by Ivan Sagalaev
Scipio. Initial commit. |
1 |
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
2 |
from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST |
3 |
from django import http |
4 |
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ |
5 |
from django.utils import simplejson |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Починка вывода login-страницы при ошибках валидации OpenID URL |
6 |
from django.shortcuts import redirect, render_to_response |
7 |
from django.template import RequestContext |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Scipio. Initial commit. |
8 |
from django.contrib import auth |
9 |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Реорганизация utils в пакет. |
10 |
from scipio import models, forms, signals |
11 |
from scipio.utils import mimeparse |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Scipio. Initial commit. |
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13 |
def _post_redirect(request): |
14 |
return request.POST.get('redirect', request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', '/')) |
15 |
16 |
def login(request): |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Stylistic fixes in comments for settings. |
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18 |
Shows and processes an OpenID login form. The successful response from the
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view is a redirect to user's OpenID server. The server will then return the
20 |
user back to `complete` view.
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22 |
Requires a template "scipio/login.html".
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by Ivan Sagalaev
Scipio. Initial commit. |
24 |
if request.method == 'POST': |
25 |
form = forms.AuthForm(request.session, request.POST) |
26 |
if form.is_valid(): |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Авторизация не должна автоматически логинить юзера. |
27 |
after_auth_redirect = form.auth_redirect(_post_redirect(request), {'op': 'login'}) |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Scipio. Initial commit. |
28 |
return redirect(after_auth_redirect) |
29 |
return_url = _post_redirect(request) |
30 |
else: |
31 |
form = forms.AuthForm(request.session) |
32 |
return_url = request.GET.get('redirect', '/') |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Починка вывода login-страницы при ошибках валидации OpenID URL |
33 |
return render_to_response('scipio/login.html', |
34 |
{'form': form, 'redirect': return_url}, |
35 |
context_instance = RequestContext(request), |
36 |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Scipio. Initial commit. |
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def complete(request, message=_('Authentication failed')): |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Stylistic fixes in comments for settings. |
39 |
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Completes authentication process after user returns from the OpenID server.
41 |
42 |
If authentication is successful sends a signal about it which an
43 |
application can catch and return some HttpResponse. If no HttpResponse
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returned from signal handlers the view just redirect a user to the original
45 |
page from which authentication had started.
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by Ivan Sagalaev
Scipio. Initial commit. |
47 |
user = auth.authenticate(session=request.session, query=request.GET, return_path=request.path) |
48 |
if not user: |
49 |
return http.HttpResponseForbidden(message) |
by Ivan Sagalaev
str для ключей data при передаче в сигнал |
50 |
data = dict((str(k[7:]), v) for k, v in request.GET.items() if k.startswith('scipio.')) |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Авторизация не должна автоматически логинить юзера. |
51 |
results = signals.authenticated.send(request, user=user, **data) |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Treat results from a signal call as a list of tuple of (callback, result) |
52 |
for callback, result in results: |
53 |
if isinstance(result, http.HttpResponse): |
54 |
response = result |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Scipio. Initial commit. |
55 |
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else: |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Stylistic fixes in comments for settings. |
57 |
response = redirect(request.GET.get('redirect', '/')) |
58 |
return response |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Scipio. Initial commit. |
59 |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Авторизация не должна автоматически логинить юзера. |
60 |
def complete_login(sender, user, op=None, **kwargs): |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Stylistic fixes in comments for settings. |
61 |
62 |
A default handler for login completion that actually athenticates a Django
63 |
user and persists it in a session.
64 |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Авторизация не должна автоматически логинить юзера. |
65 |
if op == 'login': |
66 |
auth.login(sender, user) |
67 |
signals.authenticated.connect(complete_login) |
68 |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Scipio. Initial commit. |
69 |
70 |
def logout(request): |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Stylistic fixes in comments for settings. |
71 |
72 |
Processes logout form by logging out Django user.
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by Ivan Sagalaev
Scipio. Initial commit. |
74 |
auth.logout(request) |
75 |
return redirect(_post_redirect(request)) |
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def openid_whitelist(request): |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Stylistic fixes in comments for settings. |
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Shows current list of white-listed users to share it with whoever wants to
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know users trusted by this site.
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The list is available in three formats (text, xml, json). The format is
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negotiated by HTTP spec using Accept header.
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by Ivan Sagalaev
Scipio. Initial commit. |
85 |
if request.method == 'POST': |
86 |
try: |
87 |
profile = models.Profile.objects.get(pk=int(request.POST['id'])) |
88 |
profile.spamer = False |
89 |
profile.save() |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Сигнал whitelist |
90 |
signals.whitelist.send(sender=profile) |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Scipio. Initial commit. |
91 |
return redirect(_post_redirect(request)) |
by maniac
Ссылка на Profile через models.Profile в openid_whitelist |
92 |
except (models.Profile.DoesNotExist, ValueError, KeyError): |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Scipio. Initial commit. |
93 |
return http.HttpResponseBadRequest() |
94 |
else: |
by maniac
Ссылка на Profile через models.Profile в openid_whitelist |
95 |
openids = (p.openid for p in models.Profile.objects.filter(spamer=False) if p.openid) |
by Ivan Sagalaev
Scipio. Initial commit. |
96 |
MIMETYPES = ['application/xml', 'text/xml', 'application/json', 'text/plain'] |
97 |
accept = request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '') |
98 |
try: |
99 |
mimetype = mimeparse.best_match(MIMETYPES, accept) |
100 |
except ValueError: |
101 |
mimetype = 'text/plain' |
102 |
if mimetype.endswith('/xml'): |
103 |
try: |
104 |
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET |
105 |
except ImportError: |
106 |
import elementtree.ElementTree as ET |
107 |
root = ET.Element('whitelist') |
108 |
for openid in openids: |
109 |
ET.SubElement(root, 'openid').text = openid |
110 |
xml = ET.ElementTree(root) |
111 |
response = http.HttpResponse(mimetype=mimetype) |
112 |
xml.write(response, encoding='utf-8') |
113 |
return response |
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if mimetype == 'application/json': |
115 |
response = http.HttpResponse(mimetype=mimetype) |
116 |
simplejson.dump(list(openids), response) |
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return response |
118 |
if mimetype == 'text/plain': |
119 |
return http.HttpResponse((o + '\n' for o in openids), mimetype=mimetype) |
120 |
return http.HttpResponse('Can accept only: %s' % ', '.join(MIMETYPES), status=406) |