
  • Committer: Rex Dieter
  • Date: 2015-05-17 19:05:03 UTC
  • mfrom: (374.1.4)
  • Revision ID: git-v1:fb6cbf212ee2646a38e81bbd8f2cf90564e29e06
Merge branch 'KDE/4.14'
Filename Latest Rev Last Changed Committer Comment Size
cmake_project 11 16 years ago Simon Edwards Added support for using cmake to install KDE+Pytho Diff
kcmodule_example 116 15 years ago Simon Edwards Added a basic kcmodule example. svn path=/trunk/ Diff
pykdeuic4 7 16 years ago Simon Edwards Add the pykdeuic4 tool. A .ui file compiler which Diff
CMakeLists.txt 34 16 years ago Simon Edwards * Fixed an install bug in the SIP module macro. * 28 bytes Diff Download File