======= HACKING ======= Herein lay instructions on how to contribute to this project. Developer install ================= This codebase requires a few system-wide dependencies be installed. The "sysdeps" make target will install them:: make sysdeps Next the build needs to be run:: make Tests can be run my make or as a script (which allows for command-line options to be passed). :: make test bin/test Submitting a branch =================== In order to submit code for review we use a tool called lbox. If you are using Ubuntu < 13.04 you can install lbox by:: sudo apt-get install lbox If you are using a newer version you will have to build it from source. First step is to install Go lang, you can find the instructions on installing it here http://golang.org/doc/install#bsd_linux , making sure to set your GOROOT environment variable appropriately. After that, you should set up an install directory that you can access, such as $HOME/bin/go which you can set as your GOPATH directory (see `go help gopath` for more information). For ease of use, you can append $GOROOT/bin and $GOPATH/bin to your PATH environment variable. Then follow the instructions:: sudo go get launchpad.net/lbox sudo go install launchpad.net/lbox To submit for review:: lbox propose After review, to merge into trunk:: lbox submit Filing Bugs =========== Please file bugs here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-tools/+filebug