#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################### ##OCSINVENTORY-NG ##Copyleft Pascal DANEK 2005 ##Web : http://www.ocsinventory-ng.org ## ##This code is open source and may be copied and modified as long as the source ##code is always made freely available. ##Please refer to the General Public Licence http://www.gnu.org/ or Licence.txt ################################################################################ # # use DBI; use XML::Simple; use Net::IP qw(:PROC); use strict; use Fcntl qw/:flock/; #Command line options : #-analyse : nmap analyse and files for grep, human readable and xml generation #-net : Treat machine for the specified subnet # # ################ #OPTIONS READING ################ # my $option; #Specify a subnet my $net; #Subnet name my $filter; #Analyse and class the computers my $analyse; #Net for a given ip my $iptarget; my $masktarget; #If auto flag, running for all the subnet.csv subnet and generate files my $auto; #Search for problems with computer election my $ipd; my $list; my $xml; my $cache; my $path; #Default values for database connection # my $dbhost = 'localhost'; my $dbuser = 'ocs'; my $dbpwd = 'ocs'; my $db = 'ocsweb'; my $dbp = '3306'; my $dbsocket = ''; # my %xml; my $ipdiscover; #Cleanup the directory &_cleanup(); for $option (@ARGV){ if($option=~/-a$/){ $analyse = 1; }elsif($option=~/-auto$/){ $auto = 1; }elsif($option=~/-cache$/){ $cache = 1; $analyse = 1; $xml = 1; }elsif($option=~/-path=(\S*)$/){ $path = $1; }elsif($option=~/-ipdiscover=(\d+)$/){ $ipdiscover = 1; $ipd = $1; }elsif($option=~/-xml$/){ $xml = 1; }elsif($option=~/-h=(\S+)/){ $dbhost = $1; }elsif($option=~/-d=(\S+)/){ $db = $1; }elsif($option=~/-u=(\S+)/){ $dbuser = $1; }elsif($option=~/-p=(\S+)/){ $dbpwd = $1; }elsif($option=~/-P=(\S+)/){ $dbp = $1; }elsif($option=~/-list$/){ $list = 1; }elsif($option=~/-s=(\S+)/){ $dbsocket = $1; }elsif($option=~/-net=(\S+)/){ die "Invalid subnet. Abort...\n" unless $1=~/^(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})$/; $net = 1; $filter = $1; }elsif($option=~/-ip=(\S+)/){ die "Invalid address => [IP/MASK]. Abort...\n" unless $1=~/^(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})\/(.+)$/; $iptarget = $1; $masktarget = $2; }else{ print < Looks for the ip in a subnet -net=X.X.X.X -> Specify a network -a -> Launch the analyze -ipdiscover=X -> Show all the subnet with up to XX ipdiscover -xml -> xml output -list=show all the networks present in the database with "connected"/"discovered" computers #DATABASE OPTION -p=xxxx password (default ocs) -P=xxxx port (default 3306) -d=xxxx database name (default ocsweb) -u=xxxx user (default ocs) -h=xxxx host (default localhost) -s=xxxx socket (default from default mysql configuration) EOF die "Invalid options. Abort..\n"; } } if($analyse and !$net){ die "Wich subnet do you want to analyse ?\n"; } if($cache or $auto){ unless(-d "$path/ipd"){ mkdir("$path/ipd") or die $!; } } #Date of the day my $date = localtime(); ####################### #Database connection... ######## # my $request; my $row; my $dbparams = {}; $dbparams->{'mysql_socket'} = $dbsocket if $dbsocket; my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$db;host=$dbhost;port=$dbp", $dbuser, $dbpwd, $dbparams) or die $!; ############################# #We get the subnet/name pairs #### # my @subnet; $request = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM subnet"); $request->execute; while($row = $request->fetchrow_hashref){ push @subnet, [ $row->{'NETID'}, $row->{'NAME'}, $row->{'ID'}, $row->{'MASK'} ]; } ########### #PROCESSING ########### # if($auto){ print "\n\n########################\n"; print "Starting scan of subnets\n"; print "########################\n"; my %subnet; for(@subnet){ my $name = $_->[1]; my $netn = $_->[0]; $name=~s/ /_/g; $name=~s/\//\\\//g; $subnet{$name} = $netn; print "Retrieving $name (".$subnet{$name}.")\n"; } my $i; print "\n\n##################\n"; print "PROCESSING SUBNETS \n"; print "##################\n\n"; for(keys(%subnet)){ print "Processing $_ (".$subnet{$_}."). ".(keys(%subnet)-$i)." networks left.\n"; open OUT, ">$path/ipd/".$subnet{$_}.".ipd" or die $!; unless(flock(OUT, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)){ if($xml){ print "345"; exit(0); }else{ die "An other analyse is in progress\n"; } } system("./ipdiscover-util.pl -net=".$subnet{$_}.($xml?' -xml':'')." -a > $path/ipd/'".$subnet{$_}.".ipd'"); $i++; } system ("rm -f ipdiscover-analyze.*"); print "Done.\n"; exit(0); } #Host subnet my $network; #Subnet mask in binary format my $binmask; if($ipdiscover){ my @networks; #get the subnets my $result; die "Invalid value\n" if $ipd<0; $request = $dbh->prepare('select distinct(ipsubnet) from networks left outer join devices on tvalue=ipsubnet where tvalue is null'); $request->execute; while($row = $request->fetchrow_hashref){ push @networks, [ $row->{'ipsubnet'}, '0' ]; } $request->finish; #If positive value, it includes other subnet if($ipd){ $request = $dbh->prepare('select count(*) nb,tvalue,name from devices group by tvalue having nb<='.$ipd.' and name="ipdiscover"'); $request->execute; while($row = $request->fetchrow_hashref){ push @networks, [ $row->{'tvalue'}, $row->{'nb'} ]; } $request->finish; } print <[0]; my $nbipd = $network->[1]; next unless $ip =~ /^\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3}$/; my $req = $dbh->prepare('select h.deviceid, h.id, h.name, h.quality,h.fidelity,h.lastcome,h.lastdate,osname, n.ipmask, n.ipaddress from hardware h,networks n where n.hardware_id=h.id and n.ipsubnet='.$dbh->quote($ip).' order by lastdate'); $req->execute; #Get the subnet label unless($xml){ print "#######\n"; my ($nname, $nuid) = &_getnetname($ip, ''); print "SUBNET = ".$ip."-> $nbipd ipdiscover, ".($req->rows?$req->rows:0)." host(s) connected \n[ $nname ($nuid) ]\n"; print "#\n\n"; printf(" %-25s %-9s %-9s %-25s %-15s %-15s %s\n", "","","","","","",""); print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; while($result = $req->fetchrow_hashref){ my $r = $dbh->prepare('select * from devices where hardware_id='.$dbh->quote($result->{'id'}).' and tvalue='.$dbh->quote($ip).' and name="ipdiscover"'); $r->execute; printf("#-> %-25s %-9s %-9s %-25s %-15s %15s %s %s\n",$result->{'name'},$result->{'quality'},$result->{'fidelity'},$result->{'lastdate'},$result->{'ipaddress'}, $result->{'ipmask'},$result->{'osname'} ,$r->rows?'*':''); $r->finish; } print "\n\n\n\n"; }else{ $xml{'SUBNET'}[$i]{'IP'} = [ $ip ]; $xml{'SUBNET'}[$i]{'IPDISCOVER'} = [ $nbipd ]; $xml{'SUBNET'}[$i]{'HOSTS'} = [ $req->rows?$req->rows:0 ]; $j = 0; while($result = $req->fetchrow_hashref){ $xml{'SUBNET'}[$i]{'HOST'}[$j]{'NAME'} = [ $result->{'name'} ]; $xml{'SUBNET'}[$i]{'HOST'}[$j]{'QUALITY'} = [ $result->{'quality'} ]; $xml{'SUBNET'}[$i]{'HOST'}[$j]{'FIDELITY'} = [ $result->{'fidelity'} ]; $xml{'SUBNET'}[$i]{'HOST'}[$j]{'LASTDATE'} = [ $result->{'lastdate'} ]; $xml{'SUBNET'}[$i]{'HOST'}[$j]{'OSNAME'} = [ $result->{'osname'} ]; $xml{'SUBNET'}[$i]{'HOST'}[$j]{'IPMASK'} = [ $result->{'ipmask'} ]; $j++; } $i++; } } if($xml){ $output=XML::Simple::XMLout( \%xml, RootName => 'NET', SuppressEmpty => undef); print $output; } exit(0); } ############# ##IP resolving ############## ## if($iptarget){ my $netname; #If necessary, ascii conversion of a binary format $masktarget = _bintoascii($masktarget) if($masktarget=~/^\d\d$/); die "Invalid netmask. Abort.\n" unless $masktarget=~/^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3}$/; $network = _network($iptarget, $masktarget); my $uid; ($netname, $uid)= &_getnetname($network, '-'); my @nmb = `nmblookup -A $iptarget`; #DNS name my $dnsname = &_getdns($iptarget); #Netbios name my $nmbname; my $inv; my $type; for(@nmb){ $nmbname = $1,last if /\s+(\S+).*<00>/; } $request = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM networks WHERE IPADDRESS='.$dbh->quote($iptarget)); $request->execute; if($request->rows){ $inv = 1; $type = 'Computer'; }else{ $request = $dbh->prepare('SELECT IP,TYPE FROM netmap, network_devices WHERE MAC=MACADDR AND IP='.$dbh->quote($iptarget)); $request->execute; if(my $row = $request->fetchrow_hashref){ $inv = 1, $type = $row->{'TYPE'}; } } $request = $dbh->prepare('SELECT MAC FROM netmap WHERE IP='.$dbh->quote($iptarget)); $request->execute; my $exist = 1 if $request->rows; unless($xml){ print < ".($netname).". ($uid) ($network)\n"; print < 'IP', SuppressEmpty => undef); print $output; exit(0); } } # #Searching non-inventoried mac addresses # my %network; my @hosts; my $null; # $request = $dbh->prepare('SELECT IP,MASK,MAC,DATE FROM netmap LEFT JOIN networks ON MACADDR=MAC where MACADDR IS NULL'); $request->execute; # #Determine the subnets # # my %network_ipd; # while($row = $request->fetchrow_hashref){ my $ip; my $netmask; # if($row->{'MASK'}){ $ip = $row->{'IP'}; $netmask = $row->{'MASK'}; $network = _network($ip, $netmask); $binmask = _binmask($netmask); if($net){ next unless $network eq $filter; } #Hosts count per subnet if($list and !$analyse and !$net){ $network_ipd{$network}++; }else{ $network{$network}++; push @hosts, [ $row->{'MAC'}, $ip , $row->{'DATE'}]; } }else{ $null++; } } my $total = 0; #We want ALL subnets in the database, even those that are not discovered if($list and !$analyse and !$net){ $request = $dbh->prepare('SELECT IPADDRESS,IPMASK FROM networks'); $request->execute; while($row = $request->fetchrow_hashref){ my $ip; my $netmask; # if($row->{'IPMASK'}=~/^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3}$/ and $row->{'IPADDRESS'}=~/^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3}$/){ $ip = $row->{'IPADDRESS'}; $netmask = $row->{'IPMASK'}; $network = _network($ip, $netmask); $network{$network}++; } #Hosts count per subnet } #We show the part of non-inventoried computers my $netnum; for $netnum (keys(%network)){ $total+=$network{$netnum}; for(keys(%network_ipd)){ $network{$netnum}.= "/".$network_ipd{$_} if($_ eq $netnum); } } } ######## #RESULTS ######## # print <","","",""); print "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; } #net UID my $dep; #net name my $lib; # my $line; my $netn; # my $i; my $output; for $netn (keys(%network)){ ($lib, $dep) = &_getnetname($netn,'-'); if($xml and !$analyse){ $xml{'NETWORK'}[$i]{'LABEL'} = [ $lib ]; $xml{'NETWORK'}[$i]{'UID'} = [ $dep ]; $xml{'NETWORK'}[$i]{'NETNAME'} = [ $netn ]; $xml{'NETWORK'}[$i]{'NETNUMBER'} = [ $network{$netn} ]; $i++; }elsif(!$xml){ printf("%-35s %-5s %-20s %-4s\n",$lib,$dep,$netn,$network{$netn}); $total += $network{$netn} unless $list; } } if($xml and !$net){ $output=XML::Simple::XMLout( \%xml, RootName => 'IPDISCOVER', SuppressEmpty => undef); print $output; } if($net){ # my($n, $i); #Host names my @names; # unless($xml){ print "\n---------------------------------------------\n"; print "Unknown host(s) on $filter \n"; print "---------------------------------------------\n\n"; } my $output; for $n (@hosts){ #Trying a DNS resolution push @$n, &_getdns($$n[1]); unless($analyse){ if($xml){ $xml{'HOST'}[$i]{'IP'} = [ $$n[1] ]; $xml{'HOST'}[$i]{'MAC'} = [ $$n[0] ]; $xml{'HOST'}[$i]{'DATE'} = [ $$n[2] ]; $xml{'HOST'}[$i]{'NAME'} = [ $$n[3] ]; $i++; }else{ printf("=> %-20s %-20s %-20s %s\n",$$n[1],$$n[0],$$n[2],$$n[3]); } } } if(!$analyse and $xml){ $output=XML::Simple::XMLout( \%xml, RootName => 'NET', SuppressEmpty => undef); print $output; } } ######## #ANALYZE ######## # # # #windows computers my @PCW; #Linux computers my @PCL; #net peripherals my @PR; #Phantom computers my @PH; #At least one port filtered with one port open or closed my @PF; if($analyse){ #directory creation for analyses file if($cache){ open CACHE, ">$path/ipd/$filter.ipd" or die $!; unless(flock(CACHE, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)){ if($xml){ print "345"; exit(0); }else{ die "An other analyse is in progress\n"; } } } unless(@hosts){ print "No unknown hosts of this network. Stop.\n\n" unless $xml; exit(0); } #If it's a global analyze, we don't display the results but just generate the files #Using nmap : # -> Connection on ports 135(msrpc), 80(web), 22(ssh), 23(telnet) # -> files ipdiscover-analyze.* generated (3 formats : .nmap(human), .gnmap(pour grep), .xml(xml) # -> No 'host up' detection # my @ips; push @ips, $$_[1] for(@hosts); #Check that there is no analyses of this network pending open NMAP, "+>$path/$filter.gnmap"; unless(flock(NMAP, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)){ if($xml){ print "345"; exit(0); }else{ die "An other analyse is in progress\n"; } } #Analyse system("nmap -R -v @ips -p 135,80,22,23 -oG $path/$filter.gnmap -P0 > /dev/null"); # my @gnmap; if($net){ @gnmap = ; close NMAP; unlink "$path/$filter.gnmap"; # ########### # my $ref; my ($h, $w, $j, $r, $f, $l); REF: for $ref (@hosts){ $h = $$ref[1]; for(@gnmap){ if(/Host: $h\b/){ if(/135\/o/){ $PCW[$w] = $ref; $w++; next REF; }elsif( (/22\/c.+23\/c.+80\/o.+135\/c/) or (/22\/c.+23\/o.+80\/c.+135\/c/) or (/22\/c.+23\/o.+80\/o.+135\/c/) or (/22\/o.+23\/o/) ){ $PR[$r] = $ref; $r++; next REF; }elsif(/(22\/f.+23\/f.+80\/f.+135\/c|22\/c.+23\/c.+80\/c.+135\/c)/){ $PH[$j] = $ref; $j++; next REF; }elsif( (/\d\d\/f/) and ( (/\d\d\/o/) or (/\d\d\/c/) ) ){ $PF[$f] = $ref; $f++; next REF; }else{ $PCL[$l] = $ref; $l++; next REF; } } } } #Display results print "\n" if $xml; print CACHE "\n" if $xml; &_print(\@PCW, 'WINDOWS COMPUTERS'); &_print(\@PCL, 'LINUX COMPUTERS'); &_print(\@PR, 'NETWORK DEVICES'); &_print(\@PF, 'FILTERED HOSTS'); &_print(\@PH, 'PHANTOM HOSTS'); print "\n" if $xml; print CACHE "\n" if $xml; } } ################## #DISLAY SUBROUTINE ################## # sub _print{ my $ref = shift; my $lib = shift; if(@$ref){ my $nb; unless($xml){ print "#" for(0..(length($lib)+3)); print "\n"; print "# ".$lib." #"; print "\n"; print "#" for(0..(length($lib)+3)); print "\n"; print "#----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; printf("#%-20s %-20s %-25s %s\n", "IP address", "MAC address", "DNS/Netbios", "Date"); print "#----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n#\n"; } $nb = 0; my $output; %xml = undef; for(@$ref){ $$_[3] = &_smbname($$_[1]) if $$_[3] eq "-"; if($xml){ $xml{'IP'} = [ $$_[1] ]; $xml{'MAC'} = [ $$_[0] ]; $xml{'NAME'} = [ $$_[3] ]; $xml{'DATE'} = [ $$_[2] ]; $xml{'TYPE'} = ['WINDOWS'] if $lib =~/windows/i; $xml{'TYPE'} = ['LINUX'] if $lib =~/linux/i; $xml{'TYPE'} = ['FILTERED'] if $lib =~/filtered/i; $xml{'TYPE'} = ['NETWORK'] if $lib =~/network/i; $xml{'TYPE'} = ['PHANTOM'] if $lib =~/phantom/i; $output=XML::Simple::XMLout( \%xml, RootName => 'HOST', SuppressEmpty => undef); print $output; print CACHE $output if $cache; }else{ printf("#-> %-15s %-20s %-20s %s\n",$$_[1],$$_[0],$$_[3],$$_[2]); $nb++; } } unless($xml){ print "#\n#==========> $nb host(s)\n#\n\n\n"; } } } # ######################################### #ROUTINE DE RECUPERATION DES NOMS NETBIOS ######################################### # sub _smbname{ my $flag = 0; my $name; my $ip = shift; #If no dns name, we try a netbios resolution my @smb = `nmblookup -A $ip`; #On cherche un enregistrment <00> pour l'ip passee en argument for(@smb){ $name = "-"; /Looking\D+(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/ unless $flag; if(/<00>/){ /^\s+(\S+)/; $name = $1; return $name; } } return "-"; } ############## #CLEAN *.gnmap ############## # sub _cleanup{ my($name, @files); opendir DIR, $path; while($name = readdir DIR){ push @files, $name if $name=~/\.gnmap$/i; } closedir DIR; for(@files){ open FILE, $_ or next; unlink "$path/$_" if(flock(FILE, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)); } } print "|\n|\n---------------------------------------------\n|" unless $xml; if($list){ print "\n|--> TOTAL = $total valid (ips/netmask) in the database\n" unless $xml; exit(0); } unless($xml){ print "\n|--> TOTAL = $total unknown hosts\n"; print "\n|--> WARNING: $null discovered computers without netmask on all discovered machine\n\n" if $null; } #Try to get dns name sub _getdns{ my $ip = shift; my $name; chomp(my @names = `host $ip 2>/dev/null`); for(@names){ return $1 if /.+pointer (.+)/i; return $1 if /Name:\s*(\S+)/i; } return("-"); } #Retrieve the name of the subnet if available sub _getnetname{ my $network = shift; my $r = shift; for(@subnet){ if($_->[0] eq $network){ return ($_->[1], $_->[2]); last; } } return($r, $r); } #To retrieve the net ip sub _network{ my $ip = shift; my $netmask = shift; my $binip = &ip_iptobin($ip, 4); my $binmask = &ip_iptobin($netmask, 4); my $subnet = $binip & $binmask; return(&ip_bintoip($subnet, 4)) or die(Error()); } sub _bintoascii{ my $binmask = shift; my $binstring = "1" x $binmask; $binstring .= "0" for(1..(32 - $binmask)); return(&ip_bintoip($binstring, 4)) or die(Error()); } sub _binmask{ my $ip = shift; return(&ip_iptobin($ip, 4)) or die(Error()); }