Update notes for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO (in reverse time order) 2.4.0 (12/06/16) OM: Allowing the proper NLO reweighting for NLO sample RF: For NLO processes allow for multiple PDF and scales reweighting, directy by inputting lists in the run_card.dat. VH: Interfaced MadLoop to Samurai and Ninja (the latter is now the default) HS: Turn IREGI to off by default MZ: new NLO generation mode. It is more efficient from the memory and CPU point of view, in particular for high-multiplicity processes. Many thanks to Josh Bendavid for his fundamental contribution for this. The mode can be enabled with > set low_mem_multicore_nlo_generation True before generating the process. OM: Adding the possibility to use new syntax for tree-level processes: QED==2 and QCD>2: The first allows to select exactly a power of the coupling (at amplitude level While the second ask for a minimum value. RF: In the PDF uncertainty for fixed-order NLO runs, variations of alphaS were not included. OM: In MLM matching, fix a bug where the alpha_s reweighting was not fully applied on some events. (This was leading to effects smaller than the theoretical uncertainty) OM: Fixing the problem of using lhapdf6 on Mac MZ: Faster interface for LHAPDF6 OM: Add support of epsilon_ijk in MadSpin OM: Fix multiple problem with multiparticles in MadSpin OM: Improve spinmode=None in MadSpin OM: Update the TopEffTh model MZ: Fix problem with slurm cluster OM: Improve scan functionalities PT: New way of handling Pythia8 decays RF: Fixed a bug that resulted in wrong event weights for NLO processes when requiring a very small number of events (introduced in 2.3.3) OM: Allow to keep the reweight information in the final lhe file for future computation MZ: updated FJcore to version 3.1.3 (was 3.0.5) 2.3.3 (15/10/15) OM: Having two mode for "output pythia8" one (default) for pythia8.2 and one for pythia8.1 (with --version=8.1) OM: Allow new syntax for the param_card: instead of an entry you can enter scan:[val1, val2,...] To perform a scan on this parameter. OM: Having two mode for "output pythia8" one (default) for pythia8.2 and one for pythia8.1 (with --version=8.1) OM: Allow new syntax for the param_card: instead of an entry you can enter "scan:[val1, val2,...]" To perform a scan on this parameter. OM: Having two mode for "output pythia8" one (default) for pythia8.2 and one for pythia8.1 (with --version=8.1) RF: Rewriting of job-control for NLO processes. Better accuracy estimates for FO processes RF: Fix for factorisation scale setting in FxFx merging when very large difference in scale in the non-QCD part of a process. RF: Better discarding of numerical instabilities in the real-emission matrix elements. Only of interested for processes which have jets at Born level, but do not require generation cut (like t-channel single-top). RF: Added an option to the run_card to allow for easier variation of the shower starting scale (NLO only). RF: Fixed a problem in the setting of the flavour map used for runs with iAPPL >= 1. RF: Allow for decay processes to compute (partial) decay widths at NLO accuracy (fixed order only). OM: (SysCalc interface) Allow to bypass the pdf reweighting/alpsfact reweighting MZ: fixed bug related to slurm clusters OM: remove the addmasses.py script of running by default on gridpack mode. if you want to have it running, you just have to rename the file madevent/bin/internal/addmasses_optional.py to madevent/bin/internal/addmasses_optional.py and it will work as before. (Do not work with SysCalc tag) OM: make the code compatible with "python -tt" option (06/09/15) VH: Finalized the MG5aMC-GoSam interface 2.3.2(20/08/15) OM: Improve reweighting module. (https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph/wiki/Reweight) New Capabilities: - allow to reweight by loop-induced processes - allow to change model - allow to change process definition - allow to unweight the sample to have an idea of the statistical power. - allow to perform some crude reweighting on NLO sample (reweighting by LO matrix element). NLO accuracy is not preserved (in general) for such computation. New dependencies: - require the f2py module (part of numpy) OM: change the kt-durham cut (at LO) such that particle comming from decay are not impacted if cut_decays is on False. VH: Fixed the check in helas wavefunction appearance order in an helas diagrams. It failed in cases where additional wf were created during the fix of fermion flow in presence of majorana fermions. RF: Fixed a bug in the aMCFast/ApplGrid interfaced introduced in the previous version. OM: Fix a crash when using mssm-no_b_mass model (due to the SLHA1-SLHA2 conversion) OM: Fix a bug in the add_time_of_flight function (not called by default) where the displaced vertex information was written in second and not in mm as it should. Note that this function can now be run on the flight by adding the following line in the run_card: " 1e-2 = time_of_flight #threshold for the displaced vertex" RF: Small fix that leads to an improvement in the phase-space generation for NLO processes OM: Fix a crash introduce in 2.3.0 when running sequentially in the same directory (thanks Gauthier) OM: Improve aloha in the case of some expression reduces to pure float. OM: In MadSpin, allow to specify cut for the 1>N decay in spinmode=none. RF: Fixed a bug that gave bogus results for NLO runs when using an internal PDF which is not NNPDF (like for the old cteq_6m, etc). RF: Fixed a bug in the PDF combination in the HwU histograms: there was no consistent use if Hessian and Gaussian approaches for MSTW/CTEQ and NNPDF, respectively. OM: Fixed a small bug in EWdim6 which was removing a coupling in AZHH interaction. OM: improve customize_model function to avoid problem with unity coupling. RF: Improved the treatment of the bottom Yukawa. Thanks Marius Wiesemann. 2.3.1 OM+VH: Automation of event generation for loop-induced processes. OM: Automatic change of the p/j definition to include the b particle if the model has a massless b. RF: Reduce the collision energy for the soft and collinear tests: for 100TeV collider many were failing due to numerical instabilities. OM: Fixing bug associate to the epsilon_ijk structure OM+VH: Various bug fixing for the loop-induced processes OM: Fix a crash in MadWidth which occurs for some 4 body decay PT: Fixed a bug concerning the use of Herwig++ with LHAPDF. Bug was introduced in 2.3.0.beta OM: Fix a crash in ALOHA for form-factor in presence of fermion flow violation 2.3.0.beta(10/04/15) OM+VH: Adding the possibility to compute cross-section/generate events for loop-induced process JB+OM: Addign matchbox output for matching in the Matchbox framework OM+VH: Change the handling of the run_card. - The default value depends now of your running process - cut_decays is now on False by default - nhel can only take 0/1 value. 1 is a real MC over helicity (with importance sampling) - use_syst is set on by default (but for matching where it is keep off) - New options added: dynamical_scale_choice, it can take the following value -1 : MadGraph5_aMC@NLO default (different for LO/NLO/ ickkw mode) same as previous version. 0 : Tag reserved for user define dynamical scale (need to be added in setscales.f). 1 : Total transverse energy of the event. 2 : sum of the transverse mass 3 : sum of the transverse mass divide by 2 4 : \sqrt(s), partonic energy OM: Cuts are also applied for 1>N processes (but the default run_card doesn't have any cut). PT: Set command available for shower_card parameters OM: New MultiCore class with better thread support RF: Fixed a bug in the aMCfast/APPLGrid interface introduced in version 2.2.3 RF: Fixed a bug in the setting of the integration grids (LO process generation) for the minimum energy needed for photons. The bug did not lead to any bias in event generation. RF: Re-factoring of the structure of the code for NLO+PS computations. RF+VH: Replaced the default topdrawer histograms with HwU histograms for f(N)LO runs and allow it also for aMC@NLO runs. RF+VB: Allow for variable bin-sizes in MG5_aMC+aMCfast+ApplGrid runs. MZ+RF: Added 'LOonly' asNLO mode to export processes without any real and virtuals (useful e.g. for higher multiplicities when merging) RF: Added support for the computation of NLO+NNLL jet veto cross sections RF: Fixed a bug in the Pythia8 interface: FxFx was not correctly initialized and all events were incorrectly kept (introduced in v.2.2.3) OM: Improve the function "print_result" (in the running interface) add an option --format=short allowing to print the result in a multi-column format OM: Possibility to not transfer pdf file to the node for each job. This is done via a new option (cluster_local_path) which should contain the pdf set. This path is intented to point to a node specific filesystem. New way to submit job on cluster without writting the command file on the disk. OM: Allowing MadSpin to have a mode without full spin-correlation but handling three (and more) body decay. (set spinmode=none). OM+PA: Fixing various bug in MadSpin. 2.2.3(10/02/15) RF: Re-factoring of the structure of the code for fNLO computations. OM: Fix a bug in MadWeight (correlated param_card was not creating the correct input file) RF: When requiring more than 1M events for (N)LO+PS runs, do not go to higher precision than 0.001 for the grids and cross section (can be overwritten with the req_acc run_card parameter). RF: Make sure that reweight info (for PDF and scale uncertainties) also works for UNLOPS events. RF: When setting the B's stable in the shower_card, also set the eta_b (PDG=551) stable. OM: Change the Breit-Wigner splitting for the multi-channel integration, use the bwcutoff instead of the hardcoded value 5. MZ: Fix to bug 1406000 (segfault appearing when doing FxFx merging). Thanks to Josh Bendavid for having reported it MZ: Fix to a bug occurring when generating event in the "split" mode: the required output was not correctly specified OM: The built-in pdf "nn23lo" and "nn23lo1" where associate to the wrong lhapdfid in the lhef file This was creating bias in using SysCalc. (Thanks Alexis) OM: Fix a bug in the LO re-weighing module which was removing the SysCalc weight from the lhe file (thanks Shin-Shan) Team: Fixes to different small bugs / improvement in the error and warning messages RF: For aMC runs, If a NAN is found, the code now skips that PS point and continues instead of leading to NAN. RF: For fNLO runs the virtuals were included twice in the setting of the integration grids. This was not leading to any bias in previous version of the code. 2.2.2(06/11/14) OM: Correct a bug in the integration grid (introduces in 2.1.2). This was biasing the cross-section of processes like a a > mu+ mu- in the Effective Photon Approximation by three order of magnitude. For LHC processes no sizeable effect have been observe so far. MZ: some informations for aMC@NLO runs which were before passed via include files are now read at runtime. The size of executables as well as compilation time / memory usage is reduced for complicated processes RF: Fix crash #1377187 (check that cuts were consistent with the grouping was too restrictive) RF: For NLO running: added 'strip' to the makefiles to reduce executable sizes (removes symbol info) Stefano Carrazza (by RF): fix for the photon PDF for the internal NNPDF sets RF: Improved the check on the consistency of the cuts and the grouping of subprocesse (LO running) PT: enabled PYTHIA8.2 OM: restore the usage of external gzip library for file larger than 4Gb which were crashing with the python gzip library OM: Fixing the default card for Delphes OM: Improve support of lsf cluster (thanks Josh) OM: Adding support for the UFO file functions.py (which was ignored before) OM: Reduce the amount of RAM used by MadSpin in gridpack mode. OM: discard in MadWidth partial width lower than \Lambda_QCD for colored particle. 2.2.1(25/09/14) OM: Fix a bug preventing the generation of events at LO due to a wrong treatment of the color-flow. 2.2.0(24/09/14) VH: General mixed order corrections in MadLoop (only), including QCD/EW/QED and the UFO@NLO model 'loop_qcd_qed_sm'. VH: Re-design of both the tree and MadLoop matrix elements output to compute contributions of different coupling order combinations independently from one another. VH+HS: Tensor integral reduction as implemented in PJFry and IREGI readily available and interfaced to MadLoop's output. VH: Re-structuring of MadLoop's standalone output so as to easily create a single dynamic library including many processes at once. Useful for interfacing MadLoop to other MC's and already working with Sherpa. VH+HS: This branch contains all the fixes for proper treatment of the latest BSM@NLO models produced by FeynRules@NLO. In particular, the fixed related to the presence of majorana particles in loop ME's. RF: Corrected the behaviour of the pdfcode parameter in the shower_card for NLO+PS runs. PT: Redesigned shower_card.dat and eliminated modbos options for Herwig6 RF: Change the SPINUP information in the NLO LHEF from 0 to 9 (i.e. sum over helicities) RF: Fixed a bug in the check on the determination of the conflicting BWs. RF: Added the aMCfast+APPLgrid interface (arXiv:1406.7693 [hep-ph]) PT: Redesigned shower_card.dat and eliminated modbos options for Herwig6 RF: Change the SPINUP information in the NLO LHEF from 0 to 9 (i.e. sum over helicities) RF: Fixed a bug in the check on the determination of the conflicting BWs. MZ: enabled LHAPDF6 interface OM: Fixed a crash in some HEFT merging case. OM: Fix various compatibility problem created by the LHEFv3 version (Thanks to S. Brochet) OM: Fix a bug for MadSpin in gridpack mode OM: Add a routine to check the validity of LHE file (check_event command) OM: Fix bug for UFO model with custom propagators OM: Fix Bug in the computation of cross-section in presence of negative contribution OM: Change colorflow information of LHE file in presence of two epsilon_ijk since PY8 was not able to handle such flow in that format. OM: Add the function print_result for aMC@(n)LO run. OM: Add some shortcut in the card edition set ebeam 500 # edit both beams set lpp 0 # edit both lpp1 and lpp2 set lhc 14 # configure for LHC 14TeV set ilc 1000 # configure for ilc 1TeV set fixed_scale 100 # set all scale to fixed and at 100GeV set showerkt T # set showerkt on T in the shower card set qcut 20 # set the qctu to 20 in the shower card OM: Fix a bug in the card edition mode which was sometimes returning to default value which were edited by hand and not via the set command. Seoyoung Kim (by OM): Implementation of the htcaas (super-)cluster support. Juan Rojo (by RF): extended the 3 internal NNPDF sets for scales relevant for a 100TeV collider. OM: Fix a problem with the creation of DJR plot with root 6 OM: allow the set the width to Auto in NLO computation (width computated at LO accuracy) OM: Adding the possibility to have automatic plot after the parton shower for Herwig6/Pythia6. This require MadAnalysis and the pythia-pgs package. 2.1.2(03/07/14) OM: Fix a bug in ALOHA in presence of customized propagator (Thanks Saurabh) OM: Fixing some compilation issue with MadWeight (Thanks A. Pin) OM: Fixing a bug preventing MadWidth to run due to the model prefixing (depending on the way it was called) OM: Fixing a bug in MadSpin in the mssm model RF: Added the invariant mass and DeltaR cuts for *same flavour* opposite sign lepton pairs to the run_card for NLO-type generations. RF: Added FxFx and UNLOPS merging with Pythia8 RF: Prevent an infinite loop in MadSpin by forcing the correct sign to the invariants RF: Catch a possible error related to grouping subprocesses and setcuts OM: Fix an error when using the "customize_model" command S. Mrenna (by OM): Fix the include file in pythia8 output to be compliant with the latest PY8 version RF: Added a string with functional form for the scales to the event file banner (NLO only) S. Brochet (by OM): Fix a bug in MadSpin with the writting of the mother ID in the LHE file. Force the tag in the banner to always have the same case increase momenta precision for the LHE file written by MadSpin (thanks a lot to S. Brochet for all those patch) PT: Integrated Jimmy's underlying event for Herwig6 OM: improve "add model" functionality allow to force particle identification. PT: Bug fix in the normalisation of topdrawer plots for option 'sum' (as opposed to 'average') RF: Fixed a bug related to the random seed when the code was not recompiled for a new run. OM: Fixed a bug in MadEvent(LO) run, the generated sample were bias in presence of negative cross-section. A negative cross-section is possible only if you use a NLO PDF and/or if you edit the matrix.f by hand to have a non-definite positive matrix-element. OM: When importing a model, check that there is not more than 1 parameter with the same name. PT: Subsantial recoding of montecarlocounter.f and of a subroutine in fks_singular.f. Will help future extensions like EW NLO+PS matching and numerical derivatives OM: Fixing a wrong assignement in the color flow in presence of epsilon_ijk color structure. Those events were rejected by Pythia8 due to this wrong color-flow. MZ: Added the possibility to run the shower on a cluster, possibly splitting the lhe file MZ: The c++ compiler can be specified as an option in the interface. On MACOSX, clang should work now OM: MadEvent output is now LHEFv3 fully compliant. A parameter in the run_tag (lhe_version) allows to return LHEF version 2 format for retro-compatibility. 2.1.1(31/03/14) OM: Change the way the UFO model is handle by adding a prefix (mdl_) to all model variable. This avoid any potential name conflict with other part of the code. This feature can be bypassed by using the option --noprefix when importing the model. OM: New command "add model XXX" supported. This command creates a new UFO model from two UFO model. The main interest stand in the command "add model hgg_plugin", which add the effective operator h g g to the original UFO model. The model is written on disk for edition/future reference. RF: Reduced the calls to fastjet and skipped the computation of the reweight coeffients when they are not needed. OM: Fixed a bug for LO processes where the MMLL cut was not applied to the event sample. PA: Fix a bug in MadSpin to avoid numerical instabitities when extracting t-channel invariants from the production event file (see modification in driver.f, search for 'MODIF March 5, 2014') OM: Better determination of which particles are in representation 3/3bar since FR is ambiguous on that point. Now the determination also looks for 3 -3 1 interactions to check if that help. OM: Fix a bug(crash) in MW linked to the permutation pre-selection module. RF: Better comments in the code for user-defined cuts in the ./SubProcesses/cuts.f function. Also the maxjetflavor parameter in the run_card is now actually working. OM: Update SysCalc to: - Fix a bug that some file where sometimes truncated. - Allow for independant scale variation for the factorization/renormalization scale. RF+OM: Improve the handling of conflicting Breit-Wigners at NLO RF: Print the scale and PDF uncertainties for fNLO runs in the summary at the end of the run 2.1.0(21/02/14) MADWEIGHT RELEASE: ------------------ OM+PA: First Official release of MadWeight inside MG5_aMC Main update: - ISR corrections - possibility to use narrow-width approximation - introducing a module for the pre-selection of the parton-jet assignment. - extended formalism for the transfer function (more generic) - possibility to evaluate the weights for multiple choices of transfer function on the same phase-space point. The phase-space is optimized for the first set of parameters. Speed update: - More efficient way to group the computation for identical process with different final state. - Possibility to Monte-Carlo over the permutation. - More efficient way to choose between the various change of variable. - Possibility to use mint (not compatible with all of the options) - Possibility to use sobol for the generation of PS point (sometimes faster than pure random point generator. MadEvent/aMC@NLO UPDATE/BUG FIXING: ----------------------------------- OM: Fix critical bug (returns wrong cross-section/width) for processes where the center of mass energy of the beam is lower than 1 GeV. So this has no impact for LHC-collider phenomenology. This can also impact computation of decay-width if the mass of that particle is below 1 GeV. RF: Critical bug fixed (introduced in 2.0.2) for fixed order NLO runs that could give the wrong cross section when the phase-space generation is inefficient (like in the case for conflicting Breit-Wigners). This bug did not affect runs with matching to the parton shower. OM: Fix a bug leading to a crash with some decay syntax. i.e., p p > t t~, (t > w+ b), (t~ >w- b~) OM: Fix format of LHE output for 1>N events when the and mother information were wrongly set to LHC default. Specific support of this option will be part of pythia8 (8.185 and later) OM: Fix the syntax for the custom propagator to follow the description of arXiv:1308.1668 OM: Allow to call ASperGe on the flight if ASperGe module is include in the UFO model. just type "asperge" at the moment where the code propose you to edit the param_card. MADSPIN UPDATE: --------------- OM: Allow to use another model for the decay than the one used for the production of events. You are responsible of the consistency of the model in that case. PA: Include hellicity information for the events generated by MadSpin. OM: Fix a bug in MadSpin preventing the gridpack to run with NLO processes. 2.0.2(07/02/14) RF: Suppressed the writing of the 'ERROR in OneLOop dilog2_r' messages (introduced in the previous version) OM: Fix the bug that the shower_card.dat was wrongly identified as a pythia_card. OM: add one MadSpin option allowing to control the number of simultaneous open files. OM: Fix a bug in eps preventing evince preventing label to be displayed on page 2 and following Thanks to Gauthier Durieux for the fix. OM: Fix a bug(crash) for p p > w+ w- j j introduce in 2.0.0 due to some jet sometimes tagged as QCD and sometimes not (which was making the automatic scale computation to crash) OM: Change the way to writte the line of the lhe file to take into account - process with more that 100 subprocesses (note that you need to hack the pythia-pgs package to deal with such large number of sub-process - deal with pdf identification number bigger than 1 million. OM: Fixed a bug preventing the Madevent to detect external module (pythia-pgs, syscalc,...) Bug #1271216 (thanks Iwamoto) PT: PYTHIA8 scale and pdf variations 2.0.1(20/01/14) OM: Fix a bug in h > l+ l- l+ l- for group_subproceses =False (decay only). A follow up of the bug fix in 2.0.0 RF: Replaced the Error#10 in the generation of the phase-space (for NLO) to a Warning#10. In rare cases this error stopped the code, while this was not needed. RF: When using non-optimized loop output, the code now also works fine. OM: Modification of the code to allow the code to run on our servers VH: Improve the timing routine of the NLO code (displayed in debug mode) VH: FIX the import of old UFO model (those without the all_orders attribute). OM: Add a functionalities for restrict_model if a file paramcard_RESTRICTNAME.dat exists, then this file is use as default param_card for that restriction. HS: Updated CutTools to v1.9.2 2.0.0(14/12/13) CHANGE IN DEFAULT: ------------------ OM: Change the Higgs mass to 125 GeV for most of the model (but the susy/v4 one). OM: Change the default energy of collision to 13 TeV. RF: Default renormalisation and factorisation scales are now set to H_T/2. (for aMC only) MadEvent Update: ---------------- OM+SF+RF: Add Frixione Photon isolation (also for aMC) OM: Implementation of the reweight module for Leading Order matrix-element JA+OM+AK: Store parameters needed for systematics studies. This can be turned on with the use_syst parameter in run_card.dat. This output can be used to generate event weights for a variety of variational parameters, including scalefact, alpsfact, PDF choice, and matching scale. Note that this require pythia-pgs v2.2 for matching scale. OM+JA+Chia: Implement MadWidth (automatic/smart computation of the widths) OM: Support for Form-Factor defined in the UFO model. and support for model parameter presence inside the Lorentz expression. OM: Support for a arbitrary functions.f file present inside the UFO model. JA: Included tag in matched .lhe output, to be used together with Pythia 8 CKKW-L matching. This can be turned off with the clusinfo flag in run_card.dat. JA: New treatment of matching for diagrams that have no corresponding lower-multiplicity diagrams. Jets that are not classified as shower-type emission jets are flagged in the cluster scale info at the end of the event, which is recognized by the Pythia interface in Pythia-PGS package v. 2.2. For such jets, xqcut does not apply. This allows for consistent matching e.g. of p p > w+ b b~ in the 4-flavor scheme. Note that auto_ptj_mjj must be set to .false. for this to work properly. OM: Change model restriction behavior: two widths with identical are not merged anymore. S.Prestel(via OM): implement KT Durham cut. (thanks to Z. Marshall) OM: Improved check for unresponsive of PBS cluster (thanks J. Mc Fayden) OM: Implement a maximum number (2500) of jobs which can be submitted at the same time by the PBS cluster. This number is currently not editable via configuration file. MadEvent Bug Fixing: -------------------- OM: Fix a bug for h > l+ l- l+ l- (introduce in 1.5.9) where the phase-space parametrization fails to cover the full phase-space. This bugs occurs only if two identical particles decays in identical particles and if both of those particles can't be on-shell simultaneously. OM: Fix a bug for multi_run sample in presence of negative weights (possible if NLO pdf) The negative weights were not propagated to the merged sample. (thanks to Sebastien Brochet for the fix) aMC@NLO Update: ! FIRST OFFICIAL RELEASE WITH NLO CAPABILITIES ! --------------- PT: MC@NLO matching to PYTHIA8 available. RF: Added FxFx merging RF: Use MC over helicities for the MadLoop virtual corrections. RF: Using "virtual tricks" to reduce the number of PS points for which to include the virtual corrections, leading to a speed up of the code. OM+SF+RF: Add Frixione Photon isolation (also in MadEvent) PA+OM: Fast version of MadSpin implemented (PS generation in Fortran). OM: Allow to have MadSpin in "gridpack mode" (same cards/same decay). Add in the madspin_card "set ms_dir PATH". If the path didn't exist MS will create the gridpack on that path, otherwise it will reuse the information (diagram generated, maximum weight of each channel, branching ratio,...) This allow to bypass all the initialization steps BUT is valid only for the exact same event generation. VH: Fixed set_run.f which incorrectly sets a default value for ptl, drll and etal making the code insensitive to the values set in the run_card.dat VH: Fixed a bug in MadLoop that doubled the computing time for quad precision VH+RF: Added MadLoop stability information to the log files (and run summary in DEBUG mode). RF: Fixed a stability problem in the reweighting to get PDF and scale uncertainties. VH+RF: Improved the Binoth LHA interface RF: Improved the multi-channeling for processes with more amplitudes than diagrams. RF: Added a new parameter in the run_card to set the required accuracy for fixed order runs. SF+RF: Improved handling of fixed order analysis From beta3 (13/02/13): OM: Merge with 1.5.7+1.5.8 (See information below) OM: Allow the customize_model to be scriptable in a friendly way. RF: Event normalization is now Les Houches compliant (the weights of the events should average to the total rate). The old normalization can still be chosen by setting the flag 'sum = event_norm' in the run_card. RF: Fixes a bug related to the mass of the tau that was not consistently taking into account in the phase-space set-up. VH: Fixed the incorrect implementation of the four gluons R2 in the loop_sm UFO. VH: Fixed the UV renormalization for the SM with massive c quarks. RF: The PDF uncertainty for NNPDF is now also correctly given in the run summary RF: Some improvements in the test_MC and test_ME when matrix elements are numerically very large OM+RF: Added the running at LO to the 'launch questions' OM: Allow "check" command to use a event file. This will use the related param_card and the first event compatible with the requested process. RF: Improved the phase-space generation in the case of competing resonances From beta2 (23/12/12): MG5 Team: Include 1.5.4+1.5.5+1.5.6 modifications MadSpin Team: Include MadSpin VH: Fix computation in the Feynman gauge for the loops RF: automatic computation of the NLO uncertainties OM: NLO can now be runned with no central disk MZ: change the format of number (using e and not d) MZ: compilation and tests are possible in multicore RF: allow to precise either uncertainty or number of events for aMC@NLO/NLO OM: ./bin/mg5 cmd.cmd is now working for NLO process From beta1 (31/10/12): aMCatNLO Team: First public (beta) version of aMCatNLO. In order to learn aMCatNLO, please do "tutorial aMCatNLO" Please also visit: http://amcatnlo.cern.ch/list.htm for more information. 1.5.15 (11/12/13) OM: Fix the auto-update function in order to allow to pass to 2.0.0 1.5.14 (27/11/13) OM: Add warning about the fact that newprocess_mg5 is going to be remove in MG5_aMC_V2.0.0 OM: Improved cluster submision/re-submition control. 1.5.13 (04/11/13) OM: Implement a function which check if jobs submitted to cluster are correctly runned. In case of failure, you can re-submitted the failing jobs automatically. The maximal number of re-submission for a job can be parametrize (default 1) and how long you have to wait before this resubmission [to avoid slow filesystem problem, i.e. condor](default 300s) Supported cluster for this function: condor, lsf, pbs OM: Fix a problem when more than 10k diagrams are present for a given subprocesses. (tt~+4jets). BF: Change nmssm model (The couplings orders were not correctly assigned for some triple Higgs interactions) OM: use evince by default to open eps file instead of gv. OM: Fix a problem with the set command for the card edition for the mssm model. OM: Update EWdim6 paper according to the snowmass paper. (3 more operator) The default model is restricted in order to exclude those operators. In order to have those you have to use import model EWdim6-full OM: Fix bug #1243189, impossible to load v4 model if a local directory has the name of the models (which is present in the models directory) OM: Fix a bug in the complex mass scheme in the reading of the param_card (it was clearly stated) OM: Improve numerical stability of the phase-space point generation. (thanks Z. Surujon) 1.5.12 (21/08/13) OM: Improve phase-space integration for processes with strong MMJJ cut. Cases where the cross-section were slightly (~4%) under-evaluated due to such strong cut. OM: Add a command print_results in the madevent interface. This command print the cross-section/number of events/... OM: change the way prompt color is handle (no systematic reset). Which provides better result when the log is printed to a file. (thanks Bae Taegil) OM: Fix Bug #1199514: Wrong assignment of mass in the lhe events file if the initial state has one massive and one massless particles. (Thanks Wojciech Kotlarski) OM: Fix a compilation problem for SLC6 for the installation of pythia-pgs OM: Fix a crash linked to bug #1209113. OM: Fix a crash if python is not a valid executation (Bug #1211777) OM: Fix a bug in the edition of the run_card if some parameters were missing in the cards (Bug #1183334) 1.5.11 (21/06/13) OM: Fix CRITICAL bug (returning wrong cross-section) for processes with more than one W decaying leptonically. For such processes the lepton cuts were also used on the neutrino particle reducing the cross-section. This bug was present only for group_subprocesses=True (the default) OM: Fix Bug #1184213: crash in presence of GIM mechanism (occur on some LINUX computer only) OM: The compilation of madevent is now performed by the number of core specify in the configuration file. Same for pythia, ... OM: Improve support for Read-Only system OM: Fix a bug with the detection of the compiler when user specifiy a specific compiler. OM: Fix a problem that MG5 fails to compute the cross-section/width after that a first computation fails to integrate due to a wrong mass spectrum. OM: Fix a wrong output (impossible to compile) for pythia in presence of photon/gluon propagator (introduce in 1.5.8) OM: Allow to have UFO model with "goldstone" attribute instead of "GoldstoneBoson", since FR change convention in order to match the UFO paper. 1.5.10 (16/05/13) OM: Fix Bug #1170417: fix crash for conjugate routine in presence of massless propagator. (introduce in 1.5.9) OM: Fix question #226810: checking that patch program exists before trying to update MG5 code. OM: Fix Bug #1171049: an error in the order of wavefunctions making the code to crash (introduce in 1.5.7) OM: Allow to use an additional syntax for the set command. set gauge = Feynman is now valid. (Was not valid before due to the '=') OM: Fix By Arian Abrahantes. Fix SGE cluster which was not working when running full simulation (PGS/Delphes). OM: adding txxxxx.cc (Thanks to Aurelijus Rinkevicius for having written the routine) OM: Fix Bug #1177442. This crash occurs only for very large model. None of the model shipped with MG5 are impacted. OM: Fix Question #228315. On some filesystem, some of the executable loose the permission to be executable. Recover those errors automatically. OM: Modify the diagram enhancement technique. When more diagram have the same propagator structure we still combine them but we now include the interference term in the enhancement technique for those diagrams. This fix a crash for some multi-jet process in presence of non diagonal ckm matrices. 1.5.9 (01/04/13) JA: Fix bug in identification of symmetric diagrams, which could give the wrong propagators included in event files for certain processes (such as p p > z z j, z > l+ l-). Apart from the propagators (with status 2) in the event file, this bug didn't affect any other results (such as distributions). JA: Fix problem in gensym which made some decay chain processes slower than they should be. Thanks Eric Mintun for reporting. JA: Fix problem in event clustering (introduced in v. 1.5.8) which made events from some processes fail Pythia running. JA: Fixed bug #1156474, Pythia 8 C++ matrix element output for decay chain processes such as p p > z j, z > j j. (Bug #1156474) JA + OM: Automatically remove libpdf and libgeneric before survey, so everything works automatically when switching between built-in PDFs and LHAPDF. JA: Allow syntax / to remove particles in the define command. Example: define q = p / g JA: Added fat warning if any decay process in a decay chain includes a particle decaying to itself (as is the case if you do w+ > all all, since you include w+ > w+ a). JA: Forbid running newprocess_mg5 from a process directory that has already been generated, to avoid confusion. OM: Fix lxplus server issue (Bug #1159929) OM: Fix an issue when MG5 directory is on a read only disk (Bug #1160629) OM: Fix a bug which prevent to have the pythia matching plot/cross-section in some particular case. OM: Support of new UFO convention allowing to define custom propagator. (Both in MG5 and ALOHA) OM: Change ALOHA default propagator to have a specific expression for the massless case allowing to speed up matrix element computation with photon/gluon. OM: Correct the default spin 3/2 propagator (wrong incoming/outcoming definition) ML (by OM): Adding support of the SLURM cluster. Thanks to Matthew Low for the implementation. OM: Fixing the standalone_cpp output for the mssm model. (only model impacted) Thanks to Silvan S Kuttimalai for reporting. OM: Fix Bug #1162512: Wrong line splitting in cpp when some name were very long. (shorten the name + fix the splitting) 1.5.8 (05/03/13) OM: Fix critical bug introduce in 1.5.0. ALOHA was wrongly written HELAS routine for expression containing expression square. (like P(-1,1)**2). None of the default model of MG5 (like sm/mssm) have such type of expression. More information in bug report #1132996 (Thanks Gezim) OM+JA: install Delphes now installs Delphes 3 [added command install Delphes2 to install Delphes 2] OM: Add command in MadEvent interface: add_time_of_flight This command modifies the lhe events file by adding the time of flight information in the lhe events. To run this you need to do $> ./bin/madevent MGME> generate_events --laststep=parton -f MGME> add_time_of_flight MGME> pythia [if needed] OM: Fix bug in pythia8 output for process using decay chains syntax. See bug #1099790. CDe+OM: Update EWdim6 model OM: Fix a bug preventing model customized via the "customize_model" command to use the automatic width computation. OM: Change model restriction behavior: a value of 1 for a width is not treated as a restriction rule. OM: Fix incomplete restriction of the MSSM model leading to inefficient process merging (and larger-than-necessary files) for the MSSM. OM: Correct bug #1107603 (problem with condor cluster for submission associated to a large number of jobs). Thanks Sanjay. JA: Fix one part of the problem in bug #1123974: take into account invariant mass cuts mmXX above the peak range in s-channel resonances in the phase space integration, to make sure such channels find events even for narrow invariant mass cut ranges. Please note the discussion in that bug report for other types of channels however. JA: Fixed bug #1139303: matrix elements for identical decay chain processes with different propagators (such as p p > w+, w+ > e+ ve and p p > w-, w- > vm~ mu-) are now no longer combined, to ensure that resonances are correctly represented in event file. OM: Support lhapdf set which contains photon (See bug #1131995). RF+JA: Reuse last two PDF calls also for LHAPDF PDFs, clarify code for reuse of PDFs in pdg2pdf.f and pdg2pdf_lhapdf.f OM: Update the default delphes card to latest Delphes version. This default card is automatically overwritten by the default Delphes card when running "install Delphes". JA: Make sure cuts are only checked once per event - this can save a lot of time for multiparton event generation. OM: Fix Bug #1142042 (crash in gridpack). 1.5.7 (15/01/13) OM+JA: Fixed crash linked to model_v4 for processes containing wwww or zzww interactions. (See bug #1095603. Thanks to Tim Lu) OM: Fix a bug affecting 2>1 process when the final states particles is (outcoming fermion) introduced in version 1.5.0. (Thanks to B. Fuks) OM: Fix a problem of fermion flow for v4 model (thanks to A. Abrahantes) OM+DBF: Change the automatically the electroweak-scheme when passing to complex-mass scheme: the mass of the W is the an external parameter and Gf is an internal parameter fixed by LO gauge relation. OM+DBF: Remove the model sm_mw of the model database. OM: Fix problem in the ./bin/mg5 file command when some question are present in the file. OM: Extend support for ~ and ${vars} in path. OM: Fix a crash in multi_run for more than 300 successive runs. (Thanks to Diptimoy) OM: Allow to choose the center of mass energy for the check command. OM: small change in the pbs cluster submission (see question #218824) OM: Adding possibility to check gauge/lorentz/...for 2>1 processes. 1.5.6 (20/12/12) JA: Replaced error with warning when there are decay processes without corresponding core processes final state (see Question #216037). If you get this warning, please check carefully the process list and diagrams to make sure you have the processes you were expecting. JA: Included option to set the highest flavor for alpha_s reweighting (useful for 4-flavor matching with massive b:s). Note that this does not affect the choice of factorization scale. JA: Fixed Bug #1089199, where decay processes with symmetric diagrams were missing a symmetry factor. Note that this only affects decay processes (A > B C ..) with multiple identical particles in the final state and some propagators not able to go on the mass shell. JA: Updated the restriction cards for the sm model to set Yukawa couplings equal to the corresponding masses (in order to avoid stupid gauge check failures). 1.5.5 (18/11/12) JA: Fixed Bug #1078168, giving asymmetries in X+gamma generation (e.g. Z+gamma) when ickkw=1 and pdfwgt=T. Thanks Irakli! JA: Ensure that t-channel single top gives non-zero cross section even if maxjetflavor=4 (note that if run with matching, maxjetflavor=5 is necessary for correct PDF reweighting). OM: Fixed Bug #1077877. Aloha crashing for pseudo-scalar, 3 bosons interactions (introduces in 1.5.4) OM: Fix Bug for the command "check gauge". The test of comparing results between the two gauge (unitary and Feynman) was not changing the gauge correctly. OM: Improvment in LSF cluster support (see bug #1071765) Thanks to Brian Dorney. 1.5.4 (11/11/12) JA: Fixed bug in combine_runs.py (introduced in v. 1.5.0) for processes with 5 final-state particles, which might prevent matching to Pythia to work properly (thanks Priscila). OM: Fix Bug #1076043, error in kinematics for e- p collisions, thanks to Uta Klein (introduced in 1.5.0). JA: Fix Bug #1075525, combination of decay processes for particle and antiparticle (e.g. w+ > all all and w- > all all), thanks Pierre. OM: Fix a compilation crash due to aloha (thanks Tim T) JA: Fixed dynamical scale settings for e- p collisions. JA: Fixed running LHAPDF on a cluster with cluster_temp_path. JA: Ensure that the seed is stored in the banner even when Pythia is run (this was broken in v. 1.5.0). JA: Improved and clarified phase space presetting for processes with competing BWs. 1.5.3 (01/11/12) OM: Fix a crash in the gridpack mode (Thanks Baris Altunkaynak) OM: Fix a crash occuring on cluster with no central disk (only condor by default) for some complicated process. OM: If launch command is typed before any output command, "output madevent" is run automatically. OM: Fix bug preventing to set width to Auto in the mssm model. OM: Allow "set width PID VALUE" as an additional possibility to answer edit card function. OM: Improve ME5_debug file (include now the content of the proc_card as well). 1.5.2 (11/10/12) OM: Fix Bug for mssm model. The param_card was not read properly for this model. (introduce in 1.5.0) OM: If the code is run with an input file (./bin/mg5 cmd.cmd) All question not answered in the file will be answered by the default value. Running with piping data is not affected by this. i.e. running ./bin/mg5 cmd.cmd < answer_to_question or echo 'answer_to_question' | ./bin/mg5 cmd.cmd are not affected by this change and will work as expected. OM: Fixing a bug preventing to use the "set MH 125" command in a script file. JA: Fixed a bug in format of results.dat file for impossible configurations in processes with conflicting BWs. OM: Adding command "launch" in madevent interface which is the exact equivalent to the launch command in the MG5 interface in madevent output. OM: Secure the auto-update, since we receive some report of incomplete version file information. 1.5.1 (06/10/12) JA: Fixed symmetry factors in non-grouped MadEvent mode (bug introduced in v. 1.5.0). JA: Fixed phase space integration problem with multibody decay processes (thanks Kentarou for finding this!). OM: Fix that standalone output was not reading correctly the param_card (introduce in 1.5.0) OM: Fix a crash when trying to load heft OM: Fix the case when the UFO model contains one mass which has the same name as another parameter up to the case. OM: Fix a bug for result lower than 1e-100 those one are now consider as zero. OM: Fix a bug present in the param_card create by width computation computation where the qnumbers data were written as a float (makes Pythia 6 crash). 1.5.0 (28/09/12) OM: Allow MG5 to run in complex mass scheme mode (mg5> set complex_mass True) OM: Allow MG5 to run in feynman Gauge (mg5> set gauge Feynman) OM: Add a new command: 'customize_model' which allow (for a selection of model) to fine tune the model to your need. FR team: add a file decays.py in the UFO format, this files contains the analytical expression for one to two decays OM: implement a function for computing the 1 to 2 width on the fly. (requires MG5 installed on the computer, not only the process directory) OM: The question asking for the edition of the param_card/run_card now accepts a command "set" to change values in those cards without opening an editor. This allow simple implemetation of scanning. (Thanks G. Durieux to have push me to do it) OM: Support UFO model with spin 3/2 OM + CDe: Support four fermion interactions. Fermion flow violation/Majorana are not yet allowed in four fermion interactions. OM + PdA: Allow Large Extra Dimension Model (LED) to run in the MG5 framework. OM: Add auto-detection if MG5 is up-to-date and propose to apply a patch if not. OM: MadEvent changes automatically the compiler according to the value present in the configuration file. OM: Aloha modifications: faster to create routines and more optimized routines (up to 40% faster than previous version). OM: Aloha now supports Lorentz expression with denominator. OM: Improve error message when Source didn't compile properly. OM: The numerical evaluation of the matrix element requires now less memory than before (madevent and standalone output) OM: Fix a series of bugs with the madevent command 'remove' and 'run_banner' JA: Ensure identical results for identical seeds also with multiple runs in the same directory. Note that identical runs with previous versions can't be guaranteed (but different seeds are guaranteed to give statistically independent runs). Save the results.dat files from all runs. JA: Amended kinematics to correctly deal with the case of massive beams, as well as fixed-target proton collisions. JA: Changed default in the run_card.dat to use -1 as "no cut" for the max-type cuts (etaj, ptjmax, etc.). JA: Added support for negative weights in matrix elements (as required for interference-only terms) and PDFs. JA: Avoid creating directories for integration channels that can not give events based on BW settings (further improvement compared to v. 1.4.8). JA: Optimize phase space integration when there are resonances with mass above ECM. JA: Fixed issue in replace.pl script with more than 9 particles in an event. JA+OM: Allow cluster run to run everything on a local (node) disk. This is done fully automatically for condor cluster. For the other clusters, the user should set the variable "cluster_temp_path" pointing to a directory (usefull only if the directory is on the node filesystem). This still requires access to central disk for copying, event combination, running Pythia/PGS/Delphes etc. OM: Replace fortran script combine_runs by a python script. This script allows to be more stable when running on clusters with slow filesystem response (bugs #1050269 and #1028844) JA: Ensure that process mirroring is turned off for decay processes of type A > B C... (29/08/12) OM: Fix a web problem which creates generations to run twice on the web. (21/08/12) JA: Ensure that the correct seed is written also in the .lhe file header. JA: Stop run in presence of empty results.dat files (which can happen if there are problems with disk access in a cluster run). JA: Allow reading up to 5M weighted events in combine_events. (30/07/12) OM: Allow AE(1,1), AE(2,2) to not be present in SLAH1 card (1.4.8 crashes if they were not define in the param_card) OM: Add a button Stop-job for the cluster and make nicer output when the user press Ctrl-C during the job. 1.4.8 (24/07/12) JA: Cancel running of integration channels where the BW structure makes it impossible to get any events. This can significantly speed up event generation for processes with conflicting BWs. JA: Minor modification of integration grid presetting in myamp.f, due to the above point. JA: Raise exception if a decay process has decaying particles that are not present in the corresponding core process (this might help avoid syntax mistakes). JA: Fixed subprocess group combination also for the case when different process flags @N are given to different decays of the same core process (sorry, this was missed in v. 1.4.7). JA: Fixed crash for process p p > w+ w+ j j t t~ when all w and t/t~ are decayed (bug #1017912, thanks to Nicolas Deutschmann). JA: Fixed array dimension for diagrams with a single s-channel propagator (caused crash for certain compilers, bug #1022415 thanks Sho Iwamoto). JA: Fixed crash for identical decay chains for particle-anti- particle when only one of the two is decayed, introduced in v. 1.4.7 (thanks John Lee). OM: Ensure that matching plots are replaced correctly when Pythia is run reusing a tag name. OM: Improved check for YE/AE, YU/AU, YD/AD for first two generations in SLHA1<->2 converter (thanks Abhishek). 1.4.7 (25/06/12) JA: Change the random seed treatment to ensure that the original seed is stored in the banner (this was broken in v. 1.4.0). If a non-zero seed is given in the run_card, this seed is used as starting value for the SubProcesses/randinit file, while the seed in the run_card is set to 0. This way, the seed for a multi_run is automatically updated in the same way as for individual runs. TS + JA: Fix problem with duplicate random seeds above 64000. Now, random seeds up to 30081*30081 can safely be used. JA: Turn off automatic checking for minimal coupling orders in decay processes A > B C ... JA: Ensure that automatic coupling order determination works also for effective theories with multiple orders in an interaction (thanks Claude and Gizem Ozturk). JA: Optimize phase space integration and event generation for decay processes with very squeezed mass spectrum. JA: Ensure that identical matrix elements in different process definitions are combined also when using the decay chain formalism (thanks to Zhen Liu for pointing this out). BF+JA: Updated the NMSSM model to the latest FR version. OM: Change EW_dim6 to remove all interactions which don't impact three boson scattering. JA: Fixed problem in matrix element combination which allowed non-identical matrix elements to be combined in certain complicated processes (such as p p > l vl l vl l vl), resulting in lines with Z > e+ mu- in the event file (bug #1015032, thanks Johannes E for reporting). JA: Fixed minor typo in myamp.f. OM: Fixed minor behavior restriction of multi_run (thanks to Joachim Kopp). OM: Improved condor cluster support when the cluster is unresponsive (should avoid some crashes on the web). JA: Fixed support for color sextets in addmothers.f (thanks Nicolas Deutschmann for reporting). JA: Make sure that also the SubProcesses directories are cleaned when running bin/compile in a gridpack. JA: Removed the confusing makefile in Template and replace it with scripts to create madevent.tar.gz and gridpack.tar.gz. 1.4.6 (16/05/12) JA: Added cuts on lepton pt for each of the 4 hardest leptons OM: Allow bin/madevent script to be run with a single line command example ./bin/madevent multi_run 10 OM: Adding the 4 higgs interactions in the standard model UFO model JA: Added new restriction card for the sm model with massive muon and electron, and non-zero tau decay width JA: Ensure assignment of colors to intermediate propagators works also in fermion flow- and color flow-violating RPV processes (thanks Brock Tweedie for finding this). JA: Fix crash for certain fermion flow violating decay chains (introduced in v. 1.3.27) (again thanks to Brock Tweedie). JA: Fix crash for decay chains with multiple decays involving the same particles (thanks Steve Blanchet for reporting) JA+OM: Fix crash for Pythia8 output with multiparticle vertices (thanks to Moritz Huck for reporting this.) OM: Fixing ALOHA output for C++/python. OM: Fix a crash occuring when trying to create an output on an existing directory (thanks Celine) 1.4.5 (11/04/12) OM: Change the seed automatically in multi_run. (Even if the seed was set to a non automatic value in the card.) OM: correct a minor bug #975647 (SLAH convention problem) Thanks to Sho Iwamoto OM: Improve cluster support (more secure and complete version) JA: Increased the number of events tested for non-zero helicity configurations (needed for goldstino processes). OM: Add a command to remove the file RunWeb which were not always deleted correctly OM+JA: Correct the display of number of events and error for Pythia in the html files. OM: Changed the way the stdout/stderr are treated on the cluster since some cluster cann't support to have the same output file for both. (thanks abhishek) 1.4.4 (29/03/12) OM: Added a command: "output aloha" which allows to creates a subset (or all) of the aloha routines linked to the current model OM: allow to choose the duration of the timer for the questions. (via ./input/mg5_configuration.txt) OM: Allow UFO model where G is not defined. OM: allow to use ~,~user, ${var} in the path. Improve support for path containing spaces. JA: Fixed LHAPDF functionality which was broken in v. 1.4.0 JA: Allow non-equal mixing angles in mssm restrict cards (as needed for cards from some spectrum generators) JA: Fixed script addmasses.py for complicated events such as p p > t t~ + jets with decays of t and t~. JA: Added GE cluster to the list in cluster.py. JA: Allow up to 1M events in a single run. Note that the unweighting (combine events) step gets quite slow with so many events. Also note that if Pythia is run, still maximum 50k events is recommended in a single run. OM: Fix problem linked to filesystem which makes new files non executables by default. (bug #958616) JA: Fixed buffer overflow in gen_ximprove when number of configs > number of diagrams due to competing resonances (introduced in v. 1.4.3). 1.4.3 (08/03/12) JA: Reintroduced the possibility to completely forbid s-channel diagrams, using the $$ notation. Note that this should be used with great care, since the result is in general not gauge-invariant. It is in general better to use the $ notation, forbidding only onshell s-channel particles (the inverse of decay chains). JA: Automatically ensure that ptj and mmjj are below xqcut when xqcut > 0, since ptj or mmjj > xqcut ruins matching. OM: Add LSF to the list of supported cluster (thanks to Alexis). OM: change the param_card reader for the restrict file. This allow to restrict model with 3 lha id (or more) (thanks to Eduardo Ponton). OM: forbids to run 'generate events' with python 2.4. OM: Include the configuration file in the .tar.gz created on the web (thanks to Simon) . OM: Fix a Mac specific problem for edition of Delphes card. (thanks to Sho Iwamoto). OM: ALOHA modifications: - Change sign convention for Epsilon (matching FR choices) - For Fermion vertex forces that _1 always returns the incoming fermion and _2 returns the outcoming fermion. (This modifies conjugate routine output) - Change the order of argument for conjugate routine to expect IO order of fermion in all cases. Note that the two last modifications matches MG5 conventions and that those modifications correct bugs for interactions a) subject to conjugate routine (i.e. if the model has majorana) b) containing fermion momentum dependencies in the Lorentz structure All model included by default in MG5 (in particular sm/mssm) were not affected by those mismatch of conventions. (Thanks to Benjamin fuks) OM: make acceptance test more silent. OM: return the correct error message when a compilation occur. OM: some code re-factoring. 1.4.2 (16/02/12) JA: Ensure that matching works properly with > 9 final state particles (by increasing a buffer size in event output) OM: add a command "import banner" in order to run a full run from a given banner. OM: Fix the Bug #921487, fixing a problem with home made model In the definition of Particle/Anti-Particle. (Thanks Ben) OM: Fix a formatting problem in me5_configuration.txt (Bug #930101) Thanks to Arian OM: allow to run ./bin/mg5 BANNER_PATH and ./bin/mg5 PROC_CARD_V4_PATH OM: Various small fixes concerning the stability of the html output. OM: Changes the server to download td since cp3wks05 has an harddisk failures. 1.4.1 (06/02/12) OM: Fix the fermion flow check which was wrongly failing on some model (Thanks to Benjamin) OM: Improve run organization efficiency (which speeds up the code on cluster) (Thanks to Johan) OM: More secure html output (Thanks to Simon) 1.4.0 (04/02/12) OM: New user interface for the madevent run. Type: 1) (from madevent output) ./bin/madevent 2) (from MG5 command line) launch [MADEVENT_PATH] -i This interface replaces various script like refine, survey, combine, run_..., rm_run, ... The script generate_events still exists but now calls ./bin/madevent. OM: For MSSM model, convert param_card to SLAH1. This card is converted to SLAH2 during the MadEvent run since the UFO model uses SLAH2. This allows to use Pythia 6, as well as having a coherent definition for the flavor. JA+OM: For decay width computations, the launch command in addition to compute the width, creates a new param_card with the width set to the associated values, and with the Branching ratio associated (usefull for pythia). NOTE: This param_card makes sense for future run ONLY if all relevant decay are generated. EXAMPLE: (after launch bin/mg5): import model sm-full generate t > b w+ define all = p b b~ l+ l- ta+ ta- vl vl~ add process w+ > all all add process z > all all define v = z w+ w- add process h > all all add process h > v v, v > all all output launch OM: change output pythia8 syntax: If a path is specified this is considered as the output directory. OM: Change the path of the madevent output files. This allows to run pythia/pgs/delphes mulitple times for the same set of events (with different pythia/... parameters). OM: Madevent output is now insensitive to the relative path to pythia-pgs, delphes, ... In consequence you don't need anymore to have your directory at the same level as Template directory. OM: MadEvent checks that the param_card is coherent with the restriction used during the model generation. OM: Model restrictions will now also force opposite number to match (helpfull for constraining to rotation matrix). OM: Change the import command. It's now allowed to omit the type of import. The type is guessed automaticaly. This is NOT allowed on the web. OM: Add a check that the fermion flow is coherent with the Lorentz structure associates to the vertex. OM: Add a check that the color representation is coherent. This allow to detect/fix various problem linked to some new models created by FR and SARAH. OM: Change the default fortran compiler to gfortran. OM: Add the possibility to force which fortran compiler will be used, either via the configuration file or via the set command. OM: Add the possibility to bypass the automatic opening of the web browser (via the configuration file: ./input/mg5_configuration.txt ) OM: add 'save options' command to save the current configuration in the configuration file. OM: Change the scheme of questions when running madevent and allow to specify in the command interface if you want to run pythia/pgs/... Allow to put the answers to the questions in the proc_card.dat. OM: Add options for the display command: a) display options: return the current option value. i.e. those set via the set command and/or via the configuration file b) display variable NAME: return the current string representation of NAME and/or self.NAME . c) display coupling_order: return the coupling orders with their associated weight (for automatic order restriction) d) display couplings now returns the list of all couplings with the associated expression e) display interactions [PART1] [PART2] [PART3] ... display all interactions containing the particles set in arguments OM: New Python script for the creation of the various html pages. This Requires less disk access for the generation of the files. OM: Modify error treatment, especially for Invalid commands and Configuration problems. JA: Ensure that we get zero cross section if we have non-parton initial states with proton/antiproton beams OM: Improve cluster support. MadEvent now supports PBS/Condor/SGE Thanks to Arian Abrahantes for the SGE implementation. OM: Improve auto-completion (better output/dealing with multi line/...) OM: Improve the parallel suite and change the release script to run some of the parallel tests. This ensures even higher stability of the code for the future releases. JA: Changed the way gridpacks work: Set granularity to 1 (so randomly select channels only if they should generate less than 1 event), but allowing channels to run down to a single iteration. This removes all old problems with increased variance for small channels in the gridpacks, while giving even faster event generation. Thanks to Johan Alwall, Sho Iwamoto for all the important testing/bug reports. 1.3.33 (01/01/12) JA: Revisited colors for propagators in addmothers.f to ensure that propagators in color flow violating processes get the correct color from initial state particles (thanks to Michele Gabusi for forcing me to do this). 1.3.32 (21/12/11) JA: Fixed a bug in the PDF reweighting routine, which caused skewed eta distributions for matched samples with pdfwgt=T. Thanks to Giulio Lenzi for finding this. 1.3.31 (29/11/11) OM: Fix a bug an overflow in RAMBO (affects standalone output only) PdA (via OM): Change RS model (add a width to the spin2) OM: Fix a bug in the cuts associate to allowed mass of all neutrinos+leptons (thanks to Brock Tweedie for finding it) OM: Remove some limitation in the name for the particles 1.3.30 (18/11/11) OM: Fix a bug for the instalation of pythia-pgs on a 64 bit UNIX machine. OM: If ROOTSYS is define but root in the PATH, add it automatically in create_matching_plots.sh This is require for the UIUC cluster. 1.3.29 (16/11/11) OM: Fixed particle identities in the Feynman diagram drawing JA: Fixed bug in pdf reweighting when external LHAPDF is used. OM+JA: Simplify the compilation of pythia-pgs package. 1.3.28 (14/11/11) OM+JA: Fix special case when Lorentz structure combining two different Majorana particles depends on the incoming/outgoing status of the Majorana particles (needed for MSSM with Goldstino). JA: Fixed problem with colors in addmothers.f for complicated multiparticle vertices and simplified color treatment (thanks to Gauthier Durieux for pointing this out). JA: Further improved gridpack parameters OM: Update the parallel test (now testing against MG5 1.3.3) OM: Include some parallel test in the release script. 1.3.27 (05/11/11) JA: Fix bug in mirrored amplitudes (sometimes amplitudes that should not be flagged as mirrored were flagged as mirrored). Thanks Marco Zaro for reporting this! JA: Fix another problem getting enough events in gridpack mode (it was not completely fixed in v. 1.3.24). Thanks Alexis! JA: Added "!" comments for all parameters in the default run_card, since apparently this is still needed for g77 to correctly read the parameters. 1.3.26 (31/10/11) JA: Fix color setting in MadEvent event file for multiparticle vertices, which was not taken into account in the upgrade in v. 1.3.18 OM: Fixed mmnl cut (inv. mass of all leptons and neutrinos) which was never active. OM: Fix td install in Linux were a chmod was missing 1.3.25 (27/10/11) JA: Ensure that the correct intermediate resonance is always written in the event file, even when we have resonances with identical properties. OM: Fix the bug forcing to quit the web browser in order to have MG5 continuing to run. OM: Change the tutorial in order to allow open index.html after the output command. 1.3.24 (22/10/11) JA: Fix problem with getting enough events in gridpack mode (this was broken in v. 1.3.11 when we moved from events to luminocity in refine). Thanks to Alexis Kalogeropoulos. 1.3.23 (19/10/11) JA: Allow user to set scales using setscales.f again (this was broken in v. 1.3.18). Thanks to Arindam Das. JA: Ensure that the error message is displayed if the "make" command is not installed on the system. 1.3.22 (12/10/11) JA: Fixed another bug (also introduced in 1.3.18), which could give the wrong ordering between the s-channel propagators for certain multiprocess cases (this also lead to a hard stop, so don't worry, if you get your events, the bug doesn't affect you). Sorry about that, this is what happens when you add a lot of new functionality... 1.3.21 (12/10/11) OM: Add a new command: install. This allow to install quite easily different package devellop for Madgraph/MadEvent. The list of available package are pythia-pgs/MadAnalysis/ExRootAnalysis/Delphes OM: Adding TopEffth Model OM: Improve display particles and autocompletion in presence of nonpropagating particles OM: Fix Aloha bug linked to four fermion operator PA: fix the problem of degenerate color basis in the diquark sextet model JA: Fixed bug in cluster.f that created a hard stop, introduced in 1.3.18. 1.3.20 (09/10/11) JA: Fixed bug in myamp.f that created a hard stop error for certain cases with many processes with different propagators in the same subprocess dir. 1.3.19 (06/10/11) JA: Fixed problem with SubProcesses makefile on Linux, introduced in 1.3.18. 1.3.18 (04/10/11) JA: Use model information to determine color of particles for reweighting and propagator color info. JA: Changed the definition of "forbidden s-channels" denoted by "$" to exclude on-shell s-channels while keeping all diagrams (i.e., complemetary to the decay chain formalism). This reduces the problems with gauge invariance compared to previously. "Onshell" is as usual defined by the "bwcutoff" flag in the run_card.dat. JA: Enable proper 4-flavor matching (such as gg>hbb~+jets) Note that you need the Pythia/PGS package v. 2.1.9 or later to use with 4F matching. Changes include: alpha_s reweighting also for b vertices, new scale treatment (mu_F for pp>hbb~ is (pT_b^max*m_Th)), no clustering of gluons to final-state massive particles in MadEvent. JA: Ensure that factorization scale settings and matching works also in singlet t-channel exchange processes like single top and VBF. The dynamic factorization scale is given by the pT of the scattered quark (on each side of the event). Note: You need the Pythia/PGS package v. 2.1.10 or later to use with VBF matching, to ensure that both radiated and scattered partons are treated correctly - scattered partons need to be excluded from the matching, since their pT can be below QCUT. An even better treatment would require to individually shower and match the two sides in Pythia, which is not presently possible. Note: In the matched 4-flavor process p p > t b~ j $ w+ w- t~ + p p > t b~ j j $ w+ w- t~, there is an admixture of t-channel single top (with up to 1 radiated jet) and s-channel single top (with up to 2 radiated jets). In this case, the automatic determination of maximum multiplicity sample doesn't work (since max in the file will be 2 jets, but for t-channel max is 1 jet). So MAXJETS=1 must be specified in the pythia_card.dat. JA: Fixed pdf reweighting for matching, which due to a mistake had never been activated. JA: Improved phase space integration presetting further by taking into account special cuts like xpt, ht etc. JA: Introduce new convention for invariant mass cuts - if max < min, exclude intermediate range (allows to exclude W/Z dijet resonances in VBF processes) 1.3.17 (30/09/11) OM: Fix a crash created by ALOHA when it tries to create the full set of ALOHA routines (pythia8 output only). 1.3.16 (11/09/11) JA: Fixed the problem from 1.3.12. 1.3.15 (09/09/11) OM: remove the fix of 1.3.12 (No events in output for some given processes) 1.3.14 (08/09/11) OM: Fix a bug in the RS model introduced in 1.3.8 1.3.13 (05/09/11) JA: Fixed bug with cut_decays=F which removed cuts also for non-decay products in certain channels if there is a forced decay present. Note that this does not affect xqcut, only pt, minv and eta cuts. JA: If non-zero phase space cutoff, don't use minimum of 1 GeV (this allows to go to e.g. 2m_e invariant mass for \gamma* > e+ e-). 1.3.12 (01/09/11) JA: Fixed problem with decay chains when different decays result in identical final states, such as p p > go go, (go > b1/b1~ b/b~, b1/b1~ > b/b~ n1) (only one of the decay chains was chosen, instead of all 3 combinations (b1,b1), (b1,b1~), (b1~,b1~)) JA: Allow for overall orders also with grouped subprocesses JA: Ensure that only leading color flows are included in event output (so no singlet flows from color octets). JA: Fixed small bug in fermion flow determination for multifermion vertices. 1.3.11 (26/08/11) JA: Improved precision of "survey" by allowing 4th and 5th iteration if accuracy after 3 iterations < 10%. JA: Subdivide BW in phase space integration for conflicting BWs also for forced decays, to improve generation with large bwcutoff in e.g. W+ W- production with decays. JA: Do refine using luminocity instead of number of events, to work with badly determined channels. JA: Don't use BW for shat if mass > sqrt(s). JA: Fixed insertion of colors for octet resonances decaying to octet+singlet (thanks Bogdan for finding this) 1.3.10 (23/08/11) OM: Update ALOHA version OM: increase waiting time for jobs to write physically the results on the disks (in ordre to reduce trouble on the cluster). 1.3.9 (01/08/11) OM: Add a new model DY_SM (arXiv:1107.5830). Thanks to Neil for the generation of the model 1.3.8 (25/07/11) JA: Replace the SM and HEFT models with latest versions using the Wolfenstein parameterization for the CKM matrix. JA: Implemented reading of the new UFO information about coupling orders (order hierarchy and expansion_order). JA: New "coupling order" specification WEIGHTED which checks for sum of coupling orders weighted by their hierarchy. JA: Implemented optimal coupling orders for processes from any model if no coupling orders specified. 1.3.7 (21/07/11) JA: Fix makefiles for some v4 models that were forgotten in v. 1.3.5 1.3.6 (18/07/11) OM: Ensure that the new makefiles work on the web 1.3.5 (14/07/11): JA: New organization of make files, ensure that compilation works for all modes (with/without LHAPDF, static/dynamic, regular/gridpack) for both Linux and Mac OS X (be careful with dynamic libraries on Mac OS X though, since it seems that common blocks might not work properly) JA: Fixed proper error messages and clean stop for compilation errors during MadEvent run. 1.3.4 (05/07/11): OM: More informative error message when a compilation error occurs 1.3.3 (29/06/11): JA: Fixed diagram symmetry for case when there are no 3-vertex-only diagrams JA (by OM): More informative error when trying to generate invalid pythia8 process 1.3.2 (14/06/11): OM: Fix fortran output when a model is case sensitive (Bug if a coupling was depending of a case sensitive parameter) SdV: Remove a annoying print in the new cuts (added in 1.3.0) OM: Fix a compilation problem in the standalone cpp output 1.3.1 (02/06/11): JA: Fixed missing file bug with the introduction of inclusive HT cut 1.3.0 (02/06/11): JA: Allow for grouped subprocesses also for MG4 models JA: Improved multiprocess diagram generation to reuse diagrams for crossed processes JA: Automatic optimization of order of particles in multiparticle labels for optimal multiprocess generation JA: Improved efficiency of identification of identical matrix elements JA: Improved identification of diagrams with identical divergency structure for grouped subprocesses JA: Included more fine-grained run options in the run_card, including helicity summation options, whether or not to set ptj and mjj automatically based on xqcut, etc. JA: Fixed some minor array limit and arithmetics warnings for extreme decay and decay chain processes. SdV: Added cuts on H_T(all jets, light and b) OM: Fixed minor bug related to cluster option in launch 1.2.4 (15/05/11): JA: Fixed long-standing bug in DECAY relating to the cross section info in block, and fixed parameter reading for MG5 SM model. 1.2.3 (11/05/11): JA: Fixed problem with scale choice in processes with mixed QED/QCD orders, e.g. p p > t t~ QED=2. Note that this fix doesn't work for p p > t t~ j j QED=4 which should still be avoided. JA: Added the ptllmin/max options in the default run_card.dat 1.2.2 (09/05/11): OM: fix ALOHA symmetries creating not gauge invariant result for scalar octet 1.2.1 (08/05/11): OM: reduce the quantity of RAM use by matrix.f OM: support speed of psyco if this python module is installed OM: fix a minor bug in the model parsing OM: add the check of valid model.pkl also for v4 model OM: add a check that UpdatesNotes is up-to-date when making a release JA: Fixed problem in phase space generation for s-channel mass > s_tot 1.2.0 (05/05/11): OM: minor fixes on check charge conjugation OM: add a check on the path for the validity of the model.pkl JA: Fixed problem with combine_runs on certain compilers 1.1.2 (03/05/11): OM+JA: Fixed problem for models with multiple interactions for the same set of particles, introduced in v. 1.1.1 1.1.1 (02/05/11): JA: Replaced (slow) diagram symmetry determination by evaluation with fast identification based on diagram tags. JA: Replacing the "p=-p" id=0 vertex produced by diagram generation algorithm already in the diagram generation, simplifying drawing, helas objects and color. JA: Fixed compiler warnings for unary operator. JA: Always set all coupling orders for diagrams (needed for NLO implementations). OM: Improved and more elegant "open" implementation for the user interface. OM: minor fixes related to checking the gauge 1.1.0 (21/04/11): JA: Removed hard limit on number of external particles in MadEvent, allowing for unlimited length decay chains there (up to 14 final state particles successfully integrated). JA: Improved helicity selection and automatic full helicity sum if needed. Optimization of run parameters. JA: New flag in run_card.dat to decide whether basic cuts are applied to decay products or not. OM: Merged ALOHA calls for different lorentz structures with the same color structures, increasing the speed and efficiency of matrix element evaluations. OM: Added new "open" command in command line interface, allowing to open standard file types directly. Automatically open crossx.html at launch. JA: Fixed MadEvent bugs for multiparton processes with conflicting decays and some faulty array limits. JA: Suppressed scary but irrelevant warnings for compiling 2->1 and 1->2 processes in MadEvent. JA: Pythia 8 output further optimized. JA, OM: Several minor fixes relating to user interface etc. 1.0.0 (12/04/11): Official release of MadGraph 5. Some of the features: - Complete FeynRules compatibility through the UFO interface - Automatic writing of HELAS routines for any model in Fortran, C++ or Python through ALOHA - Matrix element output in Fortran, C++ or Python - Output formats: MadEvent, Pythia 8, Standalone (Fortran/C++) - Support for spin 0, 1/2, 1, 2 particles - Support for color 1, 3, 6, 8 - Revamped MadEvent with improved subprocess directory organization and vastly increased speed and stability - Unlimited length decay chains (up to 12 final state particles tested with MadEvent, see v. 1.0.1) - Process checks for new model implementations - ...and much more (see paper "MadGraph 5: Going Beyond")