Feature Selection/Prioritization
It is incumbent on all users to suggest new features that would
be useful and to participate in the prioritization of the features.
It is your program after all, why not try and make it better. These
requests should be sent to nunit-developer@lists.sourceforge.net.
The requests should be more than one line of text. They should be
accompanied by additional information, such as code examples and possible
suggestions on implementation. They should also include pros/cons
of why this should be part of NUnit.
Note: There is a
balance that needs to occur for the development of NUnit. We could just allow
NUnit features to emerge out of the feature requests and the product would be
completely driven by the community. On the other hand NUnit is a unit-testing
tool for on the .NET platform. So, overall the direction of new development must
exist with the confines of this being a unit testing tool for .NET.
Once a feature request has been submitted it will be
consolidated with other like feature requests and added to the list of features
that have been suggested. There may be an initial poll to determine if the
feature should even be prioritized.
Since we plan on doing two week iterations these feature
request may be split up in order to be accomplished within an
iteration. Based on developer availability every two weeks the features
that are desired the most by the community will be the ones that are worked on.
We will be developing a poll to be implemented on this site to facilitate this.