/** Get the publickey file required to connect to ssh as user from GSettings */ gchar* get_publickey_path_user(){ return "ab"; } /** Get the publickey file required to connect to ssh as root from GSettings */ gchar* get_publickey_path_root(){ return "ab"; } /** Get the username of the clients from GSettings */ gchar* get_user_name_on_clients(){ return "ab"; } /** Get the publickey file required to connect to ssh as root from GSettings */ gdouble get_showup_fee(){ return 3; } /** get the mac-adress of the given client */ gchar* get_client_mac(guint client_no){ return "ab"; } /** get the broadcast-adress of the given client */ gchar* get_broadcast_adress(){ return "ab"; } /** get the current zTree version */ gchar* get_current_ztree_version(){ return "ab"; } /** set the current zTree version */ void set_current_ztree_version(gchar* ztree_version){ } gchar* get_vnc_viewer(){ return "ab"; } /** get / set the working path of the last ztree start */ gchar* get_last_ztree_working_path(){ return "ab"; } void set_last_ztree_working_path(gchar* ztree_workpath){ } /** get the last time ztree was started (needed for receipt watchdog, if labcontrol was restarted during a session) */ gchar* get_last_ztree_start_time(){ return "ab"; } void set_last_ztree_start_time(){} /** get the command to run orsee in your favorite web browser */ gchar* get_ORSEE_command(){ return "ab"; } /** get the command to open the preprint-folder in your favorite file manager */ gchar* get_preprint_command(){ return "ab"; } /** get the list of persons for whom a showup receipt was printed */ GSList* get_showup_persons(){ return NULL; } /** delete all entries from the showup-persons-list */ void delete_showup_persons(){ } /** get the number of colums in the symbol-canvas */ guint get_symbols_no_cols(){ return 6; } /** get the list of all symbol names */ GSList* get_symbol_list(){ return NULL; }