Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts http://users.teilar.gr/~g1951d/ George Douros g1951d@teilar.gr 2010 In lieu of a licence: Fonts in ‘Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts’ are offered free for any use; they may be opened, edited, modified, regenerated, posted, packaged and redistributed. _____________________________ Musica.otf Version 3.06 Musica is not a merchandise. Musica covers the following scripts and symbols supported by The Unicode Standard: Basic Latin, Greek and Coptic, some Punctuation and other Symbols, Byzantine Musical Symbols, (Western) Musical Symbols and Archaic Greek Musical Notation. >>>> VARIANTS: Glyphs FD1E0-FD1FF are various unencoded musical symbols. 󽇠 𝄚󽇡 𝄚󽇢 𝄚󽇣 𝄚󽇤 󽇥 󽇦 󽇧 󽇨 󽇩 󽇪 󽇫 󽇬 󽇭 󽇮 󽇯 󽇰 󽇱 󽇲 󽇳 󽇴 󽇵 󽇶 󽇷 󽇸 󽇹 󽇺 󽇻 󽇼 󽇽 󽇾 󽇿