-= DEPENDENCIES =- - Python (2.4 or later. Not 3000) - Django (version 1) - MySQL - Python MySQLdb - Python Yaml - Python PyRaven module (http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~te233/hosts/www.metapaw.co.uk/projects/pyraven/) -= INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS =- - Get a copy of the repository - Extract into a folder - Read this file - Edit Apps/local_settings.py with your settings (compare with local_settings.py_sample) (this file is ignored by Bazaar so any changes you make won't be committed) IF USING THE DJANGO PROVIDED DEVELOPMENT SERVER - Edit Apps/urls.py and uncomment the appropriate lines - Start the server by running "python manage.py runserver" from within the Apps directory IF USING APACHE - Edit your apache settings to use Django but point /images to Resources/Images /resources to Resources/Stylesheets /media to Resources/Admin\ Media /favicon.ico to /images/favicon.ico (this last one may be tricky - I set all / to point to Images then added SetHandler none for /favicon.ico) - Start the server as usual - Schedule a cron job to run Apps/EmailReminderSender.py every 10 minutes - Schedule a cron job to run Apps/DBBackup.py every day [probably at a time of low usage] - Schedule a cron job to run Apps/LogBackup.py every day - Schedule a cron job to run Apps/activationreminder.py every hour - Visit /Login then click Register to set up an account for you to use - Create a folder /Resources/Images/Groups with ownership 'yourwebsiteuser':apache and rw permissions for user and group