/*************************************************************************** begin : Sat Feb 16 2002 copyright : (C) 2002 - 2004 by Scott Wheeler email : wheeler@kde.org copyright : (c) 2007 Michael Pyne email : michael.pyne@kdemail.net ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef PLAYLIST_H #define PLAYLIST_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "covermanager.h" #include "stringhash.h" #include "playlistsearch.h" #include "tagguesser.h" #include "playlistinterface.h" class KMenu; class KActionMenu; class QFileInfo; class QMimeData; class QDrag; class PlaylistItem; class PlaylistCollection; class PlaylistToolTip; class UpcomingPlaylist; typedef QList PlaylistItemList; class Playlist : public K3ListView, public PlaylistInterface { Q_OBJECT public: explicit Playlist(PlaylistCollection *collection, const QString &name = QString(), const QString &iconName = "midi"); Playlist(PlaylistCollection *collection, const PlaylistItemList &items, const QString &name = QString(), const QString &iconName = "midi"); Playlist(PlaylistCollection *collection, const QFileInfo &playlistFile, const QString &iconName = "midi"); /** * This constructor should generally only be used either by the cache * restoration methods or by subclasses that want to handle calls to * PlaylistCollection::setupPlaylist() differently. */ Playlist(PlaylistCollection *collection, bool delaySetup); virtual ~Playlist(); // The following group of functions implement the PlaylistInterface API. virtual QString name() const; virtual FileHandle currentFile() const; virtual int count() const { return childCount(); } virtual int time() const; virtual void playNext(); virtual void playPrevious(); virtual void stop(); /** * Plays the top item of the playlist. */ void playFirst(); /** * Plays the next album in the playlist. Only useful when in album random * play mode. */ void playNextAlbum(); /** * Saves the file to the currently set file name. If there is no filename * currently set, the default behavior is to prompt the user for a file * name. */ virtual void save(); /** * Standard "save as". Prompts the user for a location where to save the * playlist to. */ virtual void saveAs(); /** * Removes \a item from the Playlist, but not from the disk. If * \a emitChanged is true this will also notify relevant classes * that the content of the list has changed. * * In some situations, for instance when removing items in a loop, it is * preferable to delay this notification until after other operations have * completed. In those cases set \a emitChanged to false and call the * signal directly. */ virtual void clearItem(PlaylistItem *item, bool emitChanged = true); /** * Remove \a items from the playlist and emit a signal indicating * that the number of items in the list has changed. */ virtual void clearItems(const PlaylistItemList &items); /** * Accessor function to return a pointer to the currently playing file. * * @return 0 if no file is playing, otherwise a pointer to the PlaylistItem * of the track that is currently playing. */ static PlaylistItem *playingItem(); /** * All of the (media) files in the list. */ QStringList files() const; /** * Returns a list of all of the items in the playlist. */ virtual PlaylistItemList items(); /** * Returns a list of all of the \e visible items in the playlist. */ PlaylistItemList visibleItems(); /** * Returns a list of the currently selected items. */ PlaylistItemList selectedItems(); /** * Returns properly casted first child item in list. */ PlaylistItem *firstChild() const; /** * Allow duplicate files in the playlist. */ void setAllowDuplicates(bool allow) { m_allowDuplicates = allow; } /** * This is being used as a mini-factory of sorts to make the construction * of PlaylistItems virtual. In this case it allows for the creation of * both PlaylistItems and CollectionListItems. */ virtual PlaylistItem *createItem(const FileHandle &file, Q3ListViewItem *after = 0, bool emitChanged = true); /** * This is implemented as a template method to allow subclasses to * instantiate their PlaylistItem subclasses using the same method. Some * of the types here are artificially templatized (i.e. CollectionListType and * CollectionItemType) to avoid recursive includes, but in fact will always * be the same. */ template ItemType *createItem(const FileHandle &file, Q3ListViewItem *after = 0, bool emitChanged = true); virtual void createItems(const PlaylistItemList &siblings, PlaylistItem *after = 0); /** * This handles adding files of various types -- music, playlist or directory * files. Music files that are found will be added to this playlist. New * playlist files that are found will result in new playlists being created. * * Note that this should not be used in the case of adding *only* playlist * items since it has the overhead of checking to see if the file is a playlist * or directory first. */ virtual void addFiles(const QStringList &files, PlaylistItem *after = 0); /** * Returns the file name associated with this playlist (an m3u file) or * an empty QString if no such file exists. */ QString fileName() const { return m_fileName; } /** * Sets the file name to be associated with this playlist; this file should * have the "m3u" extension. */ void setFileName(const QString &n) { m_fileName = n; } /** * Hides column \a c. If \a updateSearch is true then a signal that the * visible columns have changed will be emitted and things like the search * will be udated. */ void hideColumn(int c, bool updateSearch = true); /** * Shows column \a c. If \a updateSearch is true then a signal that the * visible columns have changed will be emitted and things like the search * will be udated. */ void showColumn(int c, bool updateSearch = true); bool isColumnVisible(int c) const; /** * This sets a name for the playlist that is \e different from the file name. */ void setName(const QString &n); /** * Returns the KActionMenu that allows this to be embedded in menus outside * of the playlist. */ KActionMenu *columnVisibleAction() const { return m_columnVisibleAction; } /** * Set item to be the playing item. If \a item is null then this will clear * the playing indicator. */ static void setPlaying(PlaylistItem *item, bool addToHistory = true); /** * Returns true if this playlist is currently playing. */ bool playing() const; /** * This forces an update of the left most visible column, but does not save * the settings for this. */ void updateLeftColumn(); /** * Returns the leftmost visible column of the listview. */ int leftColumn() const { return m_leftColumn; } /** * Sets the items in the list to be either visible based on the value of * visible. This is useful for search operations and such. */ static void setItemsVisible(const PlaylistItemList &items, bool visible = true); /** * Returns the search associated with this list, or an empty search if one * has not yet been set. */ PlaylistSearch search() const { return m_search; } /** * Set the search associtated with this playlist. */ void setSearch(const PlaylistSearch &s); /** * If the search is disabled then all items will be shown, not just those that * match the current search. */ void setSearchEnabled(bool searchEnabled); /** * Marks \a item as either selected or deselected based. */ void markItemSelected(PlaylistItem *item, bool selected); /** * Subclasses of Playlist which add new columns will set this value to * specify how many of those colums exist. This allows the Playlist * class to do some internal calculations on the number and positions * of columns. */ virtual int columnOffset() const { return 0; } /** * Some subclasses of Playlist will be "read only" lists (i.e. the history * playlist). This is a way for those subclasses to indicate that to the * Playlist internals. */ virtual bool readOnly() const { return false; } /** * Returns true if it's possible to reload this playlist. */ virtual bool canReload() const { return !m_fileName.isEmpty(); } /** * Returns true if the playlist is a search playlist and the search should be * editable. */ virtual bool searchIsEditable() const { return false; } /** * Synchronizes the the playing item in this playlist with the playing item * in \a sources. If \a setMaster is true, this list will become the source * for determining the next item. */ void synchronizePlayingItems(const PlaylistList &sources, bool setMaster); /** * Playlists have a common set of shared settings such as visible columns * that should be applied just before the playlist is shown. Calling this * method applies those. */ void applySharedSettings(); void read(QDataStream &s); static void setShuttingDown() { m_shuttingDown = true; } public slots: /** * Remove the currently selected items from the playlist and disk. */ void slotRemoveSelectedItems() { removeFromDisk(selectedItems()); } /* * The edit slots are required to use the canonical names so that they are * detected by the application wide framework. */ virtual void cut() { copy(); clear(); } /** * Puts a list of URLs pointing to the files in the current selection on the * clipboard. */ virtual void copy(); /** * Checks the clipboard for local URLs to be inserted into this playlist. */ virtual void paste(); /** * Removes the selected items from the list, but not the disk. * * @see clearItem() * @see clearItems() */ virtual void clear(); virtual void selectAll() { K3ListView::selectAll(true); } /** * Refreshes the tags of the selection from disk, or all of the files in the * list if there is no selection. */ virtual void slotRefresh(); void slotGuessTagInfo(TagGuesser::Type type); /** * Renames the selected items' files based on their tags contents. * * @see PlaylistItem::renameFile() */ void slotRenameFile(); /** * Sets the cover of the selected items, pass in true if you want to load from the local system, * false if you want to load from the internet. */ void slotAddCover(bool fromLocal); /** * Shows a large image of the cover */ void slotViewCover(); /** * Removes covers from the selected items */ void slotRemoveCover(); /** * Shows the cover manager GUI dialog */ void slotShowCoverManager(); /** * Reload the playlist contents from the m3u file. */ virtual void slotReload(); /** * Tells the listview that the next time that it paints that the weighted * column widths must be recalculated. If this is called without a column * all visible columns are marked as dirty. */ void slotWeightDirty(int column = -1); void slotShowPlaying(); void slotColumnResizeModeChanged(); virtual void dataChanged(); protected: /** * Remove \a items from the playlist and disk. This will ignore items that * are not actually in the list. */ void removeFromDisk(const PlaylistItemList &items); // the following are all reimplemented from base classes virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *e); virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e); virtual QDrag *drag(QWidget *parent); virtual QDrag *drag() { return drag(this); } virtual bool canDecode(QMimeSource *s); virtual void decode(const QMimeData *s, PlaylistItem *item = 0); virtual void contentsDropEvent(QDropEvent *e); virtual void contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e); virtual void contentsDragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e); virtual void showEvent(QShowEvent *e); virtual bool acceptDrag(QDropEvent *e) const; virtual void viewportPaintEvent(QPaintEvent *pe); virtual void viewportResizeEvent(QResizeEvent *re); virtual void insertItem(Q3ListViewItem *item); virtual void takeItem(Q3ListViewItem *item); virtual bool hasItem(const QString &file) const { return m_members.contains(file); } void addColumn(const QString &label); /** * Do some finial initialization of created items. Notably ensure that they * are shown or hidden based on the contents of the current PlaylistSearch. * * This is called by the PlaylistItem constructor. */ void setupItem(PlaylistItem *item); /** * Forwards the call to the parent to enable or disable automatic deletion * of tree view playlists. Used by CollectionListItem. */ void setDynamicListsFrozen(bool frozen); template ItemType *createItem(SiblingType *sibling, ItemType *after = 0); /** * As a template this allows us to use the same code to initialize the items * in subclasses. CollectionItemType should always be CollectionListItem and * ItemType should be a PlaylistItem subclass. */ template void createItems(const QList &siblings, ItemType *after = 0); protected slots: void slotPopulateBackMenu() const; void slotPlayFromBackMenu(QAction *) const; signals: /** * This is connected to the PlaylistBox::Item to let it know when the * playlist's name has changed. */ void signalNameChanged(const QString &name); /** * This signal is emitted just before a playlist item is removed from the * list allowing for any cleanup that needs to happen. Typically this * is used to remove the item from the history and safeguard against * dangling pointers. */ void signalAboutToRemove(PlaylistItem *item); void signalEnableDirWatch(bool enable); void coverChanged(); void signalPlaylistItemsDropped(Playlist *p); private: void setup(); /** * This function is called to let the user know that JuK has automatically enabled * manual column width adjust mode. */ void notifyUserColumnWidthModeChanged(); /** * Load the playlist from a file. \a fileName should be the absolute path. * \a fileInfo should point to the same file as \a fileName. This is a * little awkward API-wise, but keeps us from throwing away useful * information. */ void loadFile(const QString &fileName, const QFileInfo &fileInfo); /** * Writes \a text to \a item in \a column. This is used by the inline tag * editor. Returns false if the tag update failed. */ bool editTag(PlaylistItem *item, const QString &text, int column); /** * Returns the index of the left most visible column in the playlist. * * \see isColumnVisible() */ int leftMostVisibleColumn() const; /** * This method is used internally to provide the backend to the other item * lists. * * \see items() * \see visibleItems() * \see selectedItems() */ PlaylistItemList items(Q3ListViewItemIterator::IteratorFlag flags); /** * Build the column "weights" for the weighted width mode. */ void calculateColumnWeights(); void addFile(const QString &file, FileHandleList &files, bool importPlaylists, PlaylistItem **after); void addFileHelper(FileHandleList &files, PlaylistItem **after, bool ignoreTimer = false); void redisplaySearch() { setSearch(m_search); } /** * Sets the cover for items to the cover identified by id. */ void refreshAlbums(const PlaylistItemList &items, coverKey id = CoverManager::NoMatch); void refreshAlbum(const QString &artist, const QString &album); /** * Returns the number of PlaylistItems in @p items that can be assigned a * cover. Used to avoid wasting the users' time setting the cover for 20 * items when none are eligible. */ unsigned int eligibleCoverItems(const PlaylistItemList &items); void updatePlaying() const; /** * This class is used internally to store settings that are shared by all * of the playlists, such as column order. It is implemented as a singleton. */ class SharedSettings; private slots: /** * Handle the necessary tasks needed to create and setup the playlist that * don't need to happen in the ctor, such as setting up the columns, * initializing the RMB menu, and setting up signal/slot connections. * * Used to be a subclass of K3ListView::polish() but the timing of the * call is not consistent and therefore lead to crashes. */ void slotInitialize(); void slotUpdateColumnWidths(); void slotAddToUpcoming(); /** * Show the RMB menu. Matches the signature for the signal * QListView::contextMenuRequested(). */ void slotShowRMBMenu(Q3ListViewItem *item, const QPoint &point, int column); /** * This slot is called when the inline tag editor has completed its editing * and starts the process of renaming the values. * * \see editTag() */ void slotInlineEditDone(Q3ListViewItem *, const QString &, int column); /** * This starts the renaming process by displaying a line edit if the mouse is in * an appropriate position. */ void slotRenameTag(); /** * Moves the column \a from to the position \a to. This matches the signature * for the signal QHeader::indexChange(). */ void slotColumnOrderChanged(int, int from, int to); /** * Toggles a columns visible status. Useful for KActions. * * \see hideColumn() * \see showColumn() */ void slotToggleColumnVisible(QAction *action); /** * Prompts the user to create a new playlist with from the selected items. */ void slotCreateGroup(); /** * This slot is called when the user drags the slider in the listview header * to manually set the size of the column. */ void slotColumnSizeChanged(int column, int oldSize, int newSize); /** * The slot is called when the completion mode for the line edit in the * inline tag editor is changed. It saves the settings and through the * magic of the SharedSettings class will apply it to the other playlists as * well. */ void slotInlineCompletionModeChanged(KGlobalSettings::Completion mode); void slotPlayCurrent(); private: PlaylistCollection *m_collection; StringHash m_members; int m_currentColumn; int m_processed; int m_rmbEditID; int m_rmbUpcomingID; int m_selectedCount; bool m_allowDuplicates; bool m_applySharedSettings; bool m_columnWidthModeChanged; QList m_weightDirty; bool m_disableColumnWidthUpdates; mutable int m_time; mutable PlaylistItemList m_addTime; mutable PlaylistItemList m_subtractTime; /** * The average minimum widths of columns to be used in balancing calculations. */ QVector m_columnWeights; QVector m_columnFixedWidths; bool m_widthsDirty; static PlaylistItemList m_history; PlaylistSearch m_search; bool m_searchEnabled; PlaylistItem *m_lastSelected; /** * Used to store the text for inline editing before it is changed so that * we can know if something actually changed and as such if we need to save * the tag. */ QString m_editText; /** * This is only defined if the playlist name is something other than the * file name. */ QString m_playlistName; QString m_fileName; KMenu *m_rmbMenu; KMenu *m_headerMenu; KActionMenu *m_columnVisibleAction; PlaylistToolTip *m_toolTip; /** * This is used to indicate if the list of visible items has changed (via a * call to setVisibleItems()) while random play is playing. */ static bool m_visibleChanged; static bool m_shuttingDown; static int m_leftColumn; static QMap m_backMenuItems; bool m_blockDataChanged; }; typedef QList PlaylistList; bool processEvents(); class FocusUpEvent : public QEvent { public: FocusUpEvent() : QEvent(id) {} Type type() const { return id; } static const Type id = static_cast(QEvent::User + 1); }; QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &s, const Playlist &p); QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &s, Playlist &p); // template method implementations template ItemType *Playlist::createItem(const FileHandle &file, Q3ListViewItem *after, bool emitChanged) { CollectionItemType *item = CollectionListType::instance()->lookup(file.absFilePath()); if(!item) { item = new CollectionItemType(file); setupItem(item); // If a valid tag was not created, destroy the CollectionListItem. if(!item->isValid()) { kError(65432) << "Playlist::createItem() -- A valid tag was not created for \"" << file.absFilePath() << "\"" << endl; delete item; return 0; } } if(item && !m_members.insert(file.absFilePath()) || m_allowDuplicates) { ItemType *i = after ? new ItemType(item, this, after) : new ItemType(item, this); setupItem(i); if(emitChanged) dataChanged(); return i; } else return 0; } template ItemType *Playlist::createItem(SiblingType *sibling, ItemType *after) { m_disableColumnWidthUpdates = true; if(!m_members.insert(sibling->file().absFilePath()) || m_allowDuplicates) { after = new ItemType(sibling->collectionItem(), this, after); setupItem(after); } m_disableColumnWidthUpdates = false; return after; } template void Playlist::createItems(const QList &siblings, ItemType *after) { if(siblings.isEmpty()) return; foreach(SiblingType *sibling, siblings) after = createItem(sibling, after); dataChanged(); slotWeightDirty(); } #endif // vim: set et sw=4 tw=0 sta: