Juju documentation

Charm metadata

The only file that must be present in a charm is metadata.yaml, in the root directory. A metadata file must be a valid yaml dictionary, containing at least the following fields:

  • name is the charm name, which is used to form the charm URL. It must contain only a-z, 0-9, and -; must start with a-z; must not end with a -; and may only end with digits if the digits are not directly preceded by a space. Stick with names like foo and foo-bar-baz and you needn't pay further attention to the restrictions.
  • summary is a one-line description of the charm.
  • description is a long-form description of the charm and its features. It will also appear in the juju GUI.

Here's a valid metadata file:

name: minecraft
summary: Minecraft Server
description: |
  Will deploy OpenJDK 6 JRE and the latest Minecraft server

With only those fields, a metadata file is valid, but not very useful. Charms for use in the Charm Store should always set the following fields as well, for categorization and display in the GUI:

  • maintainer is the name and email address for the main point of contact for the development and maintenance of the charm. Or, at least, it should be: in frequent practice, it's just a name. Please update your charms as you get the opportunity.
  • categories is a list containing one or more of the following:
    • applications
    • app-servers
    • cache-proxy
    • databases
    • file-servers
    • mis

    In almost all cases, only one category will be appropriate. The categories help keep the Charm Store organised.

Finally, a metadata file defines the charm's relations, and whether it's designed for deployment as a subordinate service.

  • subordinate should be set to true if the charm is a subordinate. If omitted, the charm will be presumed not to be subordinate.
  • provides, requires, and peers define the various relations the charm will participate in.
  • if the charm is subordinate, it must contain at least one requires relation with container scope.

Other field names should be considered to be reserved; please don't use any not listed above to avoid issues with future versions of Juju.

Simple relations

The provides and requires keys are used to define pairings of charms that are likely to be fruitful. Consider a simple mongodb charm's metadata:

name: my-mongodb
  server: mongodb

...and that of a simple node.js application charm:

name: my-node-app
  database: mongodb
  website: http

Put together, these files indicate that a relation can be made between services running the respective charms. The my-mongodb charm provides a relation named server with the mongodb interface, and the my-node-app charm requires a relation named database with the mongodb interface.

The my-node-app charm also provides a relation named website with the http interface, but that's irrelevant to the mongodb charm. (But an haproxy charm might well define, say, reverseproxy, that requires the http interface provided by my-node-app.)

Relation interfaces

An interface is a string that must only contain a-z and -, and neither start nor end with -. It's the single determiner of compatibility between charms; and it carries with it nothing more than a mutual promise that the provider and requirer somehow know the communication protocol implied by the name.

So, the relation namespace is essentially unrestricted (with one enforced exception: you may not provide a relation named juju, or starting with juju-). This allows for rapid development in some situations; but, in the example above, there is a potential problem: we've picked two interface names that already have meanings in the charm ecosystem, and that means we have to be compatible; but that's a concern for a bit later, when we're actually writing the relation hooks.

Peer relations

Alongside provides and requires, charms can declare relations under peers. Where provides relations integrate with requires ones, such that providers respond to requirers and vice versa, the peers relation causes each unit of a single service to respond to the other units in the same service. A peer relation is otherwise defined in exactly the same way as any other relation.

Configuring relations

There's an alternative syntax for specifying relations, which allows you to set additional fields by replacing the interface name with a dictionary. In this case, the interface key must be specified explicitly, and a number of other possibilities become available:

  • scope defaults to global, but may be set to container. The scope controls the set of remote units that are reported to the unit as members of the relation: container-scoped relations are restricted to reporting details of a single principal unit to a single subordinate, and vice versa, while global relations consider all possible remote units.
    Subordinate charms are only valid if they have at least one requires relation with container scope.
  • limit is ignored by juju, but if present should be a positive integer N indicating that the charm is not designed to use this interface in more than N relations at once.
    For example, if you're writing a really simple exploratory charm for your particular data store, you could just create a single shared store and write the same access credentials for every relation. A limit of 1 is thus useful in that it does document the restriction, even though it's not automatically enforced today.
  • optional is ignored by juju, but if present should only be set to true, on requires relations, to indicate that the charm can still function effectively without having those relations added.
    For example, the my-node-app charm might also define:
      database: mongodb
        interface: memcached
        optional: true

    ...to indicate that it can integrate with memcached if it's available, but that it can't be expected to do anything useful without a mongodb service available.
  • gets and sets are ignored by juju at present, but are valuable documentation.

Sample metadata.yaml files

The MySQL charm metadata:

    name: mysql
    summary: MySQL is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
    maintainer: Marco Ceppi
    description: |
    MySQL is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
    server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
    language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and
    ease of use.
    - databases
      interface: mysql
      interface: mysql-root
      interface: mysql-shared
      interface: mysql-oneway-replication
      interface: munin-node
      interface: monitors
      interface: local-monitors
    scope: container
      interface: mysql-ha
      interface: mysql-oneway-replication
      interface: ceph-client
      interface: hacluster
      scope: container