/* Built-in files */ /* LC_ALL=C grep -ve $'^[\t ]' -e '^-syntax' jupprc | sed \ -e '/^:cua/,$d' -e '/^:Pastecua/,/^$/d' -e 1d \ -e 's/@(#) jupprc/@(#) blt_in/' | cat -s | while IFS= read -r x; do x=${x//\\/\\\\}; print -r -- $'\t\t'\""${x//\"/\\\"}\n"\"; done | perl -pe 's/[^\ca-~]/sprintf "\\x%02X", unpack("U", $&)/eg' */ #include "config.h" #include "types.h" __RCSID("$MirOS: contrib/code/jupp/builtins.c,v 1.31 2018/03/15 23:28:56 tg Exp $"); #ifndef JUPPRC_BUILTIN_NAME #define JUPPRC_BUILTIN_NAME "jupprc" #endif const unsigned char * const builtins[] = { UC JUPPRC_BUILTIN_NAME, UC "-assume_color\n" "-dopadding\n" "--force\n" "-keepup\n" "-mid\n" "-nobackups\n" "-noxon\n" "-notite\n" "-pastetite\n" "-pg 2\n" "-lmsg \\i%k%T%*\\b%n\\b%R\n" "-rmsg R%r<%l C%c\\u%o|%O\\i\\b%a|%A\\b\\i\\u %u\n" "-hmsg \\i\\f\\b^J = Help\\b\\f\n" "-guess_crlf\n" "-french\n" "-indentc 9\n" "-istep 1\n" "--guess_indent\n" "--autoindent\n" "-purify\n" "-highlight\n" "--linums\n" "-lmargin 1\n" "-rmargin 73\n" "--smarthome\n" "--indentfirst\n" "-smartbacks\n" "-tab 8\n" "--wordwrap\n" "\n" "*.py\n" "-encoding utf8\n" "-tab 4\n" "-indentc 32\n" "-istep 4\n" "-spaces\n" "\n" "*\n" "+#!\\+\\[ ]\\+\\[/a-z0-9._-]/python\n" "-encoding utf8\n" "-tab 4\n" "-indentc 32\n" "-istep 4\n" "-spaces\n" "\n" "*\n" "+#!\\+\\[ ]\\+\\[/a-z0-9._-]/env\\[ ]\\+\\[ ]python\n" "-encoding utf8\n" "-tab 4\n" "-indentc 32\n" "-istep 4\n" "-spaces\n" "\n" "{General\n" "\\i Help Screen turn off with ^J more help with Esc+. (^[.) \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\u\\bEXIT\\b\\u \\u\\bBLOCK DEF\\b\\u \\u\\bBLOCK OP\\b\\u \\u\\bSEARCH\\b\\u \\u\\bDELETE:\\b\\u \\b^H\\b char \\b^QT\\b line \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\u\\bMISC\\b\\u \\b^KL\\b line \\b^KY\\b kill \\b^QA\\b find and replace \\b^T\\b >word \\b^[Y\\b yank \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^QM\\b math \\b^KH\\b hide \\b^K/\\b pipe \\b^QG\\b char backwards \\u\\bSHELL\\b\\u \\u\\bFILE\\b\\u \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^O\\b options \\u\\bQUOTE\\b\\u \\u\\bBUFFER\\b\\u \\b^QF\\b char forwards \\b^KZ\\b suspend \\b^KS\\b save\\das\\d \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^[P\\b pastemode \\b`\\b Ctrl \\b^U\\b undo \\b^[R\\b incremental b. \\b^K'\\b window \\b^KR\\b import \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^[-\\b cmdprompt \\b^P\\b Meta \\b^^\\b redo \\b^[T\\b incr. forwards \\b^['\\b command \\b^KW\\b export \\i \\i\n" "}\n" "\n" "{Movement\n" "\\i Help Screen turn off with ^J prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\u\\bMovement in jupp:\\b\\u screen(top) \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i upslide \\b^QE\\b page(top) file(beginning) \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^W\\b (char)up \\b^R\\b \\b^QR\\b \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i (beginning)line (prev)word left \\b^E\\b right (next)word line(end) \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^QS\\b \\b^A\\b \\b^S\\b \\d<+>\\d \\b^D\\b \\b^F\\b \\b^QD\\b \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i downslide (char)down page(bottom) file(end) \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^Z\\b \\b^X\\b \\b^C\\b \\b^QC\\b \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\uWordStar diamond\\u \\i \\b^QX\\b \\d<-\\d screen(bottom) \\i \\i\n" "}\n" "\n" "{Windows\n" "\\i Help Screen turn off with ^J prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^KG\\b make current window bigger \\b^KI\\b show all windows / show one window \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^KT\\b make current window smaller \\b^KO\\b split the current window in half \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^KP\\b go to the window above \\b^K-\\b edit scratch buffer in new window \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^KN\\b go to the window below \\b^KQ\\b eliminate the current window \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^KE\\b load file into new window \\b^K;\\b run a ctags search \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i Note: some commands (\\b^KE\\b \\b^K;\\b \\b^K-\\b) hide the current window; use \\b^KI\\b/\\b^KN\\b then \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\u\\bSpecial help for XON/XOFF aware terminals:\\b\\u \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i You can type \\b^[q\\b instead of \\b^Q\\b and \\b^[s\\b instead of \\b^S\\b for all commands. \\i \\i\n" "}\n" "\n" "{Orientation\n" "\\i Help Screen turn off with ^J prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\u\\bGOTO\\b\\u \\u\\bMISC\\b\\u \\u\\bINSERT MATH OR CURRENT\\b\\u \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^Q=\\b merge conflict marker \\b^K\\b \\u0-9\\u define bookmark \\b^[#\\b equation \\b^[@\\b date \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^QV\\b start of last search \\b^V\\b overtype mode \\b^[=\\b result \\b^[!\\b time \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^Q]\\b next matching brace \\u\\bGOTO\\b\\u \\u\\bREFORMAT\\b\\u \\u\\bINDENT LINE\\b\\u \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^Q[\\b previous \" \" \\b^Q-\\b column number \\b^B\\b line \\b^K.\\b more \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^QP\\b previous place \\b^QI\\b line number \\b^KD\\b block \\b^K,\\b less \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^K=\\b next place \\b^QO\\b byte offset \\b^]\\b split line \\b^KA\\b centre \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^QB\\b to ^KB \\b^QK\\b to ^KK \\b^Q\\b \\u0-9\\u bookmark #0-9 \\b^K]\\b fix whitespace at EOL/EOF \\i \\i\n" "}\n" "\n" "{Advanced\n" "\\i Help Screen turn off with ^J prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\u\\bCOMPILING\\b\\u \\u\\bMISC\\b\\u \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^[C\\b compile \\uand\\u \\b^[E\\b parse errors \\b^Q.\\b scroll right \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^[M\\b goto next... \\b^[N\\b previous error \\b^Q,\\b scroll left \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^KF\\b save, compile & upload to NXT brick \\b^QL\\b refresh \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\u\\bMACROS\\b\\u \\b^QQ\\b repeat \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^[(\\b record \\b^[/\\b query \\b^[?\\b list defined \\b^Q?\\b status \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b^[)\\b stop \\b^N\\b play #0 \\b^[\\b \\u0-9\\u play #0-9 \\b^[H\\b message \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\u\\bMATH\\b\\u (hex or double float) variables: \\ubyte\\u \\ucol\\u \\uheight\\u \\uline\\u \\ulines\\u \\utop\\u \\uwidth\\u \\i \\i\n" "}\n" "\n" "{Search\n" "\\i Help Screen turn off with ^J prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\u\\bSpecial search sequences:\\b\\u \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b\\\\^\\b \\b\\\\$\\b matches beg./end of line \\b\\\\?\\b match any single char \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b\\\\<\\b \\b\\\\>\\b matches beg./end of word \\b\\\\*\\b match 0 or more chars \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b\\\\c\\b matches balanced C expression \\b\\\\\\\\\\b matches a backslash (\\\\) \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b\\\\[a-z]\\b matches one of a set, ^ inverts \\b\\\\n\\b matches a newline \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b\\\\+\\b matches 0 or more of the character which follows the \\\\+ \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\u\\bSpecial replace sequences:\\b\\u \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b\\\\\\\\\\b replaced with a backslash (\\\\) \\b\\\\n\\b replaced with a newline \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b\\\\&\\b replaced with the text which matched the search string \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b\\\\\\b\\u0\\u - \\u9\\u replaced with text which matched \\uN+1\\uth \\\\?, \\\\*, \\\\c, \\\\[a-z] or \\\\+ \\i \\i\n" "}\n" "\n" "{Names\n" "\\i Help Screen turn off with ^J prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \\i\n" "\\i \\i At file name prompts use the cursor up/down keys to access a history of \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i recently used files or the tab key to complete them. \\u\\bSpecial file names:\\b\\u \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b!\\b\\ucommand\\u Pipe in/out of a shell command \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b>>\\b\\ufilename\\u Append to a file \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\b-\\b Read/Write to/from standard I/O \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\ufilename\\u\\b,\\b\\uSTART\\u\\b,\\b\\uSIZE\\u Read/Write a part of a file/device \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i Give START/SIZE in decimal (255), octal (0377) or hex (0xFF) \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\u\\bPresentation mode:\\b\\u \\bF6\\b=fullscreen; \\bF7\\b=previous, \\bF8\\b=next win; \\bF9\\b=filter/again \\i \\i\n" "}\n" "\n" "{Joe\n" "\\i Help Screen turn off with ^J prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\bJUPP\\b is based upon JOE (Joe's Own Editor) 2.8/3.x \\d(GPL v1)\\d by Joe H. Allen; \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i go to \\uhttp://sf.net/projects/joe-editor/\\u for upstream bug reports. JUPP 2.8 \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i for DOS compiled by A. Totlis, packed with LHarc 2.13; JUPP 3.x for UNIX\\d(R)\\d \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i at \\uhttp://mirbsd.de/jupp\\u and by \\bThorsten \"\\dmirabilos\\d\" Glaser <\\utg@mirbsd.org\\u>\\b \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i @(#) blt_in 2018-03-15; 3.1; autoCR-LF; UTF-8 via locale; per-file encoding \\i \\i\n" "}\n" "\n" "{CharTable\n" "\\i Help Screen turn off with ^J prev. screen ^[, \\uCharacter Map\\u \\i\n" "\\i \\i Dec Hex \\u 0123 4567 89AB CDEF 0123 4567 89AB CDEF \\u Hex Dec \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i | | \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i 0 00 | \\u@ABC\\u \\uDEFG\\u \\uHIJK\\u \\uLMNO\\u \x80\x81\x82\x83 \x84\x85\x86\x87 \x88\x89\x8A\x8B \x8C\x8D\x8E\x8F | 80 128 \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i 16 10 | \\uPQRS\\u \\uTUVW\\u \\uXYZ[\\u \\u\\\\]^_\\u \x90\x91\x92\x93 \x94\x95\x96\x97 \x98\x99\x9A\x9B \x9C\x9D\x9E\x9F | 90 144 \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i 32 20 | !\"# $%&' ()*+ ,-./ \xA0\xA1\xA2\xA3 \xA4\xA5\xA6\xA7 \xA8\xA9\xAA\xAB \xAC\xAD\xAE\xAF | A0 160 \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i 48 30 | 0123 4567 89:; <=>? \xB0\xB1\xB2\xB3 \xB4\xB5\xB6\xB7 \xB8\xB9\xBA\xBB \xBC\xBD\xBE\xBF | B0 176 \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i 64 40 | @ABC DEFG HIJK LMNO \xC0\xC1\xC2\xC3 \xC4\xC5\xC6\xC7 \xC8\xC9\xCA\xCB \xCC\xCD\xCE\xCF | C0 192 \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i 80 50 | PQRS TUVW XYZ[ \\\\]^_ \xD0\xD1\xD2\xD3 \xD4\xD5\xD6\xD7 \xD8\xD9\xDA\xDB \xDC\xDD\xDE\xDF | D0 208 \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i 96 60 | `abc defg hijk lmno \xE0\xE1\xE2\xE3 \xE4\xE5\xE6\xE7 \xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB \xEC\xED\xEE\xEF | E0 224 \\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i 112 70 | pqrs tuvw xyz{ |}~\x7F \xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3 \xF4\xF5\xF6\xF7 \xF8\xF9\xFA\xFB \xFC\xFD\xFE\xFF | F0 240 \\i \\i\n" "}\n" "\n" "{Paste\n" "\\i \\i\n" "\\i \\i \\u\\bPaste Mode\\b\\u turn off with \\b^D\\b or \\b^[[201~\\b \\i \\i\n" "}\n" "\n" ":windows\n" "type ^@ TO \xFF\n" "abort ^K Q\n" "abort ^K ^Q\n" "abort ^K q\n" "arg ^Q Q\n" "arg ^Q ^Q\n" "arg ^Q q\n" "arg ^[ q q\n" "explode .k6\n" "explode ^K I\n" "explode ^K ^I\n" "explode ^K i\n" "explode ^[ [ 1 7 ~\n" "help .k1\n" "help ^J\n" "help ^[ [ 1 1 ~\n" "hnext ^[ .\n" "hprev ^[ ,\n" "math ^Q M\n" "math ^Q ^M\n" "math ^Q m\n" "math ^[ q m\n" "mathins ^[ #\n" "mathres ^[ =\n" "msg ^[ H\n" "msg ^[ h\n" "nextw .k8\n" "nextw ^K N\n" "nextw ^K ^N\n" "nextw ^K n\n" "nextw ^[ [ 1 9 ~\n" "play ^[ 0 TO 9\n" "prevw .k7\n" "prevw ^K P\n" "prevw ^K ^P\n" "prevw ^K p\n" "prevw ^[ [ 1 8 ~\n" "query ^[ /\n" "quote `\n" "quote8 ^P\n" "record ^[ (\n" "retype ^Q L\n" "retype ^Q ^L\n" "retype ^Q l\n" "retype ^[ q l\n" "rtn ^M\n" "shell ^K Z\n" "shell ^K ^Z\n" "shell ^K z\n" "stop ^[ )\n" "\n" ":Paste\n" "type ^@ TO \xFF\n" "rtn ^M\n" "msg,\"Entered bracketed paste mode\",rtn ^[ [ 2 0 0 ~\n" "helpcard,rtn,keymap,\"main\",rtn,msg,rtn ^[ [ 2 0 1 ~\n" "helpcard,rtn,keymap,\"main\",rtn ^D\n" "\n" ":Pasteprompt\n" "type ^@ TO \xFF\n" "nop ^L\n" "keymap,\"prompt\",rtn,msg,rtn,rtn ^M\n" "msg,\"Entered bracketed paste mode\",rtn ^[ [ 2 0 0 ~\n" "keymap,\"prompt\",rtn,msg,rtn ^[ [ 2 0 1 ~\n" "keymap,\"prompt\",rtn ^D\n" "\n" ":main\n" ":inherit windows\n" ":def dosrch setmark,\":\",ffirst\n" ":def dorepl setmark,\":\",qrepl\n" ":def pastemain helpcard,\"Paste\",rtn,keymap,\"Paste\",rtn\n" ":def conflictmarker dosrch,\"\\\\^\\\\[<>=]\\\\[<>=]\\\\[<>=]\\\\[<>=]\\\\[<>=]\\\\[<>=]\\\\[<>=]\\\\[ \\\\n]\",rtn,rtn,ltarw\n" ":def fixwhitespace setmark,\":\",eof,\" \",bof,\"a\",qrepl,\"\\\\[\",quote,\"i\",quote,\"k\",quote,\"l\",quote,\"m ]\\\\+\\\\[\",quote,\"i\",quote,\"k\",quote,\"l\",quote,\"m ]\\\\$\",rtn,rtn,rtn,\"r\",eof,rtn,ffirst,\"\\\\^\\\\[^\\\\n]\",rtn,\"b\",rtn,eol,markb,bof,delch,eof,markk,blkdel,ffirst,\"\\\\?\",rtn,\"b\",rtn,eol,rtn,gomark,\":\",eof\n" ":def freedroidz splitw,prevw,scratch,\"nbc-Output\",rtn,nextw,save,markk,bol,markb,prevw,prevw,blkcpy,nextw,nextw,rtn,prevw,eol,\"'\",bol,qrepl,\"'\",rtn,rtn,\"'\\\\\\\\''\",rtn,\"r\",backs,backs,backs,bol,\"LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL; fn='\",eol,\"; p=--posix; sed $p -e q /dev/null 2>&1 || p=; r=$(sed $p -e 's[^^][&]g; s\\\\^\\\\\\\\^g' < Error: filename not *.nxc'; exit ;; esac; echo \\\"Compiling $fn\\\"; nbc -sm- -d \\\"$fn\\\" 2>&1; x=$?; if test $x = 0; then echo '==> OK'; else echo '==> Error code:' $x; fi) | tr '\\\\n' '' | sed $p -e 's!# *\\\\([^]*\\\\)File \\\"[^\\\"]*/\\\\('\\\"$r\\\"'\\\\)\\\" ; line \\\\([0-9]*\\\\)!\\\\2:\\\\3: \\\\1!g' -e 's!#\\\\([^]*\\\\)File \\\"\\\\([^\\\"]*\\\\)\\\" ; line \\\\([0-9]*\\\\)!\\\\2:\\\\3: \\\\1!g' | tr '' '\\\\n'\",rtn,nmark,filt,\"sh\",rtn,rtn,\"Press ^KQ to close this window!\",rtn,parserr\n" ":def docompile edit,rtn,filt,query,parserr\n" ":def filtall nmark,filt,uparw\n" ":def pvsrch prevpos,gomark,\":\"\n" ":def inscurdate insf,\"!date '+%Y-%m-%d'\",rtn,eol,delch\n" ":def inscurtime insf,\"!date '+%H:%M:%S'\",rtn,eol,delch\n" "begin_marking,uparw,toggle_marking ^[ [ 1 ; 2 A\n" "begin_marking,dnarw,toggle_marking ^[ [ 1 ; 2 B\n" "begin_marking,rtarw,toggle_marking ^[ [ 1 ; 2 C\n" "begin_marking,ltarw,toggle_marking ^[ [ 1 ; 2 D\n" "begin_marking,bol,toggle_marking ^[ [ 1 ; 2 H\n" "begin_marking,eol,toggle_marking ^[ [ 1 ; 2 F\n" "begin_marking,bof,toggle_marking ^[ [ 1 ; 6 H\n" "begin_marking,eof,toggle_marking ^[ [ 1 ; 6 F\n" "pastemain ^[ P\n" "pastemain ^[ p\n" "pastemain ^[ [ 2 0 0 ~\n" "nop ^[ [ 2 0 1 ~\n" "backs ^?\n" "backs ^H\n" "backw ^[ o\n" "bknd ^K '\n" "bkwdc ^Q G ^@ TO \xFF\n" "bkwdc ^Q ^G ^@ TO \xFF\n" "bkwdc ^Q g ^@ TO \xFF\n" "bkwdc ^[ q g ^@ TO \xFF\n" "blkcpy ^K C\n" "blkcpy ^K ^C\n" "blkcpy ^K c\n" "blkdel ^K Y\n" "blkdel ^K ^Y\n" "blkdel ^K y\n" "blkmove ^K V\n" "blkmove ^K ^V\n" "blkmove ^K v\n" "blksave ^K W\n" "blksave ^K ^W\n" "blksave ^K w\n" "bof ^Q R\n" "bof ^Q ^R\n" "bof ^Q r\n" "bof ^[ [ 1 ; 5 H\n" "bof ^[ q r\n" "home .kh\n" "home ^Q S\n" "home ^Q ^S\n" "home ^Q s\n" "home ^[ [ 1 ~\n" "home ^[ [ 7 ~\n" "home ^[ [ H\n" "home ^[ q s\n" "bos ^Q X\n" "bos ^Q ^X\n" "bos ^Q x\n" "bos ^[ q x\n" "byte ^Q O\n" "byte ^Q ^O\n" "byte ^Q o\n" "byte ^[ q o\n" "center ^K A\n" "center ^K ^A\n" "center ^K a\n" "col ^Q -\n" "col ^[ q -\n" "conflictmarker ^Q =\n" "conflictmarker ^[ q =\n" "crawll ^Q ,\n" "crawll ^[ q ,\n" "crawlr ^Q .\n" "crawlr ^[ q .\n" "delbol ^Q T\n" "delbol ^Q ^?\n" "delbol ^Q ^T\n" "delbol ^Q t\n" "delbol ^[ q ^?\n" "delbol ^[ q t\n" "delch .kD\n" "delch ^G\n" "delch ^[ [ 3 ~\n" "deleol ^Q Y\n" "deleol ^Q ^Y\n" "deleol ^Q y\n" "deleol ^[ q y\n" "dellin ^Y\n" "delw ^T\n" "dnarw .kd\n" "dnarw ^X\n" "dnarw ^[ O B\n" "dnarw ^[ [ B\n" "dnslide ^Z\n" "edit ^K E\n" "edit ^K ^E\n" "edit ^K e\n" "eof ^Q C\n" "eof ^Q ^C\n" "eof ^Q c\n" "eof ^[ [ 1 ; 5 F\n" "eof ^[ q c\n" "eol .@7\n" "eol .kH\n" "eol ^Q D\n" "eol ^Q ^D\n" "eol ^Q d\n" "eol ^[ [ 4 ~\n" "eol ^[ [ 8 ~\n" "eol ^[ [ F\n" "eol ^[ q d\n" "execmd ^[ -\n" "exsave ^K X\n" "exsave ^K ^X\n" "exsave ^K x\n" "dosrch ^Q F\n" "dosrch ^Q ^F\n" "dosrch ^Q f\n" "dosrch ^[ q f\n" "filt ^K /\n" "filtall .k9\n" "filtall ^[ [ 2 0 ~\n" "fixwhitespace ^K ]\n" "fmtblk ^K D\n" "fmtblk ^K ^D\n" "fmtblk ^K d\n" "format ^B\n" "fnext .k3\n" "fnext ^L\n" "fnext ^[ [ 1 3 ~\n" "freedroidz ^K F\n" "freedroidz ^K ^F\n" "freedroidz ^K f\n" "fwrdc ^Q H ^@ TO \xFF\n" "fwrdc ^Q ^H ^@ TO \xFF\n" "fwrdc ^Q h ^@ TO \xFF\n" "fwrdc ^[ q h ^@ TO \xFF\n" "gomark ^Q 0 TO 9\n" "gomark ^[ q 0 TO 9\n" "groww ^K G\n" "groww ^K ^G\n" "groww ^K g\n" "inscurdate ^[ @\n" "inscurtime ^[ !\n" "insf ^K R\n" "insf ^K ^R\n" "insf ^K r\n" "isrch ^[ T\n" "isrch ^[ t\n" "lindent ^K ,\n" "line ^Q I\n" "line ^Q ^I\n" "line ^Q i\n" "line ^[ q i\n" "ltarw .kl\n" "ltarw ^S\n" "ltarw ^[ O D\n" "ltarw ^[ [ D\n" "ltarw ^[ s\n" "macros ^[ ?\n" "markb ^K B\n" "markb ^K ^B\n" "markb ^K b\n" "markk ^K K\n" "markk ^K ^K\n" "markk ^K k\n" "markl ^K L\n" "markl ^K ^L\n" "markl ^K l\n" "mode ^O\n" "mode,\"T\" .kI\n" "mode,\"T\" ^V\n" "mode,\"T\" ^[ [ 2 ~\n" "mode,\"T\" ^[ [ L\n" "nextpos ^K =\n" "nextword ^F\n" "nextword ^[ [ 1 ; 5 C\n" "nmark ^K H\n" "nmark ^K ^H\n" "nmark ^K h\n" "nxterr ^[ M\n" "nxterr ^[ m\n" "open ^]\n" "docompile ^[ C\n" "docompile ^[ c\n" "parserr ^[ E\n" "parserr ^[ e\n" "pgdn .kN\n" "pgdn ^C\n" "pgdn ^[ [ 6 ~\n" "pgdn ^[ [ G\n" "pgup .kP\n" "pgup ^R\n" "pgup ^[ [ 5 ~\n" "pgup ^[ [ I\n" "play,\"0\" ^N\n" "prevpos ^Q P\n" "prevpos ^Q ^P\n" "prevpos ^Q p\n" "prevpos ^[ q p\n" "prevword ^A\n" "prevword ^[ [ 1 ; 5 D\n" "prverr ^[ N\n" "prverr ^[ n\n" "pvsrch ^Q V\n" "pvsrch ^Q ^V\n" "pvsrch ^Q v\n" "pvsrch ^[ q v\n" "dorepl ^Q A\n" "dorepl ^Q ^A\n" "dorepl ^Q a\n" "dorepl ^[ q a\n" "redo ^^\n" "rindent ^K .\n" "rsrch ^[ R\n" "rsrch ^[ r\n" "rtarw .kr\n" "rtarw ^D\n" "rtarw ^[ O C\n" "rtarw ^[ [ C\n" "run ^[ '\n" "save ^K S\n" "save ^K ^S\n" "save ^K s\n" "scratch,\"(S) \" ^K -\n" "setmark ^K 0 TO 9\n" "shrinkw ^K T\n" "shrinkw ^K ^T\n" "shrinkw ^K t\n" "splitw ^K O\n" "splitw ^K ^O\n" "splitw ^K o\n" "stat ^Q ?\n" "stat ^[ q ?\n" "tag ^K ;\n" "tomarkb ^Q B\n" "tomarkb ^Q ^B\n" "tomarkb ^Q b\n" "tomarkb ^[ q b\n" "tomarkk ^Q K\n" "tomarkk ^Q ^K\n" "tomarkk ^Q k\n" "tomarkk ^[ q k\n" "rvmatch ^Q [\n" "tomatch ^Q ]\n" "rvmatch ^Q ^[\n" "tomatch ^Q ^]\n" "rvmatch ^[ q [\n" "tomatch ^[ q ]\n" "tos ^Q E\n" "tos ^Q ^E\n" "tos ^Q e\n" "tos ^[ q e\n" "undo ^U\n" "undo ^_\n" "uparw .ku\n" "uparw ^E\n" "uparw ^[ O A\n" "uparw ^[ [ A\n" "upslide ^W\n" "yankpop ^[ Y\n" "yankpop ^[ y\n" "\n" ":prompt\n" ":inherit main\n" ":def pasteprompt keymap,\"Pasteprompt\",rtn,msg,\"Entered bracketed paste mode\",rtn\n" "abort ^C\n" "abort ^U\n" "complete ^I\n" "nop ^L\n" "pasteprompt ^[ P\n" "pasteprompt ^[ p\n" "pasteprompt ^[ [ 2 0 0 ~\n" "\n" ":menu\n" ":inherit windows\n" "abort ^U\n" "abort ^[ ^[\n" "backsmenu ^?\n" "backsmenu ^H\n" "bofmenu ^Q R\n" "bofmenu ^Q ^R\n" "bofmenu ^Q r\n" "bofmenu ^[ [ 1 ; 5 H\n" "bofmenu ^[ q r\n" "bolmenu .kh\n" "bolmenu ^Q S\n" "bolmenu ^Q ^S\n" "bolmenu ^Q s\n" "bolmenu ^[ [ 1 ~\n" "bolmenu ^[ [ 7 ~\n" "bolmenu ^[ [ H\n" "bolmenu ^[ q s\n" "dnarwmenu .kd\n" "dnarwmenu ^X\n" "dnarwmenu ^[ O B\n" "dnarwmenu ^[ [ B\n" "eofmenu ^Q C\n" "eofmenu ^Q ^C\n" "eofmenu ^Q c\n" "eofmenu ^[ [ 1 ; 5 F\n" "eofmenu ^[ q c\n" "eolmenu .@7\n" "eolmenu .kH\n" "eolmenu ^Q D\n" "eolmenu ^Q ^D\n" "eolmenu ^Q d\n" "eolmenu ^[ [ 4 ~\n" "eolmenu ^[ [ 8 ~\n" "eolmenu ^[ [ F\n" "eolmenu ^[ q d\n" "ltarwmenu .kl\n" "ltarwmenu ^S\n" "ltarwmenu ^[ O D\n" "ltarwmenu ^[ [ D\n" "ltarwmenu ^[ s\n" "pgdnmenu .kN\n" "pgdnmenu ^C\n" "pgdnmenu ^[ [ 6 ~\n" "pgdnmenu ^[ [ G\n" "pgupmenu .kP\n" "pgupmenu ^R\n" "pgupmenu ^[ [ 5 ~\n" "pgupmenu ^[ [ I\n" "rtarwmenu .kr\n" "rtarwmenu ^D\n" "rtarwmenu ^[ O C\n" "rtarwmenu ^[ [ C\n" "rtn SP\n" "rtn ^J\n" "tabmenu ^I\n" "uparwmenu .ku\n" "uparwmenu ^E\n" "uparwmenu ^[ O A\n" "uparwmenu ^[ [ A\n" "\n" ":query\n" ":inherit windows\n" "\n" ":querya\n" "type ^@ TO \xFF\n" "\n" ":querysr\n" "type ^@ TO \xFF\n" , NULL };