrabackup: The latest check point (for incremental): '%lu:%lu'\n", latest_cp.high, latest_cp.low); #else printf("xtrabackup: The latest check point (for incremental): '%llu'\n", latest_cp); #endif } else { #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: The latest check point (for incremental): '%lu:%lu'\n", latest_cp.high, latest_cp.low); #else fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: The latest check point (for incremental): '%llu'\n", latest_cp); #endif } } skip_last_cp: /* output to metadata file */ { char filename[FN_REFLEN]; sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", xtrabackup_target_dir, XTRABACKUP_METADATA_FILENAME); if(!xtrabackup_incremental) { strcpy(metadata_type, "full-backuped"); metadata_from_lsn = ut_dulint_zero; } else { strcpy(metadata_type, "incremental"); metadata_from_lsn = incremental_lsn; } metadata_to_lsn = latest_cp; if (xtrabackup_write_metadata(filename)) fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: error: xtrabackup_write_metadata()\n"); } /* stop log_copying_thread */ log_copying = FALSE; if (!xtrabackup_stream) { printf("xtrabackup: Stopping log copying thread"); while (log_copying_running) { printf("."); os_thread_sleep(200000); /*0.2 sec*/ } printf("\n"); } else { while (log_copying_running) os_thread_sleep(200000); /*0.2 sec*/ } if (!log_copying_succeed) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Error: log_copying_thread failed.\n"); exit(1); } if (!xtrabackup_stream) os_file_close(dst_log); if (wait_throttle) os_event_free(wait_throttle); if (!xtrabackup_stream) { #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT printf("xtrabackup: Transaction log of lsn (%lu %lu) to (%lu %lu) was copied.\n", checkpoint_lsn_start.high, checkpoint_lsn_start.low, log_copy_scanned_lsn.high, log_copy_scanned_lsn.low); #else printf("xtrabackup: Transaction log of lsn (%llu) to (%llu) was copied.\n", checkpoint_lsn_start, log_copy_scanned_lsn); #endif } else { #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Transaction log of lsn (%lu %lu) to (%lu %lu) was copied.\n", checkpoint_lsn_start.high, checkpoint_lsn_start.low, log_copy_scanned_lsn.high, log_copy_scanned_lsn.low); #else fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Transaction log of lsn (%llu) to (%llu) was copied.\n", checkpoint_lsn_start, log_copy_scanned_lsn); #endif } } /* ================= stats ================= */ my_bool xtrabackup_stats_level( dict_index_t* index, ulint level) { ulint space; page_t* page; rec_t* node_ptr; ulint right_page_no; page_cur_t cursor; mtr_t mtr; mem_heap_t* heap = mem_heap_create(256); ulint* offsets = NULL; ulonglong n_pages, n_pages_extern; ulonglong sum_data, sum_data_extern; ulonglong n_recs; ulint page_size; n_pages = sum_data = n_recs = 0; n_pages_extern = sum_data_extern = 0; #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT buf_block_t* block; ulint zip_size; #endif if (level == 0) fprintf(stdout, " leaf pages: "); else fprintf(stdout, " level %lu pages: ", level); mtr_start(&mtr); #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT #if (MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 50100) mtr_x_lock(&(index->tree->lock), &mtr); page = btr_root_get(index->tree, &mtr); #else /* MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 51000 */ mtr_x_lock(&(index->lock), &mtr); page = btr_root_get(index, &mtr); #endif #else mtr_x_lock(&(index->lock), &mtr); block = btr_root_block_get(index, &mtr); page = buf_block_get_frame(block); #endif #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT space = buf_frame_get_space_id(page); #else space = page_get_space_id(page); zip_size = fil_space_get_zip_size(space); #endif while (level != btr_page_get_level(page, &mtr)) { #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT ut_a(btr_page_get_level(page, &mtr) > 0); #else ut_a(space == buf_block_get_space(block)); ut_a(space == page_get_space_id(page)); ut_a(!page_is_leaf(page)); #endif #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT page_cur_set_before_first(page, &cursor); #else page_cur_set_before_first(block, &cursor); #endif page_cur_move_to_next(&cursor); node_ptr = page_cur_get_rec(&cursor); offsets = rec_get_offsets(node_ptr, index, offsets, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap); #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT page = btr_node_ptr_get_child(node_ptr, offsets, &mtr); #else block = btr_node_ptr_get_child(node_ptr, index, offsets, &mtr); page = buf_block_get_frame(block); #endif } loop: mem_heap_empty(heap); offsets = NULL; #if (MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 50100) mtr_x_lock(&(index->tree->lock), &mtr); #else /* MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 51000 */ mtr_x_lock(&(index->lock), &mtr); #endif right_page_no = btr_page_get_next(page, &mtr); /*=================================*/ //fprintf(stdout, "%lu ", (ulint) buf_frame_get_page_no(page)); n_pages++; sum_data += page_get_data_size(page); n_recs += page_get_n_recs(page); if (level == 0) { page_cur_t cur; ulint n_fields; ulint i; mem_heap_t* heap = NULL; ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE]; ulint* offsets = offsets_; *offsets_ = (sizeof offsets_) / sizeof *offsets_; #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT page_cur_set_before_first(page, &cur); #else page_cur_set_before_first(block, &cur); #endif page_cur_move_to_next(&cur); for (;;) { if (page_cur_is_after_last(&cur)) { break; } offsets = rec_get_offsets(cur.rec, index, offsets, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap); n_fields = rec_offs_n_fields(offsets); for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++) { if (rec_offs_nth_extern(offsets, i)) { page_t* page; ulint space_id; ulint page_no; ulint offset; ulint extern_len; byte* blob_header; ulint part_len; mtr_t mtr; ulint local_len; byte* data; #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT buf_block_t* block; #endif data = rec_get_nth_field(cur.rec, offsets, i, &local_len); ut_a(local_len >= BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE); local_len -= BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE; space_id = mach_read_from_4(data + local_len + BTR_EXTERN_SPACE_ID); page_no = mach_read_from_4(data + local_len + BTR_EXTERN_PAGE_NO); offset = mach_read_from_4(data + local_len + BTR_EXTERN_OFFSET); extern_len = mach_read_from_4(data + local_len + BTR_EXTERN_LEN + 4); if (offset != FIL_PAGE_DATA) fprintf(stderr, "\nWarning: several record may share same external page.\n"); for (;;) { mtr_start(&mtr); #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT page = buf_page_get(space_id, page_no, RW_S_LATCH, &mtr); #else block = btr_block_get(space_id, zip_size, page_no, RW_S_LATCH, &mtr); page = buf_block_get_frame(block); #endif blob_header = page + offset; #define BTR_BLOB_HDR_PART_LEN 0 #define BTR_BLOB_HDR_NEXT_PAGE_NO 4 //part_len = btr_blob_get_part_len(blob_header); part_len = mach_read_from_4(blob_header + BTR_BLOB_HDR_PART_LEN); //page_no = btr_blob_get_next_page_no(blob_header); page_no = mach_read_from_4(blob_header + BTR_BLOB_HDR_NEXT_PAGE_NO); offset = FIL_PAGE_DATA; /*=================================*/ //fprintf(stdout, "[%lu] ", (ulint) buf_frame_get_page_no(page)); n_pages_extern++; sum_data_extern += part_len; mtr_commit(&mtr); if (page_no == FIL_NULL) break; } } } page_cur_move_to_next(&cur); } } mtr_commit(&mtr); if (right_page_no != FIL_NULL) { mtr_start(&mtr); #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT page = btr_page_get(space, right_page_no, RW_X_LATCH, &mtr); #else block = btr_block_get(space, zip_size, right_page_no, RW_X_LATCH, &mtr); page = buf_block_get_frame(block); #endif goto loop; } mem_heap_free(heap); #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT page_size = UNIV_PAGE_SIZE; #else if (zip_size) { page_size = zip_size; } else { page_size = UNIV_PAGE_SIZE; } #endif if (level == 0) fprintf(stdout, "recs=%lld, ", n_recs); fprintf(stdout, "pages=%lld, data=%lld bytes, data/pages=%lld%%", n_pages, sum_data, ((sum_data * 100)/ page_size)/n_pages); if (level == 0 && n_pages_extern) { putc('\n', stdout); /* also scan blob pages*/ fprintf(stdout, " external pages: "); fprintf(stdout, "pages=%lld, data=%lld bytes, data/pages=%lld%%", n_pages_extern, sum_data_extern, ((sum_data_extern * 100)/ page_size)/n_pages_extern); } putc('\n', stdout); if (level > 0) { xtrabackup_stats_level(index, level - 1); } return(TRUE); } void xtrabackup_stats_func(void) { /* cd to datadir */ if (my_setwd(mysql_real_data_home,MYF(MY_WME))) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: cannot my_setwd %s\n", mysql_real_data_home); exit(1); } fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: cd to %s\n", mysql_real_data_home); mysql_data_home= mysql_data_home_buff; mysql_data_home[0]=FN_CURLIB; // all paths are relative from here mysql_data_home[1]=0; /* set read only */ srv_read_only = TRUE; srv_fake_write = TRUE; /* initialize components */ if(innodb_init_param()) exit(1); fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Starting 'read-only' InnoDB instance to gather index statistics.\n" "xtrabackup: Using %lld bytes for buffer pool (set by --use-memory parameter)\n", xtrabackup_use_memory); if(innodb_init()) exit(1); fprintf(stdout, "\n\n\n"); /* gather stats */ { dict_table_t* sys_tables; dict_index_t* sys_index; dict_table_t* table; btr_pcur_t pcur; rec_t* rec; byte* field; ulint len; mtr_t mtr; /* Enlarge the fatal semaphore wait timeout during the InnoDB table monitor printout */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); srv_fatal_semaphore_wait_threshold += 72000; /* 20 hours */ mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); mutex_enter(&(dict_sys->mutex)); mtr_start(&mtr); sys_tables = dict_table_get_low("SYS_TABLES"); sys_index = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(sys_tables->indexes); btr_pcur_open_at_index_side(TRUE, sys_index, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, TRUE, &mtr); loop: btr_pcur_move_to_next_user_rec(&pcur, &mtr); rec = btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur); #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT if (!btr_pcur_is_on_user_rec(&pcur, &mtr)) #else if (!btr_pcur_is_on_user_rec(&pcur)) #endif { /* end of index */ btr_pcur_close(&pcur); mtr_commit(&mtr); mutex_exit(&(dict_sys->mutex)); /* Restore the fatal semaphore wait timeout */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); srv_fatal_semaphore_wait_threshold -= 72000; /* 20 hours */ mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); goto end; } field = rec_get_nth_field_old(rec, 0, &len); #if (MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 50100) if (!rec_get_deleted_flag(rec, sys_tables->comp)) #else /* MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 51000 */ if (!rec_get_deleted_flag(rec, 0)) #endif { /* We found one */ char* table_name = mem_strdupl((char*) field, len); btr_pcur_store_position(&pcur, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); table = dict_table_get_low(table_name); mem_free(table_name); if (xtrabackup_tables) { char *p; int regres; p = strstr(table->name, SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR); if (p) *p = '.'; regres = regexec(&tables_regex, table->name, 1, tables_regmatch, 0); if (p) *p = SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR; if ( regres == REG_NOMATCH ) goto skip; } if (table == NULL) { fputs("InnoDB: Failed to load table ", stderr); #if (MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 50100) ut_print_namel(stderr, NULL, (char*) field, len); #else /* MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 51000 */ ut_print_namel(stderr, NULL, TRUE, (char*) field, len); #endif putc('\n', stderr); } else { dict_index_t* index; /* The table definition was corrupt if there is no index */ if (dict_table_get_first_index(table)) { dict_update_statistics_low(table, TRUE); } //dict_table_print_low(table); index = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(table->indexes); while (index != NULL) { { IB_INT64 n_vals; if (index->n_user_defined_cols > 0) { n_vals = index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[ index->n_user_defined_cols]; } else { n_vals = index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[1]; } fprintf(stdout, " table: %s, index: %s, space id: %lu, root page: %lu" #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT ", zip size: %lu" #endif "\n estimated statistics in dictionary:\n" " key vals: %lu, leaf pages: %lu, size pages: %lu\n" " real statistics:\n", table->name, index->name, (ulong) index->space, #if (MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 50100) (ulong) index->tree->page, #else /* MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 51000 */ (ulong) index->page, #endif #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT (ulong) fil_space_get_zip_size(index->space), #endif (ulong) n_vals, (ulong) index->stat_n_leaf_pages, (ulong) index->stat_index_size); { mtr_t mtr; page_t* root; ulint n; mtr_start(&mtr); #if (MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 50100) mtr_x_lock(&(index->tree->lock), &mtr); root = btr_root_get(index->tree, &mtr); #else /* MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 51000 */ mtr_x_lock(&(index->lock), &mtr); root = btr_root_get(index, &mtr); #endif n = btr_page_get_level(root, &mtr); xtrabackup_stats_level(index, n); mtr_commit(&mtr); } putc('\n', stdout); } index = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(indexes, index); } } skip: mtr_start(&mtr); btr_pcur_restore_position(BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); } goto loop; } end: putc('\n', stdout); /* shutdown InnoDB */ if(innodb_end()) exit(1); } /* ================= prepare ================= */ my_bool xtrabackup_init_temp_log(void) { os_file_t src_file = -1; char src_path[FN_REFLEN]; char dst_path[FN_REFLEN]; ibool success; ulint field; byte* log_buf; byte* log_buf_ = NULL; IB_INT64 file_size; LSN64 max_no; LSN64 max_lsn; ulint max_field; LSN64 checkpoint_no; ulint fold; max_no = ut_dulint_zero; if(!xtrabackup_incremental_dir) { sprintf(dst_path, "%s%s", xtrabackup_target_dir, "/ib_logfile0"); sprintf(src_path, "%s%s", xtrabackup_target_dir, "/xtrabackup_logfile"); } else { sprintf(dst_path, "%s%s", xtrabackup_incremental_dir, "/ib_logfile0"); sprintf(src_path, "%s%s", xtrabackup_incremental_dir, "/xtrabackup_logfile"); } srv_normalize_path_for_win(dst_path); srv_normalize_path_for_win(src_path); retry: src_file = os_file_create_simple_no_error_handling( src_path, OS_FILE_OPEN, OS_FILE_READ_WRITE /* OS_FILE_READ_ONLY */, &success); if (!success) { /* The following call prints an error message */ os_file_get_last_error(TRUE); fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Warning: cannot open %s. will try to find.\n", src_path); /* check if ib_logfile0 may be xtrabackup_logfile */ src_file = os_file_create_simple_no_error_handling( dst_path, OS_FILE_OPEN, OS_FILE_READ_WRITE /* OS_FILE_READ_ONLY */, &success); if (!success) { os_file_get_last_error(TRUE); fprintf(stderr, " xtrabackup: Fatal error: cannot find %s.\n", src_path); goto error; } log_buf_ = ut_malloc(LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE * 2); log_buf = ut_align(log_buf_, LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE); success = os_file_read(src_file, log_buf, 0, 0, LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE); if (!success) { goto error; } if ( ut_memcmp(log_buf + LOG_FILE_WAS_CREATED_BY_HOT_BACKUP, (byte*)"xtrabkup", (sizeof "xtrabkup") - 1) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, " xtrabackup: 'ib_logfile0' seems to be 'xtrabackup_logfile'. will retry.\n"); ut_free(log_buf_); log_buf_ = NULL; os_file_close(src_file); src_file = -1; /* rename and try again */ success = os_file_rename(dst_path, src_path); if (!success) { goto error; } goto retry; } fprintf(stderr, " xtrabackup: Fatal error: cannot find %s.\n", src_path); ut_free(log_buf_); log_buf_ = NULL; os_file_close(src_file); src_file = -1; goto error; } #ifdef USE_POSIX_FADVISE posix_fadvise(src_file, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL); posix_fadvise(src_file, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED); #endif if (srv_unix_file_flush_method == SRV_UNIX_O_DIRECT) { os_file_set_nocache(src_file, src_path, "OPEN"); } file_size = os_file_get_size_as_iblonglong(src_file); /* TODO: We should skip the following modifies, if it is not the first time. */ log_buf_ = ut_malloc(UNIV_PAGE_SIZE * 129); log_buf = ut_align(log_buf_, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); /* read log file header */ success = os_file_read(src_file, log_buf, 0, 0, LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE); if (!success) { goto error; } if ( ut_memcmp(log_buf + LOG_FILE_WAS_CREATED_BY_HOT_BACKUP, (byte*)"xtrabkup", (sizeof "xtrabkup") - 1) != 0 ) { printf("xtrabackup: notice: xtrabackup_logfile was already used to '--prepare'.\n"); goto skip_modify; } else { /* clear it later */ //memset(log_buf + LOG_FILE_WAS_CREATED_BY_HOT_BACKUP, // ' ', 4); } /* read last checkpoint lsn */ for (field = LOG_CHECKPOINT_1; field <= LOG_CHECKPOINT_2; field += LOG_CHECKPOINT_2 - LOG_CHECKPOINT_1) { if (!recv_check_cp_is_consistent(log_buf + field)) goto not_consistent; checkpoint_no = MACH_READ_64(log_buf + field + LOG_CHECKPOINT_NO); if (ut_dulint_cmp(checkpoint_no, max_no) >= 0) { max_no = checkpoint_no; max_lsn = MACH_READ_64(log_buf + field + LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN); max_field = field; /* mach_write_to_4(log_buf + field + LOG_CHECKPOINT_OFFSET, LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE + ut_dulint_minus(max_lsn, ut_dulint_align_down(max_lsn,OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE))); ulint fold; fold = ut_fold_binary(log_buf + field, LOG_CHECKPOINT_CHECKSUM_1); mach_write_to_4(log_buf + field + LOG_CHECKPOINT_CHECKSUM_1, fold); fold = ut_fold_binary(log_buf + field + LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN, LOG_CHECKPOINT_CHECKSUM_2 - LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN); mach_write_to_4(log_buf + field + LOG_CHECKPOINT_CHECKSUM_2, fold); */ } not_consistent: ; } if (ut_dulint_cmp(max_no, ut_dulint_zero) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: No valid checkpoint found.\n"); goto error; } /* It seems to be needed to overwrite the both checkpoint area. */ MACH_WRITE_64(log_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_1 + LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN, max_lsn); mach_write_to_4(log_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_1 + LOG_CHECKPOINT_OFFSET, LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE + ut_dulint_minus(max_lsn, ut_dulint_align_down(max_lsn,OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE))); #ifdef XTRADB_BASED MACH_WRITE_64(log_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_1 + LOG_CHECKPOINT_ARCHIVED_LSN, (ib_uint64_t)(LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE + ut_dulint_minus(max_lsn, ut_dulint_align_down(max_lsn,OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE)))); #endif fold = ut_fold_binary(log_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_1, LOG_CHECKPOINT_CHECKSUM_1); mach_write_to_4(log_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_1 + LOG_CHECKPOINT_CHECKSUM_1, fold); fold = ut_fold_binary(log_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_1 + LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN, LOG_CHECKPOINT_CHECKSUM_2 - LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN); mach_write_to_4(log_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_1 + LOG_CHECKPOINT_CHECKSUM_2, fold); MACH_WRITE_64(log_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_2 + LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN, max_lsn); mach_write_to_4(log_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_2 + LOG_CHECKPOINT_OFFSET, LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE + ut_dulint_minus(max_lsn, ut_dulint_align_down(max_lsn,OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE))); #ifdef XTRADB_BASED MACH_WRITE_64(log_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_2 + LOG_CHECKPOINT_ARCHIVED_LSN, (ib_uint64_t)(LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE + ut_dulint_minus(max_lsn, ut_dulint_align_down(max_lsn,OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE)))); #endif fold = ut_fold_binary(log_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_2, LOG_CHECKPOINT_CHECKSUM_1); mach_write_to_4(log_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_2 + LOG_CHECKPOINT_CHECKSUM_1, fold); fold = ut_fold_binary(log_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_2 + LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN, LOG_CHECKPOINT_CHECKSUM_2 - LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN); mach_write_to_4(log_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_2 + LOG_CHECKPOINT_CHECKSUM_2, fold); success = os_file_write(src_path, src_file, log_buf, 0, 0, LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE); if (!success) { goto error; } /* expand file size (9/8) and align to UNIV_PAGE_SIZE */ if (file_size % UNIV_PAGE_SIZE) { memset(log_buf, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); success = os_file_write(src_path, src_file, log_buf, (ulint)(file_size & 0xFFFFFFFFUL), (ulint)(file_size >> 32), UNIV_PAGE_SIZE - (file_size % UNIV_PAGE_SIZE)); if (!success) { goto error; } file_size = os_file_get_size_as_iblonglong(src_file); } /* TODO: We should judge whether the file is already expanded or not... */ { ulint expand; memset(log_buf, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE * 128); expand = file_size / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE / 8; for (; expand > 128; expand -= 128) { success = os_file_write(src_path, src_file, log_buf, (ulint)(file_size & 0xFFFFFFFFUL), (ulint)(file_size >> 32), UNIV_PAGE_SIZE * 128); if (!success) { goto error; } file_size += UNIV_PAGE_SIZE * 128; } if (expand) { success = os_file_write(src_path, src_file, log_buf, (ulint)(file_size & 0xFFFFFFFFUL), (ulint)(file_size >> 32), expand * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); if (!success) { goto error; } file_size += UNIV_PAGE_SIZE * expand; } } /* make larger than 2MB */ if (file_size < 2*1024*1024L) { memset(log_buf, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); while (file_size < 2*1024*1024L) { success = os_file_write(src_path, src_file, log_buf, (ulint)(file_size & 0xFFFFFFFFUL), (ulint)(file_size >> 32), UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); if (!success) { goto error; } file_size += UNIV_PAGE_SIZE; } file_size = os_file_get_size_as_iblonglong(src_file); } #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT printf("xtrabackup: xtrabackup_logfile detected: size=%lld, start_lsn=(%lu %lu)\n", file_size, max_lsn.high, max_lsn.low); #else printf("xtrabackup: xtrabackup_logfile detected: size=%lld, start_lsn=(%llu)\n", file_size, max_lsn); #endif os_file_close(src_file); src_file = -1; /* Backup log parameters */ innobase_log_group_home_dir_backup = innobase_log_group_home_dir; innobase_log_file_size_backup = innobase_log_file_size; innobase_log_files_in_group_backup = innobase_log_files_in_group; /* fake InnoDB */ innobase_log_group_home_dir = NULL; innobase_log_file_size = file_size; innobase_log_files_in_group = 1; srv_thread_concurrency = 0; /* rename 'xtrabackup_logfile' to 'ib_logfile0' */ success = os_file_rename(src_path, dst_path); if (!success) { goto error; } xtrabackup_logfile_is_renamed = TRUE; ut_free(log_buf_); return(FALSE); skip_modify: os_file_close(src_file); src_file = -1; ut_free(log_buf_); return(FALSE); error: if (src_file != -1) os_file_close(src_file); if (log_buf_) ut_free(log_buf_); fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Error: xtrabackup_init_temp_log() failed.\n"); return(TRUE); /*ERROR*/ } void xtrabackup_apply_delta( const char* dirname, /* in: dir name of incremental */ const char* dbname, /* in: database name (ibdata: NULL) */ const char* filename, /* in: file name (not a path), including the .delta extension */ my_bool check_newer) { os_file_t src_file = -1; os_file_t dst_file = -1; char src_path[FN_REFLEN]; char dst_path[FN_REFLEN]; ibool success; ibool last_buffer = FALSE; ulint page_in_buffer; ulint incremental_buffers = 0; /* TODO: How to determine zip_size here... (to support compressed page) */ ut_a(xtrabackup_incremental); if (dbname) { sprintf(src_path, "%s/%s/%s", dirname, dbname, filename); sprintf(dst_path, "%s/%s/%s", xtrabackup_real_target_dir, dbname, filename); } else { sprintf(src_path, "%s/%s", dirname, filename); sprintf(dst_path, "%s/%s", xtrabackup_real_target_dir, filename); } dst_path[strlen(dst_path) - 6] = '\0'; srv_normalize_path_for_win(dst_path); srv_normalize_path_for_win(src_path); src_file = os_file_create_simple_no_error_handling( src_path, OS_FILE_OPEN, OS_FILE_READ_WRITE, &success); if (!success) { os_file_get_last_error(TRUE); fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: error: cannot open %s\n", src_path); goto error; } #ifdef USE_POSIX_FADVISE posix_fadvise(src_file, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL); posix_fadvise(src_file, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED); #endif if (srv_unix_file_flush_method == SRV_UNIX_O_DIRECT) { os_file_set_nocache(src_file, src_path, "OPEN"); } dst_file = os_file_create_simple_no_error_handling( dst_path, OS_FILE_OPEN, OS_FILE_READ_WRITE, &success); if (!success) { os_file_get_last_error(TRUE); fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: error: cannot open %s\n", dst_path); goto error; } #ifdef USE_POSIX_FADVISE posix_fadvise(dst_file, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED); #endif if (srv_unix_file_flush_method == SRV_UNIX_O_DIRECT) { os_file_set_nocache(dst_file, dst_path, "OPEN"); } printf("Applying %s ...\n", src_path); while (!last_buffer) { ulint cluster_header; /* read to buffer */ /* first block of block cluster */ success = os_file_read(src_file, incremental_buffer, ((incremental_buffers * (UNIV_PAGE_SIZE/4)) << UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT) & 0xFFFFFFFFUL, (incremental_buffers * (UNIV_PAGE_SIZE/4)) >> (32 - UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT), UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); if (!success) { goto error; } cluster_header = mach_read_from_4(incremental_buffer); switch(cluster_header) { case 0x78747261UL: /*"xtra"*/ break; case 0x58545241UL: /*"XTRA"*/ last_buffer = TRUE; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: error: %s seems not .delta file.\n", src_path); goto error; } for (page_in_buffer = 1; page_in_buffer < UNIV_PAGE_SIZE/4; page_in_buffer++) { if (mach_read_from_4(incremental_buffer + page_in_buffer * 4) == 0xFFFFFFFFUL) break; } ut_a(last_buffer || page_in_buffer == UNIV_PAGE_SIZE/4); /* read whole of the cluster */ success = os_file_read(src_file, incremental_buffer, ((incremental_buffers * (UNIV_PAGE_SIZE/4)) << UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT) & 0xFFFFFFFFUL, (incremental_buffers * (UNIV_PAGE_SIZE/4)) >> (32 - UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT), page_in_buffer * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); if (!success) { goto error; } for (page_in_buffer = 1; page_in_buffer < UNIV_PAGE_SIZE/4; page_in_buffer++) { ulint page_offset; page_offset = mach_read_from_4(incremental_buffer + page_in_buffer * 4); if (page_offset == 0xFFFFFFFFUL) break; /* apply blocks in the cluster */ if (ut_dulint_cmp(incremental_lsn, MACH_READ_64(incremental_buffer + page_in_buffer * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE + FIL_PAGE_LSN)) >= 0) continue; success = os_file_write(dst_path, dst_file, incremental_buffer + page_in_buffer * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, (page_offset << UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT) & 0xFFFFFFFFUL, page_offset >> (32 - UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT), UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); if (!success) { goto error; } } incremental_buffers++; } if (src_file != -1) os_file_close(src_file); if (dst_file != -1) os_file_close(dst_file); return; error: if (src_file != -1) os_file_close(src_file); if (dst_file != -1) os_file_close(dst_file); fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Error: xtrabackup_apply_delta() failed.\n"); return; } void xtrabackup_apply_deltas(my_bool check_newer) { int ret; char dbpath[FN_REFLEN]; os_file_dir_t dir; os_file_dir_t dbdir; os_file_stat_t dbinfo; os_file_stat_t fileinfo; ulint err = DB_SUCCESS; static char current_dir[2]; current_dir[0] = FN_CURLIB; current_dir[1] = 0; srv_data_home = current_dir; /* datafile */ dbdir = os_file_opendir(xtrabackup_incremental_dir, FALSE); if (dbdir != NULL) { ret = fil_file_readdir_next_file(&err, xtrabackup_incremental_dir, dbdir, &fileinfo); while (ret == 0) { if (fileinfo.type == OS_FILE_TYPE_DIR) { goto next_file_item_1; } if (strlen(fileinfo.name) > 6 && 0 == strcmp(fileinfo.name + strlen(fileinfo.name) - 6, ".delta")) { xtrabackup_apply_delta( xtrabackup_incremental_dir, NULL, fileinfo.name, check_newer); } next_file_item_1: ret = fil_file_readdir_next_file(&err, xtrabackup_incremental_dir, dbdir, &fileinfo); } os_file_closedir(dbdir); } else { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Cannot open dir %s\n", xtrabackup_incremental_dir); } /* single table tablespaces */ dir = os_file_opendir(xtrabackup_incremental_dir, FALSE); if (dir == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Cannot open dir %s\n", xtrabackup_incremental_dir); } ret = fil_file_readdir_next_file(&err, xtrabackup_incremental_dir, dir, &dbinfo); while (ret == 0) { if (dbinfo.type == OS_FILE_TYPE_FILE || dbinfo.type == OS_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { goto next_datadir_item; } sprintf(dbpath, "%s/%s", xtrabackup_incremental_dir, dbinfo.name); srv_normalize_path_for_win(dbpath); dbdir = os_file_opendir(dbpath, FALSE); if (dbdir != NULL) { ret = fil_file_readdir_next_file(&err, dbpath, dbdir, &fileinfo); while (ret == 0) { if (fileinfo.type == OS_FILE_TYPE_DIR) { goto next_file_item_2; } if (strlen(fileinfo.name) > 6 && 0 == strcmp(fileinfo.name + strlen(fileinfo.name) - 6, ".delta")) { /* The name ends in .ibd; try opening the file */ xtrabackup_apply_delta( xtrabackup_incremental_dir, dbinfo.name, fileinfo.name, check_newer); } next_file_item_2: ret = fil_file_readdir_next_file(&err, dbpath, dbdir, &fileinfo); } os_file_closedir(dbdir); } next_datadir_item: ret = fil_file_readdir_next_file(&err, xtrabackup_incremental_dir, dir, &dbinfo); } os_file_closedir(dir); } my_bool xtrabackup_close_temp_log(my_bool clear_flag) { os_file_t src_file = -1; char src_path[FN_REFLEN]; char dst_path[FN_REFLEN]; ibool success; byte* log_buf; byte* log_buf_ = NULL; if (!xtrabackup_logfile_is_renamed) return(FALSE); /* Restore log parameters */ innobase_log_group_home_dir = innobase_log_group_home_dir_backup; innobase_log_file_size = innobase_log_file_size_backup; innobase_log_files_in_group = innobase_log_files_in_group_backup; /* rename 'ib_logfile0' to 'xtrabackup_logfile' */ if(!xtrabackup_incremental_dir) { sprintf(dst_path, "%s%s", xtrabackup_target_dir, "/ib_logfile0"); sprintf(src_path, "%s%s", xtrabackup_target_dir, "/xtrabackup_logfile"); } else { sprintf(dst_path, "%s%s", xtrabackup_incremental_dir, "/ib_logfile0"); sprintf(src_path, "%s%s", xtrabackup_incremental_dir, "/xtrabackup_logfile"); } srv_normalize_path_for_win(dst_path); srv_normalize_path_for_win(src_path); success = os_file_rename(dst_path, src_path); if (!success) { goto error; } xtrabackup_logfile_is_renamed = FALSE; if (!clear_flag) return(FALSE); /* clear LOG_FILE_WAS_CREATED_BY_HOT_BACKUP field */ src_file = os_file_create_simple_no_error_handling( src_path, OS_FILE_OPEN, OS_FILE_READ_WRITE, &success); if (!success) { goto error; } #ifdef USE_POSIX_FADVISE posix_fadvise(src_file, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED); #endif if (srv_unix_file_flush_method == SRV_UNIX_O_DIRECT) { os_file_set_nocache(src_file, src_path, "OPEN"); } log_buf_ = ut_malloc(LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE * 2); log_buf = ut_align(log_buf_, LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE); success = os_file_read(src_file, log_buf, 0, 0, LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE); if (!success) { goto error; } memset(log_buf + LOG_FILE_WAS_CREATED_BY_HOT_BACKUP, ' ', 4); success = os_file_write(src_path, src_file, log_buf, 0, 0, LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE); if (!success) { goto error; } os_file_close(src_file); src_file = -1; return(FALSE); error: if (src_file != -1) os_file_close(src_file); if (log_buf_) ut_free(log_buf_); fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Error: xtrabackup_close_temp_log() failed.\n"); return(TRUE); /*ERROR*/ } void xtrabackup_prepare_func(void) { /* cd to target-dir */ if (my_setwd(xtrabackup_real_target_dir,MYF(MY_WME))) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: cannot my_setwd %s\n", xtrabackup_real_target_dir); exit(1); } fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: cd to %s\n", xtrabackup_real_target_dir); xtrabackup_target_dir= mysql_data_home_buff; xtrabackup_target_dir[0]=FN_CURLIB; // all paths are relative from here xtrabackup_target_dir[1]=0; /* read metadata of target */ { char filename[FN_REFLEN]; sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", xtrabackup_target_dir, XTRABACKUP_METADATA_FILENAME); if (xtrabackup_read_metadata(filename)) fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: error: xtrabackup_read_metadata()\n"); if (!strcmp(metadata_type, "full-backuped")) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: This target seems to be not prepared yet.\n"); } else if (!strcmp(metadata_type, "full-prepared")) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: This target seems to be already prepared.\n"); goto skip_check; } else { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: This target seems not to have correct metadata...\n"); } if (xtrabackup_incremental) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: error: applying incremental backup needs target prepared.\n"); exit(1); } skip_check: if (xtrabackup_incremental && ut_dulint_cmp(metadata_to_lsn, incremental_lsn) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: error: This incremental backup seems to be too new for the target.\n"); exit(1); } } /* Create logfiles for recovery from 'xtrabackup_logfile', before start InnoDB */ srv_max_n_threads = 1000; os_sync_mutex = NULL; #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT ut_mem_init(); #ifdef XTRADB_BASED /* temporally dummy value to avoid crash */ srv_page_size_shift = 14; srv_page_size = (1 << srv_page_size_shift); #endif #endif os_sync_init(); sync_init(); os_io_init_simple(); if(xtrabackup_init_temp_log()) goto error; if(xtrabackup_incremental) xtrabackup_apply_deltas(TRUE); sync_close(); sync_initialized = FALSE; os_sync_free(); os_sync_mutex = NULL; ut_free_all_mem(); /* check the accessibility of target-dir */ /* ############# TODO ##################### */ if(innodb_init_param()) goto error; /* increase IO threads */ if(srv_n_file_io_threads < 10) { srv_n_file_io_threads = 10; } fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: Starting InnoDB instance for recovery.\n" "xtrabackup: Using %lld bytes for buffer pool (set by --use-memory parameter)\n", xtrabackup_use_memory); if(innodb_init()) goto error; //printf("Hello InnoDB world!\n"); /* TEST: innodb status*/ /* ulint trx_list_start = ULINT_UNDEFINED; ulint trx_list_end = ULINT_UNDEFINED; srv_printf_innodb_monitor(stdout, &trx_list_start, &trx_list_end); */ /* TEST: list of datafiles and transaction log files and LSN*/ /* { fil_system_t* system = fil_system; fil_space_t* space; fil_node_t* node; mutex_enter(&(system->mutex)); space = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(system->space_list); while (space != NULL) { printf("space: name=%s, id=%d, purpose=%d, size=%d\n", space->name, space->id, space->purpose, space->size); node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain); while (node != NULL) { printf("node: name=%s, open=%d, size=%d\n", node->name, node->open, node->size); node = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(chain, node); } space = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, space); } mutex_exit(&(system->mutex)); } */ /* align space sizes along with fsp header */ { fil_system_t* system = fil_system; fil_space_t* space; fil_node_t* node; mutex_enter(&(system->mutex)); space = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(system->space_list); while (space != NULL) { byte* header; ulint size; ulint actual_size; mtr_t mtr; #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT buf_block_t* block; ulint flags; #endif if (space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE) { mutex_exit(&(system->mutex)); mtr_start(&mtr); #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT mtr_s_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space->id), &mtr); header = FIL_PAGE_DATA + buf_page_get(space->id, 0, RW_S_LATCH, &mtr); #else mtr_s_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space->id, &flags), &mtr); block = buf_page_get(space->id, dict_table_flags_to_zip_size(flags), 0, RW_S_LATCH, &mtr); header = FIL_PAGE_DATA /*FSP_HEADER_OFFSET*/ + buf_block_get_frame(block); #endif size = mtr_read_ulint(header + 8 /* FSP_SIZE */, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); //printf("%d, %d\n", space->id, size); fil_extend_space_to_desired_size(&actual_size, space->id, size); mutex_enter(&(system->mutex)); } space = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, space); } mutex_exit(&(system->mutex)); } if (xtrabackup_export) { printf("xtrabackup: export option is specified.\n"); if (innobase_file_per_table) { fil_system_t* system = fil_system; fil_space_t* space; fil_node_t* node; os_file_t info_file = -1; char info_file_path[FN_REFLEN]; ibool success; char table_name[FN_REFLEN]; byte* page; byte* buf = NULL; buf = ut_malloc(UNIV_PAGE_SIZE * 2); page = ut_align(buf, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); /* flush insert buffer at shutdwon */ innobase_fast_shutdown = 0; mutex_enter(&(system->mutex)); space = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(system->space_list); while (space != NULL) { /* treat file_per_table only */ if (space->purpose != FIL_TABLESPACE #ifdef XTRADB_BASED || trx_sys_sys_space(space->id) #else || space->id == 0 #endif ) { space = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, space); continue; } node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain); while (node != NULL) { int len; char *next, *prev, *p; dict_table_t* table; dict_index_t* index; ulint n_index; /* node exist == file exist, here */ strncpy(info_file_path, node->name, FN_REFLEN); len = strlen(info_file_path); info_file_path[len - 3] = 'e'; info_file_path[len - 2] = 'x'; info_file_path[len - 1] = 'p'; p = info_file_path; prev = NULL; while (next = strstr(p, SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR)) { prev = p; p = next + 1; } info_file_path[len - 4] = 0; strncpy(table_name, prev, FN_REFLEN); info_file_path[len - 4] = '.'; mutex_exit(&(system->mutex)); mutex_enter(&(dict_sys->mutex)); table = dict_table_get_low(table_name); if (!table) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: error: cannot find dictionary record of table %s\n", table_name); goto next_node; } index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); n_index = UT_LIST_GET_LEN(table->indexes); if (n_index > 31) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: error: sorry, cannot export over 31 indexes for now.\n"); goto next_node; } /* init exp file */ bzero(page, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); mach_write_to_4(page , 0x78706f72UL); mach_write_to_4(page + 4, 0x74696e66UL);/*"xportinf"*/ mach_write_to_4(page + 8, n_index); strncpy(page + 12, table_name, 500); printf( "xtrabackup: export metadata of table '%s' to file `%s` (%lu indexes)\n", table_name, info_file_path, n_index); n_index = 1; while (index) { mach_write_to_8(page + n_index * 512, index->id); mach_write_to_4(page + n_index * 512 + 8, #if (MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 50100) index->tree->page); #else /* MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 51000 */ index->page); #endif strncpy(page + n_index * 512 + 12, index->name, 500); printf( "xtrabackup: name=%s, id.low=%lu, page=%lu\n", index->name, index->id.low, #if (MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 50100) index->tree->page); #else /* MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 51000 */ index->page); #endif index = dict_table_get_next_index(index); n_index++; } srv_normalize_path_for_win(info_file_path); info_file = os_file_create(info_file_path, OS_FILE_OVERWRITE, OS_FILE_NORMAL, OS_DATA_FILE, &success); if (!success) { os_file_get_last_error(TRUE); goto next_node; } success = os_file_write(info_file_path, info_file, page, 0, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); if (!success) { os_file_get_last_error(TRUE); goto next_node; } success = os_file_flush(info_file); if (!success) { os_file_get_last_error(TRUE); goto next_node; } next_node: if (info_file != -1) { os_file_close(info_file); info_file = -1; } mutex_exit(&(dict_sys->mutex)); mutex_enter(&(system->mutex)); node = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(chain, node); } space = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, space); } mutex_exit(&(system->mutex)); ut_free(buf); } else { printf("xtrabackup: export option is for file_per_table only, disabled.\n"); } } /* print binlog position (again?) */ printf("\n[notice (again)]\n" " If you use binary log and don't use any hack of group commit,\n" " the binary log position seems to be:\n"); trx_sys_print_mysql_binlog_offset(); printf("\n"); if(innodb_end()) goto error; sync_initialized = FALSE; os_sync_mutex = NULL; /* re-init necessary components */ #ifdef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT ut_mem_init(); #endif os_sync_init(); sync_init(); os_io_init_simple(); if(xtrabackup_close_temp_log(TRUE)) exit(1); /* output to metadata file */ { char filename[FN_REFLEN]; sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", xtrabackup_target_dir, XTRABACKUP_METADATA_FILENAME); strcpy(metadata_type, "full-prepared"); if(xtrabackup_incremental && ut_dulint_cmp(metadata_to_lsn, incremental_to_lsn) < 0) metadata_to_lsn = incremental_to_lsn; if (xtrabackup_write_metadata(filename)) fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: error: xtrabackup_write_metadata()\n"); } if(!xtrabackup_create_ib_logfile) return; /* TODO: make more smart */ printf("\n[notice]\nWe cannot call InnoDB second time during the process lifetime.\n"); printf("Please re-execte to create ib_logfile*. Sorry.\n"); /* printf("Restart InnoDB to create ib_logfile*.\n"); if(innodb_init_param()) goto error; if(innodb_init()) goto error; if(innodb_end()) goto error; */ return; error: xtrabackup_close_temp_log(FALSE); exit(1); } /* ================= main =================== */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ho_error; MY_INIT(argv[0]); load_defaults("my",load_default_groups,&argc,&argv); /* ignore unsupported options */ { int i,j,argc_new,find; char *optend, *prev_found; argc_new = argc; j=1; for (i=1 ; i < argc ; i++) { uint count; struct my_option *opt= (struct my_option *) my_long_options; optend= strcend((argv)[i], '='); for (count= 0; opt->name; opt++) { if (!getopt_compare_strings(opt->name, (argv)[i] + 2, (uint)(optend - (argv)[i] - 2))) /* match found */ { if (!opt->name[(uint)(optend - (argv)[i] - 2)]) { find = 1; goto next_opt; } if (!count) { count= 1; prev_found= (char *) opt->name; } else if (strcmp(prev_found, opt->name)) { count++; } } } find = count; next_opt: if(!find){ argc_new--; } else { (argv)[j]=(argv)[i]; j++; } } argc = argc_new; argv[argc] = NULL; } if ((ho_error=handle_options(&argc, &argv, my_long_options, get_one_option))) exit(ho_error); if (strcmp(mysql_data_home, "./") == 0) { if (!xtrabackup_print_param) usage(); printf("\nxtrabackup: Error: Please set parameter 'datadir'\n"); exit(-1); } if (xtrabackup_tables) { /* init regexp */ char errbuf[100]; regerror(regcomp(&tables_regex,xtrabackup_tables,REG_EXTENDED), &tables_regex,errbuf,sizeof(errbuf)); fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: tables regcomp(): %s\n",errbuf); } #ifdef XTRADB_BASED /* temporary setting of enough size */ srv_page_size_shift = UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX; srv_page_size = UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_MAX; #endif if (xtrabackup_backup && xtrabackup_incremental) { /* direct specification is only for --backup */ /* and the lsn is prior to the other option */ char* incremental_low; char* endchar; long long lsn_high, lsn_low; int error = 0; #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT incremental_low = strstr(xtrabackup_incremental, ":"); if (incremental_low) { *incremental_low = '\0'; lsn_high = strtoll(xtrabackup_incremental, &endchar, 10); if (*endchar != '\0' || (lsn_high >> 32)) error = 1; *incremental_low = ':'; incremental_low++; lsn_low = strtoll(incremental_low, &endchar, 10); if (*endchar != '\0' || (lsn_low >> 32)) error = 1; incremental_lsn = ut_dulint_create((ulint)lsn_high, (ulint)lsn_low); } else { error = 1; } #else incremental_lsn = strtoll(xtrabackup_incremental, &endchar, 10); if (*endchar != '\0') error = 1; #endif if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: value '%s' may be wrong format for incremental option.\n", xtrabackup_incremental); exit(-1); } /* allocate buffer for incremental backup (4096 pages) */ incremental_buffer_base = malloc((UNIV_PAGE_SIZE/4 + 1) * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); incremental_buffer = ut_align(incremental_buffer_base, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); } else if (xtrabackup_backup && xtrabackup_incremental_basedir) { char filename[FN_REFLEN]; sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", xtrabackup_incremental_basedir, XTRABACKUP_METADATA_FILENAME); if (xtrabackup_read_metadata(filename)) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: error: failed to read metadata from %s\n", filename); exit(-1); } incremental_lsn = metadata_to_lsn; xtrabackup_incremental = xtrabackup_incremental_basedir; //dummy /* allocate buffer for incremental backup (4096 pages) */ incremental_buffer_base = malloc((UNIV_PAGE_SIZE/4 + 1) * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); incremental_buffer = ut_align(incremental_buffer_base, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); } else if (xtrabackup_prepare && xtrabackup_incremental_dir) { char filename[FN_REFLEN]; sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", xtrabackup_incremental_dir, XTRABACKUP_METADATA_FILENAME); if (xtrabackup_read_metadata(filename)) { fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: error: failed to read metadata from %s\n", filename); exit(-1); } incremental_lsn = metadata_from_lsn; incremental_to_lsn = metadata_to_lsn; xtrabackup_incremental = xtrabackup_incremental_dir; //dummy /* allocate buffer for incremental backup (4096 pages) */ incremental_buffer_base = malloc((UNIV_PAGE_SIZE/4 + 1) * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); incremental_buffer = ut_align(incremental_buffer_base, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); } else { /* allocate buffer for applying incremental (for header page only) */ incremental_buffer_base = malloc((1 + 1) * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); incremental_buffer = ut_align(incremental_buffer_base, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); xtrabackup_incremental = NULL; } /* --print-param */ if (xtrabackup_print_param) { /* === some variables from mysqld === */ bzero((G_PTR) &mysql_tmpdir_list, sizeof(mysql_tmpdir_list)); if (init_tmpdir(&mysql_tmpdir_list, opt_mysql_tmpdir)) exit(1); printf("# This MySQL options file was generated by XtraBackup.\n"); printf("[mysqld]\n"); printf("datadir = \"%s\"\n", mysql_data_home); printf("tmpdir = \"%s\"\n", mysql_tmpdir_list.list[0]); printf("innodb_data_home_dir = \"%s\"\n", innobase_data_home_dir ? innobase_data_home_dir : mysql_data_home); printf("innodb_data_file_path = \"%s\"\n", innobase_data_file_path ? innobase_data_file_path : "ibdata1:10M:autoextend"); printf("innodb_log_group_home_dir = \"%s\"\n", innobase_log_group_home_dir ? innobase_log_group_home_dir : mysql_data_home); printf("innodb_log_files_in_group = %ld\n", innobase_log_files_in_group); printf("innodb_log_file_size = %lld\n", innobase_log_file_size); exit(0); } if (!xtrabackup_stream) { print_version(); if (xtrabackup_incremental) { #ifndef INNODB_VERSION_SHORT printf("incremental backup from %lu:%lu is enabled.\n", incremental_lsn.high, incremental_lsn.low); #else printf("incremental backup from %llu is enabled.\n", incremental_lsn); #endif } } else { if (xtrabackup_backup) { xtrabackup_suspend_at_end = TRUE; fprintf(stderr, "xtrabackup: suspend-at-end is enabled.\n"); } } /* cannot execute both for now */ { int num = 0; if (xtrabackup_backup) num++; if (xtrabackup_stats) num++; if (xtrabackup_prepare) num++; if (num != 1) { /* !XOR (for now) */ usage(); exit(-1); } } /* --backup */ if (xtrabackup_backup) xtrabackup_backup_func(); /* --stats */ if (xtrabackup_stats) xtrabackup_stats_func(); /* --prepare */ if (xtrabackup_prepare) xtrabackup_prepare_func(); free(incremental_buffer_base); if (xtrabackup_tables) { /* free regexp */ regfree(&tables_regex); } exit(0); }