Chris Coulson
2013-04-02 21:33:11 UTC
This revision was merged to the branch mainline in
Revision ID:
* New upstream release from the beta channel (FIREFOX_21_0b1_BUILD1)
* Drop support for building on older than precise
- update debian/apport/source_firefox.py.in
- update debian/build/mozbuild.mk
- update debian/config/mozconfig.in
- update debian/control.in
- update debian/firefox-globalmenu.dirs.in
- remove debian/firefox-restart-required.update-notifier.in
- update debian/firefox.desktop.in
- update debian/firefox.install.in
- update debian/firefox.links.in
- update debian/firefox.postinst.in
- update debian/firefox.postrm.in
- update debian/firefox.preinst.in
- update debian/firefox.prerm.in
- remove debian/patches/add-syspref-dir.patch
- update debian/patches/series.in
- remove debian/patches/use-new-yasm-in-lucid.patch
- remove debian/patches/mozilla-kde.patch
- remove debian/patches/firefox-kde.patch
- update debian/rules
- remove debian/usr.bin.firefox.apparmor.10.04
- remove debian/usr.bin.firefox.apparmor.10.10
- remove debian/usr.bin.firefox.apparmor.11.04
- remove debian/usr.bin.firefox.apparmor.9.10
* Drop the perl script for preprocessing the quilt series file
- remove debian/build/enable-dist-patches.pl
- update debian/build/mozbuild.mk
* Refresh patches
- update d/p/test-overrides/xpcshell-disable-geolocation-provider-test.patch
- update debian/patches/mochitest-allow-test-manifest-for-chrome.patch
- update debian/patches/xpcshell-allow-omit-tests-on-real-install.patch
- update d/p/test-overrides/reftest-disable-failing-tests.patch
- update debian/patches/dont-include-hyphenation-patterns.patch
- update d/p/test-fixes/xpcshell-search-fix-browser-dirprovider.patch
* Make sure that SHELL is set in the build environment
- update debian/build/mozbuild.mk
* Don't set the MOZCONFIG environment variable, but just copy our config
in to the root of the source tree
- update debian/build/mozconfig.mk
* Drop libthai suggest - this hasn't been needed for a long time
- update debian/control
* Replace latex-xft-fonts suggest with ttf-lyx (yes, I know this is a
transitional package since 12.10, but it avoids suggesting a different
package for each release)
- update debian/control
* Use virtualenv for compare-locales
- update debian/build/create-tarball.py
- update debian/build/mozbuild.mk
* Refactor create-tarball.py
* Drop test fixes merged upstream:
- remove d/p/test-fixes/xpcshell-shell-disable-gconf-tests-when-using-gsettings.patch
- remove d/p/test-fixes/mochitest-shell-disable-gconf-tests-when-using-gsettings.patch
- update debian/patches/series.in
* Drop debian/patches/python-virtualenv-multiarch-fix.patch - fixed upstream
* Update for install layout changes
- update debian/firefox-locale.preinst.in
- update debian/firefox.dirs.in
- update debian/firefox.install.in
- update debian/firefox.links.in
- update debian/firefox.postinst.in
- update debian/firefox.preinst.in
- update debian/patches/dont-include-hyphenation-patterns.patch
- update debian/rules
- update debian/build/mozbuild.mk
- update debian/testing/xpcshell-build.ini
- add debian/build/fix-mozinfo-appname.py
- update debian/testing/xpcshell-package-tests/xpcshell.ini
- update debian/testing/xpcshell-package-tests/test_locale_matchOS_real.js
- update debian/testing/xpcshell-package-tests/test_langpack_load.js
- update debian/testing/xpcshell-package-tests/test_langpack_chrome.js
* Drop the menubar addon
- remove debian/globalmenu
- update debian/build/mozbuild.mk
- update debian/config/mozconfig.in
- update debian/control.in
- remove debian/firefox-globalmenu.dirs.in
- remove debian/firefox-globalmenu.links.in
- remove debian/patches/unity-globalmenu-build-support.patch
- update debian/patches/series.in
* Add native support for the Unity menubar (no addon)
- add debian/patches/unity-menubar.patch
- update debian/patches/series.in
* Disable telemetry xpcshell tests. Telemetry is not enabled on Ubuntu builds
and the test_TelemetryPing.js fails anyway because the HG revision is
not embedded in the ping
- update d/p/test-integration/xpcshell-disable-failing-tests.patch
* Skip browser_pluginCrashCommentAndURL.js on builds with crash reporting
- add d/p/test-fixes/mochitest-browser-plugincrash-with-no-crashreporter.patch
- update debian/patches/series.in
* Disable browser_google.js as this fails with our searchplugins, and we
have our own tests
- update debian/testing/mochitest-chrome.json
* Temporarily disable tests in python/mozbuild/mozpack/tests, as they
- add d/p/test-overrides/disable-failing-python-tests.patch
- update debian/patches/series.in
* Skip font-matching/synthetic-style-1.html reftest which fails on beta
(note, it works on the nightly packaging)
- update d/p/test-overrides/reftest-disable-failing-tests.patch
* Make the testsuite depend on ttf-liberation to fix a mochitest
failure in browser_fontinspector.js
- update debian/control.in
* Disable test_notifications_popup.html for now until we have time to
investigate why it hangs
- update debian/testing/mochitest.json
* Run tests that need a display in an actual session with
gnome-settings-daemon running (plus a WM):
- update debian/testing/testrunhelper.py
- update debian/firefox-testsuite.install.in
- add debian/testing/run-test.desktop
- update debian/testing/run_mochitest.in
- update debian/testing/run_reftest.in
- update debian/testing/run_xpcshell_tests.in
- update debian/control.in
- update debian/tests/mochitest
- update debian/tests/mochitest-browser
- update debian/tests/mochitest-chrome
- update debian/tests/mochitest-a11y
- update debian/tests/mochitest-ipcplugins
- update debian/tests/crashtest
- update debian/tests/jstestbrowser
- update debian/tests/reftest
- update debian/tests/xpcshell-package-tests
- update debian/tests/xpcshell-tests
- update d/p/test-overrides/reftest-disable-failing-tests.patch
* Make the testsuite depend on ubuntu-settings and light-themes
- update debian/control.in
* Drop the JUnit XML changes from the mochitest and reftest addons
and add this support to automation.py instead. This avoids duplication,
means we only need 1 patch and makes it possible to add all types of log
messages to the results (eg, screenshots of hung tests)
- remove d/p/test-integration/reftest-output-junit-xml.patch
- remove d/p/test-integration/mochitest-output-junit-xml.patch
- add d/p/test-integration/automation-output-junit-xml.patch
- update debian/patches/series.in
* Don't install the testsuite unpacked on the filesystem in the
traditional manner, but just install the packed zip and have the
test scripts bootstrap a temporary environment with the expanded
testsuite. The advantage of this is that we don't need to carry
patches for tests that modify the test directory. What we are
interested in testing are the components that the user normally runs,
and the testsuite doesn't form part of this - so it doesn't matter
where it's installed and runs from
- update debian/build/mozbuild.mk
- remove debian/firefox-testsuite.dirs.in
- update debian/firefox-testsuite.install.in
- update debian/firefox-testsuite.links.in
- update debian/patches/series.in
- remove d/p/test-fixes/xpcshell-ctypes-no-writes-to-appdir.patch
- remove d/p/test-fixes/xpcshell-libpref-no-writes-to-testdir.patch
- remove d/p/test-fixes/xpcshell-xpcom-no-writes-to-testdir-or-appdir.patch
- update debian/rules
- rename debian/testing/mochitest-chrome.json =>
- rename debian/testing/mochitest.json =>
- rename debian/testing/xpcshell-package-tests/* =>
- remove debian/testing/run-tests.desktop
- update debian/testing/run_mochitest.in
- update debian/testing/run_reftest.in
- rename debian/testing/run_xpcshell_tests.in =>
- update debian/testing/run_xpcshell_tests
- update debian/testing/testrunhelper.py
- update debian/tests/crashtest
- update debian/tests/jstestbrowser
- update debian/tests/mochitest
- update debian/tests/mochitest-a11y
- update debian/tests/mochitest-browser
- update debian/tests/mochitest-chrome
- update debian/tests/mochitest-ipcplugins
- update debian/tests/reftest
- update debian/tests/xpcshell-package-tests
- update debian/tests/xpcshell-tests
* Don't write the terminal bell character to JUnit results
- add d/p/test-fixes/xpcshell-xunit-output-no-bell.patch
* Fix test_json_cache.js test failure, caused by us not installing
search plugins in the application directory
- add d/p/test-fixes/xpcshell-search-fix-json-cache-test.patch
- remove d/p/test-fixes/xpcshell-search-fix-browser-dirprovider.patch,
as this isn't really needed and just complicates things
- update debian/patches/series.in