A location for general notes ============================ * Add a nice error page. * Add in a file id for text editing so we can track edits during page moves * Add in the ability to move pages * Add markdown and textile formatters * Lock pages as read-only (see also merging) Is this really locked, or is it a restricted ACL? * ACLs for editing (see also merging) * Define formatter in the first line of wiki text # * This is mostly done now, although not really documented. * AJAX editing of source files (avoid page refreshes) * Add a better page for attempting to list a missing directory * Extend the identification of files without extensions to try a pygments lexer. If one isn't found, or if we find ReST, use the rest formatter, if it finds other wiki formats we know about, use those, otherwise format using the lexer it finds, and if none found, then plain
 (or treat as wiki
  page, yet to decide).

Standalone requirements

* Sessions

* Login and logout

* SQLite storage engine for usernames and passwords?

* Subscriptions?

* Generate a nonce for new users, and validate email addresses
  (hmm... requires incoming email processing, not that easy for standalone
  deployments, and not needed for launchpad integration)

Launchpad integration

* A plan for spam!  Really needed as we have spammers

* How to handle merges
  Page merge hooks?

Ideas not yet fully formed

* Lazy loading of formatters (to reduce install dependancies)

* Customize default rendering engine

* Extend creole to allow specifying format of embedded code

* Look for a wiki-media python library for formatting wiki-media text
  Or write one.

* Soundex filename search based on base_name of the files, used when
  hitting a missing file to offer suggestions.