/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Authors: Andrew Hutchings, SkySQL (andrew at skysql dot com) */ #define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "myloader.h" #include "config.h" guint commit_count= 1000; gchar *directory= NULL; gboolean overwrite_tables= FALSE; gboolean enable_binlog= FALSE; gchar *source_db= NULL; static GMutex *init_mutex= NULL; guint errors= 0; gboolean read_data(FILE *file, gboolean is_compressed, GString *data, gboolean *eof); void restore_data(MYSQL *conn, char *database, char *table, const char *filename, gboolean is_schema, gboolean need_use); void *process_queue(struct thread_data *td); void add_table(const gchar* filename, struct configuration *conf); void add_schema(const gchar* filename, MYSQL *conn); void restore_databases(struct configuration *conf, MYSQL *conn); void restore_schema_view(MYSQL *conn); void restore_schema_triggers(MYSQL *conn); void restore_schema_post(MYSQL *conn); void no_log(const gchar *log_domain, GLogLevelFlags log_level, const gchar *message, gpointer user_data); void set_verbose(guint verbosity); void create_database(MYSQL *conn, gchar *database); static GOptionEntry entries[] = { { "directory", 'd', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &directory, "Directory of the dump to import", NULL }, { "queries-per-transaction", 'q', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &commit_count, "Number of queries per transaction, default 1000", NULL }, { "overwrite-tables", 'o', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &overwrite_tables, "Drop tables if they already exist", NULL }, { "database", 'B', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &db, "An alternative database to restore into", NULL }, { "source-db", 's', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &source_db, "Database to restore", NULL }, { "enable-binlog", 'e', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &enable_binlog, "Enable binary logging of the restore data", NULL }, { NULL, 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; void no_log(const gchar *log_domain, GLogLevelFlags log_level, const gchar *message, gpointer user_data) { (void) log_domain; (void) log_level; (void) message; (void) user_data; } void set_verbose(guint verbosity) { switch (verbosity) { case 0: g_log_set_handler(NULL, (GLogLevelFlags)(G_LOG_LEVEL_MASK), no_log, NULL); break; case 1: g_log_set_handler(NULL, (GLogLevelFlags)(G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING | G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE), no_log, NULL); break; case 2: g_log_set_handler(NULL, (GLogLevelFlags)(G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE), no_log, NULL); break; default: break; } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct configuration conf= { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 }; GError *error= NULL; GOptionContext *context; g_thread_init(NULL); init_mutex= g_mutex_new(); if(db == NULL && source_db != NULL){ db = g_strdup(source_db); } context= g_option_context_new("multi-threaded MySQL loader"); GOptionGroup *main_group= g_option_group_new("main", "Main Options", "Main Options", NULL, NULL); g_option_group_add_entries(main_group, entries); g_option_group_add_entries(main_group, common_entries); g_option_context_set_main_group(context, main_group); if (!g_option_context_parse(context, &argc, &argv, &error)) { g_print("option parsing failed: %s, try --help\n", error->message); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } g_option_context_free(context); if (program_version) { g_print("myloader %s, built against MySQL %s\n", VERSION, MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } set_verbose(verbose); if (!directory) { g_critical("a directory needs to be specified, see --help\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { char *p= g_strdup_printf("%s/metadata", directory); if (!g_file_test(p, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { g_critical("the specified directory is not a mydumper backup\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } MYSQL *conn; conn= mysql_init(NULL); mysql_options(conn, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, "myloader"); if (!mysql_real_connect(conn, hostname, username, password, NULL, port, socket_path, 0)) { g_critical("Error connection to database: %s", mysql_error(conn)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!enable_binlog) mysql_query(conn, "SET SQL_LOG_BIN=0"); mysql_query(conn, "/*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0*/"); conf.queue= g_async_queue_new(); conf.ready= g_async_queue_new(); guint n; GThread **threads= g_new(GThread*, num_threads); struct thread_data *td= g_new(struct thread_data, num_threads); for (n= 0; n < num_threads; n++) { td[n].conf= &conf; td[n].thread_id= n+1; threads[n]= g_thread_create((GThreadFunc)process_queue, &td[n], TRUE, NULL); g_async_queue_pop(conf.ready); } g_async_queue_unref(conf.ready); g_message("%d threads created", num_threads); restore_databases(&conf, conn); for (n= 0; n < num_threads; n++) { struct job *j= g_new0(struct job, 1); j->type = JOB_SHUTDOWN; g_async_queue_push(conf.queue, j); } for (n= 0; n < num_threads; n++) { g_thread_join(threads[n]); } restore_schema_post(conn); restore_schema_view(conn); restore_schema_triggers(conn); g_async_queue_unref(conf.queue); mysql_close(conn); mysql_thread_end(); mysql_library_end(); g_free(directory); g_free(td); g_free(threads); return errors ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; } void restore_databases(struct configuration *conf, MYSQL *conn) { GError *error= NULL; GDir* dir= g_dir_open(directory, 0, &error); if (error) { g_critical("cannot open directory %s, %s\n", directory, error->message); errors++; return; } const gchar* filename= NULL; while((filename= g_dir_read_name(dir))) { if (!source_db || g_str_has_prefix(filename, source_db)){ if (g_strrstr(filename, "-schema.sql")) { add_schema(filename, conn); } } } g_dir_rewind(dir); while((filename= g_dir_read_name(dir))) { if (!source_db || g_str_has_prefix(filename, source_db)){ if (!g_strrstr(filename, "-schema.sql") && !g_strrstr(filename, "-schema-view.sql") && !g_strrstr(filename, "-schema-triggers.sql") && !g_strrstr(filename, "-schema-post.sql") && !g_strrstr(filename, "-schema-create.sql") && g_strrstr(filename, ".sql")) { add_table(filename, conf); } } } g_dir_close(dir); } void restore_schema_view(MYSQL *conn){ GError *error= NULL; GDir* dir= g_dir_open(directory, 0, &error); if (error) { g_critical("cannot open directory %s, %s\n", directory, error->message); errors++; return; } const gchar* filename= NULL; while((filename= g_dir_read_name(dir))) { if (!source_db || g_str_has_prefix(filename, source_db)){ if (g_strrstr(filename, "-schema-view.sql")) { add_schema(filename, conn); } } } g_dir_close(dir); } void restore_schema_triggers(MYSQL *conn){ GError *error= NULL; GDir* dir= g_dir_open(directory, 0, &error); gchar** split_file= NULL; gchar* database=NULL; gchar** split_table= NULL; gchar* table= NULL; if (error) { g_critical("cannot open directory %s, %s\n", directory, error->message); errors++; return; } const gchar* filename= NULL; while((filename= g_dir_read_name(dir))) { if (!source_db || g_str_has_prefix(filename, source_db)){ if (g_strrstr(filename, "-schema-triggers.sql")) { split_file= g_strsplit(filename, ".", 0); database= split_file[0]; split_table= g_strsplit(split_file[1], "-schema", 0); table= split_table[0]; g_message("Restoring triggers for `%s`.`%s`", db ? db : database, table); restore_data(conn, database, table, filename, TRUE, TRUE); } } } g_strfreev(split_table); g_strfreev(split_file); g_dir_close(dir); } void restore_schema_post(MYSQL *conn){ GError *error= NULL; GDir* dir= g_dir_open(directory, 0, &error); gchar** split_file= NULL; gchar* database=NULL; //gchar* table=NULL; if (error) { g_critical("cannot open directory %s, %s\n", directory, error->message); errors++; return; } const gchar* filename= NULL; while((filename= g_dir_read_name(dir))) { if (!source_db || g_str_has_prefix(filename, source_db)){ if (g_strrstr(filename, "-schema-post.sql")) { split_file= g_strsplit(filename, "-schema-post.sql", 0); database= split_file[0]; //table= split_file[0]; //NULL g_message("Restoring routines and events for `%s`", db ? db : database); restore_data(conn, database, NULL, filename, TRUE, TRUE); } } } g_strfreev(split_file); g_dir_close(dir); } void create_database(MYSQL *conn, gchar *database){ gchar* query = NULL; if((db == NULL && source_db == NULL) || (db != NULL && source_db != NULL && !g_ascii_strcasecmp(db, source_db))){ const gchar* filename= g_strdup_printf("%s-schema-create.sql", db ? db : database); const gchar* filenamegz= g_strdup_printf("%s-schema-create.sql.gz", db ? db : database); if (g_file_test (filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)){ restore_data(conn, database, NULL, filename, TRUE, FALSE); }else if (g_file_test (filenamegz, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)){ restore_data(conn, database, NULL, filenamegz, TRUE, FALSE); }else{ query= g_strdup_printf("CREATE DATABASE `%s`", db ? db : database); mysql_query(conn, query); } }else{ query= g_strdup_printf("CREATE DATABASE `%s`", db ? db : database); mysql_query(conn, query); } g_free(query); return; } void add_schema(const gchar* filename, MYSQL *conn) { // 0 is database, 1 is table with -schema on the end gchar** split_file= g_strsplit(filename, ".", 0); gchar* database= split_file[0]; // Remove the -schema from the table name gchar** split_table= g_strsplit(split_file[1], "-schema", 0); gchar* table= split_table[0]; gchar* query= g_strdup_printf("SHOW CREATE DATABASE `%s`", db ? db : database); if (mysql_query(conn, query)) { g_message("Creating database `%s`", db ? db : database); create_database(conn, database); } else { MYSQL_RES *result= mysql_store_result(conn); // In drizzle the query succeeds with no rows my_ulonglong row_count= mysql_num_rows(result); mysql_free_result(result); if (row_count == 0) { create_database(conn, database); } } if (overwrite_tables) { g_message("Dropping table or view (if exists) `%s`.`%s`", db ? db : database, table); query= g_strdup_printf("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`.`%s`", db ? db : database, table); mysql_query(conn, query); query= g_strdup_printf("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `%s`.`%s`", db ? db : database, table); mysql_query(conn, query); } g_free(query); g_message("Creating table `%s`.`%s`", db ? db : database, table); restore_data(conn, database, table, filename, TRUE, TRUE); g_strfreev(split_table); g_strfreev(split_file); return; } void add_table(const gchar* filename, struct configuration *conf) { struct job *j= g_new0(struct job, 1); struct restore_job *rj= g_new(struct restore_job, 1); j->job_data= (void*) rj; rj->filename= g_strdup(filename); j->type= JOB_RESTORE; gchar** split_file= g_strsplit(filename, ".", 0); rj->database= g_strdup(split_file[0]); rj->table= g_strdup(split_file[1]); rj->part= g_ascii_strtoull(split_file[2], NULL, 10); g_async_queue_push(conf->queue, j); return; } void *process_queue(struct thread_data *td) { struct configuration *conf= td->conf; g_mutex_lock(init_mutex); MYSQL *thrconn= mysql_init(NULL); g_mutex_unlock(init_mutex); mysql_options(thrconn, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, "myloader"); if (compress_protocol) mysql_options(thrconn, MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS, NULL); if (!mysql_real_connect(thrconn, hostname, username, password, NULL, port, socket_path, 0)) { g_critical("Failed to connect to MySQL server: %s", mysql_error(thrconn)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!enable_binlog) mysql_query(thrconn, "SET SQL_LOG_BIN=0"); mysql_query(thrconn, "/*!40101 SET NAMES binary*/"); mysql_query(thrconn, "/*!40101 SET SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */"); mysql_query(thrconn, "/*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */"); mysql_query(thrconn, "SET autocommit=0"); g_async_queue_push(conf->ready, GINT_TO_POINTER(1)); struct job* job= NULL; struct restore_job* rj= NULL; for(;;) { job= (struct job*)g_async_queue_pop(conf->queue); switch (job->type) { case JOB_RESTORE: rj= (struct restore_job *)job->job_data; g_message("Thread %d restoring `%s`.`%s` part %d", td->thread_id, rj->database, rj->table, rj->part); restore_data(thrconn, rj->database, rj->table, rj->filename, FALSE, TRUE); if (rj->database) g_free(rj->database); if (rj->table) g_free(rj->table); if (rj->filename) g_free(rj->filename); g_free(rj); g_free(job); break; case JOB_SHUTDOWN: g_message("Thread %d shutting down", td->thread_id); if (thrconn) mysql_close(thrconn); g_free(job); mysql_thread_end(); return NULL; break; default: g_critical("Something very bad happened!"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (thrconn) mysql_close(thrconn); mysql_thread_end(); return NULL; } void restore_data(MYSQL *conn, char *database, char *table, const char *filename, gboolean is_schema, gboolean need_use) { void *infile; gboolean is_compressed= FALSE; gboolean eof= FALSE; guint query_counter= 0; GString *data= g_string_sized_new(512); gchar* path= g_build_filename(directory, filename, NULL); if (!g_str_has_suffix(path, ".gz")) { infile= g_fopen(path, "r"); is_compressed= FALSE; } else { infile= (void*) gzopen(path, "r"); is_compressed= TRUE; } if (!infile) { g_critical("cannot open file %s (%d)", filename, errno); errors++; return; } if(need_use){ gchar *query= g_strdup_printf("USE `%s`", db ? db : database); if (mysql_query(conn, query)) { g_critical("Error switching to database %s whilst restoring table %s", db ? db : database, table); g_free(query); errors++; return; } g_free(query); } if (!is_schema) mysql_query(conn, "START TRANSACTION"); while (eof == FALSE) { if (read_data(infile, is_compressed, data, &eof)) { // Search for ; in last 5 chars of line if (g_strrstr(&data->str[data->len >= 5 ? data->len - 5 : 0], ";\n")) { if (mysql_real_query(conn, data->str, data->len)) { g_critical("Error restoring %s.%s from file %s: %s", db ? db : database, table, filename, mysql_error(conn)); errors++; return; } query_counter++; if (!is_schema &&(query_counter == commit_count)) { query_counter= 0; if (mysql_query(conn, "COMMIT")) { g_critical("Error committing data for %s.%s: %s", db ? db : database, table, mysql_error(conn)); errors++; return; } mysql_query(conn, "START TRANSACTION"); } g_string_set_size(data, 0); } } else { g_critical("error reading file %s (%d)", filename, errno); errors++; return; } } if (!is_schema && mysql_query(conn, "COMMIT")) { g_critical("Error committing data for %s.%s from file %s: %s", db ? db : database, table, filename, mysql_error(conn)); errors++; } g_string_free(data, TRUE); g_free(path); if (!is_compressed) { fclose(infile); } else { gzclose((gzFile)infile); } return; } gboolean read_data(FILE *file, gboolean is_compressed, GString *data, gboolean *eof) { char buffer[256]; do { if (!is_compressed) { if (fgets(buffer, 256, file) == NULL) { if (feof(file)) { *eof= TRUE; buffer[0]= '\0'; } else { return FALSE; } } } else { if (!gzgets((gzFile)file, buffer, 256)) { if (gzeof((gzFile)file)) { *eof= TRUE; buffer[0]= '\0'; } else { return FALSE; } } } g_string_append(data, buffer); } while ((buffer[strlen(buffer)] != '\0') && *eof == FALSE); return TRUE; }