Change Log for NUnit 2.2 Final Release August 8, 2004 NUnit 2.2 Final Release Bugs Fixed or Closed * 1002250 - Only one InvalidFixture allowed * 999100 - NUnit 2.1 * 999098 - No warnings on obsolete interface use * 998708 - disturbing gui update NUnit 2.2 Beta 3 - NUnit Version 2.1.93 Bugs Fixed or Closed * 993661 - Long folder structure problematic for NUnit Gui * 986598 - nUnit-gui crashes when first test starts * 994922 - nunit-console.exe /help documents /fixture=STR * 994707 - nunit-gui.exe /run fails * 994702 - /fixture with bad arguments throws exception * 989835 - Status Bar inaccurate when multiple tests are checked. NUnit 2.2 Beta 2 - NUnit Version 2.1.92 Feature Requests Implemented (some implemented earlier but not closed) * 594186 - Add test/suite id to message output * 595185 - Category Attribute * 893151 - Show Test Description in Gui * 616107 - Selecting multiple tests * 692131 - Re-execute failed tests * 744126 - Ability to control test thread apartment state * 848855 - Allow selection of individual tests * 856175 - Standard and Error only available after test finish * 893674 - TestFixtureSetup does not fail test when exception thrown * 974881 - Exceptions during FixtureTearDown * 974713 - MTA console, also * 922981 - nunit-console should not display MessageBox * 905155 - Jump to failed assertion in code Bugs Fixed or Closed * 965681 - Crash of nunit-gui * 833213 - Exception with DAO cause problems with NUnit * 982623 - DDTek.OracleException with .nunit filename length * 886103 - Read-only .pdb file causes crash after test run * 977105 - "Tests Not Run" tab causes crash on next Run * 959394 - Limited to single display for FormSettings * 935784 - Naming for .config file seems wrong * 976510 - TestDomain is not Unloaded * 979513 - NUnit Gui does not use ApplicationBase setting for project * 964341 - Clicking Stop during test requires restart of GUI * 935443 - Fails to load my Tests * 908085 - clicking error or failure entries opens to the line * 832586 - Temp folder archives * 875240 - refresh problem when changing existing namespace * 917878 - Shortcut creation not completing * 909903 - TestFixtureSetup called in ignored TestFixture * 921255 - CollapseAll + Properties = Crash! * 834160 - Package missing license.rtf and QuickStart.Spanish.doc * 917893 - Incorrect registry entry? * 954725 - String difference pointer ^ one character too left * 958835 - NAnt build script * 908632 - Assert.AreEquals Error message backwards for enums * 783963 - Uninstaller leaves samples directories * 958057 - Missing file limit validation in Tools - Options * 958051 - Incorrect Tab Order in Tools - Options * 882142 - NUnit assembly version conflicts * 935786 - Files missing from source distribution * 956596 - Named method with Test...() show in GUI NUNIT 2.2 Beta 1 - NUnit Version 2.1.91 Feature Requests Implemented * 783608 - Split Framework Dll * 863269 - Run Automatic Suites from Command line * 832923 - Add /fixture command-line-parameter * 808733 - automatically run tests with nunit-gui * 813859 - Update * 788315 - multi-select tests in GUI runner Bugs Fixed or Closed * 951254 - GUI dies with after opening project if you hit spacebar * 909452 - odd stuff if Assert* called from a method called from a Test * 909277 - Homepage URL * 887857 - TestFixture with no tests runs FixtureSetup but not Teardown * 879811 - inheriting private setup/teardown methods * 878484 - FixtureTearDown not called if fixture is ignored. * 805223 - Integration with NANT has broken * 859200 - ExpectedException message parameter breaks test. * 859198 - ExpectedException breaks Assert tests * 820244 - Deprecated Assertion Does not give compiler warning. * 861503 - Wrong total attribute * 864347 - Ignore Flag does not skip Setup/TearDown * 843075 - Bad error message when fixture doesn't exist * 847018 - Shutdown project save dialog has no [cancel] button * 852052 - NUnit crashes with typeloadexception when using int arrays * 846998 - nant net-1.1 fails if VS.NET not present * 832557 - has bad copy task args * 824897 - Can't specify multiple ExpectedExceptionAttribute * 822952 - NAnt build broken * 825375 - Right click tree pane throws exception if no node selected * 800691 - TestFixture with Ignore Attribute runs TestFixtureSetUp code * 798997 - NullReferenceException on context menus * 798956 - Maximized GUI allos status bar resizing * 817950 - NUnit-gui forgets window state * 799729 - nunit-console uses Debug.Write for Release output * 811603 - nunit-console sends no ouput to VisualStudio in debug mode NUnit 2.1 Final Release - Version 2.1.4 Feature Requests Implemented * 660774 - Document that assemblies cannot be loaded via a UNC Bugs Fixed or Closed * 794994 - Include Type differences in FailEquals Message * 795399 - Assembly load failed from UNC Path * 798474 - No intellisense documentation in VS.NET NUnit 2.1 Release Candidate 1 - Version 2.1.3 Feature Requests Implemented * 779509 - Test execution order should match TreeView order * 781617 - Execution order * 784114 - Provide Framework Version Info * 660760 - Document how NUnit may be launched from Visual Studio .NET * 777251 - Test Case Properties dialog should support resize Bugs Fixed or Closed * 784001 - single central installation of nunit.framework.dll * 784128 - Invalid Configuration File Name Entry using default setup * 785027 - Enable VS support by default to avoid confusion * 785006 - GUI: Improve default tree splitter position * 785015 - NullReferenceException on Empty Errors & Failures Copy * 785591 - pdf Readme bugs * 788934 - NUnit and .NET versions issue * 784119 - Project should require one or more configurations * 785259 - Running is not wanted * 784607 - Error About using VS solution * 790785 - XML Output file can't contain path * 790818 - Build with NAnt is broken * 699640 - Tests run in nunit-console fails * 791421 - Tests using STA COM objects fail * 791518 - NUnit.tests fail when build with NAnt NUnit 2.1 Beta 2 - Version 2.1.2 Feature Requests Implemented * 660759 - Document how to install NUnit manually * 777256 - Test Case Properties dialog should support cut and paste * 660762 - Make text in error list copyable * 641437 - wrapped exception * 672419 - InnerException information isn't displayed * 678291 - Errors in TearDown hide the real errors * 692128 - Show type of exception in GUI output Bugs Fixed or Closed * 775813 - Running Nunit Gui 2.1 after install throws a cast exception * 775795 - V2.1 Beta 1 Install has naming conflict * 636535 - Problem with managed C++ wrappers * 761711 - NUnit doesn't allow lease-time to be changed * 777566 - missing * 777571 - has "jpg" for "bmp" files * 776237 - console runner doesn't show all results in debugger * 764042 - detailList tooltip not cleared after succesful test * 748092 - nunit-console NoTestFixturesException * 725699 - Permission problem accessing resources in .NET 1.1 * 745987 - Nunit-GUI frequently fails to unload assembly * 739798 - exception not being trapped properly * 739800 - not catching exception properly * 649189 - StdOut display not correct for 2+ runs * 637296 - NUnit trying to delete folder and cannot * 640173 - Assembly Load Failure * 653236 - Problem error loading assembly * 655291 - InvaildTestFixtureException gets lost * 686560 - AppDomainUnloadedException in nunit-console * 776720 - assert.equals doesn't handle decimal correctly * 761715 - hosting a winform in an NUnit-test gives exception * 767594 - NUnit hangs in case of stack overflow * 740190 - GUI/Console runners report spurious failures * 749590 - Overflow exception when defining static test methods * 761717 - testdriver doesn't exit when threads are running * 644494 - Bug with SSL * 614258 - R/o access to test dir fails badly * 760863 - Error with V2.1 ObjectsEqual * 614251 - Serialization test leaves test droppings * 633818 - Exception error opening databases * 694279 - XmlResultVisitor can't handle failure in xml string compare * 779455 - Truncated Labels in GUI Runner * 779523 - GUI Runner forgets that no tests were loaded * 779551 - Can open multiple "About" dialog boxes * 779445 - Incorrect Tab Order in Options Window * 779490 - Configuration Editor allows empty name * 779511 - Inconsistent "XML" spelling in user interfaces * 778872 - v2.1 is not backwards compatible with .NET 1.0 * 777570 - NUnitForm resource naming problem * 779512 - Statistics not set for treeview selection * 781718 - Incorrect handling of ExpectedException test cases * 767256 - Static initializer exception report not helpful * 675680 - Exception names not reported * 660772 - TestFixture not found error when assembly can't be loaded * 782579 - Installer fails * 660776 - NT required? NUnit 2.1 Beta 1 and Beta 1 Refresh - Versions 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 Feature Requests Implemented * 597609 - Support a cancel/stop operation * 606393 - Maintain results in gui when reloading * 603449 - Option to disable assembly watching * 597626 - /wait gone from NunitConsole.exe * 600119 - Per-test statistics in nunit-gui * 616931 - Sort order of TestFixtures * 594486 - Loading Switch * 599120 - Show help when invalid GuiRunner options * 598814 - Add TestFixtureSetup/TearDown * 660750 - A class SetUp which runs each time Run is clicked * 623090 - Warnings if fixtures not public * 609643 - Compound structure * 614602 - Load multiple test dlls in nunit-gui * 660751 - Do not expand Tree by default * 629138 - Add Class Setup/TearDown * 516161 - Test Project Files * 629136 - Remarks for TestFixture and Test Attributes * 677192 - Recursive assembly load by reference * 587855 - Need option to select default test case * 660767 - Assert should indicate which source line * 669203 - Save and restore splitter positions * 660761 - Add shortcut key to Recently Used list * 648492 - NUnit doesn’t display in reference list * 676195 - Increase the Number of Recent Assemblies * 600182 - REPOST: Output to IDE Output Window * 660764 - Set focus, when StdOut or Errors are reported * 660745 - NUnit GUI should nest nested classes * 757160 - Add Registry key to show assemblies in .NET Reference dialog * 755787 - Realtime Tree updates * 755791 - Stop button in GUI Bugs Fixed or Closed * 610910 - UI Problems while Test is running * 624007 - Object has been disconnected * 624935 - Splitter messes up Run Area * 624943 - Disabled Run Button * 610906 - Running Test Domain Unloaded * 615750 - Test of unsafe C# code stack ovflw excpt * 619823 - crash when specifying invalid assembly * 630663 - Documentation * 618673 - Installer fails with Interrupted.. error * 640533 - NUnit crashes when assembly is updated * 644877 - Assembly Load failure * 599145 - Failed check of sign. For MS.VisualBasic * 609440 - I have an error when I run nunit v2 rc2 * 618945 - installer fails * 665558 - ConfigurationSettings not available * 661571 - nunit task from nant = failure * 660770 - ExpectedException doesn’t work as documented * 656401 - Missing dll reference in documentation * 648152 - Click on failed test then STDOUT tab * 668406 - ConfigurationSettings w/ networked assemblies * 699661 - Nunit-gui exits when pressing space bar * 699640 - Tests run in nunit-console fails * 703096 - Run All Tests in All Assemblies * 667664 - GUI updates * 646933 - Assembly Load failure: possible solution * 699641 - TestResult.xml written in wrong directory * 675968 - Another open database bug - VS.NET 2003 * 706643 - Switching to StandardOut pane with too much text fails. * 707671 - System.Net.IPAddress.Parse - Invalid Pinvoke metadata format * 713681 - [STAThread] Attribute Missing in Console Runner * 713388 - (BUG) Dependent assemblies aren’t reloaded * 720225 - AssertEquals() incorrectly compares decimals in .NET 1.1 * 722037 - Infinite loop causes test harness to lock * 730822 - Setup() should fail if an exception is thrown during execution * 731422 - AssertEquals fails with two Decimals in .NET v1.1 * 731258 - suite not recognized * 738425 - NUnit-console.exe runs tests from a MTA * 730870 - Setup() should fail if an exception is thrown during execution * 640467 - Newline not rendered in GUI * 671642 - Multiline ToolTip messages improperly displayed * 735111 - assembly loading fails if assembly name contains a dot char * 743442 - timing-tests won’t compile * 735138 - nunit.console * 742163 - NUnit.Extensions.RepeatedTest.cs won’t compile * 770942 - AppSettings not loaded when using nunit-console.exe * 744649 - Lengthy COM calls cause failures in Console.WriteLine * 775791 - nunit-gui requires admin rights in 2.1 beta 1 * 775796 - NUnit 2.1 Beta 1 install requires .NET 1.1 * 776053 - NUnit 2.1 won't install with 2.0 * 775566 - Typos in Readme.pdf with nunit v2.1 beta 1