When you lend money to someone or someone lent you money, you need to remind or track and remind this.
The Remind status of the transaction was designed for that. When a transaction is set to that status it will:
Let's take an example on a way (there is others) to manage that.
So let's say you lend 50 £ to your best friend John Doe today Jan 1, 2000. You can have a dedicated transaction for that or this can be part of an overall transaction (if you pay for a group of friends/the whole family):
Register one or several Remind transaction per payee with:
Date | 01/01/2000 |
Payee | John Doe |
Category | Friend:debt/loan or Family:debt/loan |
Amount | +50 £ |
Info | 01/01/2000 |
Status | Remind |
Memo | payback for the restaurant |
Do the same for any other lend you make that day or others days
As the Remind transaction are always visible, you can see it into the register. In a near future I will add a synthesis in the main HomeBank window.
Using the report, you can easily track if the payee is at equity or not
At last when you get money back, you just change the transaction status to cleared or reconciled and setup the payback date:
Date | 13/01/2000 |
Payee | John Doe |
Category | Friend:debt/loan or Family:debt/loan |
Amount | +50 £ |
Info | 01/01/2000 |
Status | Cleared |
Memo | payback for the restaurant |
You can change the category as well, add tags, or whatever suit your needs
This is a way of doing such tracking, some people reported using some accounts and internal xfer as well for complex tracking.