====================================== QBzr - Qt-based front end for Bazaar ====================================== Requirements ============ * PyQt 4.1 with Qt 4.2 http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pyqt/ http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt * Pygments (optional, only needed for syntax highlighting in qannotate) http://pygments.pocoo.org/ Provided Commands ================= qcommit ~~~~~~~ GUI interface to enter log message and select changes to commit. qdiff ~~~~~ Side-by-side and unidiff view of changes. qlog ~~~~ Show log messages in GUI window. qannotate ~~~~~~~~~ GUI interface for file annotation. qbrowse ~~~~~~~ Browse your branch a-la Trac Browse Source. qconfig ~~~~~~~ Bazaar configuration. Interface localization ====================== QBzr uses gettext library for i18n support. Available translations resides in po/ subdirectory of the tree. QBzr expects to load binary mo-files from locale/ subdirectory of the tree. To generate translation POT-template file you need to run command: python setup.py build_pot All existing PO-files will be updated as well. To compile translations to binary mo-files you need to run command: python setup.py build_mo NOTE: windows installer ships with latest compiled translation inside. Help translate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can help to translate QBzr interface to other languages. First at all you need to download from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~qbzr-dev/qbzr/trunk/files either `po/qbzr-XX.po` (where XX is your language and country code) or `po/qbzr.pot` if there is no po-file for your language yet. Then you need to translate it either using any suitable text editor with UTF-8 support or with tools like Poedit (http://www.poedit.net/) or KBabel (http://kbabel.kde.org/). When you're finish please file a bug report at https://launchpad.net/qbzr/+filebug and attach the translated file. To learn more about gettext and po-files see: http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/ Language and country codes listed in gettext manual: http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/gettext.html#Language-Codes http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/gettext.html#Country-Codes Configuration ============= The configuration is in .bazaar/qbzr.conf. qlog_replace ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Multiline value containing regular expressions to replace text in commit messages (useful to make clickable links to bug reports, ...). Can be used for example by adding: qlog_replace='''#(\d+) #\1''' to project/.bzr/branch/branch.conf. More Info ========= * Bug Tracker, Source Code https://launchpad.net/qbzr