[ Natalia B. Bidart <natalia.bidart@canonical.com> ]
- Skipping failing tests (see bug #920591).
- Make webclient an installable module.
- Make the GTK UI a separated executable script (LP: #917373).
[ Diego Sarmentero <diego.sarmentero@canonical.com> ]
- Delete signal removal to keep listening to network state changes (LP: #920591).
[ Alejandro J. Cura <alecu@canonical.com> ]
- Restfulclient calls are now POST; response.headers are now case-insensitive
dicts; OAuth timestamp sync with the server (LP: #916034).
[ Manuel de la Pena <manuel.delapena@canonical.com> ]
- Add the possibility to skip the lint checks on windows when passing the
/skip-lint parameter to run-tests.bat (LP: #918248).