Juju documentation

Creating and using Bundles

A bundle is a set of services with a specific configuration and their corresponding relations that can be deployed together via a single step. Instead of deploying a single service, they can be used to deploy an entire workload, with working relations and configuration. The use of bundles allows for easy repeatability and for sharing of complex, multi-service deployments.

Bundles are defined in text files, called “bundle files” or “deployer files”. Each file may contain one or more bundle definitions. For simplicity, the files generated as described below will only have one bundle.

Creating a bundle

The standard way to create a bundle is via the Juju GUI. When a set of services are deployed and configured the bundle definition can be saved via the export functionality which is invoked either by clicking on the export icon on the Juju GUI masthead or via the keyboard shortcut “shift-d”. The result of exporting is a file called “export.yaml” that is saved in your “Downloads” directory as defined by your browser.

As an example here is an environment with a MySQL service and a Wordpress service with a relation between the two. The exported bundle file contains the following data:

      charm: "cs:precise/mysql-27"
      num_units: 1
        "gui-x": "139"
        "gui-y": "168"
      charm: "cs:precise/wordpress-20"
      num_units: 1
        "gui-x": "481"
        "gui-y": "178"
    - - "wordpress:db"
      - "mysql:db"

Using bundles

A bundle file can be used in two distinct ways. One is to use it locally, deploying from your computer, which is useful to initially ensure it works and for experimenting. After you are satisfied with the bundle, you can push it to Launchpad where it will be available to you and others via the Charm Store.

Local import to Juju GUI

The easiest way to import a bundle into the GUI is by dragging the bundle file from your desktop and dropping it on the GUI canvas. If the file has multiple bundles in it you’ll be prompted to select the single bundle you wish to deploy.

A second way to import into the GUI is via the Import button on the GUI masthead. After clicking the button you’ll be prompted to select the bundle file. Once a file is selected the process is the same as the drag-and-drop method.

Local deploy via command-line

A bundle file can be deployed via the command-line interface by using the juju-deployer tool.

To install into a virtual environment, do the following:

virtualenv --system-site-packages deployer
./deployer/bin/easy_install juju-deployer
./deployer/bin/juju-deployer -h

To deploy a bundle file you need just issue the command:

./deployer/bin/juju-deployer -e <environment> -c deployer_file bundle_name

where <environment> is an already bootstrapped Juju environment.

Sharing your bundle with the community

Bundles are shared by putting a branch onto Launchpad with specific naming which will then be pulled into the Charm Store. The branch must be constructed and named according to the following rules.

The branch name must structured as:

lp:~<your launchpad id>/charms/bundles/<your bundle name>/bundle

A concrete example would be:


Inside the Bazaar branch, the following files are expected:

  • bundles.yaml - the exported bundle file.
  • README - user-readable description of the bundle.

Deploying a Bundle from the Charm Store with the GUI

To deploy a bundle from the Charm Store using the GUI, first find the bundle you wish to deploy via search or browsing the bundles to the left. To view bundle details, click on the bundle in the left sidebar; a pane will slide out containing the bundle details. You can then add the bundle to the canvas by clicking the button on the upper-right of the pane.

Alternatively, you can add the bundle to the canvas without expanding the detail pane by dragging the bundle onto the environment.

After the service is on the canvas it is in a ghost state. Now you can configure the service in the service inspector to the right of the screen and then click the "Deploy" button.