by Zygmunt Krynicki
add top-level README.md |
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The Checkbox Project
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This document serves as a roadmap to the curious folk that want to know how to |
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make in-and-outs of the various files living here. |
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The checkbox project is actually a collection of smaller projects, all living |
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in one big repository (for several technical and historical reasons). The |
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top-level directory as at least the following components (in alphabetical |
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order). |
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by Zygmunt Krynicki
README.md: add a description of checkbox-touch |
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by Zygmunt Krynicki
cep: add README files |
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All of Checkbox Enhancement Proposal documents. All bigger changes to the stack |
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have an associated document that explains the change, its implementation and |
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impact. |
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by Zygmunt Krynicki
README.md: add a description of checkbox-touch |
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An Ubuntu SDK application (Python + QML) with a modern touch interface, |
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optimized for phablet devices. This application is currently under development, |
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eventually it will entirely replace checkbox-gui. |
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by Zygmunt Krynicki
add top-level README.md |
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An Ubuntu SDK application (C++/QML) with a modern touch interface for testing. |
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No actual test definitions exist there. |
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This project depends on the checkbox-ng project (for the DBus API) and on a |
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number of test providers (that all live or shall live in the providers/ |
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top-level directory) |
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A python3 console application that contains a number of executables (most |
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notably checkbox and a collection of derivative canonical-\* executables) that |
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run a part of checkbox-ng. |
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This project depends on plainbox (for all of the core logic) and on a number of |
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test providers, similarly to checkbox-gui. |
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A python3 library that contains support code for various providers inherited |
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from checkbox-old (now removed). This is a dependency of many (but not all) |
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providers that are in providers/ |
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A python3 library that contains the core logic of testing applications such as |
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checkbox. Also a collection of development tools for test authors. |
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A directory with various provider definitions. Have a look at a particular |
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provider for details. This is where actual valuable tests are. There are many |
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providers as they have different goals and/or dependencies. Some providers |
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depend on a base provider for shared job definitions. |
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Support code for the project that is never released, for testing, development, |
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CI loops, etc. |