Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Bumping version to 1.0.0 beta 1
Fixed the lock.py file to handle invalid lock files, and not break if a non-integer is in the file
When opening a project, it now prompts to the user if any resource files are missing
Fixed the Render() method to correctly clear all 4 canvases. This was required to change themes correctly.
Changed the time format to display: hh:mm:ss:frame
Transition snapping: Transitions now snap to the nearest clip or the play-head
Updated the translation strings in the POT file
Added a new profile: hdv_720_24p
Added 2 new themes: simple - with smaller icons for small screens blue_flat - a flat blue theme, with no glass or gloss Also, added theme thumbnails to the preferences window
Improved Title Editor to show different titles for 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios (so they don't get squished)
Replaced all titles in OpenShot with 29 new title templates (both in 4:3 and 16:9) ratios
Added 28 new transitions. All have been created by scratch, using a combination of Gimp, Inkscape, and Blender.
Adding Effects from the clip properties window has been fixed to correctly add audio filters.
Clip property window has been fixed to correctly change the IN and OUT values, without getting stuck (as before)
Clip property window would occasionally crash due to a SDL and gtk threading issue. This has been fixed, and should never crash again!!! The video thread now closes the clip property window when it's done doing it's thing... and thus no more crashes.
The main window has been fixed to correctly recognize the maximized state, and correctly resize the window and vertical panes. The saving and restoring of window state feels much improved.
Removed the camera icon from the main window, changed some icons, and trying to clean up the UI just a bit. Also, I removed the "Open Project" toolbar icon, and replaced it with a "New Project" button. Trying to remove the confusion of "Opening a project" vs "Importing files".
Tweaked the setup.py file to include the new 4:3 and 16:9 titles.
Improved the MAN page documentation
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Bumped to version 0.9.54
Timeline now auto-extends when a clip is dragged or resized past the edge of the timeline.
The size of the ruler and the timeline are now in sync. There used to be a small difference, which caused some strange results when scrolled all the way to the right side of the timeline.
The ruler has been tweaked, to better draw the tick marks, so there is not a gap at the end of the ruler.
The video thread now pauses the project when it reaches 100%. This was a bug, but never caused an issue, until I added some of these new features in this version.
Zoom in and zoom out now keeps your scrollbar position and maintains it. For example, it translates the timecode associated with the left edge of your scrollbar, and no matter what your zoom level, maintains that timecode.
The play-head is now auto-centered while you are playing back / previewing your project. When the play-head goes past 1/2 of your screen width, it starts to animate and auto scroll to keep the timeline centered.
The zoom slider has been adjusted to DELAYED. This means when you stop sliding it, it then updates the timeline. You don't have to let go of the slider, just stop sliding it, and it will adjust your timeline. This makes it much easier to see the results as you slide the bar.
Also, a new key mapping has been added, CTRL + Scroll Wheel. Just move your mouse over the timeline, and hold the CTRL key and scroll your mouse wheel. It also maintains your scrollbars, so you won't get lost. Also, if you are playing your project, it will continue to auto-scroll the timeline even while you zoom in and zoom out (unless the play-head is not 1/2 way across the screen.
The .Desktop file has been updated to fix some issues with Debian validation.
All 7 default languages have been updated with new translations.
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Bumped version to 0.9.51
Added back the border for small rectangle clips, since we have to seperate the clips... or they all run together. So, there is still an issue, but it's a minor issue.
Changed the way button images are loaded on the main form. Also, changed every reference to a THEMED icon, to be sure it was using the correct "theme" path. Also check for a theme folder... and if it no longer exists, default back to the original.
Added the new Tango theme (contributed by jEsuSdA). Not every image was incorporate yet, but all the main buttons, and skin were. The preferences should now let you choose between the 2 themes... and remember which one you want to use upon starting OpenShot.
Added some exception handling to the "import mlt" commands. So, if a user can't import mlt, they should now receive a nice friendly error.
Added a new type of simple export "All Formats". They idea behind it is: All the key formats (mp4, mov, ogg, avi, etc...) are listed as targets. All Profiles are listed for each one, and your default project's profile is automatically selected (i.e. to export the project as the same size you are editing it). I think it fits in nicely to our simple export settings.
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Bumped version to 0.9.48
Merged Andy's Preferences branch. This adds a new preferences screen, and many associated features. I made a few changes to this branch, specifically to create the config.xml file if it's missing. So to reset the settings, just delete the config.xml file.
Fixed many spelling errors, such as Disolve --> Dissolve
Updated all translatable strings in the POT file, because there are new screens, new prompts, and new strings.
Applied a patch from our new contributor, Timo. It adds the ability to "Shift Clips" and "Shift Transitions", which basically injects time in the timeline, or removes time. Great for removing gaps, or adding gaps.
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago
Jonathan Thomas |
15 years ago