
  • Committer: CI bot
  • Author(s): Zoltán Balogh
  • Date: 2014-05-27 05:17:09 UTC
  • mfrom: (170.2.1 qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu)
  • Revision ID: ps-jenkins@lists.canonical.com-20140527051709-snzjlynj06535l7s
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Filename Latest Rev Last Changed Committer Comment Size
.bzr-builddeb 1 10 years ago Timo Jyrinki Split from lp:ubuntu-qtcreator-plugins Diff
debian 1 10 years ago Timo Jyrinki Split from lp:ubuntu-qtcreator-plugins Diff
share 1 10 years ago Timo Jyrinki Split from lp:ubuntu-qtcreator-plugins Diff
src 23.1.3 10 years ago Juhapekka Piiroinen Added cordova plugin from ubuntu-qtcreator-plugins Diff
tests 150.4.1 10 years ago Benjamin Zeller start unittest for validation parser Diff
.bzrignore 150.4.9 10 years ago Benjamin Zeller Added some ignores 127 bytes Diff Download File
.excludes 54.5.58 10 years ago Benjamin Zeller - device_search arguments were not passed - refres Empty Diff Download File
LICENSE.LGPL 3 10 years ago Timo Jyrinki Add LICENSE.LGPL 25.8 KB Diff Download File
qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu.pro 150.4.1 10 years ago Benjamin Zeller start unittest for validation parser 58 bytes Diff Download File
ubuntu-qtcreator.png 58.1.1 10 years ago Zoltán Balogh new icon 12 KB Diff Download File