/* * Basic user edit functions * Copyright * (C) 1992 Joseph H. Allen * * This file is part of JOE (Joe's Own Editor) */ #include "config.h" #include "types.h" __RCSID("$MirOS: contrib/code/jupp/uedit.c,v 1.37 2020/03/27 06:08:17 tg Exp $"); #include #ifdef HAVE_BSD_STRING_H #include #endif #include "b.h" #include "bw.h" #include "macro.h" #include "main.h" #include "pw.h" #include "qw.h" #include "scrn.h" #include "ublock.h" #include "uedit.h" #include "uformat.h" #include "umath.h" #include "utils.h" #include "vs.h" #include "charmap.h" #include "w.h" /***************/ /* Global options */ int pgamnt = -1; /* No. of PgUp/PgDn lines to keep */ /******** i don't like global var ******/ /* * Move cursor to beginning of line */ int u_goto_bol(BW *bw) { if (bw->o.hex) { pbkwd(bw->cursor,bw->cursor->byte%16); } else { p_goto_bol(bw->cursor); } return 0; } /* * Move cursor to first non-whitespace character, unless it is * already there, in which case move it to beginning of line */ int uhome(BW *bw) { P *p; if (bw->o.hex) { return u_goto_bol(bw); } p = pdup(bw->cursor); if (bw->o.indentfirst) { if ((bw->o.smarthome) && (piscol(p) > pisindent(p))) { p_goto_bol(p); while (joe_isblank(brc(p))) pgetc(p); } else p_goto_bol(p); } else { if (bw->o.smarthome && piscol(p)==0 && pisindent(p)) { while (joe_isblank(brc(p))) pgetc(p); } else p_goto_bol(p); } pset(bw->cursor, p); prm(p); return 0; } /* * Move cursor to end of line */ int u_goto_eol(BW *bw) { if (bw->o.hex) { if (bw->cursor->byte + 15 - bw->cursor->byte%16 > bw->b->eof->byte) pset(bw->cursor,bw->b->eof); else pfwrd(bw->cursor, 15 - bw->cursor->byte%16); } else p_goto_eol(bw->cursor); return 0; } /* * Move cursor to beginning of file */ int u_goto_bof(BW *bw) { p_goto_bof(bw->cursor); return 0; } /* * Move cursor to end of file */ int u_goto_eof(BW *bw) { p_goto_eof(bw->cursor); return 0; } /* * Move cursor left */ int u_goto_left(BW *bw) { if (bw->o.hex) { if (prgetb(bw->cursor) != NO_MORE_DATA) { return 0; } else { return -1; } } if (bw->o.picture) { if (bw->cursor->xcol) { --bw->cursor->xcol; pcol(bw->cursor,bw->cursor->xcol); return 0; } } else { /* Have to do ECHKXCOL here because of picture mode */ if (bw->cursor->xcol != piscol(bw->cursor)) { bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); return 0; } else if (prgetc(bw->cursor) != NO_MORE_DATA) { bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); return 0; } } return -1; } /* * Move cursor right */ int u_goto_right(BW *bw) { if (bw->o.hex) { if (pgetb(bw->cursor) != NO_MORE_DATA) { return 0; } else { return -1; } } if (bw->o.picture) { ++bw->cursor->xcol; pcol(bw->cursor,bw->cursor->xcol); return 0; } else { int rtn; if (pgetc(bw->cursor) != NO_MORE_DATA) { bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); rtn = 0; } else { rtn = -1; } /* Have to do EFIXXCOL here because of picture mode */ if (bw->cursor->xcol != piscol(bw->cursor)) bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); return rtn; } } /* * Move cursor to beginning of previous word or if there isn't * previous word then go to beginning of the file * * WORD is a sequence non-white-space characters */ int u_goto_prev(BW *bw) { P *p = pdup(bw->cursor); union charmap *map = bw->b->o.charmap; int c = prgetc(p); if (joe_isalnux(map,c)) { while (joe_isalnux(map,(c=prgetc(p)))) /* Do nothing */; if (c != NO_MORE_DATA) pgetc(p); } else if (joe_isspace(map,c) || joe_ispunct(map,c)) { while ((c=prgetc(p)), (joe_isspace(map,c) || joe_ispunct(map,c))) /* Do nothing */; while(joe_isalnux(map,(c=prgetc(p)))) /* Do nothing */; if (c != NO_MORE_DATA) pgetc(p); } /* if (p->byte == bw->cursor->byte) { prm(p); return -1; } */ pset(bw->cursor, p); prm(p); return 0; } /* * Move cursor to end of next word or if there isn't * next word then go to end of the file * * WORD is a sequence non-white-space characters */ int u_goto_next(BW *bw) { P *p = pdup(bw->cursor); union charmap *map = bw->b->o.charmap; int c = brch(p); int rtn = -1; if (joe_isalnux(map,c)) { rtn = 0; while (joe_isalnux(map,(c = brch(p)))) pgetc(p); } else if (joe_isspace(map,c) || joe_ispunct(map,c)) { while (joe_isspace(map, (c = brch(p))) || joe_ispunct(map,c)) pgetc(p); while (joe_isalnux(map,(c = brch(p)))) { rtn = 0; pgetc(p); } } else pgetc(p); pset(bw->cursor, p); prm(p); return rtn; } static P *pboi(P *p) { p_goto_bol(p); while (joe_isblank(brch(p))) pgetc(p); return p; } static int pisedge(P *p) { P *q; int c; if (pisbol(p)) return -1; if (piseol(p)) return 1; q = pdup(p); pboi(q); if (q->byte == p->byte) goto left; if (joe_isblank((c = brch(p)))) { pset(q, p); if (joe_isblank(prgetc(q))) goto no; if (c == '\t') goto right; pset(q, p); pgetc(q); if (pgetc(q) == ' ') goto right; goto no; } else { pset(q, p); c = prgetc(q); if (c == '\t') goto left; if (c != ' ') goto no; if (prgetc(q) == ' ') goto left; goto no; } right:prm(q); return 1; left:prm(q); return -1; no:prm(q); return 0; } int upedge(BW *bw) { if (prgetc(bw->cursor) == NO_MORE_DATA) return -1; while (pisedge(bw->cursor) != -1) prgetc(bw->cursor); return 0; } int unedge(BW *bw) { if (pgetc(bw->cursor) == NO_MORE_DATA) return -1; while (pisedge(bw->cursor) != 1) pgetc(bw->cursor); return 0; } /* Move cursor to matching delimiter */ static int utomatch_i(BW *bw, int dir) { int d; int c; /* character under cursor */ int f; /* character to find */ P *p; int cnt = 0; /* delimiter depth */ switch (f = c = brch(bw->cursor)) { case '(': f = ')'; dir = 1; break; case '[': f = ']'; dir = 1; break; case '{': f = '}'; dir = 1; break; case '<': f = '>'; dir = 1; break; case ')': f = '('; dir = -1; break; case ']': f = '['; dir = -1; break; case '}': f = '{'; dir = -1; break; case '>': f = '<'; dir = -1; break; } p = pdup(bw->cursor); if (dir == 1) { while ((d = pgetc(p)) != NO_MORE_DATA) { if (d == f && f != c && !--cnt) { prgetc(p); goto match_found; } else if (d == c) { ++cnt; if (f == c) c = NO_MORE_DATA; } } } else { while ((d = prgetc(p)) != NO_MORE_DATA) { if (d == f && !cnt--) goto match_found; else if (d == c) ++cnt; } } if (/* CONSTCOND */ 0) { match_found: pset(bw->cursor, p); } prm(p); return ((d == NO_MORE_DATA) ? -1 : 0); } int utomatch(BW *bw) { return (utomatch_i(bw, 1)); } int urvmatch(BW *bw) { return (utomatch_i(bw, -1)); } /* Move cursor up */ int uuparw(BW *bw) { if (bw->o.hex) { if (bw->cursor->byte<16) return -1; else { pbkwd(bw->cursor, 16); return 0; } } if (bw->cursor->line) { pprevl(bw->cursor); pcol(bw->cursor, bw->cursor->xcol); return 0; } else return -1; } /* Move cursor down */ int udnarw(BW *bw) { if (bw->o.hex) { if (bw->cursor->byte+16 <= bw->b->eof->byte) { pfwrd(bw->cursor, 16); return 0; } else if (bw->cursor->byte != bw->b->eof->byte) { pset(bw->cursor, bw->b->eof); return 0; } else { return -1; } } if (bw->cursor->line != bw->b->eof->line) { pnextl(bw->cursor); pcol(bw->cursor, bw->cursor->xcol); return 0; } else if(bw->o.picture) { p_goto_eol(bw->cursor); binsc(bw->cursor,'\n'); pgetc(bw->cursor); pcol(bw->cursor, bw->cursor->xcol); return 0; } else return -1; } /* Move cursor to top of window */ int utos(BW *bw) { long col = bw->cursor->xcol; pset(bw->cursor, bw->top); pcol(bw->cursor, col); bw->cursor->xcol = col; return 0; } /* Move cursor to bottom of window */ int ubos(BW *bw) { long col = bw->cursor->xcol; pline(bw->cursor, bw->top->line + bw->h - 1); pcol(bw->cursor, col); bw->cursor->xcol = col; return 0; } /* Scroll buffer window up n lines * If beginning of file is close, scrolls as much as it can * If beginning of file is on-screen, cursor jumps to beginning of file * * If flg is set: cursor stays fixed relative to screen edge * If flg is clr: cursor stays fixed on the buffer line */ void scrup(BW *bw, int n, int flg) { int scrollamnt = 0; int cursoramnt = 0; int x; /* Decide number of lines we're really going to scroll */ if (bw->o.hex) { if (bw->top->byte/16 >= n) scrollamnt = cursoramnt = n; else if (bw->top->byte/16) scrollamnt = cursoramnt = bw->top->byte/16; else if (flg) cursoramnt = bw->cursor->byte/16; else if (bw->cursor->byte/16 >= n) cursoramnt = n; } else { if (bw->top->line >= n) scrollamnt = cursoramnt = n; else if (bw->top->line) scrollamnt = cursoramnt = bw->top->line; else if (flg) cursoramnt = bw->cursor->line; else if (bw->cursor->line >= n) cursoramnt = n; } if (bw->o.hex) { /* Move top-of-window pointer */ pbkwd(bw->top,scrollamnt*16); /* Move cursor */ pbkwd(bw->cursor,cursoramnt*16); /* If window is on the screen, give (buffered) scrolling command */ if (bw->parent->y != -1) nscrldn(bw->parent->t->t, bw->y, bw->y + bw->h, scrollamnt); } else { /* Move top-of-window pointer */ for (x = 0; x != scrollamnt; ++x) pprevl(bw->top); p_goto_bol(bw->top); /* Move cursor */ for (x = 0; x != cursoramnt; ++x) pprevl(bw->cursor); p_goto_bol(bw->cursor); pcol(bw->cursor, bw->cursor->xcol); /* If window is on the screen, give (buffered) scrolling command */ if (bw->parent->y != -1) nscrldn(bw->parent->t->t, bw->y, bw->y + bw->h, scrollamnt); } } /* Scroll buffer window down n lines * If end of file is close, scrolls as much as possible * If end of file is on-screen, cursor jumps to end of file * * If flg is set: cursor stays fixed relative to screen edge * If flg is clr: cursor stays fixed on the buffer line */ void scrdn(BW *bw, int n, int flg) { int scrollamnt = 0; int cursoramnt = 0; int x; /* How much we're really going to scroll... */ if (bw->o.hex) { if (bw->top->b->eof->byte/16 < bw->top->byte/16 + bw->h) { cursoramnt = bw->top->b->eof->byte/16 - bw->cursor->byte/16; if (!flg && cursoramnt > n) cursoramnt = n; } else if (bw->top->b->eof->byte/16 - (bw->top->byte/16 + bw->h) >= n) cursoramnt = scrollamnt = n; else cursoramnt = scrollamnt = bw->top->b->eof->byte/16 - (bw->top->byte/16 + bw->h) + 1; } else { if (bw->top->b->eof->line < bw->top->line + bw->h) { cursoramnt = bw->top->b->eof->line - bw->cursor->line; if (!flg && cursoramnt > n) cursoramnt = n; } else if (bw->top->b->eof->line - (bw->top->line + bw->h) >= n) cursoramnt = scrollamnt = n; else cursoramnt = scrollamnt = bw->top->b->eof->line - (bw->top->line + bw->h) + 1; } if (bw->o.hex) { /* Move top-of-window pointer */ pfwrd(bw->top,16*scrollamnt); /* Move cursor */ pfwrd(bw->cursor,16*cursoramnt); /* If window is on screen, give (buffered) scrolling command to terminal */ if (bw->parent->y != -1) nscrlup(bw->parent->t->t, bw->y, bw->y + bw->h, scrollamnt); } else { /* Move top-of-window pointer */ for (x = 0; x != scrollamnt; ++x) pnextl(bw->top); /* Move cursor */ for (x = 0; x != cursoramnt; ++x) pnextl(bw->cursor); pcol(bw->cursor, bw->cursor->xcol); /* If window is on screen, give (buffered) scrolling command to terminal */ if (bw->parent->y != -1) nscrlup(bw->parent->t->t, bw->y, bw->y + bw->h, scrollamnt); } } /* Page up */ int upgup(BW *bw) { bw = bw->parent->main->object.bw; if (bw->o.hex ? bw->cursor->byte < 16 : !bw->cursor->line) return -1; if (pgamnt < 0) scrup(bw, bw->h / 2 + bw->h % 2, 1); else if (pgamnt < bw->h) scrup(bw, bw->h - pgamnt, 1); else scrup(bw, 1, 1); return 0; } /* Page down */ int upgdn(BW *bw) { bw = bw->parent->main->object.bw; if (bw->o.hex ? bw->cursor->byte/16 == bw->b->eof->byte/16 : bw->cursor->line == bw->b->eof->line) return -1; if (pgamnt < 0) scrdn(bw, bw->h / 2 + bw->h % 2, 1); else if (pgamnt < bw->h) scrdn(bw, bw->h - pgamnt, 1); else scrdn(bw, 1, 1); return 0; } /* Scroll by a single line. The cursor moves with the scroll */ int uupslide(BW *bw) { bw = bw->parent->main->object.bw; if (bw->o.hex ? bw->top->byte/16 : bw->top->line) { if (bw->o.hex ? bw->top->byte/16 + bw->h -1 != bw->cursor->byte/16 : bw->top->line + bw->h - 1 != bw->cursor->line) udnarw(bw); scrup(bw, 1, 0); return 0; } else return -1; } int udnslide(BW *bw) { bw = bw->parent->main->object.bw; if (bw->o.hex ? bw->top->line/16 + bw->h <= bw->top->b->eof->byte/16 : bw->top->line + bw->h <= bw->top->b->eof->line) { if (bw->o.hex ? bw->top->byte/16 != bw->cursor->byte/16 : bw->top->line != bw->cursor->line) uuparw(bw); scrdn(bw, 1, 0); return 0; } else return -1; } /* Move cursor to specified line number */ static B *linehist = NULL; /* History of previously entered line numbers */ static int doline(BW *bw, unsigned char *s, void *object, int *notify) { long num = calcl(bw, s); if (notify) *notify = 1; vsrm(s); if (num >= 1 && !merrf) { int tmp = mid; if (num > bw->b->eof->line) num = bw->b->eof->line + 1; pline(bw->cursor, num - 1), bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); mid = 1; dofollows(); mid = tmp; return 0; } else { if (merrf) msgnw(bw->parent, merrt); else msgnw(bw->parent, UC "Invalid line number"); return -1; } } int uline(BW *bw) { if (wmkpw(bw->parent, UC "Go to line (^C to abort): ", &linehist, doline, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, locale_map)) return 0; else return -1; } /* Move cursor to specified column number */ static B *colhist = NULL; /* History of previously entered column numbers */ static int docol(BW *bw, unsigned char *s, void *object, int *notify) { long num = calcl(bw, s); if (notify) *notify = 1; vsrm(s); if (num >= 1 && !merrf) { int tmp = mid; pcol(bw->cursor, num - 1), bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); mid = 1; dofollows(); mid = tmp; return 0; } else { if (merrf) msgnw(bw->parent, merrt); else msgnw(bw->parent, UC "Invalid column number"); return -1; } } int ucol(BW *bw) { if (wmkpw(bw->parent, UC "Go to column (^C to abort): ", &colhist, docol, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, locale_map)) return 0; else return -1; } /* Move cursor to specified byte number */ static B *bytehist = NULL; /* History of previously entered byte numbers */ static int dobyte(BW *bw, unsigned char *s, void *object, int *notify) { long num = calcl(bw, s); if (notify) *notify = 1; vsrm(s); if (num >= 0 && !merrf) { int tmp = mid; pgoto(bw->cursor, num), bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); mid = 1; dofollows(); mid = tmp; return 0; } else { if (merrf) msgnw(bw->parent, merrt); else msgnw(bw->parent, UC "Invalid byte number"); return -1; } } int ubyte(BW *bw) { if (wmkpw(bw->parent, UC "Go to byte (^C to abort): ", &bytehist, dobyte, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, locale_map)) return 0; else return -1; } /* Delete character under cursor * or write ^D to process if we're at end of file in a shell window */ int udelch(BW *bw) { P *p; if (piseof(bw->cursor)) return -1; pgetc(p = pdup(bw->cursor)); bdel(bw->cursor, p); prm(p); return 0; } /* Backspace */ int ubacks(BW *bw, int k) { /* Don't backspace when at beginning of line in prompt windows */ if (bw->parent->watom->what == TYPETW || !pisbol(bw->cursor)) { int c; int indent; int col; int indwid; int wid; if (pisbof(bw->cursor)) return -1; /* Indentation point of this line */ indent = pisindent(bw->cursor); /* Column position of cursor */ col = piscol(bw->cursor); /* Indentation step in columns */ if (bw->o.indentc=='\t') wid = bw->o.tab; else wid = 1; indwid = (bw->o.istep*wid); /* Smart backspace when: cursor is at indentation point, indentation point is a multiple of indentation width, we're not at beginning of line, 'smarthome' option is enabled, and indentation is purely made out of indent characters (or purify indents is enabled). */ /* Ignore purify for backspace */ if (col == indent && (col%indwid)==0 && col!=0 && bw->o.smartbacks) { P *p; /* Delete all indentation */ p = pdup(bw->cursor); p_goto_bol(p); bdel(p,bw->cursor); prm(p); /* Indent to new position */ pfill(bw->cursor,col-indwid,bw->o.indentc); } else if (colcursor) && bw->o.smartbacks) { /* We're before indent point: delete indwid worth of space but do not cross line boundary. We could probably replace the above with this. */ int cw=0; P *p = pdup(bw->cursor); do { c = prgetc(bw->cursor); if(c=='\t') cw += bw->o.tab; else cw += 1; bdel(bw->cursor, p); } while(!pisbol(bw->cursor) && cwcursor); if ((c = prgetc(bw->cursor)) != NO_MORE_DATA) if (!bw->o.overtype || c == '\t' || pisbol(p) || piseol(p)) bdel(bw->cursor, p); prm(p); } return 0; } else return -1; } /* * Delete sequence of characters (alphabetic, numeric) or (white-space) * if cursor is on the white-space it will delete all white-spaces * until alphanumeric character * if cursor is on the alphanumeric it will delete all alphanumeric * characters until character that is not alphanumeric */ int u_word_delete(BW *bw) { P *p = pdup(bw->cursor); union charmap *map = bw->b->o.charmap; int c = brch(p); if (joe_isalnux(map,c)) while (joe_isalnux(map,(c = brch(p)))) pgetc(p); else if (joe_isspace(map,c)) while (joe_isspace(map,(c = brch(p)))) pgetc(p); else pgetc(p); if (p->byte == bw->cursor->byte) { prm(p); return -1; } bdel(bw->cursor, p); prm(p); return 0; } /* Delete from cursor to beginning of word it's in or immediately after, * to start of whitespace, or a single character */ int ubackw(BW *bw) { P *p = pdup(bw->cursor); int c = prgetc(bw->cursor); union charmap *map = bw->b->o.charmap; if (joe_isalnux(map,c)) { while (joe_isalnux(map,(c = prgetc(bw->cursor)))) /* do nothing */; if (c != NO_MORE_DATA) pgetc(bw->cursor); } else if (joe_isspace(map,c)) { while (joe_isspace(map,(c = prgetc(bw->cursor)))) /* do nothing */; if (c != NO_MORE_DATA) pgetc(bw->cursor); } if (bw->cursor->byte == p->byte) { prm(p); return -1; } bdel(bw->cursor, p); prm(p); return 0; } /* Delete from cursor to end of line, or if there's nothing to delete, * delete the line-break */ int udelel(BW *bw) { P *p = p_goto_eol(pdup(bw->cursor)); if (bw->cursor->byte == p->byte) { prm(p); return udelch(bw); } else bdel(bw->cursor, p); prm(p); return 0; } /* Delete to beginning of line, or if there's nothing to delete, * delete the line-break */ int udelbl(BW *bw) { P *p = p_goto_bol(pdup(bw->cursor)); if (p->byte == bw->cursor->byte) { prm(p); return ubacks(bw, 8); /* The 8 goes to the process if we're at EOF of shell window */ } else bdel(p, bw->cursor); prm(p); return 0; } /* Delete entire line */ int udelln(BW *bw) { P *p = pdup(bw->cursor); p_goto_bol(bw->cursor); pnextl(p); if (bw->cursor->byte == p->byte) { prm(p); return -1; } bdel(bw->cursor, p); prm(p); return 0; } /* Insert a space */ int uinsc(BW *bw) { binsc(bw->cursor, ' '); return 0; } /* Move p backwards to first non-blank line and return its indentation */ static int find_indent(P *p) { int x; for (x=0; x != 10; ++x) { if (!pprevl(p)) return -1; p_goto_bol(p); if (!pisblank(p)) break; } if (x==10) return -1; else return pisindent(p); } /* Type a character into the buffer (deal with left margin, overtype mode and * word-wrap), if cursor is at end of shell window buffer, just send character * to process. */ struct utf8_sm utype_utf8_sm; int utypebw_raw(BW *bw, int k, int no_decode) { union charmap *map = bw->b->o.charmap; /* Hex mode overtype is real simple */ if (bw->o.hex && bw->o.overtype) { P *p; unsigned char c = k; binsm(bw->cursor, &c, 1); pgetb(bw->cursor); if (piseof(bw->cursor)) return 0; pgetb(p = pdup(bw->cursor)); bdel(bw->cursor, p); prm(p); return 0; } if (k == '\t' && bw->o.overtype && !piseol(bw->cursor)) { /* TAB in overtype mode is supposed to be just cursor motion */ int col = bw->cursor->xcol; /* Current cursor column */ col = col + bw->o.tab - (col%bw->o.tab);/* Move to next tab stop */ pcol(bw->cursor,col); /* Try to position cursor there */ if (!bw->o.picture && piseol(bw->cursor) && piscol(bw->cursor)o.spaces) pfill(bw->cursor,col,' '); else pfill(bw->cursor,col,'\t'); } bw->cursor->xcol = col; /* Put cursor there even if we can't really go there */ } else if (k == '\t' && bw->o.smartbacks && bw->o.autoindent && pisindent(bw->cursor)>=piscol(bw->cursor)) { P *p = pdup(bw->cursor); int n = find_indent(p); if (n != -1 && pisindent(bw->cursor)==piscol(bw->cursor) && n > pisindent(bw->cursor)) { if (!pisbol(bw->cursor)) udelbl(bw); while (joe_isspace(map,(k = pgetc(p))) && k != '\n') { binsc(bw->cursor, k); pgetc(bw->cursor); } } else { int x; for (x=0;xo.istep;++x) { binsc(bw->cursor,bw->o.indentc); pgetc(bw->cursor); } } bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); prm (p); } else if (k == '\t' && bw->o.spaces) { long n; if (bw->o.picture) n = bw->cursor->xcol; else n = piscol(bw->cursor); utype_utf8_sm.state = 0; utype_utf8_sm.ptr = 0; n = bw->o.tab - n % bw->o.tab; while (n--) utypebw_raw(bw, ' ', 0); } else { int simple; int x; /* Picture mode */ if (bw->o.picture && bw->cursor->xcol!=piscol(bw->cursor)) pfill(bw->cursor,bw->cursor->xcol,' '); /* Why no tabs? */ /* UTF8 decoder */ if (joe_maputf(locale_map) && !no_decode) { int utf8_char = utf8_decode(&utype_utf8_sm,k); if(utf8_char >= 0) k = utf8_char; else return 0; } simple = 1; if (pisblank(bw->cursor)) while (piscol(bw->cursor) < bw->o.lmargin) { binsc(bw->cursor, ' '); pgetc(bw->cursor); } if (no_decode == 2) { unsigned char ch = k; binsm(bw->cursor, &ch, 1); if (!joe_maputf(bw->b->o.charmap)) no_decode = 1; } else { if (!no_decode) { unsigned char buf[10]; if (joe_maputf(locale_map) && !joe_maputf(bw->b->o.charmap)) { utf8_encode(buf,k); k = from_utf8(bw->b->o.charmap,buf); } else if (!joe_maputf(locale_map) && joe_maputf(bw->b->o.charmap)) { to_utf8(locale_map,buf,k); k = utf8_decode_string(buf); } } binsc(bw->cursor, k); } /* We need x position before we move cursor */ x = piscol(bw->cursor) - bw->offset; pgetc(bw->cursor); /* Tabs are weird here... */ if (bw->o.overtype && !piseol(bw->cursor) && k != '\t') udelch(bw); /* Not sure if we're in right position for wordwrap when we're in overtype mode */ if (bw->o.wordwrap && piscol(bw->cursor) > bw->o.rmargin && !joe_isblank(k)) { wrapword(bw->cursor, (long) bw->o.lmargin, bw->o.french, NULL); simple = 0; } bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); if (x < 0 || x >= bw->w) simple = 0; if (bw->cursor->line < bw->top->line || bw->cursor->line >= bw->top->line + bw->h) simple = 0; if (simple && bw->parent->t->t->sary[bw->y + bw->cursor->line - bw->top->line]) simple = 0; else if (simple) switch (k) { case ' ': if (bw->o.vispace) /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '\t': case '\n': simple = 0; break; } if (simple && !curmacro) { int atr = 0; SCRN *t = bw->parent->t->t; int y = bw->y + bw->cursor->line - bw->top->line; int *screen = t->scrn + y * t->co; int *attr = t->attr + y * t->co; x += bw->x; if (!bw->parent->t->t->updtab[bw->y + bw->cursor->line - bw->top->line] && piseol(bw->cursor) && !bw->o.highlight) t->updtab[y] = 0; if (markb && markk && markb->b == bw->b && markk->b == bw->b && ((!square && bw->cursor->byte >= markb->byte && bw->cursor->byte < markk->byte) || ( square && bw->cursor->line >= markb->line && bw->cursor->line <= markk->line && piscol(bw->cursor) >= markb->xcol && piscol(bw->cursor) < markk->xcol))) atr = INVERSE; outatr(bw->b->o.charmap, t, screen + x, attr + x, x, y, no_decode == 2 ? 0xFFFD : k, atr); } } return 0; } int utypebw(jobject jO, int k) { return utypebw_raw(jO.bw, k, 0); } /* Quoting */ static B *unicodehist = NULL; /* History of previously entered UCS characters */ static int dounicode(BW *bw, unsigned char *s, void *object, int *notify) { int num; num = ustolb(s, NULL, 0, 0x10FFFF, USTOL_HEX | USTOL_TRIM | USTOL_EOS); if (notify) *notify = 1; vsrm(s); if (joe_maputf(bw->b->o.charmap)) utypebw_raw(bw, num, 1); else { unsigned char buf[8]; int x; utf8_encode(buf,num); for(x=0;buf[x];++x) utypebw_raw(bw, buf[x], 1); } bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); return 0; } static void doquote0(BW *bw, int c, int meta) { if (c == '?') c = 127; else if ((c >= 0x40 && c <= 0x5F) || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')) c &= 0x1F; c |= meta; utypebw_raw(bw, c, 1); bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); } int quotestate; int quoteval; static int doquote(BW *bw, int c, void *object, int *notify) { unsigned char buf[40]; if (c < 0 || c >= 256) { nungetc(c); return -1; } switch (quotestate) { case 0: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { quoteval = c - '0'; quotestate = 1; joe_snprintf_1((char *)buf, sizeof(buf), "ASCII %c--", c); if (!mkqwna(bw->parent, sz(buf), doquote, NULL, NULL, notify)) return -1; else return 0; } else if ((c | 0x20) == 'u') { if (joe_maputf(bw->b->o.charmap)) goto unopoo; uhex_uni: if (!wmkpw(bw->parent, UC "UCS (ISO-10646) character in hex (^C to abort): ", &unicodehist, dounicode, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, locale_map)) return 0; else return -1; } else if ((c | 0x20) == 'r') { if (!joe_maputf(bw->b->o.charmap)) goto unopoo; uhex_raw: quotestate = 3; if (!mkqwna(bw->parent, sc("ASCII 0x--"), doquote, NULL, NULL, notify)) return -1; else return 0; } else if ((c | 0x20) == 'x') { if (joe_maputf(bw->b->o.charmap)) goto uhex_uni; else goto uhex_raw; } else if ((c | 0x20) == 'o') { quotestate = 5; if (!mkqwna(bw->parent, sc("ASCII 0---"), doquote, NULL, NULL, notify)) return -1; else return 0; } else { unopoo: doquote0(bw, c, 0); } break; case 1: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { joe_snprintf_2((char *)buf, sizeof(buf), "ASCII %c%c-", quoteval + '0', c); quoteval = quoteval * 10 + c - '0'; quotestate = 2; if (!mkqwna(bw->parent, sz(buf), doquote, NULL, NULL, notify)) return -1; else return 0; } break; case 2: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { quoteval = quoteval * 10 + c - '0'; utypebw_raw(bw, quoteval, 1); bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); } break; case 3: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { quoteval = c - '0'; uhex_3: joe_snprintf_1((char *)buf, sizeof(buf), "ASCII 0x%c-", c); quotestate = 4; if (!mkqwna(bw->parent, sz(buf), doquote, NULL, NULL, notify)) return -1; else return 0; } c &= ~0x20; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { quoteval = c - 'A' + 10; goto uhex_3; } break; case 4: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { quoteval = quoteval * 16 + c - '0'; u4out: utypebw_raw(bw, quoteval, 2); bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { quoteval = quoteval * 16 + c - 'a' + 10; goto u4out; } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { quoteval = quoteval * 16 + c - 'A' + 10; goto u4out; } break; case 5: if (c >= '0' && c <= '7') { joe_snprintf_1((char *)buf, sizeof(buf), "ASCII 0%c--", c); quoteval = c - '0'; quotestate = 6; if (!mkqwna(bw->parent, sz(buf), doquote, NULL, NULL, notify)) return -1; else return 0; } break; case 6: if (c >= '0' && c <= '7') { joe_snprintf_2((char *)buf, sizeof(buf), "ASCII 0%c%c-", quoteval + '0', c); quoteval = quoteval * 8 + c - '0'; quotestate = 7; if (!mkqwna(bw->parent, sz(buf), doquote, NULL, NULL, notify)) return -1; else return 0; } break; case 7: if (c >= '0' && c <= '7') { quoteval = quoteval * 8 + c - '0'; utypebw_raw(bw, quoteval, 1); bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); } break; } if (notify) *notify = 1; return 0; } static char uquote_txt[] = "Ctrl- (or 0-9 for dec. o for octal, x hex, u UCS)"; int uquote(BW *bw) { quotestate = 0; if (joe_maputf(bw->b->o.charmap)) { uquote_txt[36] = 'r'; uquote_txt[43] = 'x'; } else { uquote_txt[36] = 'x'; uquote_txt[43] = 'u'; } return (mkqwna(bw->parent, sc(uquote_txt), doquote, NULL, NULL, NULL) ? 0 : -1); } static int doquote9(BW *bw, int c, void *object, int *notify) { if (notify) *notify = 1; doquote0(bw, c, 128); return 0; } static int doquote8(BW *bw, int c, void *object, int *notify) { if (c == '`') { if (mkqwna(bw->parent, sc("Meta-Ctrl-"), doquote9, NULL, NULL, notify)) return 0; else return -1; } if (notify) *notify = 1; c |= 128; utypebw_raw(bw, c, 1); bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); return 0; } int uquote8(BW *bw) { if (mkqwna(bw->parent, sc("Meta-"), doquote8, NULL, NULL, NULL)) return 0; else return -1; } extern const unsigned char srchstr[]; static int doctrl(BW *bw, int c, void *object, int *notify) { int org = bw->o.overtype; if (notify) *notify = 1; bw->o.overtype = 0; if (bw->parent->huh == srchstr && c == '\n') { utypebw_raw(bw, '\\', 0); utypebw_raw(bw, 'n', 0); } else utypebw_raw(bw, c, 1); bw->o.overtype = org; bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); return 0; } int uctrl(BW *bw) { if (mkqwna(bw->parent, sc("Quote"), doctrl, NULL, NULL, NULL)) return 0; else return -1; } /* User hit Return. Deal with autoindent. */ int rtntw(jobject jO) { BW *bw = jO.bw; if (bw->o.overtype) { p_goto_eol(bw->cursor); if (piseof(bw->cursor)) binsc(bw->cursor, '\n'); pgetc(bw->cursor); bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); } else { P *p = pdup(bw->cursor); unsigned char c; binsc(bw->cursor, '\n'), pgetc(bw->cursor); /* Suppress autoindent if we're on a space or tab... */ if (bw->o.autoindent && (brch(bw->cursor)!=' ' && brch(bw->cursor)!='\t')) { p_goto_bol(p); while (joe_isspace(bw->b->o.charmap,(c = pgetc(p))) && c != '\n') { binsc(bw->cursor, c); pgetc(bw->cursor); } } prm(p); bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); } return 0; } /* Open a line */ int uopen(BW *bw) { binsc(bw->cursor,'\n'); return 0; } /* Set book-mark */ static int dosetmark(BW *bw, int c, void *object, int *notify) { if (notify) *notify = 1; if (c >= '0' && c <= ':') { pdupown(bw->cursor, bw->b->marks + c - '0'); poffline(bw->b->marks[c - '0']); if (c!=':') { joe_snprintf_1((char *)msgbuf, JOE_MSGBUFSIZE, "Mark %d set", c - '0'); msgnw(bw->parent, msgbuf); } return 0; } else { nungetc(c); return -1; } } int usetmark(BW *bw, int c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= ':') return dosetmark(bw, c, NULL, NULL); else if (mkqwna(bw->parent, sc("Set mark (0-9):"), dosetmark, NULL, NULL, NULL)) return 0; else return -1; } /* Goto book-mark */ static int dogomark(BW *bw, int c, void *object, int *notify) { if (notify) *notify = 1; if (c >= '0' && c <= ':') if (bw->b->marks[c - '0']) { pset(bw->cursor, bw->b->marks[c - '0']); bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); return 0; } else { joe_snprintf_1((char *)msgbuf, JOE_MSGBUFSIZE, "Mark %d not set", c - '0'); msgnw(bw->parent, msgbuf); return -1; } else { nungetc(c); return -1; } } int ugomark(BW *bw, int c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return dogomark(bw, c, NULL, NULL); else if (mkqwna(bw->parent, sc("Goto bookmark (0-9):"), dogomark, NULL, NULL, NULL)) return 0; else return -1; } /* Goto next instance of character */ static int dobkwdc; static int dofwrdc(BW *bw, int k, void *object, int *notify) { int c; P *q; if (notify) *notify = 1; if (k < 0 || k >= 256) { nungetc(k); return -1; } q = pdup(bw->cursor); if (dobkwdc) { while ((c = prgetc(q)) != NO_MORE_DATA) if (c == k) break; } else { while ((c = pgetc(q)) != NO_MORE_DATA) if (c == k) break; } if (c == NO_MORE_DATA) { msgnw(bw->parent, UC "Not found"); prm(q); return -1; } else { pset(bw->cursor, q); bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); prm(q); return 0; } } int ufwrdc(BW *bw, int k) { dobkwdc = 0; if (k >= 0 && k < 256) return dofwrdc(bw, k, NULL, NULL); else if (mkqw(bw->parent, sc("Fwrd to char: "), dofwrdc, NULL, NULL, NULL)) return 0; else return -1; } int ubkwdc(BW *bw, int k) { dobkwdc = 1; if (k >= 0 && k < 256) return dofwrdc(bw, k, NULL, NULL); else if (mkqw(bw->parent, sc("Bkwd to char: "), dofwrdc, NULL, NULL, NULL)) return 0; else return -1; } /* Display a message */ static int domsg(BASE *b, unsigned char *s, void *object, int *notify) { if (notify) *notify = 1; strlcpy((char *)msgbuf, (char *)s, JOE_MSGBUFSIZE); vsrm(s); msgnw(b->parent, *msgbuf ? msgbuf : NULL); return 0; } int umsg(BASE *b) { if (wmkpw(b->parent, UC "Msg (^C to abort): ", NULL, domsg, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, locale_map)) return 0; else return -1; } /* Insert text */ static int dotxt(BW *bw, unsigned char *s, void *object, int *notify) { int x; if (notify) *notify = 1; for (x = 0; x != sLEN(s); ++x) utypebw_raw(bw, s[x], 0); vsrm(s); return 0; } int utxt(BW *bw) { if (wmkpw(bw->parent, UC "Insert (^C to abort): ", NULL, dotxt, NULL, NULL, utypebw, NULL, NULL, bw->b->o.charmap)) return 0; else return -1; }