/* * This file is part of the Code::Blocks IDE and licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html */ #ifndef CONFIRMREPLACEDLG_H #define CONFIRMREPLACEDLG_H #include "scrollingdialog.h" #include #include "settings.h" class cbStyledTextCtrl; enum ConfirmResponse { crYes = 0, crNo, crAllInFile, crSkipFile, crAll, crCancel }; class ConfirmReplaceDlg : public wxScrollingDialog { public: ConfirmReplaceDlg(wxWindow* parent, bool replaceInFiles = false, const wxString& label = _("Replace this occurrence?")); ~ConfirmReplaceDlg(); void OnYes(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnNo(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnAllInFile(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSkipFile(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnAll(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event); void CalcPosition(cbStyledTextCtrl* ed); private: DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; #endif // CONFIRMREPLACEDLG_H