# Copyright 2006-2010 The FLWOR Foundation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # PROJECT(zorba) ENABLE_TESTING() INCLUDE(CTest) # overwriting the source and binary directories with the current zorba ones # this is usefull for other projects reusing zorba as a subcomponent SET(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) SET(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) INCLUDE(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_modules/CMakeCompareVersionStrings.cmake) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) IF(CMAKE_VERSION STREQUAL "2.6.3") MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "You are running a buggy CMake version (2.6.3). Please install a different CMake version and execute CMake again.") ENDIF(CMAKE_VERSION STREQUAL "2.6.3") IF(COMMAND cmake_policy) cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0002 OLD) # We want CMake to correctly count empty list elements. cmake_policy(SET CMP0007 NEW) ENDIF(COMMAND cmake_policy) IF("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "Linux") SET(LINUX "${CMAKE_SYSTEM}") ENDIF("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "Linux") # custom ctest options CONFIGURE_FILE(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CTestCustom.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CTestCustom.cmake) # prohibit in-source-builds IF(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} STREQUAL ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) MESSAGE(STATUS "In-source-builds are not allowed") MESSAGE(STATUS "Clean your source directory (e.g. delete the CMakeCache.txt file)") MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Please create a separate build directory and call CMake again") ENDIF(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} STREQUAL ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) # set the default build type to release # NOTE: the "NMake Makefiles" generator will always set the default build type to "Debug" IF (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) SET (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: None Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel." FORCE) ENDIF (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) # set the default installation directory to "dist" in the build directory IF (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX_INITIALIZED_TO_DEFAULT) SET (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/dist CACHE STRING "Set the defalt installation directory to \"dist\" in the binary directory." FORCE) ENDIF (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX_INITIALIZED_TO_DEFAULT) # Enable RPaths in installed binaries SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib") # turn on the folder grouping used by IDEs (VS or XCode) SET(ZORBA_USE_TARGET_FOLDERS ON CACHE BOOL "Activate use of target grouping into folders") IF(ZORBA_USE_TARGET_FOLDERS) SET_PROPERTY (GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) ENDIF(ZORBA_USE_TARGET_FOLDERS) ############################################################################### # Check for system include files, features, etc. ############################################################################### INCLUDE(CheckIncludeFiles) INCLUDE(CheckSymbolExists) INCLUDE(CheckFunctionExists) INCLUDE(CheckLibraryExists) INCLUDE(CheckVariableExists) INCLUDE(CheckIncludeFileCXX) INCLUDE(CheckTypeSize) INCLUDE(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES ("sys/param.h;sys/mount.h" ZORBA_HAVE_SYS_MOUNT_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES ("unicode/utypes.h" ZORBA_HAVE_UTYPES_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES ("unicode/coll.h" ZORBA_HAVE_COLL_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES ("unicode/ustring.h" ZORBA_HAVE_USTRING_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES ("inttypes.h" ZORBA_HAVE_INTTYPES_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES ("stdint.h" ZORBA_HAVE_STDINT_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES ("stdlib.h" ZORBA_HAVE_STDLIB_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES ("limits.h" ZORBA_HAVE_LIMITS_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES ("sys/types.h" ZORBA_HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES ("iconv.h" ZORBA_HAVE_ICONV_H) IF (NOT APPLE OR ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "10.4") # execinfo is found by this macro when cross compiling for Mac OS X 10.4 # although it shouldn't be found for this platform CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES ("execinfo.h" ZORBA_HAVE_EXECINFO_H) ENDIF (NOT APPLE OR ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "10.4") CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE_CXX ("FlexLexer.h" ZORBA_HAVE_FLEXLEXER_H) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS (strtof ZORBA_HAVE_STRTOF_FUNCTION) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS (strtoll ZORBA_HAVE_STRTOLL_FUNCTION) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS (_stricmp ZORBA_HAVE_STRICMP_FUNCTION) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS (strcat_s ZORBA_HAVE_STRCAT_S_FUNCTION) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS (strcpy_s ZORBA_HAVE_STRCPY_S_FUNCTION) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES pthread) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES (pthread.h ZORBA_HAVE_PTHREAD_H) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(pthread_spin_init ZORBA_HAVE_PTHREAD_SPINLOCK) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(pthread_mutex_init ZORBA_HAVE_PTHREAD_MUTEX) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES ("sys/time.h;sys/resource.h" ZORBA_HAVE_RUSAGE_INCLUDES) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS (getrusage ZORBA_HAVE_RUSAGE_FUNCTION) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("int32_t" ZORBA_HAVE_INT32_T) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("uint32_t" ZORBA_HAVE_UINT32_T) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("unsigned __int32" ZORBA_HAVE_MS_UINT32) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("__int32" ZORBA_HAVE_MS_INT32) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("int64_t" ZORBA_HAVE_INT64_T) CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES ("#include \nint main() { std::enable_if x; }" ZORBA_CXX_ENABLE_IF) CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES ("int main() { int *p = nullptr; }" ZORBA_CXX_NULLPTR) CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES ("int main() { static_assert(1,\"\"); }" ZORBA_CXX_STATIC_ASSERT) CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES ("#include \nint main() { std::unique_ptr p; }" ZORBA_CXX_UNIQUE_PTR) ################################################################################ # Various cmake macros SET (CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_modules ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) IF (WIN32) # On Windows we use proxy modules that try to guess first the location # of the required third party libraries. This will search in order in: # 1. the path pointed by ZORBA_THIRD_PARTY_REQUIREMENTS # 2. the Program Files directory available on the users computer # 3. the PATH environment variable # The logic is implemented by the macros in the ProxyFindModule.cmake module. SET (CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_modules/Windows ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) INCLUDE (ProxyFindModule) ENDIF (WIN32) ################################################################################ # This section is used for batch script generation. Each executable # on Windows needs a bat script in order to set the PATH to the required DLLs. # For this we use CACHE variables to gather all the information generated # throughout the cmake execution (required DLLs, list of scripts to generate). # The generation occurs only at the end of CMake execution (through the macro # ZORBA_GENERATE_EXE_SCRIPTS_WIN32) when ALL the requirements have been found. # E.g. zorba.exe needs in PATH all the DLLs of all external modules, etc. IF (WIN32) # Clear all the variables because they are used only for this build. SET (ZORBA_REQUIRED_DLLS "" CACHE STRING "List of DLLs that must be installed" FORCE ) SET (ZORBA_REQUIRED_DLL_PATHS "" CACHE STRING "List of paths executable require in order to find the required DLLs" FORCE ) SET (ZORBA_EXE_SCRIPT_LIST "" CACHE STRING "List of Windows batch scripts to be generated, one for each executable" FORCE ) # Moreover, mark it as advanced since the CMake GUI user should not see this. MARK_AS_ADVANCED (FORCE ZORBA_REQUIRED_DLLS) MARK_AS_ADVANCED (FORCE ZORBA_REQUIRED_DLL_PATHS) MARK_AS_ADVANCED (FORCE ZORBA_EXE_SCRIPT_LIST) ENDIF (WIN32) ################################################################################ # ZorbaModule includes a number of generally-useful utility functions, # including expected_failure(). Include it now (very early) to ensure # the "expected_failure()" function is available to anyone who might # add tests. INCLUDE(ZorbaModule) ################################################################################ # # # Search for all the external libraries that any library or executable under # # this CMake depends on. # # # ################################################################################ FOREACH(path "${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}") IF(EXISTS "${path}") MESSAGE("path entry: ${path}") ELSE(EXISTS "${path}") # Ignore non-existing paths #MESSAGE("Non-existing path!: ${path}") ENDIF(EXISTS "${path}") ENDFOREACH(path) SET(requiredlibs) SET(requiredlibs-store) # Check for POSIX high-resolution timers - might be in "rt" library CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS(rt clock_gettime "" _clock_gettime_in_rt) IF(_clock_gettime_in_rt) SET(requiredlibs ${requiredlibs} rt) SET(ZORBA_HAVE_CLOCKGETTIME_FUNCTION YES CACHE BOOL "Platform has clock_gettime (in librt)") ELSE(_clock_gettime_in_rt) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(clock_gettime ZORBA_HAVE_CLOCKGETTIME_FUNCTION) ENDIF(_clock_gettime_in_rt) # # TcMalloc support # IF(ZORBA_USE_TCMALLOC) MESSAGE (STATUS "Looking for TcMalloc") FIND_PACKAGE(TcMalloc) IF(Tcmalloc_FOUND) SET(requiredlibs ${requiredlibs} ${Tcmalloc_LIBRARIES}) ELSE(Tcmalloc_FOUND) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "TcMalloc not found") ENDIF(Tcmalloc_FOUND) ENDIF(ZORBA_USE_TCMALLOC) # # GooglePerfTools support # IF(ZORBA_WITH_CPU_PROFILE) MESSAGE(STATUS "Looking for GooglePerfTools") FIND_PACKAGE(GooglePerfTools) IF(GooglePerfTools_FOUND) SET(requiredlibs ${requiredlibs} ${GooglePerfTools_LIBRARIES}) ELSE(GooglePerfTools_FOUND) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "GooglePerfTools not found. Cannot build with CPU profiling") ENDIF(GooglePerfTools_FOUND) ENDIF(ZORBA_WITH_CPU_PROFILE) # # LibXml2 # MESSAGE(STATUS "Looking for LibXml2") FIND_PACKAGE(LibXml2) IF(LIBXML2_FOUND) MESSAGE(STATUS "Found LIBXML2 library -- " ${LIBXML2_LIBRARIES}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR}) SET(requiredlibs-store ${requiredlibs-store} ${LIBXML2_LIBRARIES}) SET(CXXFLAGS ${CXXFLAGS} ${LIBXML2_DEFINITONS}) ELSE(LIBXML2_FOUND) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "The libxml2 library and headers are required in order to build simple store.") ENDIF(LIBXML2_FOUND) MESSAGE(STATUS "") # # Pthreads # IF(ZORBA_HAVE_PTHREAD_H AND NOT ZORBA_FOR_ONE_THREAD_ONLY) SET(requiredlibs ${requiredlibs} pthread) ENDIF(ZORBA_HAVE_PTHREAD_H AND NOT ZORBA_FOR_ONE_THREAD_ONLY) # # Iconv # IF(WIN32) MESSAGE(STATUS "Looking for Iconv") FIND_PACKAGE(Iconv REQUIRED) IF(ICONV_FOUND) MESSAGE(STATUS "Found Iconv library -- " ${ICONV_LIBRARY}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${ICONV_INCLUDE_DIR}) SET(requiredlibs ${requiredlibs} ${ICONV_LIBRARY}) ELSE(ICONV_FOUND) MESSAGE(STATUS "The Iconv library was not found.") ENDIF(ICONV_FOUND) MESSAGE(STATUS "") ENDIF(WIN32) # # ICU # MESSAGE(STATUS "Looking for ICU") FIND_PACKAGE(ICU) IF(ICU_FOUND AND ICU_I18N_FOUND AND ICU_DATA_FOUND) MESSAGE(STATUS "Found ICU library -- " ${ICU_LIBRARIES}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${ICU_INCLUDE_DIRS}) SET(requiredlibs ${requiredlibs} ${ICU_LIBRARIES} ${ICU_I18N_LIBRARIES} ${ICU_DATA_LIBRARIES}) ELSE(ICU_FOUND AND ICU_I18N_FOUND AND ICU_DATA_FOUND) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "The ICU library is required in order to build Zorba.") ENDIF(ICU_FOUND AND ICU_I18N_FOUND AND ICU_DATA_FOUND) MESSAGE(STATUS "") # # Xerces-C part 1 - finding in default locations # MESSAGE (STATUS "Looking for Xerces-C") FIND_PACKAGE (XercesC) MESSAGE (STATUS "") # # SWIG # IF (NOT ZORBA_SUPPRESS_SWIG) FIND_PACKAGE (SWIG) COMPARE_VERSION_STRINGS("${SWIG_VERSION}" "1.3.40" result) IF(result LESS 0) MESSAGE(WARNING "You need at least SWIG version 1.3.40") ENDIF(result LESS 0) IF (SWIG_FOUND) # this will be used both in swig and doc sub-directories # # PHP5 # FIND_PACKAGE (PHP5) # # Python # FIND_PACKAGE (PythonInterp) FIND_PACKAGE (PythonLibs) ELSE (SWIG_FOUND) MESSAGE (STATUS "SWIG not found => no language bindings are generated.") ENDIF (SWIG_FOUND) ELSE (NOT ZORBA_SUPPRESS_SWIG) MESSAGE (STATUS "SWIG is disabled => no language bindings are generated.") ENDIF (NOT ZORBA_SUPPRESS_SWIG) LIST(APPEND requiredlibs ${requiredlibs-store}) ################################################################################ # Setup Compiler Options # Note that this needs to be done after all packages are found because # it sets variables based on whether packages have been found or not. INCLUDE(CMakeConfiguration.txt) INCLUDE(CMakeCompiler.txt) # # LibXslt # IF(ZORBA_XQUERYX) MESSAGE(STATUS "Looking for LibXslt") FIND_PACKAGE(LibXslt) IF(LIBXSLT_FOUND) MESSAGE(STATUS "Found LIBXSLT library -- " ${LIBXSLT_LIBRARIES}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${LIBXSLT_INCLUDE_DIR}) SET(requiredlibs ${requiredlibs} ${LIBXSLT_LIBRARIES}) SET(CXXFLAGS ${CXXFLAGS} ${LIBXSLT_DEFINITONS}) ELSE(LIBXSLT_FOUND) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "The libxslt library is required in order to build zorba with xqueryx capabilities.") ENDIF(LIBXSLT_FOUND) MESSAGE(STATUS "") ENDIF(ZORBA_XQUERYX) # # Xerces-C part 2 - version verification # IF (NOT ZORBA_NO_XMLSCHEMA) # Find XercesC Version based on ${XERCESC_INCLUDE} FIND_PACKAGE(XercesCVersion) IF (XERCESC_FOUND) COMPARE_VERSION_STRINGS("${XERCESC_VERSION}" 2.8.0 result) IF (result LESS 0) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Xerces-C ${XERCESC_VERSION} not supported. Only 2.8.0, 3.0.1 and newer versions are supported or Use -D ZORBA_NO_XMLSCHEMA=ON option for building without XMLSchema support.") ELSE (result LESS 0) MESSAGE(STATUS "Found Xerces ${XERCESC_VERSION} -- " ${XERCESC_INCLUDE} ${XERCESC_LIBRARY}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${XERCESC_INCLUDE}) SET(requiredlibs ${requiredlibs} ${XERCESC_LIBRARY}) ENDIF (result LESS 0) ELSE (XERCESC_FOUND) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Xerces-C not found. Make sure you have Xerces-C 2.8.0 or 3.0.1+ installed or Use -D ZORBA_NO_XMLSCHEMA=ON option for building without XMLSchema support.") ENDIF (XERCESC_FOUND) ELSE (NOT ZORBA_NO_XMLSCHEMA) MESSAGE(STATUS "ZORBA_NO_XMLSCHEMA: ${ZORBA_NO_XMLSCHEMA}" " - build without XMLSchema support") ENDIF (NOT ZORBA_NO_XMLSCHEMA) LIST(APPEND requiredlibs ${requiredlibs-store}) IF(WIN32) SET(requiredlibs ${requiredlibs} wsock32) # Clear this variable because this is used only for this build. # A cache variable is needed since this must be modified by subdirectories # and be visible at this level when ZORBA_GENERATE_EXE_SCRIPTS_WIN32 is called SET(ZORBA_EXE_SCRIPT_LIST "" CACHE STRING "List of bat scripts" FORCE) ENDIF(WIN32) ################################################################################ # Variables SET(DEFINITIONS) ################################################################################ # Custom user-defined settings INCLUDE ("CMakeUser.txt" OPTIONAL) ################################################################################ # Compiler setup # add the include dir (i.e. the library) to the include path INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(AFTER ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(AFTER ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include) # zorba versioning SET(ZORBA_MAJOR_NUMBER "2") SET(ZORBA_MINOR_NUMBER "1") SET(ZORBA_PATCH_NUMBER "0") SET(ZORBA_VERSION ${ZORBA_MAJOR_NUMBER}.${ZORBA_MINOR_NUMBER}.${ZORBA_PATCH_NUMBER}) MESSAGE(STATUS "Zorba version number: ${ZORBA_VERSION}") SET(ZORBA_LIB_DIRNAME "lib" CACHE STRING "directory name for libs (may want to set to 'lib64' on 64-bit Linux platforms)") # Directories for modules and schemas. "Core" are those which are # shipped with Zorba and must be present for correct Zorba # functionality. "Non-core" are developed independently of Zorba and # have different version lifecycles. # # URI dir is for things resolved by URI - specifically modules (.xq # files) and schemas (.xsd files) - which are platform- # independent. Lib dir is for platform-specific files, specifically # shared libraries for module external functions. SET(ZORBA_NONCORE_URI_DIR "share/zorba/uris" CACHE STRING "Path (relative to installdir) to non-core modules/schemas") MARK_AS_ADVANCED(ZORBA_NONCORE_URI_DIR) SET(ZORBA_CORE_URI_DIR "${ZORBA_NONCORE_URI_DIR}/core/${ZORBA_VERSION}" CACHE STRING "Path (relative to installdir) to core modules/schemas") MARK_AS_ADVANCED(ZORBA_CORE_URI_DIR) SET(ZORBA_NONCORE_LIB_DIR "${ZORBA_LIB_DIRNAME}/zorba" CACHE STRING "Path (relative to installdir) to non-core libraries") MARK_AS_ADVANCED(ZORBA_NONCORE_LIB_DIR) SET(ZORBA_CORE_LIB_DIR "${ZORBA_NONCORE_LIB_DIR}/core/${ZORBA_VERSION}" CACHE STRING "Path (relative to installdir) to core libraries") MARK_AS_ADVANCED(ZORBA_CORE_LIB_DIR) # add compiler variables ADD_DEFINITIONS(${DEFINITIONS}) ################################################################################ # find all dylib files (i.e. transitive closure of the library files # that are linked) IF(APPLE) EXECUTE_PROCESS( COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/find_macosx_libraries.sh ${ICU_LIBRARIES} OUTPUT_VARIABLE Zorba_ICUUC) EXECUTE_PROCESS( COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/find_macosx_libraries.sh ${ICU_I18N_LIBRARIES} OUTPUT_VARIABLE Zorba_ICUI18N) EXECUTE_PROCESS( COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/find_macosx_libraries.sh ${ICU_DATA_LIBRARIES} OUTPUT_VARIABLE Zorba_ICU_DATA) EXECUTE_PROCESS( COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/find_macosx_libraries.sh ${XERCESC_LIBRARY} OUTPUT_VARIABLE Zorba_XERCESC) EXECUTE_PROCESS( COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/find_macosx_libraries.sh ${LIBXML2_LIBRARIES} OUTPUT_VARIABLE Zorba_XML2) ENDIF(APPLE) SET (ZORBA_MODULES_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../zorba_modules" CACHE PATH "Path to directory (outside of Zorba svn root) containing external modules to add to the build") # Subdir of the installation directory for CMake files, relative to # CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. IF (WIN32) SET(ZORBA_CMAKE_DIR "cmake" CACHE STRING "Relative path to CMake files in Zorba installation") ELSE (WIN32) SET(ZORBA_CMAKE_DIR "share/cmake/zorba-${ZORBA_VERSION}" CACHE STRING "Relative path to CMake files in Zorba installation") ENDIF (WIN32) ################################################################################ # # # Tell CMake to process the sub-directories # # # ################################################################################ ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(scripts) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(cmake_modules) # Subdirectory ordering: We need to include "test" before "config" so # ZorbaConfig knows about testdriver. We need to include "config" # before "modules" so external modules will be able to find # ZorbaConfig.cmake. ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(test) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(config) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(include) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(doc) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(schemas) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(modules) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-Dzorba_EXPORTS) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(src) REMOVE_DEFINITIONS(-Dzorba_EXPORTS) IF (SWIG_FOUND) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY (swig) ENDIF (SWIG_FOUND) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(bin) # add the uninstall support # QQQ move to config/ CONFIGURE_FILE( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeUninstall.cmake.in" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeUninstall.cmake" @ONLY) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(uninstall "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -P "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeUninstall.cmake") SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_LIBS_NO_WARNINGS ON) INCLUDE(InstallRequiredSystemLibraries) IF (NOT ZORBA_SKIP_CPACK) # QQQ move to config/ ? INCLUDE(CMakeCPack.cmake) ENDIF (NOT ZORBA_SKIP_CPACK) IF (APPLE AND UNIVERSAL) SET (CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "ppc;i386" CACHE STRING "archs" FORCE) SET (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} -v" ) # The following is not the default when building universal INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES (SYSTEM /usr/local/include) SET (CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -v") MESSAGE ("Building Apple universal binaries") ENDIF (APPLE AND UNIVERSAL) IF (WIN32) ZORBA_GENERATE_EXE_SCRIPTS_WIN32 () ENDIF (WIN32) # This must be done last! Create the one top-level target which # depends on all generated (copied) module/schema files. DONE_DECLARING_ZORBA_URIS() # This dependency makes sure that the error and warning definition # modules are generated before trying to install them as zorba modules. # This dependency is zorba-only related, which is why it's added here # and not within zorba-modules, which is for general use in other # non-zorba modules. ADD_DEPENDENCIES(check_uris gen_diag_modules)