by marmuta
Add layout templates and move common key definitions to the new file 'templates.xml'. |
1 |
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
by marmuta
Allow to move include tags to the topmost level of the layout tree. Always add one additional item as root, representing the 'keyboard' tag, where stuff (e.g. templates) can be included into. |
2 |
<keyboard format='2.2'> |
by marmuta
Show nicer labels in the number block. New layout tag keysym_rule to define keysym-specific labels. Provide keysym rules for the number block. Requires python-virtkey >= 0.62. |
3 |
by marmuta
Get rid of the templates tag, have a key_template tag instead that can be joined by keysym_rule tags at the same nesting level. |
4 |
<!-- common key definitions -->
5 |
6 |
<key_template id='AB01' keycode='52'/> |
7 |
<key_template id='AB02' keycode='53'/> |
8 |
<key_template id='AB03' keycode='54'/> |
9 |
<key_template id='AB04' keycode='55'/> |
10 |
<key_template id='AB05' keycode='56'/> |
11 |
<key_template id='AB06' keycode='57'/> |
12 |
<key_template id='AB07' keycode='58'/> |
13 |
<key_template id='AB08' keycode='59'/> |
14 |
<key_template id='AB09' keycode='60'/> |
15 |
<key_template id='AB10' keycode='61'/> |
16 |
<key_template id='AC01' keycode='38'/> |
17 |
<key_template id='AC02' keycode='39'/> |
18 |
<key_template id='AC03' keycode='40'/> |
19 |
<key_template id='AC04' keycode='41'/> |
20 |
<key_template id='AC05' keycode='42'/> |
21 |
<key_template id='AC06' keycode='43'/> |
22 |
<key_template id='AC07' keycode='44'/> |
23 |
<key_template id='AC08' keycode='45'/> |
24 |
<key_template id='AC09' keycode='46'/> |
25 |
<key_template id='AC10' keycode='47'/> |
26 |
<key_template id='AC11' keycode='48'/> |
27 |
<key_template id='AD01' keycode='24'/> |
28 |
<key_template id='AD02' keycode='25'/> |
29 |
<key_template id='AD03' keycode='26'/> |
30 |
<key_template id='AD04' keycode='27'/> |
31 |
<key_template id='AD05' keycode='28'/> |
32 |
<key_template id='AD06' keycode='29'/> |
33 |
<key_template id='AD07' keycode='30'/> |
34 |
<key_template id='AD08' keycode='31'/> |
35 |
<key_template id='AD09' keycode='32'/> |
36 |
<key_template id='AD10' keycode='33'/> |
37 |
<key_template id='AD11' keycode='34'/> |
38 |
<key_template id='AD12' keycode='35'/> |
39 |
<key_template id='AE01' keycode='10'/> |
40 |
<key_template id='AE02' keycode='11'/> |
41 |
<key_template id='AE03' keycode='12'/> |
42 |
<key_template id='AE04' keycode='13'/> |
43 |
<key_template id='AE05' keycode='14'/> |
44 |
<key_template id='AE06' keycode='15'/> |
45 |
<key_template id='AE07' keycode='16'/> |
46 |
<key_template id='AE08' keycode='17'/> |
47 |
<key_template id='AE09' keycode='18'/> |
48 |
<key_template id='AE10' keycode='19'/> |
49 |
<key_template id='AE11' keycode='20'/> |
50 |
<key_template id='AE12' keycode='21'/> |
51 |
<key_template id='TLDE' keycode='49'/> |
52 |
<key_template id='LSGT' keycode='94'/> |
53 |
<key_template id='BKSL' keycode='51'/> |
54 |
55 |
<key_template id='CAPS' keycode='66' label='⇪' modifier='caps' sticky='true' label_x_align='0.0' sticky_behavior='lock' action='double-stroke'/> |
by marmuta
Switch a bunch of editing keys to send keycodes instead of keysyms, as AT-SPI apparently doesn't allow for key repeat when sending keysyms.' |
56 |
<key_template id='LFSH' keycode='62' label='⇧' modifier='shift' sticky='true' label_x_align='0.0' action='single-stroke'/> |
57 |
<key_template id='RTSH' keycode='50' label='⇧' modifier='shift' sticky='true' label_x_align='0.0' action='single-stroke'/> |
58 |
<key_template id='LCTL' keycode='37' label='Ctrl' modifier='control' sticky='true' action='single-stroke'/> |
59 |
<key_template id='RCTL' keycode='105' label='Ctrl' modifier='control' sticky='true' action='single-stroke'/> |
60 |
<key_template id='LALT' keycode='64' label='Alt' modifier='mod1' sticky='true' action='single-stroke'/> |
61 |
<key_template id='RALT' keycode='108' label='Alt Gr' modifier='mod5' sticky='true' action='single-stroke'/> |
62 |
<key_template id='LWIN' keycode='133' label='Win' modifier='mod4' sticky='true' action='single-stroke'/> |
63 |
<key_template id='RWIN' keycode='134' label='Win' modifier='mod4' sticky='true' action='single-stroke'/> |
by marmuta
Get rid of the templates tag, have a key_template tag instead that can be joined by keysym_rule tags at the same nesting level. |
64 |
by marmuta
Switch a bunch of editing keys to send keycodes instead of keysyms, as AT-SPI apparently doesn't allow for key repeat when sending keysyms.' |
65 |
<key_template id='TAB' keycode='23' label='⇥' label_x_align='0.0' action='single-stroke'/> |
66 |
<key_template id='BKSP' keycode='22' image='erase-left.svg' action='single-stroke'/> |
by marmuta
Keep the 'Return' arrow slightly away from right key edges. Helps in Grid, Phone, Small. |
67 |
<key_template id='RTRN' keycode='36' label='⏎' label_x_align='0.1' action='single-stroke'/> |
by marmuta
Get rid of the templates tag, have a key_template tag instead that can be joined by keysym_rule tags at the same nesting level. |
68 |
<key_template id='MENU' keycode='135' label='Menu' action='delayed-stroke'/> |
69 |
by marmuta
No more key repeat for the space key. Reduces risk of accidentally inserted multiples spaces while the spell checker is busy. |
70 |
<key_template id='SPCE' keycode='65'/> |
by marmuta
Switch a bunch of editing keys to send keycodes instead of keysyms, as AT-SPI apparently doesn't allow for key repeat when sending keysyms.' |
71 |
72 |
<key_template id='Prnt' keysym='65377' label='Prnt' action='single-stroke'/> |
73 |
<key_template id='Pause' keysym='65299' label='Pause' action='single-stroke'/> |
74 |
<key_template id='Scroll' keysym='65300' label='Scroll' action='single-stroke'/> |
75 |
76 |
<key_template id='LEFT' keycode='113' label='←' action='single-stroke'/> |
77 |
<key_template id='RGHT' keycode='114' label='→' action='single-stroke'/> |
78 |
<key_template id='UP' keycode='111' label='↑' action='single-stroke'/> |
79 |
<key_template id='DOWN' keycode='116' label='↓' action='single-stroke'/> |
80 |
<key_template id='INS' keycode='118' label='Ins' action='single-stroke'/> |
81 |
<key_template id='DELE' keycode='119' label='' image='erase.svg' action='single-stroke'/> |
82 |
<key_template id='HOME' keycode='110' label='Hm' action='single-stroke'/> |
83 |
<key_template id='END' keycode='115' label='End' action='single-stroke'/> |
84 |
<key_template id='PGUP' keycode='112' label='Pg Up' action='single-stroke'/> |
85 |
<key_template id='PGDN' keycode='117' label='Pg Dn' action='single-stroke'/> |
86 |
<key_template id='ESC' keycode='9' label='Esc' action='single-stroke'/> |
by marmuta
Get rid of the templates tag, have a key_template tag instead that can be joined by keysym_rule tags at the same nesting level. |
87 |
88 |
<!-- function keys -->
by marmuta
Switch a bunch of editing keys to send keycodes instead of keysyms, as AT-SPI apparently doesn't allow for key repeat when sending keysyms.' |
89 |
<key_template id='F1' keysym='65470' label='F1' action='single-stroke'/> |
90 |
<key_template id='F2' keysym='65471' label='F2' action='single-stroke'/> |
91 |
<key_template id='F3' keysym='65472' label='F3' action='single-stroke'/> |
92 |
<key_template id='F4' keysym='65473' label='F4' action='single-stroke'/> |
93 |
<key_template id='F5' keysym='65474' label='F5' action='single-stroke'/> |
94 |
<key_template id='F6' keysym='65475' label='F6' action='single-stroke'/> |
95 |
<key_template id='F7' keysym='65476' label='F7' action='single-stroke'/> |
96 |
<key_template id='F8' keysym='65477' label='F8' action='single-stroke'/> |
97 |
<key_template id='F9' keysym='65478' label='F9' action='single-stroke'/> |
98 |
<key_template id='F10' keysym='65479' label='F10' action='single-stroke'/> |
99 |
<key_template id='F11' keysym='65480' label='F11' action='single-stroke'/> |
100 |
<key_template id='F12' keysym='65481' label='F12' action='single-stroke'/> |
by marmuta
Get rid of the templates tag, have a key_template tag instead that can be joined by keysym_rule tags at the same nesting level. |
101 |
102 |
<!-- number pad -->
by marmuta
Return modifiers to setting the X modifier state in addition to sending keycodes. Return NumLock to sending keycodes. The states of at least CAPS and Numlock did get out of sync when working with a hardware keyboard in parallel. |
103 |
<key_template id='NMLK' keycode='77' label='Nm Lk' modifier='mod2' sticky='true' sticky_behavior='lock' action='double-stroke'/> |
by marmuta
Switch a bunch of editing keys to send keycodes instead of keysyms, as AT-SPI apparently doesn't allow for key repeat when sending keysyms.' |
104 |
<key_template id='KPDV' keycode='106' action='single-stroke'/> |
105 |
<key_template id='KPMU' keycode='63' action='single-stroke'/> |
106 |
<key_template id='KPSU' keycode='82' action='single-stroke'/> |
107 |
<key_template id='KPAD' keycode='86' action='single-stroke'/> |
108 |
<key_template id='KP0' keycode='90' action='single-stroke'/> |
109 |
<key_template id='KP1' keycode='87' action='single-stroke'/> |
110 |
<key_template id='KP2' keycode='88' action='single-stroke'/> |
111 |
<key_template id='KP3' keycode='89' action='single-stroke'/> |
112 |
<key_template id='KP4' keycode='83' action='single-stroke'/> |
113 |
<key_template id='KP5' keycode='84' action='single-stroke'/> |
114 |
<key_template id='KP6' keycode='85' action='single-stroke'/> |
115 |
<key_template id='KP7' keycode='79' action='single-stroke'/> |
116 |
<key_template id='KP8' keycode='80' action='single-stroke'/> |
117 |
<key_template id='KP9' keycode='81' action='single-stroke'/> |
118 |
<key_template id='KPDL' keycode='91' action='single-stroke'/> |
119 |
<key_template id='KPEN' keycode='104' action='single-stroke'/> |
by marmuta
Show nicer labels in the number block. New layout tag keysym_rule to define keysym-specific labels. Provide keysym rules for the number block. Requires python-virtkey >= 0.62. |
120 |
by marmuta
Switch numpad operators to keycodes and give them nicer labels with keysym_rules. |
121 |
<keysym_rule keysym='0xffaf' label='÷'/> <!-- KP_Divide --> |
122 |
<keysym_rule keysym='0xffaa' label='×'/> <!-- KP_Multiply --> |
123 |
<keysym_rule keysym='0xffad' label='−'/> <!-- KP_Subtract --> |
by Francesco Fumanti
Fix wrong comment |
124 |
<keysym_rule keysym='0xffab' label='+'/> <!-- KP_Add --> |
by marmuta
Switch numpad operators to keycodes and give them nicer labels with keysym_rules. |
125 |
by marmuta
Show nicer labels in the number block. New layout tag keysym_rule to define keysym-specific labels. Provide keysym rules for the number block. Requires python-virtkey >= 0.62. |
126 |
<!-- number pad labels for NumLock=off -->
127 |
<keysym_rule keysym='0xff96' label='←'/> <!-- KP_Left --> |
128 |
<keysym_rule keysym='0xff98' label='→'/> <!-- KP_Right --> |
129 |
<keysym_rule keysym='0xff97' label='↑'/> <!-- KP_Up --> |
130 |
<keysym_rule keysym='0xff99' label='↓'/> <!-- KP_Down --> |
131 |
<keysym_rule keysym='0xff95' label='Hm'/> <!-- KP_Home --> |
132 |
<keysym_rule keysym='0xff9c' label='End'/> <!-- KP_End --> |
133 |
<keysym_rule keysym='0xff9a' label='Pg Up'/> <!-- KP_Prior --> |
134 |
<keysym_rule keysym='0xff9b' label='Pg Dn'/> <!-- KP_Next --> |
135 |
<keysym_rule keysym='0xff9d' label=''/> <!-- KP_Begin --> |
136 |
<keysym_rule keysym='0xff9e' label='Ins'/> <!-- KP_Insert --> |
by marmuta
Switch the remaining number pad keys Del and Enter to keycodes too. Assign keysym rules instead of hard-coded labels. |
137 |
<keysym_rule keysym='0xff9f' label='Del'/> <!-- KP_Delete --> |
138 |
<keysym_rule keysym='0xff8b' label='Ent'/> <!-- KP_Enter --> |
by marmuta
Show nicer labels in the number block. New layout tag keysym_rule to define keysym-specific labels. Provide keysym rules for the number block. Requires python-virtkey >= 0.62. |
139 |
by marmuta
Get rid of the templates tag, have a key_template tag instead that can be joined by keysym_rule tags at the same nesting level. |
140 |
<!-- snippets -->
141 |
<key_template id='m0' macro='0'/> |
142 |
<key_template id='m1' macro='1'/> |
143 |
<key_template id='m2' macro='2'/> |
144 |
<key_template id='m3' macro='3'/> |
145 |
<key_template id='m4' macro='4'/> |
146 |
<key_template id='m5' macro='5'/> |
147 |
<key_template id='m6' macro='6'/> |
148 |
<key_template id='m7' macro='7'/> |
149 |
<key_template id='m8' macro='8'/> |
150 |
<key_template id='m9' macro='9'/> |
151 |
<key_template id='m10' macro='10'/> |
152 |
<key_template id='m11' macro='11'/> |
153 |
<key_template id='m12' macro='12'/> |
154 |
<key_template id='m13' macro='13'/> |
155 |
<key_template id='m14' macro='14'/> |
156 |
<key_template id='m15' macro='15'/> |
157 |
158 |
<!-- click helpers -->
159 |
<key_template id='middleclick' button='true' image='middle-click.svg' scannable='false' tooltip='Middle click'/> |
160 |
<key_template id='secondaryclick' button='true' image='right-click.svg' scannable='false' tooltip='Right click'/> |
161 |
<key_template id='doubleclick' button='true' image='double-click.svg' scannable='false' tooltip='Double click'/> |
162 |
<key_template id='dragclick' button='true' image='drag-click.svg' scannable='false' tooltip='Drag click'/> |
163 |
<key_template id='hoverclick' button='true' image='hover-click.svg' scannable='false' tooltip='Activate Hover Click'/> |
164 |
165 |
<!-- misc buttons -->
166 |
<key_template id='quit' button='true' label='Quit' tooltip='Quit Onboard'/> |
167 |
<key_template id='settings' button='true' image='preferences.svg' tooltip='Preferences'/> |
168 |
<key_template id='hide' button='true' image='close.svg' tooltip='Hide Onboard' scannable='false'/> |
169 |
<key_template id='move' button='true' image='move.svg' tooltip='Move Onboard' scannable='false'/> |
170 |
<key_template id='showclick' button='true' image='show-click.svg' tooltip='Toggle click helpers' scannable='false'/> |
171 |
<key_template id='layer0' button='true' label='Abc' tooltip='Main keyboard'/> |
172 |
<key_template id='layer1' button='true' label='123' tooltip='Number block and snippets'/> |
by marmuta
Add key templates for more layers. |
173 |
<key_template id='layer2' button='true' image='snippets.svg' tooltip='Snippets'/> |
by marmuta
Get rid of the templates tag, have a key_template tag instead that can be joined by keysym_rule tags at the same nesting level. |
174 |
<key_template id='layer3' button='true'/> |
175 |
<key_template id='layer4' button='true'/> |
by marmuta
Add key templates for more layers. |
176 |
<key_template id='layer5' button='true'/> |
177 |
<key_template id='layer6' button='true'/> |
178 |
<key_template id='layer7' button='true'/> |
by marmuta
Get rid of the templates tag, have a key_template tag instead that can be joined by keysym_rule tags at the same nesting level. |
179 |
by marmuta
Rework the input line: add working scrolling, display the caret, support LTR and RTL script directions (works with gedit at least). |
180 |
<!-- word prediction -->
181 |
<key_template id='inputline' label='' button='true' scannable='false' label_x_align='0.0'/> |
by marmuta
Add layout templates and move common key definitions to the new file 'templates.xml'. |
182 |
183 |