
Package implementing the XML handling module of eric4.

This module includes XML handlers and writers for


Config Module implementing some common configuration stuf for the XML package.
DebuggerPropertiesHandler Module implementing the handler class for reading an XML project debugger properties file.
DebuggerPropertiesWriter Module implementing the writer class for writing an XML project debugger properties file.
HighlightingStylesHandler Module implementing the handler class for handling a highlighting styles XML file.
HighlightingStylesWriter Module implementing the writer class for writing a highlighting styles XML file.
MultiProjectHandler Module implementing the handler class for reading an XML multi project file.
MultiProjectWriter Module implementing the writer class for writing an XML multi project file.
PluginRepositoryHandler Module implementing the handler class for reading an XML tasks file.
ProjectHandler Module implementing the handler class for reading an XML project file.
ProjectWriter Module implementing the writer class for writing an XML project file.
SessionHandler Module implementing the handler class for reading an XML project session file.
SessionWriter Module implementing the writer class for writing an XML project session file.
ShortcutsHandler Module implementing the handler class for reading a keyboard shortcuts file.
ShortcutsWriter Module implementing the writer class for writing an XML shortcuts file.
TasksHandler Module implementing the handler class for reading an XML tasks file.
TasksWriter Module implementing the writer class for writing an XML tasks file.
TemplatesHandler Module implementing the handler class for reading an XML templates file.
TemplatesWriter Module implementing the writer class for writing an XML templates file.
UserProjectHandler Module implementing the handler class for reading an XML user project properties file.
UserProjectWriter Module implementing the writer class for writing an XML user project properties file.
XMLEntityResolver Module implementing a specialized entity resolver to find our DTDs.
XMLErrorHandler Module implementing an error handler class.
XMLHandlerBase Module implementing a base class for all of eric4s XML handlers.
XMLMessageDialog Module implementing a dialog to display XML parse messages.
XMLUtilities Module implementing various XML utility functions.
XMLWriterBase Module implementing a base class for all of eric4s XML writers.